path: root/game
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game')
-rw-r--r--game/gfx/bg/academy.webpbin75290 -> 170752 bytes
-rw-r--r--game/gfx/dialog/giulio.webpbin0 -> 53184 bytes
-rw-r--r--game/gfx/dialog/spearman.webpbin0 -> 84734 bytes
6 files changed, 40 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/game/ATTRIBUTION b/game/ATTRIBUTION
index c24abcf..60030b2 100644
--- a/game/ATTRIBUTION
+++ b/game/ATTRIBUTION
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Where relevant, you must also include a link to in your credit.
gfx/off.png (Jesusalva) (CC0)
## BG
- gfx/bg/academy.webp
+ gfx/bg/academy.webp (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage/Modified)
gfx/bg/battle.png (Écrivain) (CC0) (OpenGameArt)
gfx/bg/darklands.png (Écrivain) (CC0) (OpenGameArt)
gfx/bg/forest_sunset_fg.png (Faewild) (CC BY 3.0) (LemmaSoftForums)
@@ -76,8 +76,10 @@ Where relevant, you must also include a link to in your credit.
gfx/dialog/darkmana.webp (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage/Modified)
gfx/dialog/deadlyshock.webp (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage/Modified)
gfx/dialog/detective.webp (Sapiboong) (Sapiboong*) (LemmaSoftForums)
+ gfx/dialog/giulio.png (David Revoy) (CC BY 3.0) (From OpenGameArt)
gfx/dialog/mentor.webp (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage)
+ gfx/dialog/spearman.webp (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage)
## GUI
gfx/gui/cog_hover.png (JellyCat) (CC0) (OpenGameArt/Modified)
gfx/gui/cog_idle.png (JellyCat) (CC0) (OpenGameArt/Modified)
diff --git a/game/gfx/bg/academy.webp b/game/gfx/bg/academy.webp
index 1fe81bb..45fadbd 100644
--- a/game/gfx/bg/academy.webp
+++ b/game/gfx/bg/academy.webp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/game/gfx/dialog/giulio.webp b/game/gfx/dialog/giulio.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9132f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/gfx/dialog/giulio.webp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/game/gfx/dialog/spearman.webp b/game/gfx/dialog/spearman.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92871c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/gfx/dialog/spearman.webp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/game/script.rpy b/game/script.rpy
index 0c82ad8..3606a86 100644
--- a/game/script.rpy
+++ b/game/script.rpy
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
# The script of the game goes in this file.
# Declare images
#image bg room = Frame("gfx/bg/port.png", 0, 0)
-image dialog rebel = "gfx/dialog/rebel.png"
image banner_ = "gfx/actionarea.png"
@@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ label start:
# Open game
scene bg town with Dissolve(0.3)
pause 0.1
- #show dialog rebel
$ password=persistent.password
$ email=""
@@ -189,7 +187,6 @@ label loop:
label restore:
# Restore town view
scene bg town
- #show dialog rebel
play music MUSIC_TOWN fadein 0.5
$ hud_show()
jump loop
diff --git a/game/story.rpy b/game/story.rpy
index 76ec7b4..2647f55 100644
--- a/game/story.rpy
+++ b/game/story.rpy
@@ -18,12 +18,16 @@
# Game Story labels
define e = Character("Player")
+define you = Character("[persistent.nickname]")
define e_dt = Character("???", color="#cccccc")
define e_dtk = Character("Inspector", color="#cccccc")
define e_ds = Character("???", color="#8e96d3")
define e_dsk = Character("Deadly Shadow", color="#8e96d3")
+define e_ot = Character("???", color="#cccccc")
+define e_gg = Character("Giulio", color="#ffaacc")
label SQ00001_prologue:
while persistent.nickname is None:
@@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ label SQ00001_prologue:
e_dt "So, these are the darklands."
e_dt "I didn't realize they were real. Or at least, I hoped so. If it is here..."
e_dt "...Then there can be only one meaning. I have to report this at once!"
- e_ds "Going somewhere, darling?"
+ e_ds "Going somewhere, darling? ♪"
show dialog_detective at prologue_right1
show dialog_deadlyshock at prologue_right2
with move
@@ -59,46 +63,44 @@ label SQ00001_prologue:
show dialog_deadlyshock at prologue_right2
show dialog_darkmana at prologue_left
with move
- e_ds "Humans, always in hurry... Why don't you dance with us, darling?"
+ e_ds "Humans, always in hurry... Why don't you dance with us, darling? ♪"
e_dt "I appreciate the invite, but I cannot afford to fail this mission. En garde!"
scene black with vpunch
stop music fadeout 2.5
pause 1.0
- centered "Meanwhile\nExactly where we are..."
+ centered "Meanwhile\n{w=0.5}{nw}"
+ centered "Meanwhile\nAcademy of Weisheit"
scene bg academy with Dissolve(0.5)
+ show dialog_spearman at toffscreenright with None
play music fadein 1.0
- "Signet Academy\nGraduation Ceremony"
- show dialog_mentor at tcenter with Dissolve(0.5)
- "Professor" "And with this, I declare graduate the fifteenth group of knights and captains."
- "{color=#0f0}*cheers*{/color}"
- "You" "The day has finally arrived. The day I graduate as Captain."
- "You" "All my hard work is finally paying off..."
+ #show dialog_mentor at tcenter with Dissolve(0.5)
+ "{color=#0f0}*bustling noises*{/color}"
- "Professor" "And with this, the final test shall take place, before you can truly declare yourselves Captains and Knights."
+ you "It surely is crowded here today! Who would think so many people would show up..."
+ show dialog_giulio at tcenter with Dissolve(0.5)
+ e_gg "OF COURSE so many people would show up, [persistent.nickname]. {i}He{/i} is a seasoned war veteran!"
+ you "I would not know that, Giulio. You know how much time I've spent studying magic!"
- "{color=#0f0}*silence falls over the crowds*{/color}"
+ e_gg "Yes, you Mana Mages are the strangest kind of mages I ever heard about."
- "Professor" "You all should travel to the Capital and met Marshall Luhmer."
- "Professor" "This task sounds simple, but many lose their lives at it. Lack of care will be your death!"
- "Professor" "As long that you report to him in one piece, you'll have passed the trial, and will be able to start working."
+ e_gg "It might be easy for those like you, who can control the Mana Spheres..."
- "Professor" "{color=#0f0}*cough cough*{/color} With this, you are all dismissed."
+ you "Excuse me?! I barely can bring them forth, let alone controlling them."
- scene bg forest_sunset with fade#Dissolve(0.5)
- "As a Captain, I can use summons, but I'm lacking in fight skills."
- "I could try to have a summon fighting for me, but could I survive long enough to finish the chant...?"
+ show dialog_spearman at prologue_right2
+ show dialog_giulio at tleft
+ with move
+ e_ot "Excuse me, are you both enrolled at the Weisheit Academy?"
+ e_gg "Uhm... You are an imperial spearman, right? What... Are you doing here?"
+ you "Actually, Giulio... When did everyone left??"
play music fadein 0.6
- "{color=#0f0}As you think on the best route to use, a newly appointed knight approaches you.{/color}"
+ e_ot "Oh great, you {i}are{/i} students! I was afraid of returning to the base without any kills."
+ e_ot "Die for me!!"
- "Giulio" "Hey, you're a new Captain, right? I was thinking, a top grade knight like me should not risk myself needlessly."
- "Giulio" "So, perhaps we should travel together. It's not against the rules, right?"
- "You" "No..."
- "Giulio" "So, it's decided then! haha, those monsters are no match for me, even if they get annoying! Let's go!"
+ e_gg "{color=#0f0}*psst*{/color} [persistent.nickname], be careful. You are no match for an imperial spearman, leave combat for a top grade knight like myself."
# Giulio joins you!
window hide
@@ -112,26 +114,18 @@ label SQ00001_prologue:
- scene bg forest_sunset with fade#Dissolve(0.5)
- pause 0.2
- show dialog_archmage at tcenter with Dissolve(0.5)
- "Arch mage" "Oho, I see at least some students were smart enough to join forces!"
- "Arch mage" "No doubts you have a chance at arriving to the Capital."
- show dialog_rebel at toffscreenright with None
- show dialog_rebel at tright
- show dialog_archmage at tleft
- with move
- "Female Rebel" "Why don't we have a friendly spar, though? If you are impressive enough, others may want to travel with you."
- "Giulio" "Hahah, you would never be able to defeat a top-tier knight like me!"
- "Giulio" "{color=#0f0}*psst*{/color} Well, you're a Captain, so I'll leave this strategy thing to you."
- "Giulio" "In case you forgot, in the battle screen, you can swipe cards down to use Spheres, or up to use skills."
- "Giulio" "Click on End turn at the upper right corner to advance the wave. As time passes, you'll eventually be able to use the summon!"
+ #scene bg forest_sunset with fade#Dissolve(0.5)
+ pause 0.2
+ e_gg "You just focus at giving me spheres to fight. If you {color=#0f0}swipe my card down{/color}, I'll use the sphere there against these enemies."
+ e_gg "I know you cannot control much beyond that right now, but that will suffice to defeat this spearman."
+ e_gg "When you click on {color=#0f0}End turn{/color} at the upper right corner, we will fight. There are other things a mana mage can do, like summons or allowing us to use skills, but don't worry with that now."
- show dialog_rebel at tcenter with move
- "Female Rebel" "Let's do it!"
+ show dialog_giulio at prologue_left
+ show dialog_spearman at tcenter
+ with move
+ e_gg "Let's do it! It is our time to shine!"