path: root/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt
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Copyright (C) 2010-2012  Evol Online
'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island!

*Imitate a thunder's sound.*

*Uff*, *Argh*, why don't you give me some help?


*uff*... And another box of @@s for our starving colleagues is ready.

- 2 @@

- Ale

- Astapolos

- Gulukan

- Jalad

- QMuller

- Tibbo

... And 1 @@.

1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still.

2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam.

3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups.

4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes.

5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends.

5. Do not speak any other language than English in public. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends.

6. Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855 article.

@@ is helping me.
@@ está me ajudando.

@@? Welcome my dear!#0

@@? Welcome my dear!#1

A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin.
Há um instante atrás eu ouvi sua conversa com Darlin.

A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the single island, Aurora, where everyone lived.

A sunny and hot day,
Um dia quente e ensolarado,



Aboard stand sailors trying to communicate with you.

About this Esperia's Warrior Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.


Actually Gugli asked me if I could help you bringing him some of your boxes.

Actually, I came here to work on my task.

Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life.

Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all.

After choosing your weapon, you also need to know how to use it.

Ah... Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation.

Ale and Tibbo should bring 2 boxes of @@s, Astapolos and Gulukan 2 of @@s and Jalad and Q'Muller were charged of the boxes of @@s.



All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries...
Tudo que eu tenho para comer são berries... Berries... Berries...

All your... Fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked.

Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good.

Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...

Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...

Alright. I will go looking for them now.

Alright... Bye.
Tudo bem... Tchau.

Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#0
Nós também pegamos suas roupas yayadas, já que elas estavam... Yeyeye... em más condições. Confira o baú próximo à sua cama, há algumas roupas dentro dele.#0

Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1
Nós também pegamos suas roupas yayadas, já que elas estavam... Yeyeye... em más condições. Confira o baú próximo à sua cama, há algumas roupas dentro dele.#1

An unexpected help is always welcome!

And now I want to see you run!

And now I'm a sailor, as you can see!
E agora eu sou um marinheiro, como você pode ver!

And please, no berries.
E por favor, nada de berries.

And then what happened?

And what do you give me in exchange for these informations?

And what kind of help do you need?
E de que tipo de ajuda você precisa?

And you, how are you doing?
E você, como você está?

And you? How's it going on your side?

And you? How's it yaying on your side?

Any clue on where Astapolos may be hidden?

Anyway I am glad I can give you some of these yoyoxs.

Anyway, can I help you in any way?

Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag!


Aquada Box

Are you blind? Do you really think these boxes are light and soft as a piou's feather?!

Are you going to stand here all day long? Do the dishes or go away.

Are you ok?
Você está bem?

Are you yaying here to explore the island?



Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid... Stupid... Stupid!

Artis of course!
Artis é claro!

As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land.

As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be.

As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you.

Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away.


Astapolos... That guy is shy like a piou!

At the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s.

At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island.


Ayouyouch! My head...
Ayouyouch! Minha cabeça...



Bare Hands
Mãos nuas

Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
Tenha um pouco mais de paciência, nos próximos dias vamos chegar ao porto de Artis...



Break the door.

Bring this box to Gugli. He will be extremely happy!

But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry.
Mas eu não posso te falar nada sobre isso, me desculpe.

But I need to go, see you!
Mas eu preciso ir, tchau!

But I swear that one day... Oh... My tasty revenge! Hhm, actually I wonder if... Maybe...

But anyway, take the road which goes to the north to find everybody.

But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs.
Mas por agora você pode relaxar no navio ou visitar a ilha em que ancoramos! É uma pequena ilha, mas um bom lugar para se exercitar e esticar as pernas.

But let's talk about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality goods.

But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0
Mas o mais importante, ela é quem tomou conta de você enquanto você estava inconsciente.#0

But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1
Mas o mais importante, ela é quem tomou conta de você enquanto você estava inconsciente.#1

But remember that not every place in this world is peaceful and safe nowadays. Even the white shores you are walking on can hide some dangerous beings.

But who am I?
Mas quem sou eu?

But you won't *hic* me this time...

But... If he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him.

But... If she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her.



Can I read these rules again?
Posso ler essas regras novamente?

Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
Você pode me trazer algo que não seja um vegetal?

Can't you see I'm working?!
Você não vê que eu estou trabalhando?!

Captain Nard
Capitão Nard

Captain Nard is in the room to your right.
Capitão Nard está no quarto à sua direita.


Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
Clique nos NPCs em sua volta para continuar a introdução.

Come on Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#0

Come on Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#1


Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
Posso saber qual a sua linguagem natural? Um marinheiro me disse que você era russa, mas outro disse que era francesa... Estou meio perdida... Vou te registrar na lista do navio assim que tiver esta informação.

Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
Posso saber qual a sua linguagem natural? Um marinheiro me disse que você era russo, mas outro disse que era francês... Estou meio perdida... Vou te registrar na lista do navio assim que tiver esta informação.

Could you explain to me where I am?
Você poderia me explicar onde eu estou?

Could you help me please? 
Você poderia me ajudar? 

Could you tell me where I am?#0
Você poderia me dizer onde eu estou?

Could you tell me where I am?#1
Você poderia me dizer onde eu estou?

Couwan gave me this box, it is for you.

Couwan hands you a box full of fish.
Couwan te entrega uma caixa cheia de peixes.

Croc Claw
Garra de Croc


Croconut Box



Damn @@.
Maldição @@.

Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#0
Maldição! É melhor você não contar para ninguém que me viu!

Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#1
Maldição! É melhor você não contar para ninguém que me viu!

Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter.
Dan termina a conversa e continua a escrever sua carta.

Dan keeps silent since your last question.
Dan se mantém em silêncio desde sua última pergunta.

Did you say reward? I want it!
Você disse recompensa? Eu quero!

Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia

Do you have any other questions for me?
Você tem alguma outra pergunta?

Do you have anything for me today?
Você tem algo para mim hoje?

Do you know where can I find Gulukan?

Do you need any other information?

Do you think this is fair? They sent me down here alone, far away from everyone.

Do you want me to go see her instead of you?

Do you want to cut this @@?

Do you want to try?
Quer tentar?

Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan

Don't bother her Silvio, or I'll to tell her that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.

Don't bother him Silvio, or I'll to tell him that you cry like a baby when you hear the thunder in the night.

Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh!

Don't try to poison me! I know what that does!
Não tente me envenenar! Eu sei o que isso faz!

Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance!


Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later dude.

Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey.

Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live.

Ehm... He was really upset because of some past stories.


Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats!

Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef.

Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats!

Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there.

Elven Voice
Voz Élfica

Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I don't have the money to pay for the ferry!

Even though they did not hear anything about the other groups, they decided to start a new life on this land, full of harmful animals.

Exactly. Even our task is ridiculous. Why should we collect food down here if we have plenty of those tasty and soft rattos inside our ship, waiting just to be hunted and cooked?

Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
Perdão, você sabe quem eu sou?

Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
Perdão, você sabe quem eu sou?


Fine, could you please tell me where I can find Gugli's sailors?

Fine... I was just going to give you some help...

Following these lines are some other writings on this paper.

Fool! Just come back here when you'll be done with our little... 'Secret mission'.

From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island.



Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again!

Ggrmm... Grmmmm...

Give me a kiss before you say goodbye!

Go and grab one of them. A good knife will help you hunting the creatures of this island.

Go away.
Vá embora.

Good job!
Bom trabalho!

Good luck! And don't forget to visit Peter and our little friends when you will be back onboard!

Good to hear!

Good to know.
Bom saber.

Good, good! 
Bom, bom! 

Great to see you! What can I do for you today?


Great, what food do you have for me today?#0
Ótimo, que comida você trouxe para mim?

Great, what food do you have for me today?#1
Ótimo, que comida você trouxe para mim?

Greetings traveler.#0
Saudações viajante!

Greetings traveler.#1
Saudações viajante!


Gugli asked me to help sailors with their food gatherings. Do you know where could I find them?

Gugli asked me to help you carrying one of these boxes you are filling.

Gugli mentioned six sailors. What about the others?

Gugli sent me down here to help you.

Gugli? Oh I see. Yes, Gugli yeye pretty used to shout orders to everybody down here.





HEY @@!




Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too?

Have you seen anything dangerous?
Você viu alguma coisa perigosa?

He likes to hide near the little lake in the north-west side of the island.

He needs more food.
Ele precisa de mais comida.

He told me nothing about that.
Ele não me falou nada sobre isso.

He's funny, it's not a problem.
Ele é engraçado, isso não é um problema.

Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Warrior Guild of Esperia won't let it get public.


Hehe, no. But I'm sure a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me.

Hehe, no. But I'm sure a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me!

Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that.
Hehe, às vezes ele fica com a cabeça nas núvens, você deveria perguntar isso a ele.

Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the capt'n up there.

Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please forgive him, it is not everyday we have a new member in the crew!

Hel... What?! Wait!
Olá... O que? Espere!

Hello dear!#0
Olá querida!

Hello dear!#1
Olá querido!

Hello yeye.


Hello... Do I know you?
Olá... Eu te conheço?

Here they are.
Aqui estão eles.

Here's your reward!
Aqui está sua recompensa!


Hey Frenchy!#0
Hey Francezinha!

Hey Frenchy!#1
Hey Francezinho!

Hey Max, it's @@!

Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go!
Hey Silvio, é sua vez de carregar o pacote, vai!

Hey you!

Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay?

Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the captain about... The reserve. You know, now that we got a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have.
Hey você, me desculpe por deixar seu quarto tão rapidamente, eu precisava... falar com o capitão sobre... a reserva. Você sabe, agora que nós temos mais uma boca para alimentar nós precisamos verificar o que temos.


Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later.

Hey! There's a reward for you in the box next to me!

Hey, could yeye please take my box of fish to Gugli?

Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out.

Hey, girl!
Hey, garota!

Hey, how do you know my name?

Hey, man!
Hey cara!

Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right?
Hey, psst! Você não é marinheiro, certo?


Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#0
Oi @@, eu ouvi dizer que o capitão te mandou aqui pra baixo, uh?#0

Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh?#1
Oi @@, eu ouvi dizer que o capitão te mandou aqui pra baixo, uh?#1

Hi @@.

Hi, nice to see you!
Oi, bom te ver!

Hidden Person
Pessoa Escondida

Hmm... Let's see, take this one.
Hmm... Vamos ver, pegue este.

Hmmm, hm... *cough*, *cough*, *burp*, *cough*. What... What is that?!... *cough*, *burp*... Damn Gado... *cough*

How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats.

How are things going?
Como andam as coisas?

How are you doing, cutie?
Como vai você, coisa linda?

How are you doing, dude?
Como vai você cara?

How are you feeying, now that you walk on steady land? Yeye better?

How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about this again...

How is *hic* it possible?

How rude! What is the reason behind your malice?

However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever.

No entanto...

Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth!
Rápido, rápido! Precisamos checar os dentes dele!







I already know everything. Bye.

I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help.
Eu não ligo para recompensas. Eu apenas quero ajudar.

I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#0

I am sure that I can run with one of them on my shoulder.#1

I am sure you know her. Nice dress, large smile and a constant flux of orders and rules. Julia they call her!

I am surprised someone has been sent here for help. It is quite... unusual.

I am, who are you?#0
I am, who are you?#0

I am, who are you?#1
Eu sou, quem é você?

I beg you, please, pleeeease...
Eu imploro, por favor, por favooooor...

I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since morning...

I can't remember anything.#0
Eu não lembro de nada.

I can't remember anything.#1
Eu não lembro de nada.

I do feel better!
Eu me sinto melhor!

I do not want to point my finger on someone. I just put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this annoying problem.

I don't have anything good for you today.
Eu não tenho nada de bom para você.

I don't know what to say...
Eu não sei o que dizer...

I don't need your help right now, come back later.
Eu não preciso da sua ajuda no momento, volte depois.

I don't see anything else than... water?
Eu não vejo nada além de... água?

I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this...
Eu acho que nós não estamos em um bom lugar para falar sobre isso...

I don't want this, give me something else.
Eu não quero isso, traga outra coisa.

I don't want to change my language, sorry.
Perdão, eu não quero mudar minha linguagem.

I feel ok.#0
Eu estou bem.

I feel ok.#1
Eu estou bem.

I forgot where it was...
Eu esqueci onde estava...

I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship.

I guess so... I will leave you alone.
Eu acho... Eu vou te deixar a sós.

I have brought you a tasty present for your delicate mouth.

I have collected all the boxes you needed.

I have some clothes and other things for you at a fine price!

I have some food for you.

I hope that answers your question.

I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp.

I just realized I needed delicious ingredients to prepare a... A special recipe.

I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like to give you a special task.

I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
Eu me enganei, gostaria de mudar minha linguagem.

I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
Eu me enganei, gostaria de mudar minha linguagem.

I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#0
Eu preciso de ajuda para limpar as bordas do navio, mas você não é forte o suficiente para ajudar.#0

I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help.#1
Eu preciso de ajuda para limpar as bordas do navio, mas você não é forte o suficiente para ajudar.#1

I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these rattos. Can you help me?

I need to go, sorry.
Eu preciso ir, me desculpe.

I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and...

I only remember I was rescued by you.#0
Eu apenas me lembro que eu fui resgatada por você.

I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
Eu apenas me lembro que eu fui resgatado por você.

I recall seeing Gulukan, Astapolos and Q'Muller.

I remember I saw few of them leaving the ship early this morning to get to work.


I see it's not easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again?

I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Guild, then he is also our ally.
Entendo, avise os outros marinheiros sobre isso. Mas se ele é parte da guilda guerreira, então ele também é nosso aliado.

I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally.
Entendo, avise os outros marinheiros sobre isso. Mas se ela é parte da guilda guerreira, então ela também é nossa aliada.

I speak Dutch.

I speak English.

I speak Flemish.

I speak French.

I speak German.

I speak Italian.
Eu falo italiano.

I speak Polish.

I speak Portuguese.
Eu falo português.

I speak Russian.

I speak Spanish.

I swear, I do not eat so much.

I think I should report you to the crew members.
Eu acho que eu deveria te denunciar para o pessoal do navio.

I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions?

I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s!

I think that I'm still a bit sick.
Eu acho que ainda estou um pouco doente.

I think that my wine has a great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?

I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s!

I was going to ask you if you would need any help.

I will give you @@GP.
Eu vou te dar @@GP.

I will not tell you all the details, but after a month, she was ruling the ship and I was sent down here, cooking for those traitors!

I will surely visit him. Do you need any help with your boxes?

I will take care of the other ones don't worry.

I will take it! Thank you captain!

I will yaying do.
Eu vou yayando.

I will.
Eu vou.

I wonder too...
Eu também me pergunto sobre isso...


I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try.
Eu gostaria de pegar um deles, mas eles voam para longe quando eu tento.

I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry.
Eu providenciarei tudo o que ela precisa, não se preocupe.

I'll give him everything he needs, don't worry.
Eu vou dar tudo o que ele precisa, não se preocupe.

I'll look at it.
Eu vou dar uma olhada.

I'll share my berries with you if you help me.
Se você me ajudar eu compartilho minhas berries com você.

I'm a bit sick...#0
Estou um pouco enjoada...#0

I'm a bit sick...#1
Estou um pouco enjoado...#1

I'm glad to see you're okay.#0
Estou feliz de ver que você está bem.#0

I'm glad to see you're okay.#1
Estou feliz de ver que você está bem.#1

I'm looking for Gugli, where is he?
Estou procurando o Gugli, onde ele está?

I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat!
Estou perdendo a cabeça, eu preciso comer algo diferente!

I'm not suited for this kind of work!

I'm not sure. They probably left the ship early this morning. I was not awake yet.

I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hic* ...vered there, the Warrior Guild won't get me!

I'm sorry but I have no time to chat with you.

I'm sorry for your situation. They should alternate you with another sailor sometime.

I'm sorry, I don't have time right now.

I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#0

I'm still a bit weak at the moment. We should probably talk later.#1

I'm still busy, I need to find the other sailors.

I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you!
Eu ainda estou em coma, mas meu fantasma já está te assombrando!

I'm sure Tibbo is alone in the south-west corner of the island. He believes it's the best place to collect @@s.

I'm sure he will soon be able to fight creatures living here a way more dangerous than tortugas do

I'm sure she will soon be able to fight creatures living here a way more dangerous than tortugas do.

I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board.
Eu tenho certeza que você tem algumas perguntas, sinta-se livre para perguntar, mas primeiro eu preciso te passar as regras sociais de conduta.

I'm the cook's assistant of the ship. I help Gado, La Johanne's Chef, in his daily work.

I've seen him at the bottom of the island, check around.

I've seen him at the bottom of the island, have a look around.

I've seen him at the top of the island.
Eu o vi no alto da ilha.

I've seen him on the bottom of the island, ask Jalad for more information.




If I saw *hic* who you were... *hic* Would not have helped you! 

If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks.

If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall.

If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case...

In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun.
Nesta caverna, como você pode ver, eu me divirto muito.

Indeed! Goodbye.

Indeed, I am not.#0
Realmente, eu não sou.

Indeed, I am not.#1
Realmente, eu não sou.


Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then!
Interessante... Eu vou te deixar com sua tarefa então!

Is there a reward?
Há algum prêmio?

It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
É bom ver que você acordou bem. Elmo veio aqui me dar as boas novas!#0

It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
É bom ver que você acordou bem. Elmo veio aqui me dar as boas novas!#1

It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?

It looks like you can't carry anything else for now.

It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level.

It seems that you need a key to open this door.

It seems you still have some work to do.

It was something like a long nap.
Foi algo como um longo cochilo.

It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that.

It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry!

It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!

It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!

It's alright! Just one more box and it'll be ok.

It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with her without working...
Bom, bom... Eu tenho uma amiga que ainda está em coma, mas eu não posso ficar com ela sem trabalhar...

It's ok.
Está tudo bem.

It's so hard to find the motivation...
É tão difícil encontrar motivação... 

It's true!
É verdade!

It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception.

Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.

Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the earth gave them everything they needed to live.



Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen.
Julia está no nível superior do navio. Use as setas de direção para ir até as escadas ou clique nas escadas no canto superior direito da tela.

Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@.

Just leave me alone.


Last time I saw you, you were lost in the sea on your raft.#0

Last time I saw you, you were lost in the sea on your raft.#1

Lean for example?



Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship.
Deixe eu me apresentar, eu sou Nard, capitão deste navio.

Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start!


Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air.

Look how splendid this landscape is!

Look, here he is!

Look, there he is!
Olhe, lá este ele!

M... Maybe?


Magic Arpan
Arpan Mágico


Max and Sapartan for example?

May this be a lesson for you.
Que isso sirva de lição para você.

Maybe he abused too much his bottle today to celebrate that!

Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!

Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!

Maybe you can come down to talk?
Talvez você possa descer para conversar?

Maybe... But I prefer having well-trained people around me when it comes to fight against dangerous creatures. Do you already feel expert on how you fight enemies?

My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!

My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!
Sabe, eu não fui sempre um marinheiro, eu já fui um indivíduo importante!

My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks.
Meu nome é Alige, eu tenho me escondido aqui por semanas.

My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship.
Meu nome é Astapolos. Q'Muller e eu entramos para a tripulação de Nard há alguns anos quando isto era apenas um pequeno navio mercante.

My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea.



Nard looks surprised and stops you.
Nard parece surpreso e te interrompe.


New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed.

No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0
Não e *hic*... Não, você e você e sua... *burp* estupi *hic* guilda!#1

No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1
Não e *hic*... Não, você e você e sua... *burp* estupi *hic* guilda!#1

No problem, I can help you anyway.
Sem problemas, eu posso te ajudar mesmo assim.

No problem, do you have any other questions for me?
Sem problemas, você tem alguma outra pergunta?

No thanks, not at the moment.

No there are no secrets hidden below the ship's wood. Some sailors swear they have seen people hidden somewhere near the stow. Just stories sailors love to tell...


No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun.
Não, eu não posso, eu só queria viajar pelos mares para me divertir.

No, I don't, but I would like to know more about that.

No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?

No, none.
Não, nenhum.

No, sorry.
Não, obrigado.

No, they are way too dangerous for me!
Não, eles são perigosos demais para mim!


Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians.

Nobody! *burp*
Ninguém! *burp*


None of them?
Nenhum deles?

Not everybody has a kind mind. Scammers can be anywhere, even among us!

Not so good actually... I would feel better on Nard's ship.

Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine!
Sem querer destruir seu sonho, mas... Julia é minha!

Not yet. I will be back soon.

Nothing, just hanging around.
Nada, só dando uma volta.

Nothing, sorry.
Nada, desculpe-me.


Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.

Now, leave me alone...




Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
É claro! Diga-me qual lingua você fala e eu mudarei a nota na lista de bordo do navio.

Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them.

Oh I see... Sailors are not able to do their job anymore, is it like that?!

Oh alright, nevermind then.

Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
Oh bom! Ele também deu seu dinheiro de volta?

Oh look, there's a piou behind you!
Oh olhe, há um Piou atrás de você!

Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be...
Oh não, mas eu percebi uma luz estranha na outra ponta da ilha, me pergunto o que poderá ser aquilo...

Oh really? How could I forget something as important as that?!

Oh really? I'll put more food in the next box then.

Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
Oh, bem, nós te resgatamos quando você estava à deriva yayando no mar.

Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
Oh, bem, nós te resgatamos quando você estava à deriva yayando no mar.

Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!

Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#0
Oh yeyeye... Como não são comestíveis, você poderia tentar equipá-los?#0

Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#1
Oh yeyeye... Como não são comestíveis, você poderia tentar equipá-los?#1

Oh! And in one of the room of the second deck you can find Gado's knives. Our chef keeps there the sharpest ones... Probably not just to cut some carrots...

Oh! I like that sort of answer!
Oh! Eu gosto deste tipo de resposta!

Oh, I see. That's right. Why should someone come here to see me, seriously?

Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there.

Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! I am the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours so keep it secret and try not to use the same password for any other room in the future.

Oh, and Olga from the market place as well!
Oh, e a Olga do mercado também! 

Oh, and give her some clothes, the poor girl, the ones she had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!

Oh, and give him some clothes, the poor guy, the ones he had were in even worse condition that the ones we have!

Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents the Warrior Guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all?

Oh, but you were not here to talk about that I guess.

Oh, he is not far away from here. Just take the road through the crocojungle north from here.

Oh, he's still alive!
Oh, ele ainda está vivo!

Oh, it's you.
Oh, é você.

Oh, it's you. I think it's better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something.

Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation.

Oh, nothing important.
Oh, nada importante.

Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0
Oh, agora que eu me lembrei, nós também encontramos um pouco de dinheiro em seu bolso, aqui está!

Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1
Oh, agora que eu me lembrei, nós também encontramos um pouco de dinheiro em seu bolso, aqui está!

Oh, she's still alive!
Oh, ela ainda está viva!

Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
Oh... Err, sim, ou, bem... Bom dia para você!

Oh... Well, I just started to trade... Thus my technique may not be the best.

Oh... eating rattos. Sounds... ehm... Delicious, yes.

Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him.
Ok, eu acho que ele está acordando, vá até ele.

Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her.
Ok, eu acho que ela está acordando, vá até ela.

Ok, I will leave him alone.
Ok, eu vou deixá-lo em paz.

Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
Ok, tenha só mais um pouco de paciência, nos próximos dias nós vamos chegar ao porto de Artis...

Ok, done.
Ok, pronto.

Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
Ok, ok. Volte se mudar de idéia.

Ok, see you then!
Ok, te vejo depois!

Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
Ok, estou pronta para trabalhar!

Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
Ok, estou pronto para trabalhar!

Okay, you can start!
Ok, pode começar!


On one hand, ranged weapons are generally weaker than melee ones, but it obviously depends on the level of the weapon. On the other hand, you attack from a safer position.

Once the monster is dead, click on the dropped items to add them to your inventory. You can also use the Z key to claim the drops.

Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s.

Orc Voice
Voz de Orc

Other than that, I don't know much about what else is going on, so directly asking the Cap'tain about it could be a good idea.
Além disso, eu não sei bem o que mais está acontecendo. Acho que perguntar diretamente ao capitão pode ser uma boa idéia.

Other things are written down but are not legible.


Ouch... These boxes are so heavy!

Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite you to join our family!
Nossa tripulação é como uma família e, caso você aceite nos ajudar, eu gostaria de te convidar para fazer parte dela.

People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose.



Pink Blobime
Blopime Rosa

Piou Legs
Pernas de Pious

Piou Slayer

Please don't tell people that you've seen me. I don't want to be thrown in the sea as food for sharks or decapitated. At least not again!

Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only.
Por favor, não encoste nestes chapéus, eles são apenas para membros da tripulação.


Plushroom Box

Purple Blobime


Raijin Voice
Voz de Raijin


Really? That's kind of you, I accept your help!

Right! Sailors are pretty quick with their job. They just take too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them.



Rrrr... Pchhhh...
Rrrr... Pchhhh...

Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long.




Sea Drops
Gotas do mar

Sea water?! I will not help you with your evil plan!
Água do mar?! Eu não vou te ajudar com seu plano maligno!

Secondly, choose wisely which weapon is suited for you. Some people like to face their enemies closely with a heavy axe, some others prefer to attack from a distance with a bow for example.

See you aboard.

See you!

See you.

Seems I've helped everyone here. I don't know what to do now!

Seems yummy! Let me taste it!


She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but...
Ela é uma boa amiga... Nós queriamos nos casar algumas semanas antes do seu acidente mas...

She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship.

She said she will accept me when pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see?

She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!

She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.

Shhht, don't say it that loud...

Silvio for example?

Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation.
Silvio começa a falar com a garrafa, você sai da conversa.

So finally someone has came to visit me?

So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day!

So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.
É por isso que nós queriamos te avisar, talvez ele seja membro da tal guilda, já que aquele sinal estava na sua jangada.

So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.
É por isso que nós queriamos te avisar, talvez ela seja membro da tal guilda, já que aquele sinal estava na sua jangada.

So, do you have anything for me today?
Então, você tem alguma coisa para mim hoje?

So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look like you're in good health now.
Então, como você se sente? Vejo que Julia fez um ótimo trabalho! Você parece estar bem saudável agora.

So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet?
Então, como está? Já conheceu os outros membros da tripulação?

So, what can I do for you?

So, what was I saying?
Então, o que eu estava dizendo?

So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats on Artis?

So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?

So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas.

Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box.
Algumas bandanas e chapeus de marinheiros estão dentro desta caixa.

Some food.

Some sailors are looking for goods we could trade in our next destination.

Sometimes, I wish somebody is sent here to help us.

Sorry but I have no time for this.
Me desculpe, eu não tenho tempo para isto.

Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells.
Perdão! Eu esqueci de me apresentar. Meu nome é Arpan, mas os marinheiros me chamam de Arpan Mágico, pois eu sei um ou dois encantamentos mágicos yaing.

Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with these rattos.

Sorry, I don't need any help right now. Come back later.

Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that.

Stupid yeye...
Estúpido yeye...

Suddenly, you hear a voice up in the sky.

Sure, but Gugli needs my help first.
Claro, mas Gugli precisa de minha ajuda primeiro.

Sure, but what can you give me in exchange?
Claro, mas o que você pode me dar em troca?

Sure, but what will I get in exchange?

Sure, cap'tain.
Claro capitão.

Sure, there is a reward for your task.
Claro, há uma recompensa por sua tarefa.

Sure, why not?
Claro, porque não?

Surely. Take this box full of @@s.


Take a Bandana.
Peque uma bandana.

Take these coins in exchange and be careful.
Pegue estas moedas em troca e tome cuidado.

Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more!

Take your reward from the box next to my desk!

Task is done.

Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food.

Thank you and be careful with that box. I have worked really hard to fill it!

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for your tricks. I am going to try them now!

Thank you my friend.

Thank you sir for you nice words. I am feeling better now.

Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries.
Muito obrigado! Aqui, peque um pouco de minhas berries.

Thank you, I'll take them.
Obrigado, vou ficar com eles.

Thanks again for helping me. But these rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time.

Thanks for helping me!
Obrigado por me ajudar!

Thanks for the help!

That's good to hear!

That's perfect, yoiis.

The adventure begins!
A aventura começa!

The captain has locked the door, you should go see him.

The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up.
O capitão está te esperando! Ande logo.

The captain wants:

The door is locked.
A porta está trancada.

The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the Warrior Guild.

The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing thus you don't know the author's name.

The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time...
O medo de vê-la dormindo nesta cama quieta e solitária está se tornando insuportável. Eu acho que eu não terei a coragem de vê-la desta vez...

The first thing you should do is to evaluate your enemy.

The giant boogeyman!
O bicho-papão gigante!

The great people of Aemil split up into three groups when they reached the coast.

The hidden person doesn't answer.
A pessoa escondida não responde.

The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it?

The sailor chugs his beer.
O marinheiro engole sua cerveja.

The sailor turns his back to you.
O marinheiro vira as costas para você.

The sailors take you aboard their ship.
Os marinheiros te colocam a bordo do navio.

The usurper has been punished! This is a great day! Take this reward as a prize for your loyalty to the old commander!

Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive.

Then I can give you some tips about fights.

Then it seems I have to apologize.

Then just leave me alone.

There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.

There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us.

There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.

There are some groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try.

There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one?

There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?

There is a paper with some rules written on it.
Há um papel com algumas regras escritas.

There is always something you can do here, like killing some tortugas or help Peter clean the ship from rattos.

There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island.

There's nothing to say, don't worry miss.
Não há nada a dizer, não se preocupe senhorita.

There's nothing to say, don't worry sir.
Não há nada a dizer, não se preocupe senhor.

Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil.

These boxes are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship.

These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit...

These heavy boxes are killing me, I don't feel my arms anymore!

These yeye boxes are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship.

They are all around the island.

They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... Sort out this situation.

They are so tasty when cooked together with some @@. Don't drop any of them!

They shouldn't be too far from each other.

This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?

This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!
Essa garota precisa de ajuda, nós temos que resgatá-la!

This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?

This guy needs help, we need to rescue him!
Esse rapaz precisa de ajuda, nós precisamos resgatá-lo!

This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks...

This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago.

This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!

This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her.
Este tipo de conversa deveria ser púnida, mas eu admito que eu mesmo não gosto muito deles, por isso fiquem de olho nela.

This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him.
Este tipo de conversa deveria ser púnida, mas eu admito que eu mesmo não gosto muito deles, por isso fiquem de olho nele.

This makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?

This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra.

Tibbo went to the east-south of the island, others are gone to the north, and I think that Gulukan is not so far from here.


To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.

Tritan Voice
Voz de Tritão

True but now he seems pretty fine! Am I right?

True but now she seems pretty fine! Am I right?

Try to ask Max. He's an early riser.

UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!

Uh? Hi! I'm sorry, but I have no time for chatting.

Uhm, bye.
Uhm, tchau.

Understood, I will help you.
Entendido, eu vou te ajudar.

Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard.

Use the key.

Usually I don't allow anyone to touch my boxes but...

Very nice, indeed!


Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side!

Wait... Where are we going?
Espere... Onde estamos indo?

Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please.

Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise!

We are glad captain Nard has let you join us down here!

We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!

We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis.
Nós fizemos uma parada em uma pequena ilha antes de aportarmos em Artis.

We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get some new food.
Nós precisamos do maior número possível de pessoas para explorar a ilha e para pegar comida.

We need manpower on the island.
Nós precisamos de homens na ilha.

We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course.

We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Warrior Guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.

We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
Nós pensamos que talvez você possa nos ajudar a entender isso, tudo o que sabemos é que te encontramos à deriva em alto mar em uma jangada.

We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#0
Nós tentamos limpar suas roupas mas a água salgada as destruiu. Por isso nós te demos essas roupas novas. Elas não são muito legais, mas isso é tudo que temos para você.#0

We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1
Nós tentamos limpar suas roupas mas a água salgada as destruiu. Por isso nós te demos essas roupas novas. Elas não são muito legais, mas isso é tudo que temos para você.#1

We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago.

We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the captain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map!

We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there.
Nós estaremos yayando por lá em alguns dias, então nós o deixaremos lá.

Well I'm working too! Don't you want me to carry one of these boxes back to Gugli?

Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship!

Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again!

Well if you are whining like that all the time, then I think there is a reason behind their choice.

Well then... Take this one!

Well, I was in fact looking for them. Where are they now?

Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?

Well, is there anything I can do here to help?

Well, it it's not bad to finally feel something beneath my feet.

Well, thanks for the box. But... He was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you!

Well... I've only killed some little pious in the ship, that's all.

Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen.

Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
Bem... Bem vinda a bordo, bonitinha!#0

Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#1
Bem... Bem vinda a bordo, bonitinho!#1

What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago.

What about Q'Muller? Where is he?

What am I supposed to say?
O que eu devo dizer?

What are you doing in my kitchen?! Get out, it's not a place for kids!

What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0
O que vocês estão falando? É uma Yoiis#0

What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1
O que vocês estão falando? É um Yoiis#1

What are you looking at?
O que você está olhando?

What are you looking for?
O que você está procurando?

What are you talking about? What guild?
Do que você está falando? Que guilda?

What are your needs?

What danger?! Where?!

What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok?
O que Gugli disse sobre a caixa? Ela estava OK?

What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok?

What do you need?
O que você precisa?

What do you think?
O que você acha?

What do you want to do?

What do you want today?
O que vai querer hoje?

What do you wish to do?
O que você gostaria de fazer?

What exactly is your real job?

What happened to me?
O que aconteceu comigo?

What is Artis?
O que é Artis?

What kind of help?

What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
O que eu devo fazer após pegar estas roupas?

What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
O que eu devo fazer após pegar estas roupas?

What yeye could I do for you today?
Qual yeye eu poderia fazer por você hoje?

What's that food?

What's that?

What? It's not a good reward?
O quê? Não é uma boa recompensa?

What? This reward is too small!
O quê? Essa recompensa é muito pequena!

What? Why? They aren't sexier than me, why do you want to see them?

What?! This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met!

When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to unequip an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.

Where are my old clothes?
Onde estão minhas roupas?

Where can I find Julia?#0
Onde eu posso encontrar Julia?

Where can I find Julia?#1
Onde eu posso encontrar Julia?

Where can I find some food?
Onde eu posso encontrar comida?

Where can I find your crew?

Where is the damn salt?! Give me the salt, I know you have it!

Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@?
Qual de suas armas você quer usar para cortar este(a) @@?

While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they use to do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.

Who are yeye looking for?
Para quem yeye está olhando?

Who are you looking for?

Who are you?
Quem é você?

Who is she?
Quem é ela?

Who of them two has the 'good' on his side?

Who should I search for?

Who's this Julia?
Quem é essa Julia?

Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
Francesinha? É uma russa!

Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
Porque francesinho? É um russo!

Why are you hiding?
Por que você está se escondendo?

Why don't you come down to talk?
Por que não desce para conversar?

Why don't you come out?
Por que você não sai?

Why not, I need to train anyway.
Por que não? Eu precisava treinar mesmo.

Why not, I've got plenty of free time.
Por que não? Eu tenho muito tempo livre.

Why not, but who are you?
Por que não? Mas quem é você?

Por quê?

Why? And who should you bring it back to?

Wow, it seems everyone knows my name!


Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#0
Yaya, você deveria ir vê-la! Ela ficará feliz em te ver.

Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1
Yaya, você deveria ir vê-la! Ela ficará feliz em te ver.

Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us!

Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*

Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward.
Yeah, mas eu gostaria de garantir que eu ganhe uma recompensa.

Yeah, but what reward will I get?
Yeah, mas qual vai ser minha recompensa?

Yeah, well what's the difference?

Yes he did.
Sim, ele fez isso.


Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
Sim, Arpan me deu estas roupas.

Yes, I do.

Yes, I feel strong enough for dangerous combats!

Yes, indeed. I prefer to explore places I have never been to, before doing anything else.

Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors!

Yes, it's a chest.
Sim, isto é um baú.

Yes, why not.
Sim, por que não.


Yeye @@!

Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.

Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are yeyery dangerous, especially the blubs.

Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye!

Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...

Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around.

Yeye seen this yoiis at the top of the island.

Yeye still have my box? Stare less and work more. Go give it to Gugli!

Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#0
Yeye tem certeza? Eu vou yaye um pouco mais de comida na próxima caixa então.#0

Yeye sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then.#1
Yeye tem certeza? Eu vou yaye um pouco mais de comida na próxima caixa então.#1

Yeye's brain is probably still full of sea water if yeye can't see the beauty of this place.

Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0

Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1

Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
Yeye, você é realmente sortuda de estar viva. Você está forte o suficiente para andar sozinha, por acaso se lembra do que aconteceu?

Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
Yeye, você é realmente sortudo de estar vivo. Você está forte o suficiente para andar sozinho, por acaso se lembra do que aconteceu?

Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
Yeye, você ainda não pegou suas roupas!

Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
Yeye, você ainda não pegou suas roupas!


You already took a Bandana, please put this one back in the box.

You are full of wine, my friend...
Meu caro, você está cheio de vinho...

You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help.

You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help.
Você agora é parte da tripulação. Obrigado novamente por sua ajuda.

You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here!

You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
Você está em uma jangada, à deriva em alto mar.

You can also attack an enemy from your keyboard pressing the 'A' key to select it, and the 'Ctrl' key to attack it, this of course works if you didn't change your keyboard keys yet.

You can attack a monster by clicking directly on it. Once selected, you may notice a bar near your target showing you how much health it has left.

You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the A key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it.
Você pode atacar um monstro clicando nele ou a partir do teclado com a tecla \"A\" para selecionar o monstro e a tecla \"Ctrl\" para atacar.

You can easily see if a monster is easy to kill or just impossible to defeat. Do not try against creatures that are way more powerful than you... You'd be risking your life for nothing.

You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try swimming for now.

You can now stay with your new friends and enjoy the warm sand of this little island.

You can spot Q'Muller on a cliff on the west busy collecting @@s.

You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that.
Você pode tentar falar com alguns outros marinheiros para obter informações sobre isso.

You can yaye some @@s by hitting these crocotrees.

You can't go there!
Você não pode entrar aí!

You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew.

You could start talking to Gugli. He always has tasks for people willing to help

You dirty liar. I will add your name on the traitors list.#0
Sua mentirosa. Eu vou colocar seu nome na lista de traidores.#0

You dirty liar. I will add your name on the traitors list.#1
Seu mentiroso. Eu vou colocar seu nome na lista de traidores.#1

You have an awful amnesia.
Você tem uma terrível amnésia.

You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#0

You have been so nice to me. So please, take one.#1

You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that 'nice' lady.

You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door...

You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@.

You honor me beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia!
Me sinto honrado, mas eu já sou da Julia!

You know, yeyes love to chat while working.

You like them, don't you? Just speak with Peter then. He is on the second deck of the ship. He will send you to downstairs where you will find our furry meal!

You like these hats, right?
Você gosta destes chapéus, certo?

You mentioned the quality of your wine.

You need to cross the crocojungle heading north.

You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. Some pages are not readable anymore. Some others are simply missing.

You open the treasure chest.
Você abriu o baú de tesouros.

You opened the @@, but only one side is edible.

You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts.

You realize you can't remember anything.
Você percebe que não consegue se lembrar de nada.

You receive 10GP!

You receive 25GP!
Você recebeu 25GP!

You receive 500GP!

You receive 50GP!

You receive 60GP!

You see these pious around us?

You see? I'm working here!

You should come back when you'll have some free space.

You should go and get some sleep.
Você deveria dormir um pouco.

You should go see him. He is one of the most experienced sailors we have.

You should go see them.
Você deveria ir vê-los.

You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news!

You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news.

You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe...

You should talk to Magic Arpan first.

You should walk to the north to find him.

You should walk to the north.
Você deveria caminhar para o norte.

You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them?
Você ainda tem alguns dias antes de chegarmos ao porto, talvez você possa aprender alguma coisa com eles.

You still haven't completed your tasks.

You still need to give me boxes from: 

You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of his head.

You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head.

You take the clothes from the chest.
Você pega as roupas do baú.

You told me that you 'were' important.
Você me disse que você \"era\" importante.

You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there...

You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0
Você estava muito mal, você deveria agradecer por termos te achado antes de ser morta pelo mar.

You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1
Você estava muito mal, você deveria agradecer por termos te achado antes de ser morto pelo mar.

You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
Você estava dormindo yayada por um bom tempo. Julia estava aqui com você, ela fez o possível para curar seus ferimentos.

You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
Você estava dormindo yayado por um bom tempo. Julia estava aqui com você, ela fez o possível para curar seus ferimentos.

You will find a wooden sign near a crossroad. He is a few steps on the left.

You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Warrior Guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!

You yoiis should walk to the north.

You're on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
Você está em um navio, nós estamos a caminho da capital comercial de Artis.

You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0
Você está em nosso navio, nós aportamos em uma pequena ilha e estamos yeyando nossa longa aventura mercante rumo à cidade de Artis.#0

You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1
Você está em nosso navio, nós aportamos em uma pequena ilha e estamos yeyando nossa longa aventura mercante rumo à cidade de Artis.#1

You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you!

You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you!

You're right, it's about Julia.
Você tem razão, é sobre Julia.

You're right, it's about you.
Você tem razão, é sobre você.

You're welcome. If you can't remember something, just come back here!

You... You eat... rattos? I think you're just a fool.

You? Here?
Você? Aqui?

Your hands are too weak, you didn't open the @@.
Suas mãos estão muito fracas, você não conseguiu abrir o(a) @@.

Your position has been saved.
Sua posição foi salva.


a ground!
um terreno!

a quiet place,
um lugar quieto,