path: root/npc/functions/time.txt
blob: 192c6c9ab4a0ac226d80ce2b9099a41a15ed5e13 (plain) (tree)










// Evol Script
// Authors: Gumi, Jesusalva

function	script	now	{
    return gettimetick(2);

// Returns current time. A SQL update superseeded this.
// santime(  )
function	script	santime	{
    return gettimetick(2);

function	script	time_from_ms	{
    return now() + (getarg(0) / 1000);

function	script	time_from_seconds	{
    return now() + getarg(0);

function	script	time_from_minutes	{
    return now() + (getarg(0) * 60);

function	script	time_from_hours	{
    return now() + (getarg(0) * 3600);

function	script	time_from_days	{
    return now() + (getarg(0) * 86400);

// legendaryTimeCheck(current_date, target_date)
function	script	legendaryTimeCheck	{
    .@min = getarg(1)-86400;
    .@max = getarg(1)+86400;
    // getarg(0) is last_login, and getarg(1) the tolerance
    // if last_login < tolerance (older), then ban
    // But we don't want this to repeat.
    // Tolerance: day 10 -> min = 10-1=9; max=10+1=11
    // Day 8: (8 < 11? yes; 8 > 9? no)
    // Day 9: (9 < 11? yes; 9 > 9? no)
    // Day 10: (10 < 11? yes; 10 > 9? yes) -> Message sent
    // Day 11: (11 < 11? no; 11 > 9? yes)
    // Day 12: (12 < 11? no; 12 > 9? yes)
    if (getarg(0) < .@max && getarg(0) > .@min)
        return true;
        return false;

// FuzzyTime(<unix timestamp>{, <options>{, <precision>}})
//     gives time in a human-readable  format
//     <options> is bitmasked:
//     1  do not show "ago" when in past
//     2  do not show "in" when in the future
//     4  show "from now" instead of "in" when in the future
//     <precision> is the number of units to show,
//     by default uses two (eg. 2m30s or 1h20m).
//     Use '99' for max precision

function	script	FuzzyTime	{
    .@future = getarg(0, now());
    .@options = getarg(1, 3);
    .@precision = getarg(2, 2);
    .@diff = (.@future - now());

    // check if in the past, or in the future
    if (.@diff < 0) {
        .@diff *= -1;
        .@past = true;

    .@diff = max(1, .@diff);

    if (.@diff >= 31536000) {
        .@years = (.@diff / 31536000);
        .@diff = (++.@s == .@precision ? 0 : (.@diff % 31536000));
        .@ret$ += sprintf("%d %s", .@years, (.@years > 1 ? "years" : "year"));

    if (.@diff >= 86400) {
        .@days = (.@diff / 86400);
        .@diff = (++.@s == .@precision ? 0 : (.@diff % 86400));

        if (.@s > 1) {
            .@ret$ += (.@diff > 0 ? ", " : " and ");

        .@ret$ += sprintf("%d %s", .@days, (.@days > 1 ? "days" : "day"));

    if (.@diff >= 3600) {
        .@hours = (.@diff / 3600);
        .@diff = (++.@s == .@precision ? 0 : (.@diff % 3600));

        if (.@s > 1) {
            .@ret$ += (.@diff > 0 ? ", " : (.@s >= 3 ? ", " : " ") + "and ");

        .@ret$ += sprintf("%d %s", .@hours, (.@hours > 1 ? "hours" : "hour"));

    if (.@diff >= 60) {
        .@minutes = (.@diff / 60);
        .@diff = (++.@s == .@precision ? 0 : (.@diff % 60));

        if (.@s > 1) {
            .@ret$ += (.@diff > 0 ? ", " : (.@s >= 3 ? ", " : " ") + "and ");

        .@ret$ += sprintf("%d %s", .@minutes, (.@minutes > 1 ? "minutes" : "minute"));

    if (.@diff >= 1) {
        if (++.@s > 1) {
            .@ret$ += (.@s >= 3 ? ", " : " ") + "and ";

        .@ret$ += sprintf("%d %s", .@diff, (.@diff > 1 ? "seconds" : "second"));

    if (.@past && !(.@options & 1)) {
        .@ret$ += " ago";

    if (!(.@past) && !(.@options & 2)) {
        .@ret$ = ((.@options & 4) ? sprintf("%s from now", .@ret$) : sprintf("in %s", .@ret$));

    return .@ret$;