diff options
authorJesusaves <>2020-12-18 01:43:19 -0300
committerJesusaves <>2020-12-18 01:43:19 -0300
commitfea0397c7aa82d28d2609882108efa72115e3c61 (patch)
parent7762e4ff31f3ecdedbf189a4b5787f8632823792 (diff)
Add story.rpy back (no edits - YET)
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/story.rpy b/game/story.rpy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f97b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/story.rpy
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# This file is part of Spheres.
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Jesusalva
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# Game Story labels
+label SQ00001_prologue:
+ python:
+ while persistent.nickname is None:
+ nick=renpy.call_screen("input_box",
+ "Please insert an unique nickname (max 8 alphanumeric chars): ")
+ if len(nick) > 8 or not nick.isalnum():
+ renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "ERROR\nERRONEOUS NICKNAME DETECTED")
+ else:
+ persistent.nickname=nick
+ play music fadein 0.5
+ scene black with None
+ window hide
+ centered "{cps=36}{b}Somewhere distant{/b}{/cps}"
+ scene bg darklands with Dissolve(2.0)
+ centered "{b}Somewhere distant{/b}\n\n{fast}{cps=36}Darklands{/cps}"
+ show dialog_detective at center with Dissolve(1.0)
+ window show
+ "???" "..."
+ "???" "This high peak... This dark cloud..."
+ "???" "So, these are the darklands."
+ "???" "I didn't realize they were real. If it is here..."
+ "???" "...Then there can be only one meaning. I have to report this at once!"
+ show dialog_deadlyshadow at offscreenright with None
+ show dialog_detective at prologue_right1
+ show dialog_deadlyshadow at prologue_right2
+ with move
+ "???" "Uh oh..."
+ show dialog_assassinshadow at offscreenright with None
+ show dialog_detective at prologue_center
+ show dialog_deadlyshadow at right
+ show dialog_assassinshadow at left
+ with move
+ "???" "This won't end well..."
+ "???" "But still, I cannot afford to fail this mission."
+ scene black with vpunch
+ stop music fadeout 2.5
+ pause 1.0
+ centered "Meanwhile\nExactly where we are..."
+ scene bg academy with Dissolve(0.5)
+ play music fadein 1.0
+ "Signet Academy\nGraduation Ceremony"
+ show dialog_mentor at center with Dissolve(0.5)
+ "Professor" "And with this, I declare graduate the fifteenth group of knights and captains."
+ "{color=#0f0}*cheers*{/color}"
+ "You" "The day has finally arrived. The day I graduate as Captain."
+ "You" "All my hard work is finally paying off..."
+ "Professor" "And with this, the final test shall take place, before you can truly declare yourselves Captains and Knights."
+ "{color=#0f0}*silence falls over the crowds*{/color}"
+ "Professor" "You all should travel to the Capital and met Marshall Luhmer."
+ "Professor" "This task sounds simple, but many lose their lives at it. Lack of care will be your death!"
+ "Professor" "As long that you report to him in one piece, you'll have passed the trial, and will be able to start working."
+ "Professor" "{color=#0f0}*cough cough*{/color} With this, you are all dismissed."
+ scene bg forest_sunset with fade#Dissolve(0.5)
+ "As a Captain, I can use summons, but I'm lacking in fight skills."
+ "I could try to have a summon fighting for me, but could I survive long enough to finish the chant...?"
+ play music fadein 0.6
+ "{color=#0f0}As you think on the best route to use, a newly appointed knight approaches you.{/color}"
+ "Giulio" "Hey, you're a new Captain, right? I was thinking, a top grade knight like me should not risk myself needlessly."
+ "Giulio" "So, perhaps we should travel together. It's not against the rules, right?"
+ "You" "No..."
+ "Giulio" "So, it's decided then! haha, those monsters are no match for me, even if they get annoying! Let's go!"
+ # Giulio joins you!
+ window hide
+ python:
+ txt=allunits[10000000]["name"]
+ rar=allunits[10000000]["rare"]
+ star=star_write(rar)
+ show_img("unit_10000000", at_list=[truecenter])
+ renpy.pause(0.1)
+ renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "%s\n\nRecruited %d★ %s" % (star, rar, txt))
+ renpy.hide("unit_10000000")
+ _window_show(None)
+ scene bg forest_sunset with fade#Dissolve(0.5)
+ pause 0.2
+ show dialog_archmage at center with Dissolve(0.5)
+ "Arch mage" "Oho, I see at least some students were smart enough to join forces!"
+ "Arch mage" "No doubts you have a chance at arriving to the Capital."
+ show dialog_rebel at offscreenright with None
+ show dialog_rebel at right
+ show dialog_archmage at left
+ with move
+ "Female Rebel" "Why don't we have a friendly spar, though? If you are impressive enough, others may want to travel with you."
+ "Giulio" "Hahah, you would never be able to defeat a top-tier knight like me!"
+ "Giulio" "{color=#0f0}*psst*{/color} Well, you're a Captain, so I'll leave this strategy thing to you."
+ "Giulio" "In case you forgot, in the battle screen, you can swipe cards down to use Spheres, or up to use skills."
+ "Giulio" "Click on End turn at the upper right corner to advance the wave. As time passes, you'll eventually be able to use the summon!"
+ show dialog_rebel at center with move
+ "Female Rebel" "Let's do it!"
+ return
+label SQ00005_post:
+ $ show_img("bg castle", False, ext=".jpg")
+ scene bg castle with Dissolve(1.0)
+ "You" "We did it! We reached the Capital!"
+ "Giulio" "What are you standing there for? We gotta a Marshall to met."
+ # TODO: bg desk
+ scene bg castle with Dissolve(1.0)
+ $ show_img("dialog_marshall", at_list=[center])
+ "Marshall" "Congratulations in making to the Capital in one piece."
+ "Marshall" "If you both don't mind, I would like to officially assign your first task now."
+ "Giulio" "This task better be suitable for a top knight like myself."
+ "Marshall" "A task is a task, no matter how tedious or boring it is!"
+ "Marshall" "Either way, I want you to heed in Forest Of Fay and kill some bandits which decided to live there."
+ "Marshall" "If you don't like this task, I can have you both cleaning the restroom instead, if you prefer...?"
+ "You" "Uhm, thanks but no thanks."
+ "Marshall" "...What, you guys are still here? Get going!"
+ "You & Giulio" "Sir! Yessir!"
+ scene bg castle with Dissolve(1.0)
+ "Giulio" "Pft, they want me to kill mere bandits! Unbelievable."
+ "You" "If we finish this quickly, the marshal might be sightly impressed with us and assign something more epic."
+ "Giulio" "Let's get going, a top-tier knight like me should not be wasting time here in first place."
+ return
+label SQ00006_pre:
+ $ show_img("bg wilderness", False, ext=".jpg")
+ scene bg wilderness with Dissolve(1.0)
+ $ show_img("dialog_milleue")
+ "Milleue" "Are you the ones assigned to the Forest of Fae bandits? Am I right?"
+ "Giulio" "And you would be...?"
+ "Milleue" "So I'm right! Forest of Fae is sacred. We the Empire won't let you go there idly."
+ "Milleue" "If you can, however, defeat my unit, then I'll reconsider your worthiness."
+ "Milleue" "Perhaps I might even join you. Now, to arms! I'll judge you myself!"
+ return
+label SQ00006_post:
+ $ show_img("bg wilderness", False, ext=".jpg")
+ scene bg wilderness with Dissolve(1.0)
+ $ show_img("dialog_milleue", at_list=[center])
+ "Milleue" "Alright, I surrender! I admit defeat."
+ "Milleue" "I'm afraid the path to the Forest of Fae won't be a walk in the park."
+ "Milleue" "I'll go with you. But the other Imperial Soldiers will still try to stop you as you go."
+ "You" "Wait. I always thought the Marshall served the empire...?"
+ "Milleue" "Politics."
+ "You" "Oh right. I guess I won't ask more, then."
+ return
+label SQ00011_post:
+ scene bg forest_sunset with Dissolve(0.5)
+ "Giulio" "Mother Nature's sent us wolves... How much I hate it."
+ "Giulio" "Mother Nature, please, GIVE ME A DECENT CHALLENGE!"
+ $ show_img("dialog_milleue", at_list=[center])
+ "Milleue" "Be careful with what you wish for."
+ "Giulio" "Oh, please. My sword will get rusty at this small fry. These wolves aren't qualified for a top knight like myself."
+ return
+label SQ00013_pre:
+ scene bg forest_sunset with Dissolve(0.5)
+ "Giulio" "I hear battle sounds up ahead."
+ "You" "It'll be quite a detour, but we should check."
+ $ show_img("dialog_bandit", at_list=[left], tag="l")
+ $ show_img("dialog_princess", at_list=[right], tag="r")
+ "{b}.:: CONTINUES ::.{/b}"
+ return
+label SQ00014_post:
+ scene bg forest_sunset with Dissolve(0.5)
+ $ show_img("dialog_princess", at_list=[center])
+ "{b}.:: CONTINUES ::.{/b}"
+ return