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authorJesusaves <>2023-10-14 23:47:48 -0300
committerJesusaves <>2023-10-14 23:47:48 -0300
commita9c30a8762e2894b96bc3259d40ccba7ceb40f40 (patch)
parent44c5905eb00e421e74284a4381e17e3b5fd85470 (diff)
Last commit balance fixes on MK before initial test. Might be noob, might be OP.
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/npc/026-7/boss.txt b/npc/026-7/boss.txt
index 68688231d..85950e090 100644
--- a/npc/026-7/boss.txt
+++ b/npc/026-7/boss.txt
@@ -78,15 +78,33 @@ OnBegin:
.GUARD4=monster("026-7", 44, 45, "Fire General", MonsterGeneral, 1);
.GUARD3=monster("026-7", 35, 45, "Earth General", MonsterGeneral, 1);
.GUARD2=monster("026-7", 44, 30, "Darkness General", MonsterGeneral, 1);
- // The remainder of MK army (Centered at the generals)
+ // Boost these four generals or they'll become cheese too fast
+ // Also, fix their elementals, but they have no elemental skills to speak of.
+ setunitdata(.GUARD1, UDT_HP, 60000);
+ setunitdata(.GUARD1, UDT_MAXHP, 60000);
+ setunitdata(.GUARD2, UDT_HP, 60000);
+ setunitdata(.GUARD2, UDT_MAXHP, 60000);
+ setunitdata(.GUARD3, UDT_HP, 60000);
+ setunitdata(.GUARD3, UDT_MAXHP, 60000);
+ setunitdata(.GUARD4, UDT_HP, 60000);
+ setunitdata(.GUARD4, UDT_MAXHP, 60000);
+ setunitdata(.GUARD1, UDT_ELETYPE, Ele_Wind);
+ setunitdata(.GUARD2, UDT_ELETYPE, Ele_Dark);
+ setunitdata(.GUARD4, UDT_ELETYPE, Ele_Fire);
+ setunitdata(.GUARD3, UDT_ELETYPE, Ele_Earth);
+ // The remainder of MK army (Centered at the generals / 20 total)
.@x = 35; .@y = 30; areamonster("026-7", .@x-3, .@y-3, .@x+3, .@y+3, "Air Officer", Reaper, 5); // Air Troops
.@x = 44; .@y = 45; areamonster("026-7", .@x-3, .@y-3, .@x+3, .@y+3, "Fire Officer", LavaSkullSlime, 6); // Fire Troops
.@x = 35; .@y = 45; areamonster("026-7", .@x-3, .@y-3, .@x+3, .@y+3, "Earth Officer", Snail, 5); // Earth Troops
.@x = 44; .@y = 30; areamonster("026-7", .@x-3, .@y-3, .@x+3, .@y+3, "Darkness Officer", NightmareDragon, 5); // Darkness Troops
- // Monster King Personal Bodyguard is special
+ // Monster King Personal Bodyguard is special (4 total)
for (.@i = 0; .@i < 4; ++.@i) {
areamonster("026-7", 37, 32, 41, 36, "Imperial Officer", any(VanityPixie, HolyPixie, ShadowPixie, NulityPixie, BlackSkullSlime, PinkieSuseran), 1);
+ // General ranged troops / Artillery (20 total)
+ areamonster("026-7", 30, 30, 45, 45, "Ranged Support", RobinBandit, 12);
+ areamonster("026-7", 30, 30, 45, 45, "Ranged Support", DustRevolver, 5);
+ areamonster("026-7", 30, 30, 45, 45, "Ranged Support", DustRifle, 3);
@@ -182,6 +200,7 @@ OnTimer10000:
kamibroadcast("The Monster King has lost his immortality.", "Monster King");
setunitdata(.MK, UDT_HP, .maxhp);
setunitdata(.MK, UDT_MAXHP, .maxhp);
+ .mana += 25;
@@ -190,6 +209,7 @@ OnTimer10000:
.@hp = getunitdata(.MK, UDT_HP) * 5 / .maxhp;
if (.@hp < .memohp) {
.memohp = .@hp;
+ .mana += 25;
siege_cast("026-7", .name$, 15, TP_TULIM|TP_HURNS|TP_NIVAL);
@@ -486,7 +506,6 @@ L_NextAct:
- // Without the Monster King to rule monsters... TODO Isbamuth, Moubootaur
// This disables all mosnters :<
//setbattleflag("monster_ai", 0x209);
//setbattleflag("monster_active_enable", false);