// TMW2 scripts.
// Author:
// Jesusalva
// Description:
// Debug functions for Craft Systems
001-3-1,32,89,0 script GM Alchemy Table NPC_NO_SPRITE,{
if ($EVENT$ == "") goto L_Offline;
if ($@GM_OVERRIDE) goto L_Master;
mesc l("Welcome to Saulc's Magic Alchemy Table!");
mesc l("What will you brew today?");
mesc l("Operation cost: %s GP", fnum(500)), 1;
if (Zeny < 500) close;
if (AlchemySystem()) {
Zeny -= 500;
mesc l("Success!"), 3;
} else {
mesc l("That didn't work!"), 1;
mesc l("Welcome to Saulc's Magic Alchemy Table!");
mesc l("This table will prepare the potion for you, no skill required!");
mesc l("What will you brew today?");
if (AlchemySystem(CRAFT_NPC))
mesc l("Success!"), 3;
mesc l("That didn't work!"), 1;
npctalk3 l("Oops! Seems like Saulc doesn't wants you messing on his chemistry set!");
001-3-1,22,89,0 duplicate(GM Alchemy Table) GM Alchemy Table#1 NPC_NO_SPRITE
001-3-1,28,89,0 duplicate(GM Alchemy Table) GM Alchemy Table#2 NPC_NO_SPRITE
001-3-1,37,89,0 duplicate(GM Alchemy Table) GM Alchemy Table#3 NPC_NO_SPRITE
001-3-1,22,102,0 duplicate(GM Alchemy Table) GM Alchemy Table#4 NPC_NO_SPRITE
001-3-1,28,102,0 duplicate(GM Alchemy Table) GM Alchemy Table#5 NPC_NO_SPRITE
001-3-1,32,102,0 duplicate(GM Alchemy Table) GM Alchemy Table#6 NPC_NO_SPRITE
001-3-1,37,102,0 duplicate(GM Alchemy Table) GM Alchemy Table#7 NPC_NO_SPRITE