path: root/npc/010-4-1
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2024-06-09Track Katze state so she doesn't seem to "vanish" out of thin air.Jesusaves1-0/+8
2024-05-25Include Ritual Cave (currently disabled). Minor cleanup/fixes.Jesusaves1-1/+1
2024-05-24Cat Ears Quest by Manatauro (+ misc notes)Jesusaves1-8/+42
2024-05-24Halinarzo's Arc for Anselmo Quest. Tested, at least a little bit.Jesusaves1-6/+49
2024-05-23There are now only 8 broken NPCs! Making a commit because it is lunch break nowJesusaves1-0/+9
2024-05-21Add some proof of concept for a possible future quest.Jesusaves1-0/+1
2024-05-21Regenerate map cacheJesusaves1-5/+1
2024-05-21Katze the Cat + minor bugfixes. Cat Ears removed - no reward whatsoever.Jesusaves1-1/+147
2022-05-12Katze's PlaceholderJesusaves2-0/+16
2022-01-17Tonori Canyon.Jesusaves2-0/+6