diff options
2 files changed, 231 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/game/misc.rpy b/game/misc.rpy
index cfc8981..6a088d4 100644
--- a/game/misc.rpy
+++ b/game/misc.rpy
@@ -175,69 +175,6 @@ label msgbox_label(msgcode):
call screen msgbox(msgcode)
-label clear_all:
- python:
- rl=False
- # Your version is no longer valid
- if (HOST !=
- print("Host changed from %s to %s" % (str(HOST),
- persistent.version=1
- rl=True
- # TODO: Clear cache
- # Update host and delete password
- PORT=persistent.port
- renpy.notify("Deleting password: %s" % persistent.password)
- persistent.password=None
- if debug or config.developer:
- "Spheres" "Techinical info:\n\nServer: [HOST]:[PORT]"
- if rl:
- "Spheres" "Server data purged, we will now relaunch the game."
- $renpy.quit(relaunch=True)
- else:
- "Spheres" "You have logged out successfully."
- $ renpy.full_restart()
- # ???
- jump start
-label clear_cache:
- python:
- import os
- # Your version is no longer valid
- if != "localhost":
- persistent.version=1
- # Find path to cached files
- #if
- root=get_path("")
- #else:
- # root=get_path("extra/")
- # Remove cached files
- for file in os.listdir(root):
- if file.endswith('.png') or file.endswith('.mp3') or file.endswith('.jpg') or file.endswith('.webp') or file.endswith('.ogg'):
- try:
- os.remove(get_path(root+file))
- stdout("[CC] Removing %s" % get_path(root+file))
- except:
- stdout("[CC] Removing %s... FAILED" % get_path(root+file))
- os.remove(root+file)
- stdout("[CC] Removing %s" % (root+file))
- continue
- # Erase file memory
- persistent.allfiles=[]
- allfiles=[]
- "Spheres" "Cache deleted. Space was freed!"
- $renpy.full_restart()
- jump start
image spinner:
rotate 30.0
@@ -350,3 +287,231 @@ Make sure to note down the password or have provided a valid email, or you'll lo
$ renpy.full_restart()
+label clear_all:
+ python:
+ rl=False
+ # Your version is no longer valid
+ if (HOST !=
+ print("Host changed from %s to %s" % (str(HOST),
+ persistent.version=1
+ rl=True
+ # TODO: Clear cache
+ # Update host and delete password
+ PORT=persistent.port
+ renpy.notify("Deleting password: %s" % persistent.password)
+ persistent.password=None
+ if debug or config.developer:
+ "Spheres" "Techinical info:\n\nServer: [HOST]:[PORT]"
+ if rl:
+ "Spheres" "Server data purged, we will now relaunch the game."
+ $renpy.quit(relaunch=True)
+ else:
+ "Spheres" "You have logged out successfully."
+ $ renpy.full_restart()
+ # ???
+ jump start
+label clear_cache:
+ python:
+ import os
+ # Your version is no longer valid
+ if != "localhost":
+ persistent.version=1
+ # Find path to cached files
+ #if
+ root=get_path("")
+ #else:
+ # root=get_path("extra/")
+ # Remove cached files
+ for file in os.listdir(root):
+ if file.endswith('.png') or file.endswith('.mp3') or file.endswith('.jpg') or file.endswith('.webp') or file.endswith('.ogg'):
+ try:
+ os.remove(root+file)
+ stdout("[CC] Removing %s" % (root+file))
+ except:
+ stdout("[CC] Removing %s... FAILED" % root+file)
+ os.remove(get_path(root+file))
+ stdout("[CC] Removing %s" % get_path(root+file))
+ continue
+ # Erase file memory
+ persistent.allfiles=[]
+ allfiles=[]
+ "Spheres" "Cache deleted. Space was freed!"
+ $renpy.full_restart()
+ jump start
+# Everything below this line is part of Mana Launcher.
+# Copyright (C) 2021 Jesusalva <>
+# Distributed under the MIT license.
+screen loading():
+ zorder 100
+ fixed:
+ frame:
+ xfill True
+ yfill True
+ background Frame("gfx/bg/forest_sunset.png", 0, 0)
+ bar:
+ value progress
+ range max_value
+ xalign 0.5
+ yalign 0.45
+ xmaximum 0.75
+ label "{color=#fff}[statusmsg]{/color}":
+ xalign 0.5
+ yalign 0.55
+init python:
+ import hashlib, zipfile
+ def md5(string):
+ return hashlib.md5(string.encode()).hexdigest()
+ def md5sum(f):
+ md5=hashlib.md5()
+ fp=open(f, "rb")
+ md5.update(ct)
+ rt=copy.copy(md5.hexdigest())
+ fp.close()
+ del ct
+ return rt
+ def dall_fetch():
+ global pat, statusmsg, progress, max_value, status
+ try:
+ print("Fetching http://%s/assets%s ..." % (, pat))
+ r = requests.get("http://%s/assets%s" % (, pat), stream=True)
+ if r.status_code / 100 != 2:
+ raise Exception("Aborted with status %d" % r.status_code)
+ ## Download the file, slowly as it may be...
+ max_value = int(r.headers.get('content-length', 0))
+ print "Blocks: %d" % max_value
+ block_size = 1024 #1 Kibibyte
+ statusmsg = "Downloading the zip file..."
+ with open(get_path(""), 'wb') as f:
+ for data in r.iter_content(block_size):
+ f.write(data)
+ progress += 1
+ print "Finished OK"
+ status = 1
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print("Download All: Not successful!")
+ statusmsg = "Download failed.\n\nClick anywhere to continue." % r.status_code
+ status = -1
+ return
+ def dall_save():
+ global statusmsg, progress, max_value, status
+ try:
+ statusmsg = "Extracting..."; progress = 0
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(get_path(""), 'r') as zip_ref:
+ max_value=len(zip_ref.namelist())
+ print "Blocks: %d" % max_value
+ for f in zip_ref.namelist():
+ try:
+ print("Extracting %s..." % f)
+ monday = "extra_"+f
+ if "." in f:
+ pass
+ elif f.startswith("sfx"):
+ monday += ".mp3"
+ else:
+ monday += ".webp"
+ addr=get_path(monday)
+ ## Work-around to save as
+ with open(addr, 'wb') as zf:
+ zf.write(
+ ## ...Better always save path in full
+ path=((f, addr))
+ persistent.allfiles.append(path)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print("[ERROR] Skipping %s..." % f)
+ progress+=1
+ print "Finished OK"
+ status = 1
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print("Extraction error!")
+ statusmsg = "Extraction error.\n\nClick anywhere to continue." % r.status_code
+ status = -1
+ return
+label download_all:
+ $ statusmsg = "Preparing to download..."
+ $ progress = 0
+ $ max_value = 1000
+ $ status = 0
+ $ pat = "" # Download
+ $ md5 = "" # MD5 Hash
+ show screen loading with dissolve
+ python:
+ ## Where the zip file is located?
+ try:
+ x = requests.get("http://%s/assets/fetch.txt" %, timeout=8.0)
+ assert x.status_code == 200, "Status Code Error"
+ print "%s" % str(x.text)
+ pat = x.text.split("#")[0]
+ md5 = x.text.split("#")[1].replace("\n", "")
+ except:
+ # Oh noes - something went *terribly* wrong
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ x=requests.Response()
+ x.status_code=403
+ ## Did we manage to get the location?
+ if x.status_code / 100 != 2:
+ statusmsg = "Error downloading!\nResource unavailable for the selected host.\n\nClick anywhere to continue."; renpy.pause(); renpy.full_restart(); renpy.jump("start")
+ ## Now we know what to download
+ # Must be done in thread, or Ren'Py will be blocked
+ renpy.invoke_in_thread(dall_fetch)
+ while not status:
+ sdelay()
+ if status < 0:
+ renpy.pause(); renpy.full_restart(); renpy.jump("start")
+ status = 0
+ ## Verify if download was successful...
+ statusmsg = "Integrity Check...";
+ md4 = md5sum(get_path(""))
+ if (md4 != md5):
+ statusmsg = "{color=#f00}Download failed.{/color}\n%s != %s\nClick anywhere to retry." % (md4, md5); renpy.jump("download_all")
+ else:
+ print("Integrity check passed: %s" % md4)
+ ## We downloaded, but we need to extract it
+ # FIXME: Must be done in thread, or Ren'Py will be blocked
+ renpy.invoke_in_thread(dall_save)
+ while not status:
+ sdelay()
+ if status < 0:
+ renpy.pause(); renpy.full_restart(); renpy.jump("start")
+ status = 0
+ statusmsg = "Complete.\nClick anywhere to continue."
+ renpy.pause()
+ renpy.full_restart()
+ jump start
diff --git a/game/screens.rpy b/game/screens.rpy
index 937a6b6..d4e89a6 100644
--- a/game/screens.rpy
+++ b/game/screens.rpy
@@ -777,6 +777,9 @@ screen preferences():
null height 60
textbutton _("Clear Cache"):
action Jump("clear_cache")
+ null height 30
+ textbutton _("Download All Files"):
+ action Jump("download_all")