path: root/maps/017-1.tmx
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2024-05-24More minor adjustments to 017-1Jesusaves1-25/+25
2024-05-23Map an additional element on 017-1 which I might need.Jesusaves1-14/+14
2024-05-22[skip ci] fix minor mapping glitches in LoFJesusaves1-1/+1
2024-05-21Decorate 017-1 furtherJesusaves1-49/+49
2023-07-21Fix empty map view on ALL MAPSJesusaves1-0/+1
2023-07-21This reverts commit 50d2834dc381cb0472a02eb945c2837e2ec95f4a.Jesusaves1-21/+0
2023-07-21Fix empty map view on ALL MAPSJesusaves1-0/+21
2022-07-04003-1-3: fixed some tiles on wrong layerpoppet1-225/+486
2022-01-13Speed up snow fallJesusaves1-2/+2
2020-12-07Link 017-0 and 017-1Jesusaves1-24/+23
2020-11-26Add 017-0 draft.Jesusaves1-38/+46
2020-06-30Fix mapping bug reported by LivioJesusaves1-3/+3
2020-05-03Moubootaur Legends Tiled World Map FileJesusaves1-4/+4
2020-04-15Candor Domain, C006-4Micksha1-2/+2
2019-08-29Minor collision error on LoFJesusaves1-5/+5
2019-08-28018-6-1 Elenium MinesJesusaves1-1/+25
2019-05-23Fix some really minor mapping bugs on 017-1Jesusaves1-29/+29
2019-05-22Move LoF's Transcedence Gate to the middle of the town :oJesusaves1-21/+21
2019-03-31Move Dimond's Cove - LoF Village is now easy to navigate.Jesusaves1-130/+130
2019-03-28Remove useless part from LoF Village.Jesusaves1-189/+197
2019-03-19Use new squirrels :3Jesusaves1-1/+1
2019-03-17Release Lilit already 'cause I'm sleepyJesusaves1-12/+12
2019-03-17Add 3x more Alizarin Plants on LoF Village due amount of complaints %%eJesusaves1-2/+2
2019-03-15Remove some of the fencing on LoF market to make navigation easierJesusaves1-6/+6
2019-03-15Improve navigation in LoF Village, removing a part of the fenced fields.Jesusaves1-2/+2
2019-03-15Repurpose one house in LoF village. That's my set of changes.Jesusaves1-5/+5
2019-03-15Add a hole in 017-1 LoF Village North Wall so players can move i/o Noble Area...Jesusaves1-5/+5
2019-03-15Reduce a tiny bit LoF Village walk distance, by making the Transcedence Porta...Jesusaves1-35/+35
2019-02-27Fix nightJesusaves1-0/+1
2019-02-05[skip ci] New LoF main theme (school of quirks -> steam)Jesusaves1-1/+1
2019-01-26[skip ci] Fix EVERY SINGLE MAP music, no exceptions. Xanthem says thanks.Jesusaves1-1/+1
2019-01-16[skip ci] make night static on all mapsJesusaves1-3/+0
2018-11-02Correct the major bugs. Keep the small maps failing, I want border 20 %%eJesusaves1-36/+36
2018-07-30fix bugJesusaves1-216/+216
2018-07-30017-1 to 017-2 fix warp maybe add bug about sign x2 again :/ @jesusalva look ...Saulc1-213/+213
2018-07-30"Minor" fixes to 017-1Jesusaves1-70/+70
2018-07-23Fix map bugs on 017-1Jesusaves1-53/+53
2018-07-20017-6 LoF Alchemy ShopJesusaves1-3/+24
2018-07-14Fix some mapsJesusaves1-215/+215
2018-07-14[skip ci] client complained, but server acknowledge that collision... uhm...Jesusaves1-1/+1
2018-07-14(Minor) collision fixJesusaves1-8/+8
2018-07-14Move a little HH Transcendence Gate.Jesusaves1-4/+4
2018-07-14New map - 017-5 - LoF Weapon ShopJesusaves1-1/+8
2018-07-14New map - 018-5Jesusaves1-1/+1
2018-07-14Move Sincerity Island portalJesusaves1-56/+56
2018-07-13Stuff for FafiJesusaves1-8/+1
2018-07-13Map polishment. Get rid of unused tileset to improve load time.Jesusaves1-1498/+1503
2018-07-13Map polishJesusaves1-3/+3
2018-07-12Fix some map bugsJesusaves1-28/+28
2018-07-12Provisory map for LoF ForgeJesusaves1-1/+15