path: root/ueditor.rpy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ueditor.rpy')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/ueditor.rpy b/ueditor.rpy
index f6c4b8f..b7a98b8 100644
--- a/ueditor.rpy
+++ b/ueditor.rpy
@@ -85,10 +85,6 @@ screen units_editor():
add input
spacing 10
- #textbutton _("-") action Function(ueditor, "unit_id", -1)
- #label ("%d" % uedit["unit_id"])
- #textbutton _("+") action Function(ueditor, "unit_id", 1)
- #def __init__(self, variable, key1, key2, inpu="int", key3=None, key4=None):
label _("Name: ")
$ input=Input(
value=UEditorInputValue(uedit, "name", None, "str", dp=True),
@@ -99,6 +95,7 @@ screen units_editor():
#key_events True
action input.enable
add input
+ label _("Max Lv. %d" % uedit["max_level"])
null height 25
label _("Base ID %d" % uedit["unit_base_id"])
@@ -115,14 +112,26 @@ screen units_editor():
add input
null height 25
- label _("HP %d" % uedit["hp"])
- label _("ATK %d" % uedit["strength"])
- label _("Max Lv. %d" % uedit["max_level"])
+ hbox:
+ spacing 24
+ label _("HP %d" % uedit["hp"])
+ label _("ATK %d" % uedit["strength"])
null height 25
- label _("Attribute %d" % uedit["attribute"])
- label _("Job %d" % uedit["job"])
- label _("Flags %d" % uedit["flags"])
+ hbox:
+ textbutton _("-") action Function(ueditor, "attribute", -1)
+ label ("Element: %s" % ParseEle(uedit["attribute"]))
+ textbutton _("+") action Function(ueditor, "attribute", 1)
+ hbox:
+ textbutton _("-") action Function(ueditor, "job", -1)
+ label ("Job: %s" % ParseJob(uedit["job"]))
+ textbutton _("+") action Function(ueditor, "job", 1)
+ null height 25
+ hbox:
+ textbutton _("-") action Function(ueditor, "flags", -1)
+ label _("Flags %d" % uedit["flags"])
+ textbutton _("+") action Function(ueditor, "flags", 1)
+ text "None: 0\nCannot levelup: 1\nCannot party: 2\nEXP+: 4\nEvoMat: 8\nDouble GP: 16\nUnsellable: 32\nSuper EvoMat: 64" size 12
null height 25
label _(".:: Active Skill ::.")
@@ -152,7 +161,34 @@ screen units_editor():
key "K_RETURN" action Function(RestartInteraction)#Return()
init python:
- import json, copy
+ def ParseJob(job):
+ if job == 1:
+ return "Swordsman"
+ elif job == 2:
+ return "Assassin"
+ elif job == 3:
+ return "Mage"
+ elif job == 4:
+ return "Archer"
+ elif job == 5:
+ return "Gunner"
+ else:
+ return "ERROR (%d)" % job
+ def ParseEle(ele):
+ if ele == 1:
+ return "Fire"
+ elif ele == 2:
+ return "Water"
+ elif ele == 3:
+ return "Nature"
+ elif ele == 4:
+ return "Light"
+ elif ele == 5:
+ return "Shadow"
+ else:
+ return "ERROR (%d)" % ele
def RestartInteraction():
@@ -213,34 +249,6 @@ init python:
renpy.notify("New unit added: %d" % ueid)
- def ueditor_addloot():
- global uedit
- uedit=allunitsbase[current]
- uedit["loot"].append(["1000", 0])
- renpy.notify("Added new loot field id 1000 (an invalid ID)")
- return
- def ueditor_addmonster(wave):
- global uedit
- uedit=allunitsbase[current]
- pointer=uedit["waves"][wave-1]
- if len(pointer) < 3:
- pointer.append({
- "name": "New Monster",
- "sprite": 950000,
- "attribute": 1,
- "boss": False
- })
- else:
- renpy.notify("Max monsters per wave reached!")
- return
- def ueditor_addwave():
- global uedit
- uedit=allunitsbase[current]
- uedit["waves"].append([])
- renpy.notify("Blank wave created\nThis is buggy, remember to add monsters")
- return
def ueditor_delete(key1, key2=None, key3=None, key4=None):