* The Mana Server
* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 The Mana World Development Team
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 The Mana Developers
* This file is part of The Mana Server.
* The Mana Server is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* any later version.
* The Mana Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with The Mana Server. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <cassert>
#include "common/defines.h"
#include "common/resourcemanager.h"
#include "game-server/abilitycomponent.h"
#include "game-server/accountconnection.h"
#include "game-server/being.h"
#include "game-server/buysell.h"
#include "game-server/charactercomponent.h"
#include "game-server/collisiondetection.h"
#include "game-server/effect.h"
#include "game-server/gamehandler.h"
#include "game-server/inventory.h"
#include "game-server/item.h"
#include "game-server/itemmanager.h"
#include "game-server/map.h"
#include "game-server/mapcomposite.h"
#include "game-server/mapmanager.h"
#include "game-server/monster.h"
#include "game-server/monstermanager.h"
#include "game-server/npc.h"
#include "game-server/postman.h"
#include "game-server/quest.h"
#include "game-server/state.h"
#include "game-server/statuseffect.h"
#include "game-server/statusmanager.h"
#include "game-server/triggerareacomponent.h"
#include "net/messageout.h"
#include "scripting/luautil.h"
#include "scripting/luascript.h"
#include "scripting/scriptmanager.h"
#include "utils/logger.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
* This file includes all script bindings available to LUA scripts.
* When you add or change a script binding please run the update script in the
* docs repository!
* http://doc.manasource.org/scripting
/** LUA_CATEGORY Callbacks (callbacks)
* **Note:** You can only assign a **single** function as callback.
* When setting a new function the old one will not be called anymore.
* Some of this callbacks are already used for the libmana.lua. Be careful when
* using those since they will most likely break your code in other places.
/** LUA on_update_derived_attribute (callbacks)
* on_update_derived_attribute(function ref)
* Will call the function `ref` when an attribute changed and other attributes
* need recalculation. The function is expected to recalculate those then.
* **See:** [attributes.xml](attributes.xml.html) for more info.
static int on_update_derived_attribute(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA on_recalculate_base_attribute (callbacks)
* on_recalculate_base_attribute(function ref)
* Will call the function `ref` when an attribute base needs to be recalculated.
* The function is expected to do this recalculation then. The engine only
* triggers this for characters. However you can use the same function for
* recalculating derived attributes in the
* [on_update_derived_attribute](scripting.html#on_update_derived_attribute) callback.
* **See:** [attributes.xml](attributes.xml.html) for more info.
static int on_recalculate_base_attribute(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA on_character_death (callbacks)
* on_character_death(function ref)
* Sets a listener function to the character death event.
static int on_character_death(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA on_character_death_accept (callbacks)
* on_character_death_accept(function ref)
* Will make sure that the function `ref` gets called with the character
* as argument as soon a character either pressed the ok dialouge in the death
* message or left the game while being dead.
static int on_character_death_accept(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA on_character_login (callbacks)
* on_character_login(function ref)
* Will make sure that function `ref` gets called with the character
* as argument as soon a character logged in.
static int on_character_login(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA on_being_death (callbacks)
* on_being_death(function ref)
* Will make sure that the function `ref` gets called with the being
* as argument as soon a being dies.
static int on_being_death(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA on_entity_remove (callbacks)
* on_entity_remove(function ref)
* Will make sure that the function `ref` gets called with the being
* as argument as soon a being gets removed from a map.
static int on_entity_remove(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA on_update (callbacks)
* on_update(function ref)
* Will make sure that the function `ref` gets called every game tick.
static int on_update(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA on_create_npc_delayed (callbacks)
* on_create_npc_delayed(function ref)
* Will make sure that the function `ref` gets called with the
* name, id, gender, x and y values as arguments of the npc when a npc should
* be created at map init (Npcs defined directly in the map files use this).
static int on_create_npc_delayed(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA on_map_initialize (callbacks)
* on_map_initialize(function ref)
* Will make sure that the function `ref` gets called with the initialized
* map as current map when the map is initialized.
static int on_map_initialize(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA on_craft (callbacks)
* on_craft(function ref)
* Will make sure that the function `ref` gets called with the crafting
* character and a table with the recipes {(id, amount}) when a character
* performs crafting.
static int on_craft(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA on_mapupdate (callbacks)
* on_mapupdate(function ref)
* Will make sure that the function `ref` gets called with the map id
* as argument for each game tick and map.
static int on_mapupdate(lua_State *s)
luaL_checktype(s, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Creation and removal of stuff (creation)
/** LUA npc_create (creation)
* npc_create(string name, int spriteID, int gender, int x, int y,
* function talkfunct, function updatefunct)
* **Return value:** A handle to the created NPC.
* Creates a new NPC with the name `name` at the coordinates `x`:`y`
* which appears to the players with the appearence listed in their npcs.xml
* under `spriteID` and the gender `gender`. Every game tick the function
* `updatefunct` is called with the handle of the NPC. When a character talks
* to the NPC the function `talkfunct` is called with the NPC handle and the
* character handle.
* For setting the gender you can use the constants defined in the
* libmana-constants.lua:
* | 0 | GENDER_MALE |
static int npc_create(lua_State *s)
const char *name = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
const int id = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
const int gender = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
const int x = luaL_checkint(s, 4);
const int y = luaL_checkint(s, 5);
if (!lua_isnoneornil(s, 6))
luaL_checktype(s, 6, LUA_TFUNCTION);
if (!lua_isnoneornil(s, 7))
luaL_checktype(s, 7, LUA_TFUNCTION);
MapComposite *m = checkCurrentMap(s);
auto npcComponent = new NpcComponent(id);
auto npc = new Entity(OBJECT_NPC);
auto *actorComponent = new ActorComponent(*npc);
auto *beingComponent = new BeingComponent(*npc);
// some health so it doesn't spawn dead
auto *maxHpAttribute = attributeManager->getAttributeInfo(ATTR_MAX_HP);
beingComponent->setAttribute(*npc, maxHpAttribute, 100);
auto *hpAttribute = attributeManager->getAttributeInfo(ATTR_HP);
beingComponent->setAttribute(*npc, hpAttribute, 100);
actorComponent->setWalkMask(Map::BLOCKMASK_WALL | Map::BLOCKMASK_MONSTER |
actorComponent->setPosition(*npc, Point(x, y));
if (lua_isfunction(s, 6))
lua_pushvalue(s, 6);
npcComponent->setTalkCallback(luaL_ref(s, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX));
if (lua_isfunction(s, 7))
lua_pushvalue(s, 7);
npcComponent->setUpdateCallback(luaL_ref(s, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX));
push(s, npc);
return 1;
/** LUA npc_enable (creation)
* npc_disable(handle npc)
* Re-enables an NPC that got disabled before.
static int npc_enable(lua_State *s)
Entity *npc = checkNpc(s, 1);
return 0;
/** LUA npc_disable (creation)
* npc_disable(handle npc)
* Disable an NPC.
static int npc_disable(lua_State *s)
Entity *npc = checkNpc(s, 1);
return 0;
/** LUA monster_create (creation)
* monster_create(int monsterID, int x, int y)
* monster_create(string monstername, int x, int y)
* **Return value:** A handle to the created monster.
* Spawns a new monster of type `monsterID` or `monstername` on the current
* map on the pixel coordinates `x`:`y`.
static int monster_create(lua_State *s)
MonsterClass *monsterClass = checkMonsterClass(s, 1);
const int x = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
const int y = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
MapComposite *m = checkCurrentMap(s);
auto monster = new Entity(OBJECT_MONSTER);
auto *actorComponent = new ActorComponent(*monster);
monster->addComponent(new BeingComponent(*monster));
monster->addComponent(new MonsterComponent(*monster, monsterClass));
actorComponent->setPosition(*monster, Point(x, y));
push(s, monster);
return 1;
/** LUA entity:remove (creation)
* entity:remove()
* Removes the entity from its current map.
static int entity_remove(lua_State *s)
GameState::remove(LuaEntity::check(s, 1));
return 0;
/** LUA trigger_create (creation)
* trigger_create(int x, int y, int width, int height,
* function trigger_function, int arg, bool once)
* Creates a new trigger area with the given `height` and `width` in pixels
* at the map position `x`:`y` in pixels. When a being steps into this area
* the function `trigger_function` is called with the being handle and
* `arg` as arguments. When `once` is false the function is called every
* game tick the being is inside the area. When `once` is true it is only
* called again when the being leaves and reenters the area.
static int trigger_create(lua_State *s)
const int x = luaL_checkint(s, 1);
const int y = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
const int width = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
const int height = luaL_checkint(s, 4);
luaL_checktype(s, 5, LUA_TFUNCTION);
const int id = luaL_checkint(s, 6);
if (!lua_isboolean(s, 7))
luaL_error(s, "trigger_create called with incorrect parameters.");
return 0;
Script *script = getScript(s);
MapComposite *m = checkCurrentMap(s, script);
const bool once = lua_toboolean(s, 7);
Script::Ref function;
lua_pushvalue(s, 5);
lua_pop(s, 1);
auto triggerEntity = new Entity(OBJECT_OTHER, m);
auto action = new ScriptAction(script, function, id);
Rectangle r = { x, y, width, height };
auto area = new TriggerAreaComponent(r, action, once);
LOG_INFO("Created script trigger at " << x << "," << y
<< " (" << width << "x" << height << ") id: " << id);
bool ret = GameState::insertOrDelete(triggerEntity);
lua_pushboolean(s, ret);
return 1;
/** LUA effect_create (creation)
* effect_create(int id, int x, int y)
* effect_create(int id, being b)
* Triggers the effect `id` from the clients effects.xml
* (particle and/or sound) at map location `x`:`y` or on being `b`.
* This has no effect on gameplay.
* **Warning:** Remember that clients might switch off particle effects for
* performance reasons. Thus you should not use this for important visual
* input.
static int effect_create(lua_State *s)
const int id = luaL_checkint(s, 1);
if (lua_isuserdata(s, 2))
// being mode
Entity *b = checkBeing(s, 2);
Effects::show(id, b);
// positional mode
int x = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
int y = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
MapComposite *m = checkCurrentMap(s);
Effects::show(id, m, Point(x, y));
return 0;
/** LUA drop_item (creation)
* drop_item(int x, int y, int id [, int number])
* drop_item(int x, int y, string name[, int number])
* Creates an item stack on the floor.
static int item_drop(lua_State *s)
const int x = luaL_checkint(s, 1);
const int y = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
ItemClass *ic = checkItemClass(s, 3);
const int number = luaL_optint(s, 4, 1);
MapComposite *map = checkCurrentMap(s);
Entity *item = Item::create(map, Point(x, y), ic, number);
return 0;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Input and output (input)
/** LUA say (input)
* say(string message)
* **Warning:** May only be called from an NPC talk function.
* Shows an NPC dialog box on the screen of displaying the string `message`.
* Idles the current thread until the user click "OK".
static int say(lua_State *s)
const char *m = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
Script::Thread *thread = checkCurrentThread(s);
Entity *npc = thread->getContext().npc;
Entity *character = thread->getContext().character;
if (!(npc && character))
luaL_error(s, "not in npc conversation");
MessageOut msg(GPMSG_NPC_MESSAGE);
gameHandler->sendTo(character, msg);
thread->mState = Script::ThreadPaused;
return lua_yield(s, 0);
/** LUA ask (input)
* ask(item1, item2, ... itemN)
* **Return value:** Number of the option the player selected (starting with 1).
* **Warning:** May only be called from an NPC talk function.
* Shows an NPC dialog box on the users screen with a number of dialog options
* to choose from. Idles the current thread until the user selects one or
* aborts the current thread when the user clicks "cancel".
* Items are either strings or tables of strings (indices are ignored,
* but presumed to be taken in order). So,
* `ask("A", {"B", "C", "D"}, "E")` is the same as
* `ask("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")`.
static int ask(lua_State *s)
Script::Thread *thread = checkCurrentThread(s);
Entity *npc = thread->getContext().npc;
Entity *character = thread->getContext().character;
if (!(npc && character))
luaL_error(s, "not in npc conversation");
MessageOut msg(GPMSG_NPC_CHOICE);
for (int i = 1, i_end = lua_gettop(s); i <= i_end; ++i)
if (lua_isstring(s, i))
msg.writeString(lua_tostring(s, i));
else if (lua_istable(s, i))
while (lua_next(s, i) != 0)
if (lua_isstring(s, -1))
msg.writeString(lua_tostring(s, -1));
luaL_error(s, "ask called with incorrect parameters.");
return 0;
lua_pop(s, 1);
luaL_error(s, "ask called with incorrect parameters.");
return 0;
gameHandler->sendTo(character, msg);
thread->mState = Script::ThreadExpectingNumber;
return lua_yield(s, 0);
/** LUA ask_number (input)
* ask_number(min_num, max_num, [default_num])
* **Return value:** The number the player entered into the field.
* **Warning:** May only be called from an NPC talk function.
* Shows a dialog box to the user which allows him to choose a number between
* `min_num` and `max_num`. If `default_num` is set this number will be
* uses as default. Otherwise `min_num` will be the default.
static int ask_number(lua_State *s)
int min = luaL_checkint(s, 1);
int max = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
int defaultValue = luaL_optint(s, 3, min);
Script::Thread *thread = checkCurrentThread(s);
Entity *npc = thread->getContext().npc;
Entity *character = thread->getContext().character;
if (!(npc && character))
luaL_error(s, "not in npc conversation");
MessageOut msg(GPMSG_NPC_NUMBER);
gameHandler->sendTo(character, msg);
thread->mState = Script::ThreadExpectingNumber;
return lua_yield(s, 0);
/** LUA ask_string (input)
* ask_string()
* **Return value:** The string the player entered.
* **Warning:** May only be called from an NPC talk function.
* Shows a dialog box to a user which allows him to enter a text.
static int ask_string(lua_State *s)
Script::Thread *thread = checkCurrentThread(s);
Entity *npc = thread->getContext().npc;
Entity *character = thread->getContext().character;
if (!(npc && character))
luaL_error(s, "not in npc conversation");
MessageOut msg(GPMSG_NPC_STRING);
gameHandler->sendTo(character, msg);
thread->mState = Script::ThreadExpectingString;
return lua_yield(s, 0);
/** LUA npc_post (input)
* npc_post()
* Starts retrieving post. Better not try to use it so far.
static int npc_post(lua_State *s)
const Script::Context *context = getScript(s)->getContext();
Entity *npc = context->npc;
Entity *character = context->character;
MessageOut msg(GPMSG_NPC_POST);
gameHandler->sendTo(character, msg);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:say (input)
* entity:say(string message)
* Makes this entity (which can be a character, monster or NPC), speak the
* string `message` as if it was entered by a player in the chat bar.
static int entity_say(lua_State *s)
Entity *actor = checkActor(s, 1);
const char *message = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
GameState::sayAround(actor, message);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:message (input)
* entity:message(string message)
* Delivers the string `message` to this entity (which needs to be a
* character). It will appear in the chatlog as a private message from
* "Server".
static int entity_message(lua_State *s)
Entity *character = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const char *message = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
GameState::sayTo(character, nullptr, message);
return 0;
/** LUA announce (input)
* announce(string message [, string sender])
* Sends a global announce with the given `message` and `sender`. If no
* `sender` is passed "Server" will be used as sender.
static int announce(lua_State *s)
const char *message = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
const char *sender = luaL_optstring(s, 2, "Server");
MessageOut msg(GAMSG_ANNOUNCE);
msg.writeInt16(0); // Announce from server so id = 0
return 0;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Inventory interaction (inventory)
/** LUA trade (inventory)
* trade(bool mode,
* { int item1id, int item1amount, int item1cost }, ...,
* { int itemNid, int itemNamount, int itemNcost })
* trade(bool mode,
* { string item1name, int item1amount, int item1cost }, ...,
* { string itemNname, int itemNamount, int itemNcost })
* FIXME: Move into a seperate file
* Opens a trade window from an NPC conversation. `mode`
* is true for selling and false for buying. You have to set each items the NPC
* is buying/selling, the cost and the maximum amount in {}.
* **Note:** If the fourth parameters (table type) is omitted or invalid, and
* the mode set to sell (true),
* the whole player inventory is then sellable.
* **N.B.:** Be sure to put a `value` (item cost) parameter in your items.xml
* to permit the player to sell it when using this option.
* **Return values:**
* * **0** when a trade has been started
* * **1** when there is no buy/sellable items
* * **2** in case of errors.
* **Examples:**
* {% highlight lua %}
* -- "A buy sample."
* local buycase = trade(false, {
* {"Sword", 10, 20},
* {"Bow", 10, 30},
* {"Dagger", 10, 50}
* })
* if buycase == 0 then
* say("What do you want to buy?")
* elseif buycase == 1 then
* say("I've got no items to sell.")
* else
* say("Hmm, something went wrong... Ask a scripter to
* fix the buying mode!")
* end
* -- ...
* -- "Example: Let the player sell only pre-determined items."
* local sellcase = trade(true, {
* {"Sword", 10, 20},
* {"Bow", 10, 30},
* {"Dagger", 10, 200},
* {"Knife", 10, 300},
* {"Arrow", 10, 500},
* {"Cactus Drink", 10, 25}
* })
* if sellcase == 0 then
* say("Here we go:")
* elseif sellcase == 1 then
* say("I'm not interested by your items.")
* else
* say("Hmm, something went wrong...")
* say("Ask a scripter to fix me!")
* end
* -- ...
* -- "Example: Let the player sell every item with a 'value' parameter in
* the server's items.xml file
* local sellcase = trade(true)
* if sellcase == 0 then
* say("Ok, what do you want to sell:")
* elseif sellcase == 1 then
* say("I'm not interested by any of your items.")
* else
* say("Hmm, something went wrong...")
* say("Ask a scripter to fix me!")
* end
* {% endhighlight %}
static int trade(lua_State *s)
const Script::Context *context = getScript(s)->getContext();
Entity *npc = context->npc;
Entity *character = context->character;
luaL_argcheck(s, lua_isboolean(s, 1), 1, "boolean expected");
bool sellMode = lua_toboolean(s, 1);
auto t = new BuySell(character, sellMode);
if (!lua_istable(s, 2))
if (sellMode)
// Can sell everything
if (!t->registerPlayerItems())
// No items to sell in player inventory
lua_pushinteger(s, 1);
return 1;
if (t->start(npc))
lua_pushinteger(s, 0);
return 1;
lua_pushinteger(s, 1);
return 1;
raiseWarning(s, "trade[Buy] called with invalid "
"or empty items table parameter.");
lua_pushinteger(s, 2);
return 1;
int nbItems = 0;
while (lua_next(s, 2))
if (!lua_istable(s, -1))
raiseWarning(s, "trade called with invalid "
"or empty items table parameter.");
lua_pushinteger(s, 2);
return 1;
int v[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
lua_rawgeti(s, -1, i + 1);
if (i == 0) // item id or name
ItemClass *it = getItemClass(s, -1);
if (!it)
raiseWarning(s, "trade called with incorrect "
"item id or name.");
lua_pushinteger(s, 2);
return 1;
v[0] = it->getDatabaseID();
else if (!lua_isnumber(s, -1))
raiseWarning(s, "trade called with incorrect parameters "
"in item table.");
lua_pushinteger(s, 2);
return 1;
v[i] = lua_tointeger(s, -1);
lua_pop(s, 1);
if (t->registerItem(v[0], v[1], v[2]))
lua_pop(s, 1);
if (nbItems == 0)
lua_pushinteger(s, 1);
return 1;
if (t->start(npc))
lua_pushinteger(s, 0);
return 1;
lua_pushinteger(s, 1);
return 1;
/** LUA entity:inv_count (inventory)
* entity:inv_count(int id1, ..., int idN)
* entity:inv_count(string name1, ..., string nameN)
* Valid only for character entities.
* **Return values:** A number of integers with the amount of items `id` or
* `name` carried or equipped by the character.
static int entity_inv_count(lua_State *s)
Entity *q = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const int itemCount = lua_gettop(s) - 1;
Inventory inv(q);
for (int i = 2; i < itemCount + 2; ++i)
const ItemClass *it = checkItemClass(s, i);
lua_pushinteger(s, inv.count(it->getDatabaseID()));
return itemCount;
/** LUA entity:inv_change (inventory)
* entity:inv_change(int id1, int number1, ..., int idN, numberN)
* entity:inv_change(string name1, int number1, ..., string nameN, numberN)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Changes the number of items with the item ID `id` or `name` owned by
* this character by `number`. You can change any number of items with this
* function by passing multiple `id` or `name` and `number` pairs.
* A failure can be caused by trying to take items the character doesn't possess.
* **Return value:** Boolean true on success, boolean false on failure.
* **Warning:** When one of the operations fails the following operations are
* ignored but these before are executed. For that reason you should always
* check if the character possesses items you are taking away using
* entity:inv_count.
static int entity_inv_change(lua_State *s)
Entity *q = checkCharacter(s, 1);
int nb_items = (lua_gettop(s) - 1) / 2;
Inventory inv(q);
for (int i = 0; i < nb_items; ++i)
if (!lua_isnumber(s, i * 2 + 3))
luaL_error(s, "inv_change called with "
"incorrect parameters.");
return 0;
int nb = lua_tointeger(s, i * 2 + 3);
ItemClass *ic = checkItemClass(s, i * 2 + 2);
int id = ic->getDatabaseID();
if (nb < 0)
// Removing too much item is a success as for the scripter's
// point of view. We log it anyway.
nb = inv.remove(id, -nb);
if (nb)
LOG_WARN("inv_change removed more items than owned: "
<< "character: "
<< q->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->getName()
<< " item id: " << id);
nb = inv.insert(id, nb);
if (nb)
const Point &position =
Entity *item = Item::create(q->getMap(), position, ic, nb);
lua_pushboolean(s, 1);
return 1;
/** LUA entity:inventory (inventory)
* entity:inventory(): table[]{slot, item id, name, amount, equipped}
* Valid only for character entities.
* Used to get a full view of a character's inventory.
* This is not the preferred way to know whether an item is in the character's
* inventory:
* Use entity:inv_count for simple cases.
* **Return value:** A table containing all the info about the character's
* inventory. Empty slots are not listed.
* **Example of use:**
* {% highlight lua %}
* local inventory_table = ch:inventory()
* for i = 1, #inventory_table do
* item_message = item_message.."\n"..inventory_table[i].slot..", "
* ..inventory_table[i].id..", "..inventory_table[i].name..", "
* ..inventory_table[i].amount
* end
* {% endhighlight %}
static int entity_get_inventory(lua_State *s)
Entity *q = checkCharacter(s, 1);
// Create a lua table with the inventory ids.
const InventoryData invData = q->getComponent<CharacterComponent>()
int firstTableStackPosition = lua_gettop(s);
int tableIndex = 1;
for (const auto &it : invData)
if (!it.second.itemId || !it.second.amount)
// Create the sub-table (value of the main one)
lua_createtable(s, 0, 4);
int subTableStackPosition = lua_gettop(s);
// Stores the item info in it.
lua_pushliteral(s, "slot");
lua_pushinteger(s, it.first); // The slot id
lua_settable(s, subTableStackPosition);
lua_pushliteral(s, "id");
lua_pushinteger(s, it.second.itemId);
lua_settable(s, subTableStackPosition);
lua_pushliteral(s, "name");
push(s, itemManager->getItem(it.second.itemId)->getName());
lua_settable(s, subTableStackPosition);
lua_pushliteral(s, "amount");
lua_pushinteger(s, it.second.amount);
lua_settable(s, subTableStackPosition);
lua_pushliteral(s, "equipped");
lua_pushboolean(s, it.second.equipmentSlot != 0);
lua_settable(s, subTableStackPosition);
// Add the sub-table as value of the main one.
lua_rawseti(s, firstTableStackPosition, tableIndex);
return 1;
/** LUA entity:equipment (inventory)
* entity:equipment(): table[](slot, item id, name)}
* Valid only for character entities.
* Used to get a full view of a character's equipment.
* This is not the preferred way to know whether an item is equipped:
* Use entity:inv_count for simple cases.
* **Return value:** A table containing all the info about the character's
* equipment. Empty slots are not listed.
* **Example of use:**
* {% highlight lua %}
* local equipment_table = ch:equipment()
* for i = 1, #equipment_table do
* item_message = item_message.."\n"..equipment_table[i].slot..", "
* ..equipment_table[i].id..", "..equipment_table[i].name
* end
* {% endhighlight %}
static int entity_get_equipment(lua_State *s)
Entity *q = checkCharacter(s, 1);
// Create a lua table with the inventory ids.
auto *characterComponent = q->getComponent<CharacterComponent>();
const InventoryData inventoryData =
const EquipData equipData =
int firstTableStackPosition = lua_gettop(s);
int tableIndex = 1;
for (int it : equipData)
auto itemIt = inventoryData.find(it);
const InventoryItem &item = itemIt->second;
// Create the sub-table (value of the main one)
lua_createtable(s, 0, 3);
int subTableStackPosition = lua_gettop(s);
// Stores the item info in it.
lua_pushliteral(s, "slot");
lua_pushinteger(s, item.slot); // The slot id
lua_settable(s, subTableStackPosition);
lua_pushliteral(s, "id");
lua_pushinteger(s, item.itemId);
lua_settable(s, subTableStackPosition);
lua_pushliteral(s, "name");
push(s, itemManager->getItem(item.itemId)->getName());
lua_settable(s, subTableStackPosition);
// Add the sub-table as value of the main one.
lua_rawseti(s, firstTableStackPosition, tableIndex);
return 1;
/** LUA entity:equip_slot (inventory)
* entity:equip_slot(int slot)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Makes the character equip the item in the given inventory slot.
static int entity_equip_slot(lua_State *s)
Entity *ch = checkCharacter(s, 1);
int inventorySlot = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
Inventory inv(ch);
lua_pushboolean(s, inv.equip(inventorySlot));
return 1;
/** LUA entity:equip_item (inventory)
* entity:equip_item(int item_id)
* entity:equip_item(string item_name)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Makes the character equip the item id when it exists in the player's
* inventory.
* **Return value:** true if equipping suceeded. false otherwise.
static int entity_equip_item(lua_State *s)
Entity *ch = checkCharacter(s, 1);
ItemClass *it = checkItemClass(s, 2);
Inventory inv(ch);
int inventorySlot = inv.getFirstSlot(it->getDatabaseID());
bool success = false;
if (inventorySlot > -1)
success = inv.equip(inventorySlot);
lua_pushboolean(s, success);
return 1;
/** LUA entity:unequip_slot (inventory)
* entity:unequip_slot(int slot)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Makes the character unequip the item in the given equipment slot.
* **Return value:** true upon success. false otherwise.
static int entity_unequip_slot(lua_State *s)
Entity *ch = checkCharacter(s, 1);
int equipmentSlot = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
Inventory inv(ch);
lua_pushboolean(s, inv.unequip(equipmentSlot));
return 1;
/** LUA entity:unequip_item (inventory)
* entity:unequip_item(int item_id)
* entity:unequip_item(string item_name)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Makes the character unequip the item(s) corresponding to the id when it
* exists in the player's equipment.
* **Return value:** true when every item were unequipped from equipment.
static int entity_unequip_item(lua_State *s)
Entity *ch = checkCharacter(s, 1);
ItemClass *it = checkItemClass(s, 2);
Inventory inv(ch);
lua_pushboolean(s, inv.unequipAll(it->getDatabaseID()));
return 1;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Character and being interaction (being)
/** LUA chr_get_quest (being)
* chr_get_quest(handle character, string name)
* **Return value:** The quest variable named `name` for the given character.
* **Warning:** May only be called from an NPC talk function.
static int chr_get_quest(lua_State *s)
Entity *q = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const char *name = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
luaL_argcheck(s, name[0] != 0, 2, "empty variable name");
Script::Thread *thread = checkCurrentThread(s);
std::string value;
bool res = getQuestVar(q, name, value);
if (res)
push(s, value);
return 1;
QuestCallback *f = new QuestThreadCallback(&LuaScript::getQuestCallback,
recoverQuestVar(q, name, f);
thread->mState = Script::ThreadExpectingString;
return lua_yield(s, 0);
/** LUA chr_set_quest (being)
* chr_set_quest(handle character, string name, string value)
* Sets the quest variable named `name` for the given character to the value
* `value`.
static int chr_set_quest(lua_State *s)
Entity *q = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const char *name = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
const char *value = luaL_checkstring(s, 3);
luaL_argcheck(s, name[0] != 0, 2, "empty variable name");
setQuestVar(q, name, value);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:set_ability_mana (being)
* entity:set_ability_cooldown(int abilityid, int ticks)
* entity:set_ability_cooldown(string abilityname, int ticks)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Sets the amout of ticks that a ability needs to cooldown.
* **Note:** When passing the `abilitynam` as parameter make sure that it is
* formatted in this way: <setname>/<abilityname> (for eg. "Magic_Healingspell").
static int entity_set_ability_cooldown(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
auto *abilityInfo = checkAbility(s, 2);
const int ticks = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
c->getComponent<AbilityComponent>()->setAbilityCooldown(abilityInfo->id, ticks);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:ability_mana (being)
* entity:ability_mana(int abilityid)
* entity:ability_mana(string abilityname)
* **Return value:** The remaining time of the ability cooldown.
* **Note:** When passing the `abilityname` as parameter make sure that it is
* formatted in this way: <setname>/<abilityname> (for eg. "Magic_Healingspell").
static int entity_get_ability_cooldown(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
auto *abilityComponent = c->getComponent<AbilityComponent>();
auto *abilityInfo = checkAbility(s, 2);
lua_pushinteger(s, abilityComponent->abilityCooldown(abilityInfo->id));
return 1;
/** LUA entity:set_global_ability_cooldown (being)
* entity:set_global_ability_cooldown(int ticks)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Sets the amount of ticks before any other ability can be used again
static int entity_set_global_ability_cooldown(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const int ticks = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:global_ability_cooldown (being)
* entity:global_ability_cooldown()
* Valid only for character entities.
* Gets the amount of ticks before any other ability can be used again
static int entity_get_global_ability_cooldown(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
lua_pushinteger(s, c->getComponent<AbilityComponent>()->globalCooldown());
return 1;
/** LUA entity:walk (being)
* entity:walk(int pixelX, int pixelY [, int walkSpeed])
* Valid only for being entities.
* Set the desired destination in pixels for the being.
* The optional **'WalkSpeed'** is to be given in tiles per second. The average
* speed is 6.0 tiles per second. If no speed is given the default speed of the
* being is used.
static int entity_walk(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
const int x = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
const int y = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
auto *beingComponent = being->getComponent<BeingComponent>();
beingComponent->setDestination(*being, Point(x, y));
if (lua_gettop(s) >= 4)
const double speedTps = luaL_checknumber(s, 4);
auto *tpsSpeedAttribute = attributeManager->getAttributeInfo(ATTR_MOVE_SPEED_TPS);
beingComponent->setAttribute(*being, tpsSpeedAttribute, speedTps);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:destination (being)
* local x, y = entity:destination()
* Valid only for being entities.
* **Return value:** The x and y coordinates of the destination.
static int entity_destination(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
auto *beingComponent = being->getComponent<BeingComponent>();
const Point &point = beingComponent->getDestination();
lua_pushinteger(s, point.x);
lua_pushinteger(s, point.y);
return 2;
/** LUA entity:entity_look_at (being)
* local x, y = entity:entity_look_at(entity other)
* local x, y = entity:entity_look_at(int x, int y)
* Valid only for being entities.
* Makes the being looking at another being or a point.
static int entity_look_at(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
auto &ownPosition = being->getComponent<ActorComponent>()->getPosition();
Point otherPoint;
if (lua_gettop(s) > 2)
otherPoint.x = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
otherPoint.y = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
Entity *other = checkBeing(s, 2);
otherPoint = other->getComponent<ActorComponent>()->getPosition();
being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->updateDirection(*being, ownPosition,
return 0;
/** LUA entity:heal (being)
* entity:heal([int value])
* Valid only for being entities.
* Restores `value` lost hit points to the being. Value can be omitted to
* restore the being to full hit points.
* While you can (ab)use this function to hurt a being by using a negative
* value you should rather use entity:damage for this purpose.
static int entity_heal(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
if (lua_gettop(s) == 1) // when there is only one argument
being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->heal(*being, luaL_checkint(s, 2));
return 0;
/** LUA entity:name (being)
* entity:name()
* Valid only for being entities.
* **Return value:** Name of the being.
static int entity_get_name(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
push(s, being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->getName());
return 1;
/** LUA entity:type (being)
* entity:type()
* **Return value:** Type of the given entity. These type constants are defined
* in libmana-constants.lua:
* | 0 | TYPE_ITEM |
* | 1 | TYPE_ACTOR |
* | 2 | TYPE_NPC |
* | 3 | TYPE_MONSTER |
* | 5 | TYPE_EFFECT |
* | 6 | TYPE_OTHER |
static int entity_get_type(lua_State *s)
Entity *entity = LuaEntity::check(s, 1);
lua_pushinteger(s, entity->getType());
return 1;
/** LUA entity:action (being)
* entity:action()
* Valid only for being entities.
* **Return value:** Current action of the being. These action constants are
* defined in libmana-constants.lua:
* | 0 | ACTION_STAND |
* | 1 | ACTION_WALK |
* | 2 | ACTION_SIT |
* | 3 | ACTION_DEAD |
* | 4 | ACTION_HURT |
static int entity_get_action(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
lua_pushinteger(s, being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->getAction());
return 1;
/** LUA entity:set_action (being)
* entity:set_action(int action)
* Valid only for being entities.
* Sets the current action for the being.
static int entity_set_action(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
auto act = static_cast<BeingAction>(luaL_checkint(s, 2));
being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->setAction(*being, act);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:direction (being)
* entity:direction()
* Valid only for being entities.
* **Return value:** Current direction of the being. These direction constants
* are defined in libmana-constants.lua:
* | 1 | DIRECTION_UP |
static int entity_get_direction(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
lua_pushinteger(s, being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->getDirection());
return 1;
/** LUA entity:set_direction (being)
* entity:set_direction(int direction)
* Valid only for being entities.
* Sets the current direction of the given being. Directions are same as in
* `entity:direction`.
static int entity_set_direction(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
auto dir = static_cast<BeingDirection>(luaL_checkint(s, 2));
being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->setDirection(*being, dir);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:set_walkmask (being)
* entity:set_walkmask(string mask)
* Valid only for actor entities.
* Sets the walkmasks of an actor. The mask is a set of characters which stand
* for different collision types.
* | w | Wall |
* | c | Character |
* | m | Monster |
* This means entity:set_walkmask("wm") will prevent the being from walking
* over walls and monsters.
static int entity_set_walkmask(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkActor(s, 1);
unsigned char walkmask = checkWalkMask(s, 2);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:walkmask (being)
* entity:walkmask()
* Valid only for actor entities.
* **Return value:** The walkmask of the actor formatted as string. (See
* [entity:set_walkmask](scripting.html#entityset_walkmask))
static int entity_get_walkmask(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
const unsigned char mask =
luaL_Buffer buffer;
luaL_buffinit(s, &buffer);
if (mask & Map::BLOCKMASK_WALL)
luaL_addstring(&buffer, "w");
luaL_addstring(&buffer, "c");
if (mask & Map::BLOCKMASK_MONSTER)
luaL_addstring(&buffer, "m");
return 1;
/** LUA entity:warp (being)
* entity:warp(int mapID, int posX, int posY)
* entity:warp(string mapName, int posX, int posY)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Teleports the character to the position `posX`:`posY` on the map
* with the ID number `mapID` or name `mapName`. The `mapID` can be
* substituted by `nil` to warp the character to a new position on the
* current map.
static int entity_warp(lua_State *s)
Entity *character = checkCharacter(s, 1);
int x = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
int y = luaL_checkint(s, 4);
bool b = lua_isnil(s, 2);
if (!(b || lua_isnumber(s, 2) || lua_isstring(s, 2)))
luaL_error(s, "warp called with incorrect parameters.");
return 0;
MapComposite *m;
if (b)
m = checkCurrentMap(s);
else if (lua_isnumber(s, 2))
m = MapManager::getMap(lua_tointeger(s, 2));
luaL_argcheck(s, m, 2, "invalid map id");
m = MapManager::getMap(lua_tostring(s, 2));
luaL_argcheck(s, m, 2, "invalid map name");
Map *map = m->getMap();
// If the wanted warp place is unwalkable
if (!map->getWalk(x / map->getTileWidth(), y / map->getTileHeight()))
int c = 50;
LOG_INFO("warp called with a non-walkable place.");
x = rand() % map->getWidth();
y = rand() % map->getHeight();
} while (!map->getWalk(x, y) && --c);
x *= map->getTileWidth();
y *= map->getTileHeight();
GameState::enqueueWarp(character, m, Point(x, y));
return 0;
/** LUA entity:position (being)
* entity:position()
* Valid only for actor entities.
* **Return value:** The x and y position of the actor in pixels, measured from
* the top-left corner of the map it is currently on.
static int entity_get_position(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkActor(s, 1);
const Point &p = being->getComponent<ActorComponent>()->getPosition();
lua_pushinteger(s, p.x);
lua_pushinteger(s, p.y);
return 2;
/** LUA entity:x (being)
* entity:x()
* Valid only for actor entities.
* **Return value:** The x position of the actor in pixels, measured from
* the left border of the map it is currently on.
static int entity_get_x(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkActor(s, 1);
const Point &p = being->getComponent<ActorComponent>()->getPosition();
lua_pushinteger(s, p.x);
return 1;
/** LUA entity:y (being)
* entity:y()
* Valid only for actor entities.
* **Return value:** The y position of the actor in pixels, measured from
* the top border of the map it is currently on.
static int entity_get_y(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkActor(s, 1);
const Point &p = being->getComponent<ActorComponent>()->getPosition();
lua_pushinteger(s, p.y);
return 1;
/** LUA entity:base_attribute (being)
* entity:base_attribute(int attribute_id)
* Valid only for being entities.
* **Return value:** Returns the value of the being's `base attribute`.
static int entity_get_base_attribute(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
auto *attribute = checkAttribute(s, 2);
lua_pushinteger(s, being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->getAttributeBase(attribute));
return 1;
/** LUA entity:set_base_attribute (being)
* entity:set_base_attribute(int attribute_id, double new_value)
* Valid only for being entities.
* Set the value of the being's `base attribute` to the 'new_value' parameter
* given. (It can be negative).
static int entity_set_base_attribute(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
auto *attribute = checkAttribute(s, 2);
double value = luaL_checknumber(s, 3);
being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->setAttribute(*being, attribute, value);
return 0;
/** entity:modified_attribute (being)
* entity:modified_attribute(int attribute_id)
* Valid only for being entities.
* *Return value:** Returns the value of the being's `modified attribute`.
* The modified attribute is equal to the base attribute + currently applied
* modifiers.
* To get to know how to configure and create modifiers, you can have a look at
* the [attributes.xml](attributes.xml.html) file and at the [#entityapply_attribute_modifier](#entityapply_attribute_modifier.html)()
* and [#entityremove_attribute_modifier](#entityremove_attribute_modifier.html)() lua functions.
* Note also that items, equipment, and monsters attacks can cause attribute
* modifiers.
* FIXME: This functions about applying and removing modifiers are still WIP,
* because some simplifications and renaming could occur.
static int entity_get_modified_attribute(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
auto *attribute = checkAttribute(s, 2);
const double value =
lua_pushinteger(s, value);
return 1;
/** LUA entity:apply_attribute_modifier (being)
* entity:apply_attribute_modifier(int attribute_id, double value,
* unsigned int layer, [unsigned short duration,
* [unsigned int effect_id]])
* Valid only for being entities.
* **Parameters description:** \\
* * **value** (double): The modifier value (can be negative).
* * **layer** (unsigned int): The layer or level of the modifier.
* As modifiers are stacked on an attribute, the layer determines
* where the modifier will be inserted. Also, when adding a modifier,
* all the modifiers with an higher ayer value will also be recalculated.
* * **duration** (unsigned short): The modifier duration in ticks((A tick is
* equal to 100ms.)). If set to 0, the modifier is permanent.
* * **effect_id** (unsigned int): Set and keep that parameter when you want
* to retrieve the exact layer later. (FIXME: Check this.)
static int entity_apply_attribute_modifier(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
auto *attribute = checkAttribute(s, 2);
double value = luaL_checknumber(s, 3);
int layer = luaL_checkint(s, 4);
int duration = luaL_optint(s, 5, 0);
int effectId = luaL_optint(s, 6, 0);
being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->applyModifier(*being, attribute,
value, layer,
duration, effectId);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:remove_attribute_modifier (being)
* entity:remove_attribute_modifier(int attribute_id,
* double value, unsigned int layer)
* Valid only for being entities.
* Permits to remove an attribute modifier by giving its value and its layer.
static int entity_remove_attribute_modifier(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
auto *attribute = checkAttribute(s, 2);
double value = luaL_checknumber(s, 3);
int layer = luaL_checkint(s, 4);
int effectId = luaL_optint(s, 5, 0);
being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->removeModifier(*being, attribute,
value, layer,
return 0;
/** LUA entity:attribute_points (being)
* entity:attribute_points()
* Valid only for character entities.
* *Returns:* Returns the amount of available attribute points.
static int entity_attribute_points(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkCharacter(s, 1);
auto *characterComponent = being->getComponent<CharacterComponent>();
lua_pushinteger(s, characterComponent->getAttributePoints());
return 1;
/** LUA entity:set_attribute_points (being)
* entity:set_attribute_points(int amount)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Sets the amount of attribute points for the entity
static int entity_set_attribute_points(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkCharacter(s, 1);
int points = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
auto *characterComponent = being->getComponent<CharacterComponent>();
return 0;
/** LUA entity:correction_points (being)
* entity:correction_points()
* Valid only for character entities.
* *Returns:* Returns the amount of available correction points.
static int entity_correction_points(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkCharacter(s, 1);
auto *characterComponent = being->getComponent<CharacterComponent>();
lua_pushinteger(s, characterComponent->getCorrectionPoints());
return 1;
/** LUA entity:set_correction_points (being)
* entity:set_correction_points(int amount)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Sets the amount of correction points for the entity
static int entity_set_correction_points(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkCharacter(s, 1);
int points = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
auto *characterComponent = being->getComponent<CharacterComponent>();
return 0;
/** LUA entity:gender (being)
* entity:gender()
* Valid only for being entities.
* **Return value:** The gender of the being. These gender constants are
* defined in libmana-constants.lua:
* | 0 | GENDER_MALE |
static int entity_get_gender(lua_State *s)
Entity *b = checkBeing(s, 1);
lua_pushinteger(s, b->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->getGender());
return 1;
/** LUA entity:set_gender (being)
* entity:set_gender(int gender)
* Valid only for being entities.
* Sets the gender of the being.
* The gender constants are defined in libmana-constants.lua:
* | 0 | GENDER_MALE |
static int entity_set_gender(lua_State *s)
Entity *b = checkBeing(s, 1);
const int gender = luaL_checkinteger(s, 2);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:add_hit_taken (being)
* add_hit_taken(int damage)
* Adds a damage value to the taken hits of a being. This list will be send to
* all clients in the view range in order to allow to display the hit particles.
static int entity_add_hit_taken(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkBeing(s, 1);
const int damage = luaL_checkinteger(s, 2);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:hair_color (being)
* entity:hair_color()
* Valid only for character entities.
* **Return value:** The hair color ID of the character.
static int entity_get_hair_color(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
lua_pushinteger(s, c->getComponent<CharacterComponent>()->getHairColor());
return 1;
/** LUA entity:set_hair_color (being)
* entity:set_hair_color(int color)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Sets the hair color ID of the character to `color`.
static int entity_set_hair_color(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const int color = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
luaL_argcheck(s, color >= 0, 2, "invalid color id");
return 0;
/** LUA entity:hair_style (being)
* entity:hair_style()
* Valid only for character entities.
* **Return value:** The hair style ID of the character.
static int entity_get_hair_style(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
lua_pushinteger(s, c->getComponent<CharacterComponent>()->getHairStyle());
return 1;
/** LUA entity:set_hair_style (being)
* entity:set_hair_style(int style)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Sets the hair style ID of the character to `style`.
static int entity_set_hair_style(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const int style = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
luaL_argcheck(s, style >= 0, 2, "invalid style id");
return 0;
/** LUA entity:increment_kill_count (being)
* entity:increment_kill_count(int monsterId)
* entity:increment_kill_count(string monsterName)
* entity:increment_kill_count(MonsterClass monsterClass)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Increments the kill count by one.
static int entity_increment_kill_count(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
MonsterClass *monster = checkMonsterClass(s, 2);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:kill_count (being)
* entity:kill_count(int monsterId)
* entity:kill_count(string monsterName)
* entity:kill_count(MonsterClass monsterClass)
* Valid only for character entities.
* **Return value:** The total number of monsters of the specy (passed either
* as monster id, monster name or monster class) the character has killed
* during its career.
static int entity_get_kill_count(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
MonsterClass *monster = checkMonsterClass(s, 2);
lua_pushinteger(s, c->getComponent<CharacterComponent>()->getKillCount(monster->getId()));
return 1;
/** LUA entity:rights (being)
* entity:rights()
* Valid only for character entities.
* **Return value:** The access level of the account of the character.
static int entity_get_rights(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
lua_pushinteger(s, c->getComponent<CharacterComponent>()->getAccountLevel());
return 1;
/** LUA entity:kick (being)
* entity:kick()
* Valid only for character entities.
* Kicks the character.
static int entity_kick(lua_State *s)
Entity *ch = checkCharacter(s, 1);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:mapid (being)
* entity:mapid()
* **Return value:** the id of the map where the entity is located or nil if
* there is none.
static int entity_get_mapid(lua_State *s)
Entity *entity = LuaEntity::check(s, 1);
if (MapComposite *map = entity->getMap())
lua_pushinteger(s, map->getID());
return 1;
/** LUA chr_request_quest (being)
* chr_request_quest(handle character, string questvariable, Ref function)
* Requests the questvar from the account server. This will make it available in
* the quest cache after some time. The passed function will be called back as
* soon the quest var is available.
static int chr_request_quest(lua_State *s)
Entity *ch = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const char *name = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
luaL_argcheck(s, name[0] != 0, 2, "empty variable name");
luaL_checktype(s, 3, LUA_TFUNCTION);
std::string value;
bool res = getQuestVar(ch, name, value);
if (res)
// Already cached, call passed callback immediately
Script *script = getScript(s);
Script::Ref callback;
return 0;
QuestCallback *f = new QuestRefCallback(getScript(s), name);
recoverQuestVar(ch, name, f);
return 0;
/** LUA chr_try_get_quest (being)
* chr_try_get_quest(handle character, string questvariable)
* Callback for checking if a quest variable is available in cache.
* **Return value:** It will return the variable if it is or nil
* if it is not in cache.
static int chr_try_get_quest(lua_State *s)
Entity *q = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const char *name = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
luaL_argcheck(s, name[0] != 0, 2, "empty variable name");
std::string value;
bool res = getQuestVar(q, name, value);
if (res)
push(s, value);
return 1;
/** LUA get_character_by_name (being)
* get_character_by_name(string name)
* Tries to find an online character by name.
* **Return value** the character handle or nil if there is none.
static int get_character_by_name(lua_State *s)
const char *name = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
push(s, gameHandler->getCharacterByNameSlow(name));
return 1;
/** LUA chr_get_post (being)
* chr_get_post(handle character)
* Gets the post for the character.
static int chr_get_post(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
Script *script = getScript(s);
Script::Thread *thread = checkCurrentThread(s, script);
PostCallback f = { &LuaScript::getPostCallback, script };
postMan->getPost(c, f);
thread->mState = Script::ThreadExpectingTwoStrings;
return lua_yield(s, 0);
/** LUA entity:register (being)
* entity:register()
* Makes the server call the on_being_death and on_entity_remove callbacks
* when the being dies or the entity is removed from the map.
* **Note:** You should never need to call this in most situations. It is
* handeled by the libmana.lua
static int entity_register(lua_State *s)
Entity *entity = LuaEntity::check(s, 1);
Script *script = getScript(s);
entity->signal_removed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(script, &Script::processRemoveEvent));
if (auto bc = entity->findComponent<BeingComponent>())
bc->signal_died.connect(sigc::mem_fun(script, &Script::processDeathEvent));
return 0;
/** LUA entity:shake_screen (being)
* entity:shake_screen(int x, int y[, float strength, int radius])
* Valid only for character entities.
* Shakes the screen for a given character.
static int entity_shake_screen(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const int x = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
const int y = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
MessageOut msg(GPMSG_SHAKE);
if (lua_isnumber(s, 4))
msg.writeInt16((int) (lua_tonumber(s, 4) * 10000));
if (lua_isnumber(s, 5))
msg.writeInt16(lua_tointeger(s, 5));
return 0;
/** LUA entity:show_text_particle (being)
* entity:show_text_particle(string text)
* Valid only for character entities.
* Shows a text particle on a client. This effect is only visible for the
* character.
static int entity_show_text_particle(lua_State *s)
Entity *c = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const char *text = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:give_ability (being)
* entity:give_ability(int ability)
* Valid only for character and monster entities.
* Enables an ability for a character.
static int entity_give_ability(lua_State *s)
Entity *b = checkBeing(s, 1);
auto *abilityInfo = checkAbility(s, 2);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:has_ability (being)
* entity:has_ability(int ability)
* Valid only for character and monster entities.
* **Return value:** True if the character has the ability, false otherwise.
static int entity_has_ability(lua_State *s)
Entity *b = checkBeing(s, 1);
const int ability = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
lua_pushboolean(s, b->getComponent<AbilityComponent>()->hasAbility(ability));
return 1;
/** LUA entity:take_ability (being)
* entity:take_ability(int ability)
* Valid only for character and monster entities.
* Removes a ability from a entity.
* **Return value:** True if removal was successful, false otherwise (in case
* the character did not have the ability).
static int entity_take_ability(lua_State *s)
Entity *b = checkBeing(s, 1);
const int ability = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
auto *abilityComponent = b->getComponent<AbilityComponent>();
lua_pushboolean(s, abilityComponent->hasAbility(ability));
return 1;
/** LUA entity:use_ability (being)
* entity:use_ability(int ability)
* entity:use_ability(string ability)
* Valid only for character and monster entities.
* Makes the entity using the given ability if it is available and recharged.
* **Return value:** True if the ability was used successfully. False otherwise
* (if the ability is not available for the entity or was not recharged).
static int entity_use_ability(lua_State *s)
Entity *b = checkBeing(s, 1);
auto abilityInfo = checkAbility(s, 2);
const int id = abilityInfo->id;
bool targetIsBeing = lua_gettop(s) == 3;
auto *abilityComponent = b->getComponent<AbilityComponent>();
if (targetIsBeing)
Entity *target = checkBeing(s, 3);
lua_pushboolean(s, abilityComponent->useAbilityOnBeing(*b, id,
const int x = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
const int y = luaL_checkint(s, 4);
lua_pushboolean(s, abilityComponent->useAbilityOnPoint(*b, id,
x, y));
return 1;
/** LUA set_questlog (being)
* entity:set_questlog(int id, int state, string name,
* string description[, bool notify = true])
* Sets the questlog status.
* Valid only for character entities.
* For state you can use one of the following:
static int set_questlog(lua_State *s)
const Entity *character = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const int questId = luaL_checkinteger(s, 2);
const auto questState = (QuestState)luaL_checkinteger(s, 3);
const char *questTitle = luaL_checkstring(s, 4);
const char *questDescription = luaL_checkstring(s, 5);
const bool questNotification = checkOptionalBool(s, 6, true);
auto *characterComponent = character->getComponent<CharacterComponent>();
characterComponent->setQuestlog(questId, questState, questTitle,
questDescription, questNotification);
return 0;
/** LUA set_questlog_state (being)
* entity:set_questlog_state(int id, int state[, bool notify = true])
* Sets the questlog state.
* Valid only for character entities.
* For state you can use one of the following:
static int set_questlog_state(lua_State *s)
const Entity *character = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const int questId = luaL_checkinteger(s, 2);
const auto questState = (QuestState)luaL_checkinteger(s, 3);
const bool questNotification = checkOptionalBool(s, 4, true);
auto *characterComponent = character->getComponent<CharacterComponent>();
characterComponent->setQuestlogState(questId, questState, questNotification);
return 0;
/** LUA set_questlog_title (being)
* entity:set_questlog_title(int id, string title[, bool notify = true])
* Sets the questlog title.
* Valid only for character entities.
static int set_questlog_title(lua_State *s)
const Entity *character = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const int questId = luaL_checkinteger(s, 2);
const char *questTitle = luaL_checkstring(s, 3);
const bool questNotification = checkOptionalBool(s, 4, true);
auto *characterComponent = character->getComponent<CharacterComponent>();
characterComponent->setQuestlogTitle(questId, questTitle, questNotification);
return 0;
/** LUA set_questlog_description (being)
* entity:set_questlog_description(int id, string description[, bool notify = true])
* Sets the questlog description.
* Valid only for character entities.
static int set_questlog_description(lua_State *s)
const Entity *character = checkCharacter(s, 1);
const int questId = luaL_checkinteger(s, 2);
const char *questDescription = luaL_checkstring(s, 3);
const bool questNotification = checkOptionalBool(s, 4, true);
auto *characterComponent = character->getComponent<CharacterComponent>();
characterComponent->setQuestlogDescription(questId, questDescription, questNotification);
return 0;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Monster (monster)
/** LUA entity:monster_id (monster)
* entity:monster_id()
* Valid only for monster entities.
* **Return value:** The id of the monster class.
static int entity_get_monster_id(lua_State *s)
Entity *monster = checkMonster(s, 1);
auto monsterComponent = monster->getComponent<MonsterComponent>();
lua_pushinteger(s, monsterComponent->getSpecy()->getId());
return 1;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Status effects (statuseffects)
/** LUA entity:apply_status (statuseffects)
* entity:apply_status(int status_id, int time)
* Valid only for being entities.
* Gives a being a status effect `status_id`, status effects don't work on
* NPCs. `time` is in game ticks.
static int entity_apply_status(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
const int id = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
const int time = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->applyStatusEffect(id, time);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:remove_status (statuseffects)
* entity:remove_status(int status_id)
* Valid only for being entities.
* Removes a given status effect from a being.
static int entity_remove_status(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
const int id = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
return 0;
/** LUA entity:has_status (statuseffects)
* entity:has_status(int status_id)
* Valid only for being entities.
* **Return value:** True if the being has a given status effect.
static int entity_has_status(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
const int id = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
lua_pushboolean(s, being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->hasStatusEffect(id));
return 1;
/** LUA entity:status_time (statuseffects)
* entity:status_time(int status_id)
* Valid only for being entities.
* **Return Value:** Number of ticks remaining on a status effect.
static int entity_get_status_time(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
const int id = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
lua_pushinteger(s, being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->getStatusEffectTime(id));
return 1;
/** LUA entity:set_status_time (statuseffects)
* entity:set_status_time(int status_id, int time)
* Valid only for being entities.
* Sets the time on a status effect a target being already has.
static int entity_set_status_time(lua_State *s)
Entity *being = checkBeing(s, 1);
const int id = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
const int time = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
being->getComponent<BeingComponent>()->setStatusEffectTime(id, time);
return 0;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Map information (mapinformation)
/** LUA get_map_id (mapinformation)
* get_map_id()
* **Return value:** The ID number of the map the script runs on.
static int get_map_id(lua_State *s)
Script *script = getScript(s);
if (MapComposite *mapComposite = script->getContext()->map)
lua_pushinteger(s, mapComposite->getID());
return 1;
/** LUA get_map_property (mapinformation)
* get_map_property(string key)
* **Return value:** The value of the property `key` of the current map. The
* string is empty if the property `key` does not exist.
static int get_map_property(lua_State *s)
const char *property = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
Map *map = checkCurrentMap(s)->getMap();
push(s, map->getProperty(property));
return 1;
/** LUA is_walkable (mapinformation)
* is_walkable(int x, int y)
* **Return value:** True if `x`:`y` is a walkable pixel
* on the current map.
static int is_walkable(lua_State *s)
const int x = luaL_checkint(s, 1);
const int y = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
Map *map = checkCurrentMap(s)->getMap();
// If the wanted warp place is unwalkable
if (map->getWalk(x / map->getTileWidth(), y / map->getTileHeight()))
lua_pushboolean(s, 1);
lua_pushboolean(s, 0);
return 1;
/** LUA get_path_length (mapinformation)
* get_path_lenght(int startX, int startY, int destX, int destY, int maxRange)
* get_path_lenght(int startX, int startY, int destX, int destY, int maxRange,
* string walkmask)
* Tries to find a path from the start coordinates to the target ones with a
* maximum of ''maxRange'' steps (in tiles).
* If no ''walkmask'' is passed '''w''' is used.
* **Return value:** The number of steps (in tiles) are required to reach
* the target or 0 if no path was found.
static int get_path_length(lua_State *s)
const int startX = luaL_checkint(s, 1);
const int startY = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
const int destX = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
const int destY = luaL_checkint(s, 4);
unsigned maxRange = luaL_checkint(s, 5);
unsigned char walkmask = BLOCKTYPE_WALL;
if (lua_gettop(s) > 5)
walkmask = checkWalkMask(s, 6);
Map *map = checkCurrentMap(s)->getMap();
Path path = map->findPath(startX / map->getTileWidth(),
startY / map->getTileHeight(),
destX / map->getTileWidth(),
destY / map->getTileHeight(),
walkmask, maxRange);
lua_pushinteger(s, path.size());
return 1;
/** LUA map_get_pvp (mapinformation)
* map_get_pvp()
* **Return value:** The pvp situation of the map.
* There are constants for the different pvp situations in the libmana-constants.lua:
* | 0 | PVP_NONE |
* | 1 | PVP_FREE |
static int map_get_pvp(lua_State *s)
MapComposite *m = checkCurrentMap(s);
lua_pushinteger(s, m->getPvP());
return 1;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Persistent variables (variables)
/** LUA on_mapvar_changed (variables)
* on_mapvar_changed(string key, function func)
* Registers a callback to the key. This callback will be called with the key
* and value of the changed variable.
* **Example:**
* {% highlight lua %}
* on_mapvar_changed(key, function(key, value)
* log(LOG_DEBUG, "mapvar " .. key .. " has new value " .. value)
* end)
* {% endhighlight %}
static int on_mapvar_changed(lua_State *s)
const char *key = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
luaL_checktype(s, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
luaL_argcheck(s, key[0] != 0, 2, "empty variable name");
MapComposite *m = checkCurrentMap(s);
m->setMapVariableCallback(key, getScript(s));
return 0;
/** LUA on_worldvar_changed (variables)
* on_worldvar_changed(string key, function func)
* Registers a callback to the key. This callback will be called with the key
* and value of the changed variable.
* **Example:**
* {% highlight lua %}
* on_worldvar_changed(key, function(key, value)
* log(LOG_DEBUG, "worldvar " .. key .. " has new value " .. value)
* end)
* {% endhighlight %}
static int on_worldvar_changed(lua_State *s)
const char *key = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
luaL_checktype(s, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
luaL_argcheck(s, key[0] != 0, 2, "empty variable name");
MapComposite *m = checkCurrentMap(s);
m->setWorldVariableCallback(key, getScript(s));
return 0;
/** LUA getvar_map (variables)
* getvar_map(string variablename)
* **Return value:** the value of a persistent map variable.
* **See:** [map\[\]](scripting.html#map) for an easier way to get a map variable.
static int getvar_map(lua_State *s)
const char *name = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
luaL_argcheck(s, name[0] != 0, 1, "empty variable name");
MapComposite *map = checkCurrentMap(s);
push(s, map->getVariable(name));
return 1;
/** LUA setvar_map (variables)
* setvar_map(string variablename, string value)
* Sets the value of a persistent map variable.
* **See:** [map\[\]](scripting.html#map) for an easier way to get a map variable.
static int setvar_map(lua_State *s)
const char *name = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
const char *value = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
luaL_argcheck(s, name[0] != 0, 1, "empty variable name");
MapComposite *map = checkCurrentMap(s);
map->setVariable(name, value);
return 0;
/** LUA getvar_world (variables)
* getvar_world(string variablename)
* Gets the value of a persistent global variable.
* **See:** [world\[\]](scripting.html#world) for an easier way to get a map variable.
static int getvar_world(lua_State *s)
const char *name = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
luaL_argcheck(s, name[0] != 0, 1, "empty variable name");
push(s, GameState::getVariable(name));
return 1;
/** LUA setvar_world (variables)
* setvar_world(string variablename, string value)
* Sets the value of a persistent global variable.
* **See:** [world\[\]](scripting.html#world) for an easier way to get a map variable.
static int setvar_world(lua_State *s)
const char *name = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
const char *value = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
luaL_argcheck(s, name[0] != 0, 1, "empty variable name");
GameState::setVariable(name, value);
return 0;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Logging (logging)
/** LUA log (logging)
* log(int log_level, string message)
* Log something at the specified log level. The available log levels are:
* | 0 | LOG_FATAL |
* | 1 | LOG_ERROR |
* | 2 | LOG_WARNING |
* | 3 | LOG_INFO |
* | 4 | LOG_DEBUG |
static int log(lua_State *s)
using utils::Logger;
const int loglevel = luaL_checkint(s, 1);
loglevel >= Logger::Fatal && loglevel <= Logger::Debug,
"invalid log level");
const std::string message = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
Logger::output(message, (Logger::Level) loglevel);
return 0;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Area of Effect (area)
* In order to easily use area of effects in your items or in your scripts,
* the following functions are available:
/** LUA get_beings_in_circle (area)
* get_beings_in_circle(int x, int y, int radius)
* get_beings_in_circle(handle actor, int radius)
* **Return value:** This function returns a lua table of all beings in a
* circle of radius (in pixels) `radius` centered either at the pixel at
* (`x`, `y`) or at the position of `being`.
static int get_beings_in_circle(lua_State *s)
int x, y, r;
if (lua_isuserdata(s, 1))
Entity *b = checkActor(s, 1);
const Point &pos = b->getComponent<ActorComponent>()->getPosition();
x = pos.x;
y = pos.y;
r = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
x = luaL_checkint(s, 1);
y = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
r = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
MapComposite *m = checkCurrentMap(s);
//create a lua table with the beings in the given area.
int tableStackPosition = lua_gettop(s);
int tableIndex = 1;
for (BeingIterator i(m->getAroundPointIterator(Point(x, y), r)); i; ++i)
Entity *b = *i;
char t = b->getType();
auto *actorComponent = b->getComponent<ActorComponent>();
if (Collision::circleWithCircle(actorComponent->getPosition(),
Point(x, y), r))
push(s, b);
lua_rawseti(s, tableStackPosition, tableIndex);
return 1;
/** LUA get_beings_in_rectangle (area)
* get_beings_in_rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height)
* **Return value:** An table of being entities within the rectangle.
* All parameters have to be passed as pixels.
static int get_beings_in_rectangle(lua_State *s)
const int x = luaL_checkint(s, 1);
const int y = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
const int w = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
const int h = luaL_checkint(s, 4);
MapComposite *m = checkCurrentMap(s);
//create a lua table with the beings in the given area.
int tableStackPosition = lua_gettop(s);
int tableIndex = 1;
Rectangle rect = {x, y ,w, h};
for (BeingIterator i(m->getInsideRectangleIterator(rect)); i; ++i)
Entity *b = *i;
char t = b->getType();
push(s, b);
lua_rawseti(s, tableStackPosition, tableIndex);
return 1;
/** LUA get_distance (area)
* get_distance(handle being1, handle being2)
* get_distance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
* **Return value:** The distance between the two beings or the two points
* in pixels.
static int get_distance(lua_State *s)
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
if (lua_gettop(s) == 2)
Entity *being1 = checkBeing(s, 1);
Entity *being2 = checkBeing(s, 2);
x1 = being1->getComponent<ActorComponent>()->getPosition().x;
y1 = being1->getComponent<ActorComponent>()->getPosition().y;
x2 = being2->getComponent<ActorComponent>()->getPosition().x;
y2 = being2->getComponent<ActorComponent>()->getPosition().y;
x1 = luaL_checkint(s, 1);
y1 = luaL_checkint(s, 2);
x2 = luaL_checkint(s, 3);
y2 = luaL_checkint(s, 4);
const int dx = x1 - x2;
const int dy = y1 - y2;
const float dist = sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
lua_pushinteger(s, dist);
return 1;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Ability info class (abilityinfo)
* See the [abilities Documentation](abilities.xml.html#a_script_example) for a
* script example
/** LUA get_ability_info (abilityinfo)
* get_ability_info(int abilityId)
* get_ability_info(string abilityName)
* **Return value:** This function returns a object of the abilityinfo class.
* See below for usage of that object.
* **Note:** When passing the `abilityName` as parameter make sure that it is
* formatted in this way: <setname>/<abilityname> (for eg. "Magic_Healingspell").
static int get_ability_info(lua_State *s)
auto *abilityInfo = checkAbility(s, 1);
LuaAbilityInfo::push(s, abilityInfo);
return 1;
/** LUA abilityinfo:name (abilityinfo)
* abilityinfo:name()
* ** Return value:** The name of the abilityinfo object.
* **Note:** See [get_ability_info](scripting.html#get_ability_info) for getting a
* abilityinfo object.
static int abilityinfo_get_name(lua_State *s)
auto *info = LuaAbilityInfo::check(s, 1);
push(s, info->name);
return 1;
/** LUA abilityinfo:on_use (abilityinfo)
* abilityinfo:on_use(function callback)
* Assigns the `callback` as callback for the use event. This function will
* be called everytime a character uses a ability.
* **Note:** See [get_ability_info](scripting.html#get_ability_info) for getting
* a abilityinfo object.
static int abilityinfo_on_use(lua_State *s)
auto *info = LuaAbilityInfo::check(s, 1);
Script *script = getScript(s);
luaL_checktype(s, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA abilityinfo:on_recharged (abilityinfo)
* abilityinfo:on_recharged(function callback)
* Assigns the `callback` as callback for the recharged event. This function
* will be called everytime when the ability is fully recharged.
* **Note:** See [get_ability_info](scripting.html#get_ability_info) for getting
* a abilityinfo object.
static int abilityinfo_on_recharged(lua_State *s)
auto *info = LuaAbilityInfo::check(s, 1);
Script *script = getScript(s);
luaL_checktype(s, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA_CATEGORY AttributeInfo class (attributeinfoclass)
/** LUA get_attribute_info (attributeinfoclass)
* local attributeinfo = get_attribute_info(string name)
* local attributeinfo = get_attribute_info(int id)
* **Return value:** The attribute info of the passed attribute.
static int get_attribute_info(lua_State *s)
auto *attributeInfo = checkAttribute(s, 1);
LuaAttributeInfo::push(s, attributeInfo);
return 1;
/** LUA attributeinfo:name (attributeinfoclass)
* local id = attributeinfo:id()
* **Return value:** The id of the `attributeinfo`.
static int attributeinfo_get_id(lua_State *s)
auto *attributeInfo = LuaAttributeInfo::check(s, 1);
lua_pushinteger(s, attributeInfo->id);
return 1;
/** LUA attributeinfo:name (attributeinfoclass)
* local name = attributeinfo:name()
* **Return value:** The name of the `attributeinfo`.
static int attributeinfo_get_name(lua_State *s)
auto *attributeInfo = LuaAttributeInfo::check(s, 1);
lua_pushstring(s, attributeInfo->name.c_str());
return 1;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Status effect class (statuseffectclass)
/** LUA get_status_effect (statuseffectclass)
* get_status_effect(string name)
* **Return value:** This function returns a object of the statuseffect class.
* See below for usage of that object.
static int get_status_effect(lua_State *s)
const char *name = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
LuaStatusEffect::push(s, StatusManager::getStatusByName(name));
return 1;
/** LUA statuseffect:on_tick (statuseffectclass)
* statuseffect:on_tick(function callback)
* Sets the callback that gets called for every tick when the status effect
* is active.
* **Note:** See [get_status_effect](scripting.html#get_status_effect) for getting
* a statuseffect object.
static int status_effect_on_tick(lua_State *s)
StatusEffect *statusEffect = LuaStatusEffect::check(s, 1);
luaL_checktype(s, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Monster class (monsterclass)
/** LUA get_monster_class (monsterclass)
* get_monster_class(int monsterid)
* get_monster_class(string monstername)
* **Return value:** This function returns a object of the monster class.
* See below for usage of that object.
static int get_monster_class(lua_State *s)
LuaMonsterClass::push(s, checkMonsterClass(s, 1));
return 1;
/** LUA get_monster_classes (monsterclass)
* get_monster_classes()
* **Return value:** A Table with all monster classes. The id of the monster
* is the key. The monster class itself the value. See below for the usage of
* this object.
static int get_monster_classes(lua_State *s)
pushSTLContainer(s, monsterManager->getMonsterClasses());
return 1;
/** LUA monsterclass:on_update (monsterclass)
* monsterclass:on_update(function callback)
* Assigns the `callback` as callback for the monster update event. This
* callback will be called every tick for each monster of that class.
* **Note:** See [get_monster_class](scripting.html#get_monster_class) for getting
* a monsterclass object.
static int monster_class_on_update(lua_State *s)
MonsterClass *monsterClass = LuaMonsterClass::check(s, 1);
luaL_checktype(s, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
return 0;
/** LUA monsterclass:name (monsterclass)
* monsterclass:name()
* **Return value:** The name of the monster class.
static int monster_class_get_name(lua_State *s)
MonsterClass *monsterClass = LuaMonsterClass::check(s, 1);
push(s, monsterClass->getName());
return 1;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Map object class (mapobjectclass)
/** LUA map_get_objects (mapobjectclass)
* map_get_objects()
* map_get_objects(string type)
* **Return value:** A table of all objects or a table of all objects of the
* given `type`. See below for usage of these objects.
static int map_get_objects(lua_State *s)
const bool filtered = (lua_gettop(s) == 1);
const char *filter;
if (filtered)
filter = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
MapComposite *m = checkCurrentMap(s);
const std::vector<MapObject*> &objects = m->getMap()->getObjects();
if (!filtered)
pushSTLContainer<MapObject*>(s, objects);
std::vector<MapObject*> filteredObjects;
for (auto object : objects)
if (utils::compareStrI(object->getType(), filter) == 0)
pushSTLContainer<MapObject*>(s, filteredObjects);
return 1;
/** LUA mapobject:property (mapobjectclass)
* mapobject:property(string key)
* **Return value:** The value of the property of the key `key` or nil if
* the property does not exists.
* **Note:** See [map_get_objects](scripting.html#map_get_objects) for getting a
* monsterclass object.
static int map_object_get_property(lua_State *s)
const char *key = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
MapObject *obj = LuaMapObject::check(s, 1);
std::string property = obj->getProperty(key);
if (!property.empty())
push(s, property);
return 1;
// scripts can check for nil
return 0;
/** LUA mapobject:bounds (mapobjectclass)
* mapobject:bounds()
* **Return value:** x, y position and height, width of the `mapobject`.
* **Example use:**
* {% highlight lua %}
* local x, y, width, height = my_mapobject:bounds()
* {% endhighlight %}
* **Note:** See [map_get_objects](scripting.html#map_get_objects) for getting a
* mapobject object.
static int map_object_get_bounds(lua_State *s)
MapObject *obj = LuaMapObject::check(s, 1);
const Rectangle &bounds = obj->getBounds();
lua_pushinteger(s, bounds.x);
lua_pushinteger(s, bounds.y);
lua_pushinteger(s, bounds.w);
lua_pushinteger(s, bounds.h);
return 4;
/** LUA mapobject:name (mapobjectclass)
* mapobject:name()
* **Return value:** Name as set in the mapeditor of the `mapobject`.
* **Note:** See [map_get_objects](scripting.html#map_get_objects) for getting
* a mapobject object.
static int map_object_get_name(lua_State *s)
MapObject *obj = LuaMapObject::check(s, 1);
push(s, obj->getName());
return 1;
/** LUA mapobject:type (mapobjectclass)
* mapobject:type()
* **Return value:** Type as set in the mapeditor of the `mapobject`.
* **Note:** See [map_get_objects](scripting.html#map_get_objects) for getting
* a mapobject object.
static int map_object_get_type(lua_State *s)
MapObject *obj = LuaMapObject::check(s, 1);
push(s, obj->getType());
return 1;
/** LUA_CATEGORY Item class (itemclass)
/** LUA get_item_class (itemclass)
* get_item_class(int itemid)
* get_item_class(string itemname)
* **Return value:** This function returns a object of the item class.
* See below for usage of that object.
static int get_item_class(lua_State *s)
LuaItemClass::push(s, checkItemClass(s, 1));
return 1;
/** LUA itemclass:on (itemclass)
* itemclass:on(string event, function callback)
* Assigns `callback` as callback for the `event` event.
* **Note:** See [get_item_class](scripting.html#get_item_class) for getting
* a itemclass object.
static int item_class_on(lua_State *s)
ItemClass *itemClass = LuaItemClass::check(s, 1);
const char *event = luaL_checkstring(s, 2);
luaL_checktype(s, 3, LUA_TFUNCTION);
itemClass->setEventCallback(event, getScript(s));
return 0;
/** LUA itemclass:name (itemclass)
* itemclass:name()
* **Return value:** The name of the item class.
static int item_class_get_name(lua_State *s)
ItemClass *itemClass = LuaItemClass::check(s, 1);
push(s, itemClass->getName());
return 1;
* Returns four useless tables for testing the STL container push wrappers.
* This function can be removed when there are more useful functions which use
* them.
static int test_tableget(lua_State *s)
std::list<float> list;
std::vector<std::string> svector;
std::vector<int> ivector;
std::map<std::string, std::string> map;
std::set<int> set;
LOG_INFO("Pushing Float List");
pushSTLContainer<float>(s, list);
LOG_INFO("Pushing String Vector");
pushSTLContainer<std::string>(s, svector);
LOG_INFO("Pushing Integer Vector");
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
ivector[i - 1] = i * i;
pushSTLContainer<int>(s, ivector);
LOG_INFO("Pushing String/String Map");
map["Apple"] = "red";
map["Banana"] = "yellow";
map["Lime"] = "green";
map["Plum"] = "blue";
pushSTLContainer<std::string, std::string>(s, map);
LOG_INFO("Pushing Integer Set");
pushSTLContainer<int>(s, set);
return 5;
static int require_loader(lua_State *s)
// Add .lua extension (maybe only do this when it doesn't have it already)
const char *file = luaL_checkstring(s, 1);
std::string filename = file;
const std::string path = ResourceManager::resolve(filename);
if (!path.empty())
luaL_loadfile(s, path.c_str());
lua_pushliteral(s, "File not found");
return 1;
mRootState = luaL_newstate();
mCurrentState = mRootState;
// Register package loader that goes through the resource manager
// package.loaders[2] = require_loader
lua_getglobal(mRootState, "package");
lua_getfield(mRootState, -1, "loaders");
lua_getfield(mRootState, -1, "searchers");
lua_pushcfunction(mRootState, require_loader);
lua_rawseti(mRootState, -2, 2);
lua_pop(mRootState, 2);
// Put the callback functions in the scripting environment.
static luaL_Reg const callbacks[] = {
{ "on_update_derived_attribute", on_update_derived_attribute },
{ "on_recalculate_base_attribute", on_recalculate_base_attribute },
{ "on_character_death", on_character_death },
{ "on_character_death_accept", on_character_death_accept },
{ "on_character_login", on_character_login },
{ "on_being_death", on_being_death },
{ "on_entity_remove", on_entity_remove },
{ "on_update", on_update },
{ "on_create_npc_delayed", on_create_npc_delayed },
{ "on_map_initialize", on_map_initialize },
{ "on_craft", on_craft },
{ "on_mapvar_changed", on_mapvar_changed },
{ "on_worldvar_changed", on_worldvar_changed },
{ "on_mapupdate", on_mapupdate },
{ "get_item_class", get_item_class },
{ "get_monster_class", get_monster_class },
{ "get_monster_classes", get_monster_classes },
{ "get_status_effect", get_status_effect },
{ "npc_create", npc_create },
{ "say", say },
{ "ask", ask },
{ "ask_number", ask_number },
{ "ask_string", ask_string },
{ "trade", trade },
{ "npc_post", npc_post },
{ "npc_enable", npc_enable },
{ "npc_disable", npc_disable },
{ "chr_get_quest", chr_get_quest },
{ "chr_set_quest", chr_set_quest },
{ "chr_request_quest", chr_request_quest },
{ "chr_try_get_quest", chr_try_get_quest },
{ "getvar_map", getvar_map },
{ "setvar_map", setvar_map },
{ "getvar_world", getvar_world },
{ "setvar_world", setvar_world },
{ "chr_get_post", chr_get_post },
{ "monster_create", monster_create },
{ "trigger_create", trigger_create },
{ "get_beings_in_circle", get_beings_in_circle },
{ "get_beings_in_rectangle", get_beings_in_rectangle },
{ "get_character_by_name", get_character_by_name },
{ "effect_create", effect_create },
{ "test_tableget", test_tableget },
{ "get_map_id", get_map_id },
{ "get_map_property", get_map_property },
{ "is_walkable", is_walkable },
{ "get_path_length", get_path_length },
{ "map_get_pvp", map_get_pvp },
{ "item_drop", item_drop },
{ "log", log },
{ "get_distance", get_distance },
{ "map_get_objects", map_get_objects },
{ "announce", announce },
{ "get_ability_info", get_ability_info },
{ "get_attribute_info", get_attribute_info },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
lua_pushvalue(mRootState, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
luaL_register(mRootState, nullptr, callbacks);
luaL_setfuncs(mRootState, callbacks, 0);
lua_pop(mRootState, 1); // pop the globals table
static luaL_Reg const members_Entity[] = {
{ "remove", entity_remove },
{ "say", entity_say },
{ "message", entity_message },
{ "inventory", entity_get_inventory },
{ "inv_change", entity_inv_change },
{ "inv_count", entity_inv_count },
{ "equipment", entity_get_equipment },
{ "equip_slot", entity_equip_slot },
{ "equip_item", entity_equip_item },
{ "unequip_slot", entity_unequip_slot },
{ "unequip_item", entity_unequip_item },
{ "set_ability_cooldown", entity_set_ability_cooldown },
{ "ability_cooldown", entity_get_ability_cooldown },
{ "set_global_ability_cooldown", entity_set_global_ability_cooldown},
{ "global_ability_cooldown", entity_get_global_ability_cooldown},
{ "walk", entity_walk },
{ "destination", entity_destination },
{ "look_at", entity_look_at },
{ "heal", entity_heal },
{ "name", entity_get_name },
{ "type", entity_get_type },
{ "action", entity_get_action },
{ "set_action", entity_set_action },
{ "direction", entity_get_direction },
{ "set_direction", entity_set_direction },
{ "set_walkmask", entity_set_walkmask },
{ "walkmask", entity_get_walkmask },
{ "warp", entity_warp },
{ "position", entity_get_position },
{ "x", entity_get_x },
{ "y", entity_get_y },
{ "base_attribute", entity_get_base_attribute },
{ "set_base_attribute", entity_set_base_attribute },
{ "modified_attribute", entity_get_modified_attribute },
{ "apply_attribute_modifier", entity_apply_attribute_modifier },
{ "remove_attribute_modifier", entity_remove_attribute_modifier },
{ "attribute_points", entity_attribute_points },
{ "set_attribute_points", entity_set_attribute_points },
{ "correction_points", entity_correction_points },
{ "set_correction_points", entity_set_correction_points },
{ "gender", entity_get_gender },
{ "set_gender", entity_set_gender },
{ "hair_color", entity_get_hair_color },
{ "set_hair_color", entity_set_hair_color },
{ "hair_style", entity_get_hair_style },
{ "set_hair_style", entity_set_hair_style },
{ "increment_kill_count", entity_increment_kill_count },
{ "kill_count", entity_get_kill_count },
{ "rights", entity_get_rights },
{ "kick", entity_kick },
{ "mapid", entity_get_mapid },
{ "register", entity_register },
{ "shake_screen", entity_shake_screen },
{ "show_text_particle", entity_show_text_particle },
{ "give_ability", entity_give_ability },
{ "has_ability", entity_has_ability },
{ "take_ability", entity_take_ability },
{ "use_ability", entity_use_ability },
{ "monster_id", entity_get_monster_id },
{ "apply_status", entity_apply_status },
{ "remove_status", entity_remove_status },
{ "has_status", entity_has_status },
{ "status_time", entity_get_status_time },
{ "set_status_time", entity_set_status_time },
{ "add_hit_taken", entity_add_hit_taken },
{ "set_questlog", set_questlog },
{ "set_questlog_state", set_questlog_state },
{ "set_questlog_title", set_questlog_title },
{ "set_questlog_description", set_questlog_description },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static luaL_Reg const members_ItemClass[] = {
{ "on", item_class_on },
{ "name", item_class_get_name },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static luaL_Reg const members_MapObject[] = {
{ "property", map_object_get_property },
{ "bounds", map_object_get_bounds },
{ "name", map_object_get_name },
{ "type", map_object_get_type },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static luaL_Reg const members_MonsterClass[] = {
{ "on_update", monster_class_on_update },
{ "name", monster_class_get_name },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static luaL_Reg const members_StatusEffect[] = {
{ "on_tick", status_effect_on_tick },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static luaL_Reg const members_AbilityInfo[] = {
{ "name", abilityinfo_get_name },
{ "on_use", abilityinfo_on_use },
{ "on_recharged", abilityinfo_on_recharged },
{ nullptr, nullptr}
static luaL_Reg const members_AttributeInfo[] = {
{ "id", attributeinfo_get_id },
{ "name", attributeinfo_get_name },
{ nullptr, nullptr}
LuaEntity::registerType(mRootState, members_Entity);
LuaItemClass::registerType(mRootState, "ItemClass", members_ItemClass);
LuaMapObject::registerType(mRootState, "MapObject", members_MapObject);
LuaMonsterClass::registerType(mRootState, "MonsterClass", members_MonsterClass);
LuaStatusEffect::registerType(mRootState, "StatusEffect", members_StatusEffect);
LuaAbilityInfo::registerType(mRootState, "AbilityInfo", members_AbilityInfo);
LuaAttributeInfo::registerType(mRootState, "AttributeInfo", members_AttributeInfo);
// Make script object available to callback functions.
lua_pushlightuserdata(mRootState, const_cast<char *>(®istryKey));
lua_pushlightuserdata(mRootState, this);
lua_rawset(mRootState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
// Push the error handler to first index of the stack
lua_getglobal(mRootState, "debug");
lua_getfield(mRootState, -1, "traceback");
lua_remove(mRootState, 1); // remove the 'debug' table