path: root/sfx
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2024-06-06Added gun ricochets as misses, renamed gunstaff to gun and corrected all refe...Led Mitz5-0/+0
2022-09-26Fix some statues and include effect 311Jesusaves1-0/+0
2021-12-24Add the snowman with art by Hocus (MIT) and sound by Ledmitz (BY SA 4.0)Jesusaves4-0/+0
2020-12-10Pollet SFX by clortJesusaves6-0/+0
2020-07-22critical.ogg redone as requested. Lower volume than original too.Ledmitz2-0/+0
2020-04-24Effect ID 34 falling foot from skies. It'll be simpler to implement than jail...Jesusaves1-0/+0
2020-04-23Lightsaber SFX, as I've promised @dangerDuckJesusaves5-0/+0
2020-04-15Candor Domain, C006-4Micksha3-0/+0
2019-05-19Lower gain on Dragon death breathJesusaves1-0/+0
2019-05-19Butterfly hit, and add dragon SFXJesusaves2-0/+0
2019-05-19Add some SFX Resources from TMW-BR (wow, br is really bigger than I thought).Jesusaves2-0/+0
2019-05-19SFX for bows and axes. Bow SFX is not good on M+ though?Jesusaves3-0/+0
2019-05-19Bow shoot SFXJesusaves1-0/+0
2018-09-09Delete .gitkeepSaulc1-0/+0
2018-09-09hit1 come back xdSaulc1-0/+0
2018-09-09[skip ci] Delete hit1.ogg wrong folderSaulc1-0/+0
2018-09-09[skip ci] Delete .gitkeepSaulc1-0/+0
2018-09-09Add new directorySaulc1-0/+0
2018-09-02Can't really make this crap sound better. Sorry demure.Jesusaves1-0/+0
2018-09-02Smooth wolf die howlJesusaves1-0/+0
2018-07-08SFX fixes, still need to test fairies, and this means server-data patch coming.Jesusaves5-0/+0
2018-06-13Missing SFX on Wolf, from ORGJesusaves3-0/+0
2018-06-13SFX for DragonsJesusaves2-0/+0
2018-06-13SFX from TMW-BR to WolvernsJesusaves4-0/+0
2018-06-11Add cute squirrelsJesusaves4-0/+0
2018-05-11Delete .gitkeepSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-11shroom hit sfxSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-11Add shroom directory do not mix up with mushroom directory used for plushroom...Saulc1-0/+0
2018-05-09sfx pinkie miss Saulc1-0/+0
2018-05-09Delete .gitkeepSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-09sfx pinkie hit Saulc1-0/+0
2018-05-09Add pinkie directorySaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-09sfx fire goblin missSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-09Delete .gitkeep added by gitlabSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-09sfx fire goblin hit 2Saulc1-0/+0
2018-05-09fire goblin hit sfxSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-09Add firegoblin directorySaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06add a secodn moving sfx sound for zombie Saulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06zombie move sfx number 1Saulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06zombie sfx miss like a noobSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06add zombie hit 2 sfxSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06zombie hit sfx Saulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06Delete .gitkeep added by gitlab blame @saulcSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06add zombie die sfxSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06Add zombie directorySaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06add sfx for bat hit Saulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06Delete .gitkeep added by gitlabSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06the famous die sound of batsSaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06Add bat directorySaulc1-0/+0
2018-05-06add miss sfx for scorpionSaulc1-0/+0