path: root/game/python-extra/utils/
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1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/python-extra/utils/ b/game/python-extra/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5643cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/python-extra/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+"""Useful things to do with dates"""
+import datetime
+def date_from_string(string, format_string=None):
+ """Runs through a few common string formats for datetimes,
+ and attempts to coerce them into a datetime. Alternatively,
+ format_string can provide either a single string to attempt
+ or an iterable of strings to attempt."""
+ if isinstance(format_string, str):
+ return datetime.datetime.strptime(string, format_string).date()
+ elif format_string is None:
+ format_string = [
+ "%Y-%m-%d",
+ "%m-%d-%Y",
+ "%m/%d/%Y",
+ "%d/%m/%Y",
+ ]
+ for format in format_string:
+ try:
+ return datetime.datetime.strptime(string, format).date()
+ except ValueError:
+ continue
+ raise ValueError("Could not produce date from string: {}".format(string))
+def to_datetime(plain_date, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, ms=0):
+ """given a, gives back a datetime.datetime"""
+ # don't mess with datetimes
+ if isinstance(plain_date, datetime.datetime):
+ return plain_date
+ return datetime.datetime(
+ plain_date.year,
+ plain_date.month,
+ hours,
+ minutes,
+ seconds,
+ ms,
+ )
+class TimePeriod(object):
+ def __init__(self, earliest, latest):
+ if not isinstance(earliest, and earliest is not None:
+ raise TypeError("Earliest must be a date or None")
+ if not isinstance(latest, and latest is not None:
+ raise TypeError("Latest must be a date or None")
+ # convert dates to datetimes, for to have better resolution
+ if earliest is not None:
+ earliest = to_datetime(earliest)
+ if latest is not None:
+ latest = to_datetime(latest, 23, 59, 59)
+ if earliest is not None and latest is not None and earliest >= latest:
+ raise ValueError("Earliest must be earlier than latest")
+ self._earliest = earliest
+ self._latest = latest
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ if isinstance(key,
+ key = to_datetime(key)
+ if self._latest is None:
+ upper_bounded = True
+ else:
+ upper_bounded = key <= self._latest
+ if self._earliest is None:
+ lower_bounded = True
+ else:
+ lower_bounded = self._earliest <= key
+ return upper_bounded and lower_bounded
+ elif isinstance(key, TimePeriod):
+ if self._latest is None:
+ upper_bounded = True
+ elif key._latest is None:
+ upper_bounded = False
+ else:
+ upper_bounded = self._latest >= key._latest
+ if self._earliest is None:
+ lower_bounded = True
+ elif key._earliest is None:
+ lower_bounded = False
+ else:
+ lower_bounded = self._earliest <= key._earliest
+ return upper_bounded and lower_bounded
+ def contains(self, other):
+ return other in self
+ def overlaps(self, other):
+ """does another datetime overlap with this one? this is a symmetric
+ property.
+ TP1 |------------|
+ -------------------------------------------------> time
+ TP2 |--------------|
+ TP1.overlaps(TP2) == TP2.overlaps(TP1) == True
+ args:
+ other - a TimePeriod
+ """
+ return self._latest in other or self._earliest in other
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (self._earliest == other._earliest) and (self._latest == other._latest)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash((self._earliest, self._latest))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<{}: {}-{}>".format(
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ self._earliest,
+ self._latest,
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def get_containing_period(cls, *periods):
+ """Given a bunch of TimePeriods, return a TimePeriod that most closely
+ contains them."""
+ if any(not isinstance(period, TimePeriod) for period in periods):
+ raise TypeError("periods must all be TimePeriods: {}".format(periods))
+ latest = datetime.datetime.min
+ earliest = datetime.datetime.max
+ for period in periods:
+ # the best we can do to conain None is None!
+ if period._latest is None:
+ latest = None
+ elif latest is not None and period._latest > latest:
+ latest = period._latest
+ if period._earliest is None:
+ earliest = None
+ elif earliest is not None and period._earliest < earliest:
+ earliest = period._earliest
+ return TimePeriod(earliest, latest)
+class DiscontinuousTimePeriod(object):
+ """A bunch of TimePeriods"""
+ def __init__(self, *periods):
+ if any(not isinstance(period, TimePeriod) for period in periods):
+ raise TypeError("periods must all be TimePeriods: {}".format(periods))
+ periods = set(periods)
+ no_overlaps_periods = []
+ for period in periods:
+ for other_period in periods:
+ if id(other_period) == id(period):
+ continue
+ # periods that overlap should be combined
+ if period.overlaps(other_period):
+ period = TimePeriod.get_containing_period(period, other_period)
+ no_overlaps_periods.append(period)
+ no_equals_periods = []
+ reference = set(no_overlaps_periods)
+ for period in no_overlaps_periods:
+ # clean out duplicated periods
+ if any(other_period == period and other_period is not period for other_period in reference):
+ reference.remove(period)
+ else:
+ no_equals_periods.append(period)
+ no_contains_periods = []
+ for period in no_equals_periods:
+ # don't need to keep periods that are wholly contained
+ skip = False
+ for other_period in no_equals_periods:
+ if id(other_period) == id(period):
+ continue
+ if period in other_period:
+ skip = True
+ if not skip:
+ no_contains_periods.append(period)
+ self._periods = no_contains_periods
+ def __contains__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, (, TimePeriod)):
+ for period in self._periods:
+ if other in period:
+ return True
+def days_ago(days, give_datetime=True):
+ delta = datetime.timedelta(days=days)
+ dt = - delta
+ if give_datetime:
+ return dt
+ else:
+ return
+def days_ahead(days, give_datetime=True):
+ delta = datetime.timedelta(days=days)
+ dt = + delta
+ if give_datetime:
+ return dt
+ else:
+ return