// TMW-2 Script.
// Author:
// Saulc
// Jesusalva
// Notes:
// Tulim banker, and also handles PCLogin events: CheckClientVersion, and bank
// Take care of server updates, but instances are defined on their ships.
003-3,36,34,0 script Malindou NPC_LLOYD,{
Banker(.name$, "Tulimshar", 9000);
.sex = G_MALE;
.distance = 4;
// Update handler (use `date +%s` for this)
// Current UPDATE value: Qui Jun 7 08:10:55 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1528369855) {
debugmes "Warning.";
debugmes "Warning.";
debugmes "Warning: This introduces a server update:";
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Automatic variable setup";
debugmes "";
$TULIM_MAYOR$="Jesus Saves";
$HALIN_MAYOR$="Jesus Saves";
$HURNS_MAYOR$="Jesus Saves";
$LOF_MAYOR$="Jesus Saves";
$NIVAL_MAYOR$="Jesus Saves";
$FROSTIA_MAYOR$="Jesus Saves";
$CANDOR_MAYOR$="Jesus Saves";
$BETASERVER = false;
//$NO_INTRO = false;
//$HARDCORE = false;
//$CAPTCHA = 3; // Banhammer + Advance Warning (TMW Classic style)
$CAPTCHA = 28; // Syndrome + NoEvents + @treat (ML style)
$ALLIANCE_TAX1 = 7500;
$FIRESOFSTEAM[1] = 2000;
$FIRESOFSTEAM[2] = 2000;
$FIRESOFSTEAM[3] = 2000;
$FIRESOFSTEAM[4] = 2000;
$FIRESOFSTEAM[5] = 2000;
// Current UPDATE value: Dom Jun 17 21:32:45 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1529281965) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Please set #BankP for bankers";
debugmes "* Automatically creatining minimal GP reserves for Hasan Autumn's Quest";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Dom Jun 30 22:44:46 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1530409486) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Clearing invalid (deleted) items";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Qui Jul 12 02:40:02 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1531374002) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "";
debugmes "* This should not have an effect ingame.";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Qui Ago 2 13:58:17 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1533229097) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* ERASING all victories with Fafi Dragon";
debugmes "";
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '1' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+LoFQuest_Fairy+" AND `count1` = '2'");
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '2' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+LoFQuest_Fairy+" AND `count1` = '3'");
// Current UPDATE value: Qua Ago 8 11:04:10 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1533737050) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* REMOVING now rare items.";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Seg Ago 27 20:20:21 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1535412021) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* SETUP mana stone default values.";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Qui Set 06 13:50:37 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1536252637) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Clearing invalid (deleted) items";
debugmes "* Initial Vault Values";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Qui Set 13 14:17:50 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1536859070) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Aisen already have a completed node at PETMEMO.";
debugmes "* This was handled automatically, no special care is required.";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Dom Set 16 22:21:05 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1537147265) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* My Money quest state modified";
debugmes "* Foxhound Famine quest state modified";
debugmes "* Life Delight quest state modified"; // “A True Chef” is the LoF version of this quest
debugmes "";
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '1' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+ShipQuests_ArpanMoney+" AND `count1` = '2'");
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count2` = `count1` WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+HalinarzoQuest_Foxhound+" AND `count1` >= '6'");
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '6' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+HalinarzoQuest_Foxhound+" AND `count1` > '6'");
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count2` = `count1` WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+HalinarzoQuest_LifeDelight);
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '1' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+HalinarzoQuest_LifeDelight+" AND `count1` > '1'");
// Current UPDATE value: Seg Set 17 16:02:27 -03 2018
if ($UPDATE < 1537210947) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Referral Hack System";
debugmes "";
setarray $REFERRAL_IDS, 0;
// Current UPDATE value: Ter Out 16 17:17:20 -03 2018
// This is a hack because I'm too lazy to be bothered with standard SQL Upgrade system
if ($UPDATE < 1539721040) {
query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `discord` (`account_id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`discord_id` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',`discord_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',`verified` ENUM('0', '1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0') ENGINE=MyISAM");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* SQL Upgrade (no effect on new installations)";
//debugmes "* Nivalis Liberation Day event skipped";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Dom Nov 18 17:40:30 -02 2018
// Update players position
if ($UPDATE < 1542570030) {
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_x` = '35' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='005-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_y` = '102' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='005-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `save_x` = '35' WHERE `char`.`save_map`='005-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `save_y` = '102' WHERE `char`.`save_map`='005-1'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Update Candor players position";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Sab Dez 15 21:45:15 -02 2018
// Upgrade every Wooden Sword in a Bug Slayer
if ($UPDATE < 1544917515) {
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(WoodenSword, BugSlayer);
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Replaced Wooden Swords with Bug Slayer";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Sab Dez 17 13:52:54 -02 2018
// Fix a critical bug because Nard's ship doors logic was changed. Upgrade premium weapons in rare weapons
if ($UPDATE < 1545061974) {
//query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '3' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`='0' AND `quest`.`count1` = '2' AND `quest`.`char_id` IN (SELECT `quest`.`char_id` WHERE `quest`.`quest_id` = '12' AND `quest`.`count1`>='1')");
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(MiereCleaver, LEGACY_MiereCleaver);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(Broadsword, LEGACY_Broadsword);
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Replaced Miere Cleaver and Broad Sword with a special version specific for old players";
debugmes "* Fix critical bug with Nard (not needed on Main Server)";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Qua Dez 26 21:45:10 -02 2018
// Update item id
if ($UPDATE < 1545867910) {
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(6000, 9990);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(6001, 9991);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(6004, 9994);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(6005, 9995);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(9990, 6001);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(9991, 6000);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(9994, 6005);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(9995, 6004);
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Update Bows IDs";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Seg Dez 31 11:45:35 -02 2018
// Update players position (002-x). Update Peter Quest. Update Main quest.
if ($UPDATE < 1546263935) {
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_x` = '53' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='002-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_y` = '38' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='002-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_x` = '53' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='002-3'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_y` = '38' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='002-3'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_x` = '53' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='002-4'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_y` = '38' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='002-4'");
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '2' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+ShipQuests_Peter+" AND `count1` >= '3'");
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '1' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+General_Narrator+" AND `count1` >= '2'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Update players position (Nard's Ship)";
debugmes "* Update Peter Quest";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Ter Jan 8 11:14:04 -02 2019
// Update arrow IDs
if ($UPDATE < 1546953244) {
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(CursedArrow, 9990);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(IronArrow, 9991);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(9990, IronArrow);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(9991, CursedArrow);
// Maybe we should make Tolchi Arrow greater than Training Arrow?
// PlatinumQuiver - DragonStar - MichelSoul
// Terranite Quiver was broken in two, they'll keep the weaker version
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(1174, 9991);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(1175, 9992);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(1176, 9993);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(9991, 1175);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(9992, 1176);
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(9993, 1177);
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Update Arrows IDs";
debugmes "* Update Quiver IDs";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Ter Jan 15 02:07:40 -02 2019
// Reset all thief/merc ranks back to 1.
// If
if ($UPDATE < 1547525260) {
// Already rank 2? Give enough exp to get rank 2 easily.
query_sql("UPDATE `char_reg_num_db` SET `value` = '30' WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key`='THIEF_EXP' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`char_id` IN (SELECT `char_reg_num_db`.`char_id` WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key` = 'THIEF_RANK' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`value`>='2')");
// Didn't wanted to rank up? Reset exp to 30!
query_sql("UPDATE `char_reg_num_db` SET `value` = '30' WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key`='THIEF_EXP' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`value` >= '32' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`char_id` IN (SELECT `char_reg_num_db`.`char_id` WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key` = 'THIEF_RANK' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`value`<='1')");
// Already rank 2? Return to rank 1.
query_sql("UPDATE `char_reg_num_db` SET `value` = '1' WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key`='THIEF_RANK' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`value` >= '2'");
// The same thing, now for merchants
// Already rank 2? Give enough exp to get rank 2 easily.
query_sql("UPDATE `char_reg_num_db` SET `value` = '30' WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key`='MERC_EXP' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`char_id` IN (SELECT `char_reg_num_db`.`char_id` WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key` = 'MERC_RANK' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`value`>='2')");
// Didn't wanted to rank up? Reset exp to 30!
query_sql("UPDATE `char_reg_num_db` SET `value` = '30' WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key`='MERC_EXP' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`value` >= '32' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`char_id` IN (SELECT `char_reg_num_db`.`char_id` WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key` = 'MERC_RANK' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`value`<='1')");
// Already rank 2? Return to rank 1.
query_sql("UPDATE `char_reg_num_db` SET `value` = '1' WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key`='MERC_RANK' AND `char_reg_num_db`.`value` >= '2'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Merc/Thief ranks reset to 1";
debugmes "Improving past rank 2 helps on minigame";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Qui Fev 28 19:42:12 -03 2019
// Late fix for Nard Ship Bug
if ($UPDATE < 1551393732) {
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '3' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+ShipQuests_Julia+" AND `count1` <= '2'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Late fix for Nard Ship Bug";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Qui Mar 7 23:15:54 -03 2019
// Map Update
if ($UPDATE < 1552011354) {
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_x` = '22' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='014-3'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_y` = '22' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='014-3'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_map` = '000-1' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='014-3'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_x` = '22' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='003-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_y` = '22' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='003-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_map` = '000-1' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='003-1'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Map Updates";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Sáb Mar 23 11:11:32 -03 2019
// Soul Menhir savepoint replaced
if ($UPDATE < 1553350292) {
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `save_map` = '000-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `save_x` = '22'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `save_y` = '22'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Soul Menhir Save Point replaced";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Sex Abr 26 00:12:35 -03 2019
// Monster King & Main Storyline System
if ($UPDATE < 1556248355) {
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count3` = '0' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+HurnscaldQuest_Arkim);
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count2` = '0' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+HurnscaldQuest_Arkim);
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Main Storyline system updated";
debugmes "* Arkim updated";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Sab Mai 04 02:21:58 -03 2019
// Remove Return Crystals
if ($UPDATE < 1556947318) {
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count2` = '7' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+General_Narrator+" AND `count1` >= '6'");
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '5' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+General_Narrator+" AND `count1` >= '6'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Player Storyline modified";
debugmes "* Return Crystals removed";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Seg mai 06 08:54:55 -03 2019
// Remove Legendary Weapons
if ($UPDATE < 1557143695) {
//DelItemFromEveryPlayer(DemureAxe); // Demure's Exception!
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Legendary Weapons removed";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Dom mai 26 23:00:52 -03 2019
// Shovel Update
if ($UPDATE < 1558922452) {
DelItemFromEveryPlayer(527); // Old pumpkish juice nobody have
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(526, 527);
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Shovel Update";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Seg mai 27 10:57:02 -03 2019
// Picklog Update
if ($UPDATE < 1558965422) {
query_sql("ALTER TABLE picklog MODIFY COLUMN `opt_val0` SMALLINT(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';");
query_sql("ALTER TABLE picklog MODIFY COLUMN `opt_val1` SMALLINT(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';");
query_sql("ALTER TABLE picklog MODIFY COLUMN `opt_val2` SMALLINT(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';");
query_sql("ALTER TABLE picklog MODIFY COLUMN `opt_val3` SMALLINT(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';");
query_sql("ALTER TABLE picklog MODIFY COLUMN `opt_val4` SMALLINT(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';");
// Replace all BugSlayer, ShortGladius, RealBronzeGladius and Backsword
// With a version containing the critical damage option (bCritAtkRate)
// auction table have no faulty items, nor do carts nor do I care w/ rodex
// by the time this query was writen
// IOPT_CRITDMG id is 199
query_sql("UPDATE `inventory` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+BugSlayer);
query_sql("UPDATE `storage` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+BugSlayer);
query_sql("UPDATE `guild_storage` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+BugSlayer);
query_sql("UPDATE `inventory` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+ShortGladius);
query_sql("UPDATE `storage` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+ShortGladius);
query_sql("UPDATE `guild_storage` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+ShortGladius);
query_sql("UPDATE `inventory` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+RealBronzeGladius);
query_sql("UPDATE `storage` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+RealBronzeGladius);
query_sql("UPDATE `guild_storage` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+RealBronzeGladius);
query_sql("UPDATE `inventory` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+Backsword);
query_sql("UPDATE `storage` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+Backsword);
query_sql("UPDATE `guild_storage` SET `opt_idx0` = '199', `opt_val0` = '30'"+
" WHERE `nameid`="+Backsword);
debugmes "";
debugmes "* picklog options Update";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Sex Jun 21 13:20:21 -03 2019
// Tulimshar Sailors quest was split in two
if ($UPDATE < 1561134021) {
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '4' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+TulimsharQuest_Sailors+" AND `count1` >= '2'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_x` = '22' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='005-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_y` = '22' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='005-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_map` = '000-1' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='005-1'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Tulimshar Sailors split in two";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Seg Jul 15 22:10:00 -03 2019
// Candor Redesign
if ($UPDATE < 1563239400) {
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_x` = '22' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='005-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_y` = '22' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='005-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `last_map` = '000-1' WHERE `char`.`last_map`='005-1'");
query_sql("UPDATE `skill` SET `id` = '20010' WHERE `skill`.`id`='20011'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Candor Redesign";
debugmes "* Magic Class Removed";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Sab Ago 24 17:42:24 -03 2019
// Political System
if ($UPDATE < 1566679344) {
// $LOC_MAYOR$ - Stores the name of current Hurnscald Mayor
// $LOC_MONEY - Total money reserves of Hurnscald
// $LOC_TAX - How much in % is charged as taxes. (OnBuy income)
// $LOC_EXPORT - Defines how much Hurnscald exports (weekly income)
// $LOC_REPUTATION - Town reputation. Affects Max Tax and Weekly Income.
// Tulim
// Halin
// Hurns
// LoF
$LOF_MAYOR$="Jesus Saves";
// Nival
$NIVAL_MAYOR$="Jesus Saves";
// Frostia
$FROSTIA_MAYOR$="Jesus Saves";
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Political System Base";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Sex Jan 17 14:42:37 BRT 2020
// Remove Junk
if ($UPDATE < 1579282957) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Blanket fix";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Dom Fev 16 14:54:30 BRT 2020
// Language over simplification
if ($UPDATE < 1581875670) {
query_sql("DELETE FROM `char_reg_num_db` WHERE `key`='INN_REGISTER'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Variable cleanup";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Sex Fev 24 12:15:12 BRT 2020
// Release 11.1 final
if ($UPDATE < 1582557312) {
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(RiceHat, BullHelmet);
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count1` = '2' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+General_Narrator+" AND `count1` = '3'");
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `count2` = '0' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id`="+General_Narrator+" AND `count1` = '2'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Bull Helmet Fix";
debugmes "* Remove Silver Easter Eggs";
debugmes "* Lua Quest Reset";
debugmes "* Battle Configuration is now volatile";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Dom Abr 26 12:41:55 BRT 2020 [1587915715]
// Current UPDATE value: Qua Mai 27 18:56:15 BRT 2020
// Fix Tolchi mess
if ($UPDATE < 1590616575) {
if ($UPDATE < 1587915715) {
query_sql("UPDATE `inventory` SET `opt_val0` = '20', `opt_val1` = '0', `opt_idx1` = '0' WHERE (`opt_idx0`='189' OR `opt_idx0`='200') AND (`opt_idx1`='189' OR `opt_idx1`='200') AND (`opt_val0` > '18' AND `opt_val1` > '18')");
query_sql("UPDATE `cart_inventory` SET `opt_val0` = '20', `opt_val1` = '0', `opt_idx1` = '0' WHERE (`opt_idx0`='189' OR `opt_idx0`='200') AND (`opt_idx1`='189' OR `opt_idx1`='200') AND (`opt_val0` > '18' AND `opt_val1` > '18')");
query_sql("UPDATE `storage` SET `opt_val0` = '20', `opt_val1` = '0', `opt_idx1` = '0' WHERE (`opt_idx0`='189' OR `opt_idx0`='200') AND (`opt_idx1`='189' OR `opt_idx1`='200') AND (`opt_val0` > '18' AND `opt_val1` > '18')");
query_sql("UPDATE `guild_storage` SET `opt_val0` = '20', `opt_val1` = '0', `opt_idx1` = '0' WHERE (`opt_idx0`='189' OR `opt_idx0`='200') AND (`opt_idx1`='189' OR `opt_idx1`='200') AND (`opt_val0` > '18' AND `opt_val1` > '18')");
query_sql("UPDATE `rodex_items` SET `opt_val0` = '20', `opt_val1` = '0', `opt_idx1` = '0' WHERE (`opt_idx0`='189' OR `opt_idx0`='200') AND (`opt_idx1`='189' OR `opt_idx1`='200') AND (`opt_val0` > '18' AND `opt_val1` > '18')");
query_sql("UPDATE `auction` SET `opt_val0` = '20', `opt_val1` = '0', `opt_idx1` = '0' WHERE (`opt_idx0`='189' OR `opt_idx0`='200') AND (`opt_idx1`='189' OR `opt_idx1`='200') AND (`opt_val0` > '18' AND `opt_val1` > '18')");
// Destroy duplicates (should not exist)
query_sql("UPDATE `inventory` SET `opt_val0` = '15', `opt_val1` = '0', `opt_idx1` = '0' WHERE (`opt_idx1`=`opt_idx0`) AND (`opt_val0` > '15' AND `opt_val1` > '15')");
query_sql("UPDATE `storage` SET `opt_val0` = '15', `opt_val1` = '0', `opt_idx1` = '0' WHERE (`opt_idx1`=`opt_idx0`) AND (`opt_val0` > '15' AND `opt_val1` > '15')");
query_sql("UPDATE `guild_storage` SET `opt_val0` = '15', `opt_val1` = '0', `opt_idx1` = '0' WHERE (`opt_idx1`=`opt_idx0`) AND (`opt_val0` > '15' AND `opt_val1` > '15')");
query_sql("UPDATE `rodex_items` SET `opt_val0` = '15', `opt_val1` = '0', `opt_idx1` = '0' WHERE (`opt_idx1`=`opt_idx0`) AND (`opt_val0` > '15' AND `opt_val1` > '15')");
// Magic v3
ReplaceSkillFromEveryPlayer(MG_FIREBALL, TMW2_FIREARROW); // 1 MSP
// These skills MSP cost was switched
ReplaceSkillFromEveryPlayer(AL_HOLYLIGHT, TMW2_NAPALMBEAT);
ReplaceSkillFromEveryPlayer(MG_NAPALMBEAT, TMW2_HOLYLIGHT);
ReplaceSkillFromEveryPlayer(MG_COLDBOLT, TMW2_FROSTDIVER);
ReplaceSkillFromEveryPlayer(MG_FROSTDIVER, TMW2_FROSTNOVA);
ReplaceSkillFromEveryPlayer(WZ_FROSTNOVA, TMW2_NILFHEIM);
ReplaceSkillFromEveryPlayer(AL_HEAL, TMW2_FIRSTAID);
ReplaceSkillFromEveryPlayer(AB_HIGHNESSHEAL, TMW2_HEALING);
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Tolchi mess cleanup";
debugmes "* Rebirth Hero";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Ter Jul 28 22:49:52 BRT 2020
// Tulimshar Volcano
if ($UPDATE < 1595987392) {
ReplaceItemFromEveryPlayer(816, IcedBottle);
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Iced Water re-id";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Ter Mar 9 18:45:00 BRT 2021
// Easter Upgrade
if ($UPDATE < 1615326300) {
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Easter changes";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Qua Abr 7 13:32:35 BRT 2021
// Skill Update
if ($UPDATE < 1617813155) {
ReplaceSkillFromEveryPlayer(SM_BASH, TMW2_FALKONSTRIKE);
ReplaceSkillFromEveryPlayer(AC_SHOWER, TMW2_ARROWSHOWER);
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Skill changes";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Qui Set 23 18:46:36 BRT 2021
// Variable Update
if ($UPDATE < 1632433596) {
$ALLIANCE_TAX1 = 7500;
debugmes "";
debugmes "* New global variables";
debugmes "";
// Current UPDATE value: Qui Dez 20 13:47:10 BRT 2021
// Homun Skill Update
if ($UPDATE < 1640882830) {
query_sql("UPDATE IGNORE `skill_homunculus` SET `id`=8047 WHERE `id`=8013"); // HVAN_CAPRICE
query_sql("UPDATE IGNORE `skill_homunculus` SET `id`=8048 WHERE `id`=8002"); // HLIF_AVOID
query_sql("UPDATE IGNORE `skill_homunculus` SET `id`=8050 WHERE `id`=8008"); // HAMI_BLOODLUST
query_sql("UPDATE IGNORE `skill_homunculus` SET `id`=8049 WHERE `id`=8006"); // HAMI_DEFENSE
query_sql("UPDATE IGNORE `skill_homunculus` SET `id`=8051 WHERE `id`=8009"); // HFLI_MOON
query_sql("UPDATE IGNORE `skill_homunculus` SET `id`=8053 WHERE `id`=8011"); // HFLI_SPEED
query_sql("UPDATE IGNORE `skill_homunculus` SET `id`=8052 WHERE `id`=8010"); // HFLI_FLEET
query_sql("UPDATE IGNORE `skill_homunculus` SET `id`=8054 WHERE `id`=8020"); // MH_POISON_MIST
query_sql("UPDATE IGNORE `skill_homunculus` SET `id`=8055 WHERE `id`=8032"); // MH_GOLDENE_FERSE
query_sql("UPDATE IGNORE `skill_homunculus` SET `id`=8056 WHERE `id`=8031"); // MH_STAHL_HORN
debugmes "";
debugmes "* New homunculus skills";
debugmes "";
// The following UPDATE value on: Sun Aug 20 17:11:45 CEST 2023
// Typo update: FMOLY -> FYMOLY.
if ($UPDATE < 1692544305) {
$UPDATE = 1692544305;
// Current UPDATE value: Sex Dez 15 20:30:00 BRT 2023
// Find the one with highest Lightbringer score and give it
// Would be unfair otherwise. query_sql to select most active players
// Then get their points in matrix_lb so on so forth. But this is also unfair
// So instead, loop through accounts order by activity limit 20
// Select first char from each account ID, and manually run the most important
// parts. As we know at least one is eligible, the one with highest score is
// deemed the victor. Disable Lightbringer NPC afterwards (so a sleep before).
if ($UPDATE < 1702683000) {
$LIGHT_HOLDER$ = "Jesus Saves";
sleep(3000); // Wait long enough for Scoreboards initialization
.@nb = query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `lastlogin` > '"+escape_sql(sqldate(-6))+"' AND `group_id` < 5 ORDER BY `lastlogin` DESC LIMIT 15", .@acids); // Select the 15 most active eligible non-GM accounts
.@winner = 0; // CharID
.@wscore = 0;
for (.@xi=0; .@xi <= getarraysize(.@acids); .@xi++) {
.@score = 0; .@cid=0; .@name$=""; .@blvl=0; .@jlvl=0;
// Select only one char from the account, the one with highest job
.@nb = query_sql("SELECT `char_id`, `name`, `base_level`, `job_level` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` = "+.@acids[.@xi]+" ORDER BY `job_level` DESC LIMIT 1", .@cid, .@name$, .@blvl, .@jlvl);
// Eliminate if .@name$ in the list of legendary holders
if (islegendary(.@name$))
// Load quests and variables (up to 128 - query_sql's limit)
.@nb = query_sql("SELECT `quest_id`, `count1` FROM `quest` WHERE `char_id` = "+.@cid+" ORDER BY `count1` DESC LIMIT 128", .@quest_id, .@qv);
.@nb = query_sql("SELECT `key`, `value` FROM `char_reg_num_db` WHERE `index` = 0 AND `char_id` = "+.@cid+" ORDER BY `value` DESC LIMIT 128", .@var_id$, .@vv);
// Are you eligible for the Lightbringer? Otherwise, it is expensive
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, General_Narrator);
if (.@i < 0)
if (.@qv[.@i] < 19)
// Begin score calculation
debugmes "Tallying %s[%d]...", .@name$, .@cid;
// Magic matrice
.@i = array_find(.@var_id$, "MAGIC_LVL");
if (.@i >= 0)
.@score += min(7, .@vv[.@i]);
// Deeds matrix (NOT CAPPED, unlike original)
if (array_find(.@var_id$, "YETIKING_WINNER") >= 0)
.@score += 1;
if (array_find(.@var_id$, "HEROESHOLD_WINNER") >= 0)
.@score += 1;
if (array_find(.@var_id$, "QUIRINO_WINNER") >= 0)
.@score += 1;
if (array_find(.@var_id$, "GEMINI_WINNER") >= 0)
.@score += 1;
if (array_find(.@var_id$, "GHQ_WINNER") >= 0)
.@score += 1;
if (array_find(.@var_id$, "FORT_1ST_VISIT") >= 0)
.@score += 1;
if (array_find(.@var_id$, "MOUBOOTAUR_WINNER") >= 0)
.@score += 1;
if (array_find(.@var_id$, "MK_WINNER") >= 0)
.@score += 1;
// Rebirth matrice
.@i = array_find(.@var_id$, "REBIRTH");
if (.@i >= 0)
.@score += min(10, .@vv[.@i]*2);
debugmes "First bout: %d points", .@score;
// If you didn't made at least two points, you're inelegible
if (.@score < 2)
// Level matrice
.@score += min( 5, .@blvl / 30);
.@score += min(10, .@jlvl / 15);
// You're also disqualified if you have no chance to win the race
if (.@score <= (.@wscore - 57))
// Scoreboards matrix
.@br=array_find($@hoblvl_name$, .@name$);
.@jr=array_find($@hojlvl_name$, .@name$);
.@mr=array_find($@hofortune_name$, .@name$);
.@dr=array_find($@udt_name$, .@name$);
.@br=limit(0, (.@br >= 0 ? 10-.@br : 0), 10);
.@jr=limit(0, (.@jr >= 0 ? 10-.@jr : 0), 10);
.@mr=limit(0, (.@mr >= 0 ? 10-.@mr : 0), 10);
.@dr=limit(0, (.@dr >= 0 ? 3-.@dr : 0), 3);
debugmes "Second bout: %d points", .@score;
// Before we calculate the reputation,
// You must have accrued a minimum of 10 points
// Otherwise you're disqualified (new player?)
if (.@score < 10)
// You're also disqualified if you have no chance to win the race
if (.@score <= (.@wscore - 24))
// Reputation matrix
// Tulimshar
.@i = 0; .@t = 0;
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuests_Fishman);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_Sarah);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_WaterForGuard);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 3 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_MobTutorial);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 8 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_Swezanne);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_Lifestone);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_Eistein);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 6 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_Hasan);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 5 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_Devoir);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_Sailors);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_DarkInvocator);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 7 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_AnwarField);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 10 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_Neko);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, MineQuest_Tycoon);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 15 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, MineQuest_Dracoula);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, MineQuest_Caelum);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, MineQuest_Naem);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 3 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, TulimsharQuest_WoodenSword);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
// Final result
.@score += min(3, (.@t*100/17) / 33);
// Hurnscald
.@i = 0; .@t = 0;
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_ForestBow);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_HarkEye);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 6 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_TeaParty);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_Farmers);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 5 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_Bandits);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 8 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_BloodDonor);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_Woody);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 5 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_Lieutenant);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 10 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_Thorn);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_Blossom);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_LOFPass);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 3 ? 1 : 0);
// Final result
.@score += min(3, (.@t*100/12) / 33);
// You must have accrued a minimum of 14 points by now
// Otherwise you're disqualified
if (.@score < 14)
// Land of Fire
.@i = 0; .@t = 0;
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, LoFQuest_EPISODE);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 6 ? 1 : 0);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 13 ? 1 : 0);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 17 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, LoFQuest_George);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 5 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, LoFQuest_Fairy);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 3 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, LoFQuest_Pets);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
// Final result
.@score += min(3, (.@t*100/7) / 33);
// Nivalis
.@i = 0; .@t = 0;
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, NivalisQuest_Well);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, NivalisQuest_Cindy);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 5 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, NivalisQuest_BlueSage);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 12 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, NivalisQuest_BlueSageSlimes);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, NivalisQuest_BlueSagePagemaker);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, NivalisQuest_BlueSagePagefinder);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, NivalisQuest_Henry);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
// Final result
.@score += min(3, (.@t*100/7) / 33);
// You must have accrued a minimum of 18 points by now
// Otherwise you're disqualified
if (.@score < 18)
// Halinarzo
.@i = 0; .@t = 0;
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HalinarzoQuest_Foxhound);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 6 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HalinarzoQuest_TraderKing);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HalinarzoQuest_SickWife);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 5 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HalinarzoQuest_LifeDelight);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HurnscaldQuest_ForestBow);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HalinarzoQuest_Alvasus);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HalinarzoQuest_Sawis);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, HalinarzoQuest_Speed);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
// Final result
.@score += min(3, (.@t*100/8) / 33);
// Frostia
.@i = 0; .@t = 0;
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FrostiaQuest_Homunculus);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 4 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FrostiaQuest_AFKCap);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FrostiaQuest_Jeremy);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FrostiaQuest_Erlan);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FrostiaQuest_Rydel);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FrostiaQuest_Meriel);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FrostiaQuest_Taenya);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FrostiaQuest_Talindra);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FrostiaQuest_Gaelira);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FrostiaQuest_Saevel);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FrostiaQuest_JhonH);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
// Final result
.@score += min(3, (.@t*100/11) / 33);
// You must have accrued a minimum of 22 points by now
// Otherwise you're disqualified
if (.@score < 22)
// Candor
.@i = 0; .@t = 0;
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, CandorQuest_Trainer);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 14 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, CandorQuest_Barrel);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 4 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, CandorQuest_HAS);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 4 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, CandorQuest_Sailors);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 3 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, CandorQuest_SailorCure);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, CandorQuest_Vincent);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, CandorQuest_Tolchi);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 3 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, CandorQuest_Maya);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 4 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, CandorQuest_Rosen);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 3 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, CandorQuest_Marggo);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);
// Final result
.@score += min(3, (.@t*100/10) / 33);
// Fortress Town
.@i = 0; .@t = 0;
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, General_Narrator);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 22 ? 2 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FortressQuest_SlimeHunter);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FortressQuest_Over100);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
.@i = array_find(.@quest_id, FortressQuest_RangedHunt);
if (.@i >= 0) .@t += (.@qv[.@i] >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
// Final result
.@score += min(3, (.@t*100/5) / 33);
debugmes "Final bout: %d points", .@score;
// Now we determine if you have enough points to surpass #1
// More active players are evaluated first and have priority.
if (.@score > .@wscore) {
.@winner = .@cid;
.@wscore = .@score;
$LIGHT_HOLDER$ = .@name$;
kamibroadcast("The Lightbringer has elected "+$LIGHT_HOLDER$+" as its holder.");
consolewarn("Elected %s[%d] with %d points for Lightbringer.", $LIGHT_HOLDER$, .@winner, .@wscore);
disablenpc "Lightbringer";
$UPDATE = 1702683000;
// Current UPDATE value: Dom Jun 02 13:14:50 -03 2024
// Replace ShipQuests_Julia ID, eliminate artifacts if needed
if ($UPDATE < 1717344890) {
query_sql("DELETE FROM `quest` WHERE `quest`.`quest_id` = '4'");
query_sql("UPDATE `quest` SET `quest_id` = '4' WHERE `quest`.`quest_id` = '0'");
debugmes "";
debugmes "* Invalidate quest ID 0";
debugmes "";
// This mensures Contributors Credits, and changes only during updates.
// All names in lower case. Only TMW2 direct work! Non-TMW2 contributors
// should be disregarded if they're not involved with the project.
// Standard patch (DIY); 10 points
// Reports: 1 point if relevant enough
// You may get more points for complexity, difficulty, usability, etc.
// You may get less points if you don't do it yourself, eg. a bug report.
// Relevance of the contribution is also to be taken in account.
// See 003-2/lua.txt for rewards
// Lower case only!
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "jesusalva", 250);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "saulc", 250);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "lawncable", 180);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "thinksome", 85);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "crazyfefe", 70);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "mishana", 70);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "esteria", 70);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "arthur", 50);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "rakinorf", 40);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "dangerduck", 40);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "pookie", 36);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "xanofire", 32);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "kolchak", 30);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "jak1", 30);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "meway", 25);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "testuser", 25);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "manatauro", 21);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "HoraK", 20);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "dustman", 18);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "povo", 10);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "minegamerbr", 10);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "yuckfou", 10);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "kytty", 10);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "ledmitz", 10);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "liangtai", 4);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "demure", 2);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "seeds", 2);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "lilanna", 1);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "hocus pocus fidibus", 42);
htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "cadis etrama di raizel", 20);
//htput($@CONTRIBUTORS, "", 1);
// Maintain only 7 days of chatlog and a month of picklog
if (gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH) >= 7)
query_sql("DELETE FROM `chatlog` WHERE `time` < '"+sqldate(-7)+"'");
// Flush picklog
if (!$@HAS_API) {
query_sql("DELETE FROM `picklog` WHERE `time` < '"+sqldate(0, -1)+"'");
} else {
apiasync("SQL", "DELETE FROM `picklog` WHERE `time` < '"+sqldate(0, -1)+"'");
apiasync("SQLRUN", "");
// TODO: Have crontab make monthly .gz backup?
// Remove overhead from picklog
if (gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH) == 14) {
apiasync("SQL", "OPTIMIZE TABLE `picklog`");
apiasync("SQLRUN", "");
// This is for HUB
if (!playerattached())
if (!playerattached())
.@msg$ = @chat$;
// We don't care with punctuation or capitalization
.@msg$ = strtolower(.@msg$);
.@msg$ = replacestr(.@msg$, ",", "");
.@msg$ = replacestr(.@msg$, ".", "");
.@msg$ = replacestr(.@msg$, "!", "");
.@msg$ = replacestr(.@msg$, ":", "");
.@msg$ = replacestr(.@msg$, ";", "");
.@msg$ = replacestr(.@msg$, "(", "");
.@msg$ = replacestr(.@msg$, ")", "");
.@msg$ = replacestr(.@msg$, "<", "");
.@msg$ = replacestr(.@msg$, ">", "");
.@msg$ = replacestr(.@msg$, "*", "");
// Level up events
switch (BaseLevel) {
case 3:
case 5:
case 7:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
case 16:
case 17:
case 18:
case 19:
// Recalculate the bonus
case 20:
if (!REBIRTH) {
// Events
case 40:
if (countitem(MercCard_EH))
delitem MercCard_EH, countitem(MercCard_EH);
// Referral and Eisten
case 25:
if (#REFERRAL_PROG && BaseLevel == 25 && #REFERRAL_CTRL < 1) {
rodex_sendmail(atoi(gf_charid(#REFERRAL_PROG)), "TMW2 Team", "Recruited Player got Lv 25!", strcharinfo(0)+" just got level 25!\nAs they get stronger, more rewards will be sent to you!", 0, SilverGift, 1);
case 50:
if (#REFERRAL_PROG && BaseLevel == 50 && #REFERRAL_CTRL < 2) {
rodex_sendmail(atoi(gf_charid(#REFERRAL_PROG)), "TMW2 Team", "Recruited Player got Lv 50!", strcharinfo(0)+" just got level 50!\nAs they get stronger, more rewards will be sent to you!", 0, ArcmageBoxset, 1);
case 75:
if (#REFERRAL_PROG && BaseLevel == 75 && #REFERRAL_CTRL < 3) {
rodex_sendmail(atoi(gf_charid(#REFERRAL_PROG)), "TMW2 Team", "Recruited Player got Lv 75!", strcharinfo(0)+" just got level 75!\nAs they get stronger, more rewards will be sent to you!", 0, PrismGift, 1);
case 100:
if (#REFERRAL_PROG && BaseLevel == 100 && #REFERRAL_CTRL < 4) {
rodex_sendmail(atoi(gf_charid(#REFERRAL_PROG)), "TMW2 Team", "Recruited Player got Lv 100!", strcharinfo(0)+" just got level 100!\nTime to reap what you've sow for so long!", 0, SupremeGift, 1);
case 125:
case 150:
dispbottom l("Milestone levelup: A reward can now be claimed in Tulimshar.");
// Every time the server starts, clean up possibly broken data about treasures.
// NPC ID might have changed.
atcommand("@channel setopt #world MessageDelay 1");
$@HAS_API=apiasync("PING", "");
query_sql("DELETE FROM `char_reg_num_db` WHERE `key`='RNGTREASURE_DATE'");
query_sql("DELETE FROM `char_reg_num_db` WHERE `key`='PVP_COOLDOWN'");
query_sql("DELETE FROM `char_reg_num_db` WHERE `key`='CHAREG_CLEANUP'");
// Some wildcard deletions
query_sql("DELETE FROM `char_reg_str_db` WHERE `key` LIKE 'CAPTCHA%'");
query_sql("DELETE FROM `char_reg_num_db` WHERE `key` LIKE 'CAPTCHA%'");
// This control all PC Login events
// Position matters!
// Vault override
if (#MerchantBank) {
if (#MerchantBank < 0)
consolebug("Negative bank data for %s!", strcharinfo(0));
BankVault += #MerchantBank;
#MerchantBank = 0;
// Cannot login with outdated client
// Message of the Day have priority
// Scheduled Announces
// TODO: npc/commands/rate-management.txt
// Main update handler
// Position and gameplay fixes
// Alcohol system reset
// Newbie bonuses recalc
if (BaseLevel < 20 || REBIRTH) NewcomerEXPDROPUP();
// Daily rewards (The first with dialog interactions)
// Guild Weekly Login Bonus
// Thanksgiving Event