AntumDeluge/manaplusAdvanced game client for tmwAthena and Evol2 servers.22 months
CR/clientdata8 weeks
CR/serverdata9 months
CR/toolsmerge-*.py tools are the heart of Crossroads.9 months
Hello/clientdataThe Mana World client data.2 weeks
Hello/serverdataThe Mana World server data, used by tmwAthena.14 days
Hello/tmwaThe server running The Mana World Legacy. All new projects should use Hercules instead. See the "evol-hercules" repo.13 days
HoraK-FDF/clientdataDEPRECATED: The data used by the ManaPlus client for the tmwAthena server used by The Mana World Legacy. All further development will take place in the "client-data" repo.2 days
HoraK-FDF/mvAdvanced game client for tmwAthena and Evol2 servers.8 weeks
HoraK-FDF/plusAdvanced game client for tmwAthena and Evol2 servers.2 days
HoraK-FDF/serverdataDEPRECATED: The server data developed for the tmwAthena server used by The Mana World Legacy. All further development will take place in the "server-data" repo.35 hours
HoraK-FDF/tmwaDEPRECATED: The server running The Mana World Legacy. All new projects should use Hercules instead. See the "evol-hercules" repo.30 hours
HoraK-FDF/toolsDEPRECATED: Various tools for working with The Mana World Legacy's content. Superseded by "evol-tools".5 months
MerlinX420/the-mana-world-merlins-collection18 months
NetSysFire/clientdataTMW2 Client data19 months
NetSysFire/doodlesrandom unused doodles, can be reused and are probably useful in some way16 months
NetSysFire/serverdataTMW2 Server data14 months
TotalBlank/serverdataTMW2 Server data13 months
Wellvin/clientdataDEPRECATED: The data used by the ManaPlus client for the tmwAthena server used by The Mana World Legacy. All further development will take place in the "client-data" repo.6 weeks
WildX/policieslegal documents for The Mana World15 months
WildX/serverdataDEPRECATED: The server data developed for the tmwAthena server used by The Mana World Legacy. All further development will take place in the "server-data" repo.17 months
aard/nightlies6 min.
ajnobaka/clientdataDEPRECATED: The data used by the ManaPlus client for the tmwAthena server used by The Mana World Legacy. All further development will take place in the "client-data" repo.3 months
ajnobaka/musicThe music used by The Mana World client for the tmwAthena server.12 months
ajnobaka/serverdataDEPRECATED: The server data developed for the tmwAthena server used by The Mana World Legacy. All further development will take place in the "server-data" repo.3 months
ajnobaka/tmwaDEPRECATED: The server running The Mana World Legacy. All new projects should use Hercules instead. See the "evol-hercules" repo.3 months
bjorn/tmwaThe server currently running The Mana World3 months
cuoco/clientdataDEPRECATED: The data used by the ManaPlus client for the tmwAthena server used by The Mana World Legacy. All further development will take place in the "client-data" repo.22 months
cuoco/plusAdvanced game client for tmwAthena and Evol2 servers.11 months
cuoco/serverdataDEPRECATED: The server data developed for the tmwAthena server used by The Mana World Legacy. All further development will take place in the "server-data" repo.12 months
evol/clientdataThe Mana World client-side assets3 years
evol/evol-alldevelopment environment that combines all TMW repos with the aid of some glue and duct tape3 years
evol/evol-herculesEvol plugin for TMW Hercules3 years
evol/evol-mediaThe Mana World misc raw media files4 years
evol/evol-musicMusic tracks used by The Mana World3 years
evol/evol-narrativeThings related to storyline and lore design of The Mana World4 years
evol/evol-toolsThe Mana World toolkit3 years
evol/herculesThe Mana World fork of Hercules. This is vanilla Hercules with a few tiny modifications for our specific needs. Mutually-beneficial modifications are contributed upstream.3 years
evol/serverdataThe Mana World server-side game data3 years
evolved/allAll-In-One repository22 months
evolved/clientdata6 days
evolved/evol-herculesContains the Plugin Code Mod at will! o/16 months
evolved/herculesMessworld Server Code (Hercules v2020.07.26 with minor edits; Please avoid breaking changes so it can be rebased)2 years
evolved/serverdataThe Mana World - Evolved min.
evolved/tools14 months
ewewukek/ManaOriginal The Mana World client, now known as simply the Mana client.3 weeks
ewewukek/ManaVerseAdvanced game client for tmwAthena and Evol2 servers.11 days
ewewukek/mplintManaPlus linter6 weeks
jak1/docker-windows-builder22 months
jak1/messworld-tools22 months