diff options
-rw-r--r--game/gfx/dialog/grandmaster2.webpbin0 -> 77490 bytes
4 files changed, 62 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/game/ATTRIBUTION b/game/ATTRIBUTION
index f07a8a7..fed9b6f 100644
--- a/game/ATTRIBUTION
+++ b/game/ATTRIBUTION
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ Where relevant, you must also include a link to in your credit.
gfx/dialog/giulio.png (David Revoy) (CC BY 3.0) (From OpenGameArt)
gfx/dialog/goodess.webp (Luciana Nascimento) (CC BY SA) (Argentum Age)
gfx/dialog/grandmaster.webp (?) (GPLv3) (Wesnoth/?)
+ gfx/dialog/grandmaster2.webp (?) (GPLv3) (Wesnoth/?)
gfx/dialog/mentor.webp (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage)
gfx/dialog/rebel.png (Doofus-01) (CC BY SA) (Wesnoth/Archaic Resources)
gfx/dialog/spearman.webp (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage)
diff --git a/game/gfx/dialog/grandmaster2.webp b/game/gfx/dialog/grandmaster2.webp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea91a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/gfx/dialog/grandmaster2.webp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/game/gui/transforms.rpy b/game/gui/transforms.rpy
index 07e2d07..71731c0 100644
--- a/game/gui/transforms.rpy
+++ b/game/gui/transforms.rpy
@@ -153,3 +153,6 @@ transform tcustom(xaxis):
yanchor 1.0
ypos (1824-gui.textbox_height)
+transform tzoom(val):
+ zoom val
diff --git a/game/story.rpy b/game/story.rpy
index ae3b0f1..c8edf75 100644
--- a/game/story.rpy
+++ b/game/story.rpy
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ define e_dtk = Character("Inspector", color="#cccccc")
define e_ds = Character("???", color="#8e96d3")
define e_dsk = Character("Deadly Shadow", color="#8e96d3")
define e_mn = Character("Mentor", color="#ffccaa")
-define e_mnk = Character("Marshall", color="#ffccaa")
+define e_gd = Character("???", color="#9943a8")
+define e_gdk = Character("Goodess", color="#9943a8")
+define e_gm = Character("Grandmaster", color="#9b7436")
define e_ot = Character("???", color="#ccdddd")
define e_gg = Character("Giulio", color="#ffaacc")
@@ -159,12 +161,12 @@ label SQ00001_post:
label SQ00005_post:
$ show_img("bg humancity", False)
+ $ show_img("dialog_footsoldier", False)
scene bg humancity with Dissolve(1.0)
"You" "We did it! We reached the Stronghold!"
show dialog_mentor at tcenter
with dissolve
e_mn "Yes, and you {i}are{/i} late. The council session has already started."
-label testing:
window show
scene bg castle2
show dialog_goodess at tcustom(-0.8)
@@ -172,35 +174,66 @@ label testing:
show dialog_grandmaster at tcustom(1.4)
show dialog_giulio at tcustom(1.5)
with Dissolve(1.0)
- "Hmmm"
+ e_gm "...And that's our current situation. Any questions? No? Good, because we don't have time to explain."
+ e_gm "For those whom arrived {i}late{/i}, you can catch up later. The Empire will soon be upon us. Dismissed!"
+ hide dialog_grandmaster with dissolve
+ show dialog_mentor at tcustom(-1.5) with move
+ e_gd "Welcome, [persistent.nickname]. I've heard you're a novice Mana Mage? Unfortunately, not many of your kind is around."
+ e_gd "I wish I could stay and chat, but the enemy is on our doors. I advise you to get ready as well."
+ hide dialog_goodess with dissolve
+ e_mn "Giulio, [persistent.nickname]. We are planning an expedition to ask for aid from our allies at the Forest of Fae."
+ e_mn "However, if this stronghold falls now, it'll be all for naught. And I fear our enemy already arrived."
+ scene bg humancity
+ show dialog_grandmaster2 at tzoom(0.70), tcustom(0.1)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp0 at tcustom(-1.5)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp1 at tcustom(-1.4)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp2 at tcustom(-1.3)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp3 at tcustom(-1.2)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp4 at tcustom(-1.1)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp5 at tcustom(-1.0)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp6 at tcustom(-0.9)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp7 at tcustom(-0.8)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp8 at tcustom(-0.7)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp9 at tcustom(-0.6)
+ show dialog_mentor at tcustom(1.2)
+ with Dissolve(1.5)
+ e_mn "Defeat enemies to {color=#0f0}fill the summon gauge{/color}, then click the summon button to unleash a powerful attack."
+ show dialog_grandmaster2 at tzoom(0.70), tcustom(0.3)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp0 at tcustom(-1.4)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp1 at tcustom(-1.3)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp2 at tcustom(-1.2)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp3 at tcustom(-1.1)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp4 at tcustom(-1.0)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp5 at tcustom(-0.9)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp6 at tcustom(-0.8)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp7 at tcustom(-0.7)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp8 at tcustom(-0.6)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp9 at tcustom(-0.5)
+ with move
+ e_mn "The summons act first. Make sure the timing is right, they can change the tides of the battle."
+ show dialog_grandmaster2 at tzoom(0.70), tcustom(0.5)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp0 at tcustom(-1.3)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp1 at tcustom(-1.2)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp2 at tcustom(-1.1)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp3 at tcustom(-1.0)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp4 at tcustom(-0.9)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp5 at tcustom(-0.8)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp6 at tcustom(-0.7)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp7 at tcustom(-0.6)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp8 at tcustom(-0.5)
+ show dialog_footsoldier as sp9 at tcustom(-0.4)
+ with move
+ e_mn "Now - {i}en garde!{/i}"
+ return
+label SQ00006_pre:
## TODO FIXME old scripts
scene black with dissolve
centered "{color=#f00}The content past this point is old and might not work. You have been warned.{/color}"
## TODO FIXME old scripts
- "Giulio" "What are you standing there for? We gotta a Marshall to met."
- # TODO: bg desk
- scene bg castle with Dissolve(1.0)
- $ show_img("dialog_marshall", at_list=[tcenter])
- "Marshall" "Congratulations in making to the Capital in one piece."
- "Marshall" "If you both don't mind, I would like to officially assign your first task now."
- "Giulio" "This task better be suitable for a top knight like myself."
- "Marshall" "A task is a task, no matter how tedious or boring it is!"
- "Marshall" "Either way, I want you to heed in Forest Of Fay and kill some bandits which decided to live there."
- "Marshall" "If you don't like this task, I can have you both cleaning the restroom instead, if you prefer...?"
- "You" "Uhm, thanks but no thanks."
- "Marshall" "...What, you guys are still here? Get going!"
- "You & Giulio" "Sir! Yessir!"
- scene bg castle with Dissolve(1.0)
- "Giulio" "Pft, they want me to kill mere bandits! Unbelievable."
- "You" "If we finish this quickly, the marshal might be sightly impressed with us and assign something more epic."
- "Giulio" "Let's get going, a top-tier knight like me should not be wasting time here in first place."
- return
-label SQ00006_pre:
#$ show_img("bg wilderness", False)
#scene bg wilderness with Dissolve(1.0)
$ show_img("dialog_milleue")