// TMW2: Moubootaur Legends scripts.
// Author:
// Jesusalva
// Description:
// Real Estate System
// Utils take care of NPCs - Their code, and enable/disable using check_cell
// This file is custom to every room
// ID: 7
// $ESTATE_OWNER[.id] → Account ID owner of the Real Estate
// $ESTATE_OWNERNAME$[.id] → Human readable name of Real Estate owner
// $ESTATE_RENTTIME[.id] → When the rent will expire
// $ESTATE_MOBILIA_2[.id] → Bitmask of mobilia currently purchased on Monster Collision (6) (Use on walls only)
// $ESTATE_MOBILIA_4[.id] → Bitmask of mobilia currently purchased on Air Collision (2)
// $ESTATE_MOBILIA_8[.id] → Bitmask of mobilia currently purchased on Water Collision (3)
// $ESTATE_MOBILIA_32[.id] → Bitmask of mobilia currently purchased on Yellow Collision (4)
// $ESTATE_MOBILIA_64[.id] → Bitmask of mobilia currently purchased on Player Collision (5)
// $ESTATE_MOBILIA_128[.id] → Bitmask of mobilia currently purchased on Normal Collision (1)
// $ESTATE_PASSWORD$[.id] → Password to enter the estate. If it is "", then no password required
// Note: GMs and Administrators can always use super password "mouboo" to enter a locked estate
// $ESTATE_DOORBELL[.id] → If doorbell is disabled (enabled by default)
// REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS → Credits equivalent to GP the player have. Will be used first.
// Real Estate NPCs and settings
// The sign is the main controller for rent system
// Doorbell is the main controller for indoor
// This is the NPC script controller
018-5-6,0,0,0 script NPCs#RES_0185 NPC_HIDDEN,{
// load_npc ( name , map, x , y{, cell} )
function load_npc {
if (checknpccell(getarg(1), getarg(2), getarg(3), getarg(4, cell_chknopass))) {
enablenpc getarg(0);
//debugmes "ENABLING NPC %s", getarg(0);
} else {
disablenpc getarg(0);
//debugmes "Disabling NPC %s", getarg(0);
debugmes "----- %s (%d,%d) cell report", getarg(1), getarg(2), getarg(3);
debugmes "cell_chknopass: %d", checknpccell(getarg(1), getarg(2), getarg(3), cell_chknopass);
debugmes "cell_chknoreach: %d", checknpccell(getarg(1), getarg(2), getarg(3), cell_chknoreach);
debugmes "cell_chkbasilica: %d", checknpccell(getarg(1), getarg(2), getarg(3), cell_chkbasilica);
debugmes "";
debugmes "cell_chkwater: %d", checknpccell(getarg(1), getarg(2), getarg(3), cell_chkwater);
debugmes "cell_chkwall: %d", checknpccell(getarg(1), getarg(2), getarg(3), cell_chkwall);
debugmes "cell_chkcliff: %d", checknpccell(getarg(1), getarg(2), getarg(3), cell_chkcliff);
debugmes "----- Npc Id: %s", getarg(0);
// NPC Settings
.sex = G_OTHER;
.distance = 3;
// Load or unload accordingly
// load_npc ( name , map, x , y{, cell} )
load_npc("Wardrobe#RES_0185", .map$, 21, 23);
load_npc("Cauldron#RES_0185", .map$, 28, 24);
load_npc("Piano#RES_0185" , .map$, 34, 25);
load_npc("Stove#RES_0185" , .map$, 23, 24);