diff options
authorJessica Tölke <>2011-07-17 15:55:30 +0200
committerJessica Tölke <>2011-07-17 15:55:30 +0200
commit4585fddd1d0137c07369679040803e5e5f20d8b5 (patch)
parent7bcd3d41c6d0caa07f1c1eacedb4c7db7758cd90 (diff)
Barbarians: adding three new npcs on 033-1, updating pointer to submodule
npcs are work in progress
5 files changed, 417 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client-data b/client-data
-Subproject ece001fcac4c49fdd6db3bd3aaa838c3f435e1d
+Subproject 60760da93d48ae8c0c1a727c843945c2fd9b4c8
diff --git a/world/map/npc/033-1/_import.txt b/world/map/npc/033-1/_import.txt
index 32de0cb4..0099a368 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/033-1/_import.txt
+++ b/world/map/npc/033-1/_import.txt
@@ -3,3 +3,6 @@
map: 033-1.gat
npc: npc/033-1/_mobs.txt
npc: npc/033-1/_warps.txt
+npc: npc/033-1/birrod.txt
+npc: npc/033-1/kimarr.txt
+npc: npc/033-1/yerrnk.txt
diff --git a/world/map/npc/033-1/birrod.txt b/world/map/npc/033-1/birrod.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39ccaa9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/world/map/npc/033-1/birrod.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+033-1.gat,72,27,0 script Birrod 217, {
+ set @Q_Barbarians_MASK, NIBBLE_0_MASK;
+ set @Q_Barbarians_SHIFT, NIBBLE_0_SHIFT;
+ set @state, ((QUEST_Barbarians & @Q_Barbarians_MASK) >> @Q_Barbarians_SHIFT);
+//TODO: think about amount
+ set @candy, 25;
+ set @chocolate, 20;
+ set @candycane, 15;
+ set @sweet_exp, 10000;
+ if (@state >= 6) goto L_Impressed;
+ if (@state == 5) goto L_Questions;
+ if (@state == 4) goto L_Warrior;
+ if (@state == 3) goto L_Sweets;
+ if (@state == 2) goto L_Kimarr;
+ if (@state == 1) goto L_Fluffy;
+ mes "[Barbarian]";
+ mes "\"Welcome. My name is Birrod, warrior of the Mangarr.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"We usually live high up in the snowy mountains, but we need to solve a problem, so we came down here.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"But this shouldn't concern you.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Birrod]";
+ mes "\"Kimarr asked you to perform the fluffy hunting? I'm curious how you're going to do it.\"";
+ mes "He grins.";
+ close;
+ mes "[Birrod]";
+ mes "\"Great! Very well done! Welcome to our tribe.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"But I think, Kimarr has something for you.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "Birrod speaks with a lowered voice.";
+ mes "[Birrod]";
+ mes "\"" + strcharinfo(0) + ", can I ask you for a favor?\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"I noticed those slime things with the funny hats. And they have so tasty stuff with them!\"";
+ next;
+ mes "He blushes.";
+ mes "[Birrod]";
+ mes "\"A warrior shouldn't get excited about sweets, so ahm, it would be great if you don't tell Yerrnk and Kimarr about it.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"Do you have " + @candy + " Candys, " + @chocolate + " Chocolate Bars and " + @candycane + " Candy Canes for me?\"";
+ menu
+ "Sure.",-,
+ "I'll see what I can do.",L_Close,
+ "I'm a great warrior, I don't have sweets with me!",L_Close;
+ if ((countitem("Candy") < @candy) || (countitem("ChocolateBar") < @chocolate) || (countitem("CandyCane") < @candycane)) goto L_No_Items;
+ delitem "Candy", @candy;
+ delitem "ChocolateBar", @chocolate;
+ delitem "CandyCane", @candycane;
+ getexp @sweet_exp, 0;
+ set @state, 4;
+ callsub S_Update_Mask;
+ close;
+//TODO: player can show his fighting abilities by bringing some drop of wolve monsters
+// wolve monsters are more dangerous and harder to hunt than fluffies -> harder task
+// reason to hunt them: there unusual aggressive and are a danger for the people living in that area
+// also use of the items the drop (e.g. fur -> clothes)
+ mes "TODO: add story about hunting the wolf monsters here.";
+ menu
+ "Debug: succes",-,
+ "Debug: no succes",L_Close;
+ set @state, 5;
+ callsub S_Update_Mask;
+ close;
+//TODO: minigame idea: barbarian asks some questions with three possible answers, player needs to always choose the right answer
+//question are about how the player would act in certain situations and about his attitude
+// give raging skill if successfull
+ mes "TODO: minigame and skill";
+ menu
+ "Debug: succes",-,
+ "Debug: no succes",L_Close;
+ set @state, 6;
+ callsub S_Update_Mask;
+ close;
+ mes "\"I'm very proud of you being a member of the tribe.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "\"" + strcharinfo(0) + ", remember that a member of our tribe is candid and honest.\"";
+ close;
+ close;
+ set QUEST_Barbarians,
+ (QUEST_Barbarians & ~(@Q_Barbarians_MASK))
+ | (@state << @Q_Barbarians_SHIFT);
+ return;
diff --git a/world/map/npc/033-1/kimarr.txt b/world/map/npc/033-1/kimarr.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cdac533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/world/map/npc/033-1/kimarr.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+033-1.gat,74,32,0 script Kimarr 218, {
+ set @Q_Barbarians_MASK, NIBBLE_0_MASK;
+ set @Q_Barbarians_SHIFT, NIBBLE_0_SHIFT;
+ set @state, ((QUEST_Barbarians & @Q_Barbarians_MASK) >> @Q_Barbarians_SHIFT);
+ if (@state >= 3) goto L_Again;
+ if (@state == 2) goto L_Reward;
+ if (@state == 1) goto L_Ask;
+ mes "[Barbarian]";
+ mes "\"Greetings, little person.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"I am Kimarr, hunter and warrior of the Mangarr.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"You are very small, better be careful in this snowy mountains. It is cold and dangerous monsters are here.\"";
+ menu
+ "Hello, my name is " + strcharinfo(0) + " and I'm not small. I'm a great warrior!",-,
+ "I'm " + strcharinfo(0) + ", don't underestimate me. I'm an experienced adventurer!" ,-,
+ "I'm the legendary " + strcharinfo(0) + ", I've fought countless battles.",-;
+ mes "Kimarr seems to be amused.";
+ mes "[Kimarr]";
+ mes "\"Really? Do you want to prove it?\"";
+ menu
+ "Sure! What shall I do?", L_Explain,
+ "No, I don't need to prove anything.",L_Close;
+ mes "[Kimarr]";
+ mes "\"Every young member of our tribe proves his or her worth by hunting monsters.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"The first monsters to hunt are fluffies. Fluffies give a good meal for a young person and the fur can be used to make clothes and blankets.\"";
+ next;
+ callsub S_Explain_Game;
+ set @state, 1;
+ callsub S_Update_Mask;
+ mes "[Kimarr]";
+ mes "\"So, are you going to try?\"";
+ menu
+ "Yeah, let's start",L_Game,
+ "Could you explain again?",-,
+ "Maybe later.",L_Close;
+ callsub S_Explain_Game;
+ goto L_Ask;
+ mes "[Kimarr]";
+ mes "\"In that cave there are living fluffies. They like to eat apples.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"I also saw one of them getting excited about one of that sweet things you call 'cake'.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"You should be careful, other monsters living here might like the food as well\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"Go to the cave entrance and throw food on the floor to make them come out.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"Then hunt as many fluffies as you can until I tell you to stop.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"Drop more food when no fluffies are left.\"";
+ return;
+ mes "[Kimarr]";
+ mes "\"That was very impressing - now you can call yourself hunter " + strcharinfo(0) +".\"";
+ next;
+ getinventorylist;
+ if (@inventorylist_count == 100) goto L_Full_Inv;
+ mes "\"Take this as a symbol of your strength. You're a member of our tribe now.\"";
+ getitem "YetiSkinShirt", 1;
+ set @state, 3;
+ callsub S_Update_Mask;
+ close;
+ mes "[Kimarr]";
+ mes "\"Does hunter " + strcharinfo(0) + " want to hunt some fluffies again?\"";
+ menu
+ "Yeah!",L_Game,
+ "Can you tell me who were the most successfull fluffy hunters?",-,
+ "Not now.",L_Close;
+ //TODO: give list of best hunters
+ close;
+ mes "[Kimarr]";
+ mes "\"You are carrying a lot of things. I will give something to you when you have room for it.\"";
+ close;
+ close;
+goto L_Reward;
+ if ($@FLUFFY_HUNTING) goto L_Someone_Else;
+ set $@FLUFFY_HUNTING, 1;
+ set $@FLUFFY_COUNTER, 0;
+ set $@FLUFFY_TIME, 0;
+ set $@FLUFFY_LVL, baselevel;
+//TODO: set minimum number of killed fluffies (maybe based on level?)
+ set $@FLUFFY_MIN, 10;
+ warp "033-1.gat", 79, 34;
+ startnpctimer;
+ goto L_Close;
+ mes "[Kimarr]";
+ mes "\"At the moment someone else is hunting. Let's wait until that hunting has ended.\"";
+ close;
+ setnpctimer 0;
+ if ($@FLUFFY_HUNTING != 0) goto L_Hunting;
+ if ($@FLUFFY_TIME > 300) goto L_CleanUp;
+ //TODO: monsterID angry fluffy
+ if (getareausers("033-1.gat", 79, 29, 88, 42) == 0) goto L_CleanUp;
+ set $@FLUFFY_REDAPPLES, getareadropitem("033-1.gat", 79, 29, 88, 42, 535, 1);
+ set $@FLUFFY_XMASCAKE, getareadropitem("033-1.gat", 79, 29, 88, 42, 508, 1);
+ set $@FLUFFY_CAKE, getareadropitem("033-1.gat", 79, 29, 88, 42, 513, 1);
+ set $@FLUFFY_GREENAPPLE, getareadropitem("033-1.gat", 79, 29, 88, 42, 719, 1);
+//TODO: balance the spawns and maybe add the new monster
+//TODO: remove debug messages
+ if ($@FLUFFY_TIME % 10 == 0)
+ mapannounce "033-1.gat", "$@FLUFFY_TIME " + $@FLUFFY_TIME, 0;
+ if ($@FLUFFY_TIME % 10 == 0)
+ mapannounce "033-1.gat", "$@FLUFFY_COUNTER " + $@FLUFFY_COUNTER, 0;
+ areamonster "033-1.gat", 79, 29, 88, 42, "", 1020, $@FLUFFY_SPAWN, "Kimarr::onFluffyDeath";
+ if (($@FLUFFY_SPAWN > 0) && ($@FLUFFY_LVL > 40) && (rand(5 * $@FLUFFY_XMASCAKE + 3 * $@FLUFFY_CAKE + 10 * $@FLUFFY_LVL) > 500)) // Ice Goblin
+ areamonster "033-1.gat", 79, 29, 88, 42, "", 1058, 1, "Kimarr::onPetDeath";
+ if (($@FLUFFY_SPAWN > 0) && ($@FLUFFY_LVL > 60) && (rand(5 * $@FLUFFY_XMASCAKE + 3 * $@FLUFFY_CAKE + 10 * $@FLUFFY_LVL) > 550)) // Santa Slime
+ areamonster "033-1.gat", 79, 29, 88, 42, "", 1015, 1, "Kimarr::onPetDeath";
+ if (($@FLUFFY_SPAWN > 0) && ($@FLUFFY_LVL > 70) && (rand(5 * $@FLUFFY_XMASCAKE + 3 * $@FLUFFY_CAKE + 10 * $@FLUFFY_LVL) > 600)) // Yeti
+ areamonster "033-1.gat", 79, 29, 88, 42, "", 1072, 1, "Kimarr::onPetDeath";
+ set $@FLUFFY_XMASCAKE , 0;
+ set $@FLUFFY_CAKE, 0;
+ end;
+// initnpctimer;
+// stopnpctimer;
+ mapannounce "033-1.gat", "fluffies killed: " + $@FLUFFY_COUNTER, 0;
+ end;
+ areatimer "033-1.gat", 79, 29, 88, 42, 10, "Kimarr::onReward";
+ set $@FLUFFY_HUNTING, 0;
+ mapannounce "033-1.gat", "You killed " + $@FLUFFY_COUNTER + "Fluffies", 0;
+ set $@FLUFFY_COUNTER, 0;
+ //TODO: save amount of killed fluffies in playervariable (hunting redoable, npc tells the best result)
+ set $@FLUFFY_TIME, 0;
+//TODO: check if that command really only kills the event monsters
+ killmonster "033-1.gat", "All";
+ stopnpctimer;
+ setnpctimer 0;
+ mapannounce "033-1.gat", "clean up", 0;
+ end;
+ //TODO: add check for new record
+ warp "033-1.gat", 77, 34;
+ set @place, -1;
+//TODO: prevent that one player can be in that list more than once
+ if ($FLUFFYGAME_PTS[8] < $@FLUFFY_COUNTER) set @place,8;
+ if ($FLUFFYGAME_PTS[7] < $@FLUFFY_COUNTER) set @place,7;
+ if ($FLUFFYGAME_PTS[6] < $@FLUFFY_COUNTER) set @place,6;
+ if ($FLUFFYGAME_PTS[5] < $@FLUFFY_COUNTER) set @place,5;
+ if ($FLUFFYGAME_PTS[4] < $@FLUFFY_COUNTER) set @place,4;
+ if ($FLUFFYGAME_PTS[3] < $@FLUFFY_COUNTER) set @place,3;
+ if ($FLUFFYGAME_PTS[2] < $@FLUFFY_COUNTER) set @place,2;
+ if ($FLUFFYGAME_PTS[1] < $@FLUFFY_COUNTER) set @place,1;
+ if ($FLUFFYGAME_PTS[0] < $@FLUFFY_COUNTER) set @place,0;
+ if (@place != -1) callsub MOVE_NAME;
+ if (@state > 1) goto L_Skip;
+ if ($@FLUFFY_COUNTER < $@FLUFFY_MIN) goto L_Skip;
+ set @state, 2;
+ callsub S_Update_Mask;
+ end;
+ set @i,9;
+ set @i, @i-1;
+ if (@i == @place) goto MOVE_NAME_L2;
+ goto MOVE_NAME_L1;
+ set $FLUFFYGAME_NAME[@place], strcharinfo(0);
+ return;
+ set QUEST_Barbarians,
+ (QUEST_Barbarians & ~(@Q_Barbarians_MASK))
+ | (@state << @Q_Barbarians_SHIFT);
+ return;
diff --git a/world/map/npc/033-1/yerrnk.txt b/world/map/npc/033-1/yerrnk.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..022fb7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/world/map/npc/033-1/yerrnk.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+033-1.gat,66,28,0 script Yerrnk 216, {
+ set @Q_Barbarians_MASK, NIBBLE_0_MASK;
+ set @Q_Barbarians_SHIFT, NIBBLE_0_SHIFT;
+ set @state, ((QUEST_Barbarians & @Q_Barbarians_MASK) >> @Q_Barbarians_SHIFT);
+ if (@state == 6) goto L_Warrior;
+ if (@state == 5) goto L_Birrod;
+ if (@state == 4) goto L_Sorrow;
+ if (@state == 3) goto L_Duty;
+ if (@state == 2) goto L_Kimarr;
+ if (@state == 1) goto L_Fluffy;
+ mes "[Barbarian]";
+ mes "\"Hello. I'm Yerrnk, first warrior of the Mangarr.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "Yerrnk looks at you in a reserved way.";
+ mes "[Yerrnk]";
+ mes "\"Please take care of your own business.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Yerrnk]";
+ mes "\"Kimarr talks too much sometimes.\"";
+ mes "He sighs.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Yerrnk]";
+ mes "\"Are you going to accept Kimarr's task? It's an ancient ceremony in our tribe. A young member is accepted as an adult when completing it.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Yerrnk]";
+ mes "\"I think Kimarr wants to give you something.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Yerrnk]";
+ mes "\"I'm not sure if you are aware about the meaning of your actions.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"You passed the inition ritus for hunters of our tribe. That means now you are a hunter of our tribe, with all the rights and duties that come along with that.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"So you'll have to obey our laws and traditiones, protect and help any member of our tribe that is in need and never show weakness nor fear in battle.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"Keep this in mind. If you fail you'll have to recieve the elders judgement.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Yerrnk]";
+ mes "\"I noticed that you're getting along with Kimarr and Birrod very well. That's good.\"";
+ mes "He smiles, but then an expression of worry gets back to his face.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Yerrnk]";
+ mes "\"Our tribe is going through dire straits. We used to live in harmony with the mountain ever since.";
+ mes "Life is hard in the snowy mountains, but this life suits our nature.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"But some weeks ago the Yetis started to act very strange. Usually they are very shy, but now...";
+ mes "They left the secluded areas high up in the mountains they used to live on and started roaming our hunting grounds.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"It became very dangerous to leave the village, so it's even harder to gather enough food to survive.";
+ mes "But not only this, the Yetis are getting more daring every day - they might attack the village itself sooner or later.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"Other wild animals got more aggressive as well, though the Yetis are the most dangerous.";
+ mes "Something like that has never happened before. We have no idea what could cause the animals to behave like this.\"";
+ next;
+ mes "\"That's why we were sent on a mission to find and talk to Santa, one of the Sages of Kazei.";
+ mes "The Sages are wizards of great power and wisdom, and we hope Santa might be able to give us advice.\"";
+ close;
+ mes "[Yerrnk]";
+ mes "\"" + strcharinfo(0) + ", I have to admit that I'm surprised by your skills.";
+ mes "You've proved your braveness and strength.";
+ mes "Please talk to Birrod to receive the initiation ritual to become a warrior of the Mangarr.\"";
+ close;
+//TODO: player is now fully accepted warrior of the tribe, gets a task: bring yeti claws
+// reason: claws can be used to craft spears which are effective to use against the yetis
+ mes "TODO: add story about bringing yeti claw (probably final quest)";
+ close;
+ set QUEST_Barbarians,
+ (QUEST_Barbarians & ~(@Q_Barbarians_MASK))
+ | (@state << @Q_Barbarians_SHIFT);
+ return;