path: root/langs/lang_ca.old
blob: ac296d626b650b20fd1ab3433ff7260ac6f04a69 (plain) (tree)






























































































'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island!
"Això", com tu li dius, es un @@. N'està ple en aquesta illa!

- 2 @@
- 2 @@

... And 1 @@.
... I 1 @@.

@@ is helping me.
@@ m'està ajudant.

A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the single island, Aurora, where everyone lived.
Una gran ciutat, ara la capital d'aquestes illes, anomenada Esperia, construïda en l'única illa, Aurora, on tothom viu.

About this Esperia's Warrior Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly.
Sobre aquest Gremi Guerrer d'Esperia, no n'estic gaire segur d'ell, francament.

Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all.
Aemil és un magnífic món desconegut per a tots nosaltres. 




All I can do is tell you that...
Tot el que puc fer es dir-te... 

Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's a friend or a foe...#0
D'acord, vaig a la seva habitació, vigila-la, encara no sabem si és un amic o un enemic...#0

And what do you give me in exchange for these informations?
I que hem dones a canvi d'aquesta informació?





Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
Sigues pacient una mica mes, en els pròxims dies arribarem al port d'Artis...

Billy Bons
Billy Bons


Chef Gado
Xef Gado


Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
Clica en els NPC del teu voltant per continuar la introducció.

Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#0
Sap! Estàs espantant la nostra invitada amb les teves històries.#0

Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#1
Sap! Estàs espantant el nostre invitat amb les teves històries.#1 

Cookie Master
Mestre de les Galetes

Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
Et puc preguntar quin es el teu idioma natiu? Un mariner m'ha dit que es rus, però un altre m'ha dit que es francès... Estic una mica perduda. Desprès ho registraré a la llista d'embarcament. #0

Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
Et puc preguntar quin es el teu idioma natiu? Un mariner m'ha dit que es rus, però un altre m'ha dit que es francès... Estic una mica perduda. Desprès ho registraré a la llista d'embarcament. #1





Did you say reward? I want it!
Has dit recompensa? La vull!

Don't mock me, my work is admirable.
No t'en enfotis, el meu treball es admirable.

Don't say it too loud, other people could hear us.
No ho diguis tant fort, algú altre ens podria sentir.


Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live.
A cada un dels grups els va ser ordenat navegar cap a diferents direccions per trobar un bon lloc per viure.

Elmo brought reports to me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef.
L'Elmo m'ha informat sobre alguns problemes entre el meu nou i l'antic tinent. Segurament ja hauràs conegut la Julia i en Gado, el chef.

Elven Voice
Veu d'elf

Even though they did not hear anything about the other groups, they decided to start a new life on this land, full of harmful animals.
Encara quan no havien escoltat rés sobre altres grups, van decidir començar una nova vida en aquesta illa, plena d'animals nocius. 


Fine, tell me, who are these mysterious aliens?
D'acord, dis-me, qui son aquests misteriosos aliens? 



Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Warrior Guild of Esperia won't let it get public.
Escolta'm *hic* , loquemai tu*hic* has dit de... eeh... de que?! T'he vist allà, el Gremi Guerrer d'Esèria no deixarà que es faci públic. 

Hey Max, it's @@!
Ei Max, ell es @@!

How could you... We said we wouldn't talk about this again...
Com has pogut... Vam dir que no parlaríem més sobre això...

How was the cookie? Tasty, wasn't it?
Com estava la galeta? Gustosa, no?

However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever.
No obstant això, la sequera va arribar amb l'estiu i els hiverns es van fer més freds que mai.

I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help.
No estic preocupat per les recompenses. Només vull a ajudar.

I can't help you to be on my list, nor can I give you a cookie for free.
Jo no et puc ajudar a estar a la llista i tampoc et puc donar una galeta de gratis.

I don't have anything good for you today.
No tinc res de bo per a tu avui.

I don't need your help right now, come back later.
Ara mateix no necessito la teva ajuda, torna més tard.

I don't see anything else than... water?
No veig res més que... aigua?

I only need 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ and...
Només necessito 2 @@, 2 @@, 1 @@ i...

I speak Dutch.
Jo parlo Holandès.

I speak English.
Jo parlo Anglès. 

I speak Flemish.
Jo parlo Flamenc. 

I speak French.
Jo parlo Francès. 

I speak German.
Jo parlo Alemany.

I speak Italian.
Jo parlo Italià.

I speak Polish.
Jo parlo Polonès. 

I speak Portuguese.
Jo parlo Portuguès. 

I speak Russian.
Jo parlo Rus.   

I speak Spanish.
Jo parlo Espanyol. 

I think that my wine has a great quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again?
Crec que el meu vi te una molt bona qualitat! Es la meva segona ampolla i... De que estàvem parlant?  

I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hic* ...vered there, the Warrior Guild won't get me!
No soc tant insensible eeh *hic* el que has desco... *hic*... bert  allà. el Gremi Guerrer no m'atraparà!

If you see weird things, or things that shouldn't be here, or even things that you would like to see there...
Si veus coses estranyes o coses que no haurien de ser aquí, o fins i tot que t'agradaria veure... 

If you want another one, you know what to do!
Si en vols una altra, ja saps que has de fer! 

It is them who tell me to whom I can give cookies.
Són ells qui hem diuen a qui puc donar galetes. 

It looks like madam is curious, am I right?
Sembla que la senyoreta es curiosa, o no? 

It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#0
Sembla que siguis una experta en la vida dins de "La Johanne". Saps algun secret amagat que ningú més sàpiga?#0

It looks like you are an expert of the life inside 'La Johanne'. Do you know any hidden secrets nobody knows?#1
Sembla que siguis un expert en la vida dins de "La Johanne". Saps algun secret amagat que ningú més sàpiga?#1 

It seems mister is curious, are you not?
Sembla que el senyor es curiós, o no?

Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the earth gave them everything they needed to live.
Els seus habitants no coneixien cap tipus d'horror i en pau vivien ja que la terra els donava donar tot el que necessitaven per viure.







Max and Sapartan for example?
En Max i l'Spartan per exemple? 

Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior Guild!#1
Potser ell era un dels que es van perdre el mes passat? Els yoiis d'Esperia que tenien una missió secreta del Gremi Guerrer!#1

My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual!#1
Amic meu, no he sigut un mariner sempre, saps. Una vega vaig ser algú important!#1

No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0
No i *hic*... No, tu ni el teu estuid...*burp* estupid *hic* gremi!#0

No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1
No i *hic*... No, tu ni el teu estuid...*burp* estupid *hic* gremi!#1

No problem, I can help you anyway.
Cap problema, et puc ajudar de totes maneres. 

No, sorry.
No, ho sento. 


Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need.
Ara ves a fora i parla amb en Gugli, ell et dirà que necessitem. 

Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#0
Es clar que si! Només escolta atentament les meves paraules estimada.#0 

Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#1
Es clar que si! Només escolta atentament les meves paraules estimada.#1

Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be...
Oh no, però m'he adonat d'una estranya llum a l'altra punta de l'illa, hem pregunto que pot ser...

Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box near you, but only after you complete your task!
Oh . També et donaré un d'aquests barrets de la caixa prop teu, però únicament després de que finalitzis les teves tasques.

Oh, and Olga from the market place as well!
Oh, i l'Olga de la plaça del mercat també.

Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
Si, estic preparat pel treball!#0

Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
D'acord, estic preparat per treballar!#1


Orc Voice
Veu d'orc

People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose.
La gent va començar a robar als altres per sobreviure. A mesura que les ciutats van créixer les necessitats també. I van començar les guerres per les terres fèrtils.










Simply contact them, help them and be kind. They might surely add you to my cookie list!
Simplement contacta'ls, ajuda'ls i siguis amable. Així segurament t'afegiran a la llista! 

So you're under the control of dictators, that's... reassuring.
Així que estàs sota les ordres dels dictadors, això es... tranquil·litzant.

So, do you still want a cookie now?
Així que, encara vols una galeta?

So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis?#1
Així que, quin propòsit t'ha portat aquí? Estaves en aquell rai per a conèixer la meva Julia? O volies veure les boniques cambreres d'Artis?#1

Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with these rattos.
Ho sento, no estic d'humor per una altra batalla amb aquests rattos

Sorry, I don't need any help right now. Come back later.
Ho sento, ara mateix no requereixo ajuda. Torna d'aquí una estona.

Sure, there is a reward for your task.
Es clar, hi ha recompensa per el teu treball. 


Thank you sir for you nice words. I am feeling better now.
Gracies senyor per les teves bones paraules. Ara hem sento millor.

Thanks for helping me!
Gràcies per ajudar-me!

The adventure begins!
L'aventura comença! 

The best, the wonderful, the best cookie between all others, the...
La millor, la esplèndida, la millor galeta de totes, la... 

The great people of Aemil split up into three groups when they reached the coast.
El gran poble de Aemil es va dividir en tres grups en arribar a la costa.

There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
Encara queden alguns rattos! Bols avortar la missió?  

These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit...
Aquests crocotrees estan plens de yaying @@, però també son durs de colpejar...

These heavy boxes are killing me, I don't feel my arms anymore!
Aquestes caixes tan pesants m'estan matant. No hem sento els braços! 

They are so tasty when cooked together with some @@. Don't drop any of them!
Son molt gustosos cuinats junts amb una mica de @@. No en llancis cap! 

This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks...
Es un bon lloc... Hi ha bones noies.   

This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!
I això es tot, el final de la Segona Beta d'Evol Online!

This is the last one. If you use it again out of clumsiness, I will take your flesh as the main ingredient for my cookie recipe.
Aquesta es l'última. Si la malgastes un altre cop, faré servir la teva carn com a ingredient principal de la meva pròxima recepta de galetes. 

This makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
Te sentit. Creus que hauriem d'informar al capità sobre això? 

This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra.
Aquest nou continent, en realitat un arxipèlag, va ser anomenat Andorra.


Too bad I'm not hungry enough right now for these... cookies. I'll maybe come back later.
Llàstima no estic prou afamat per aquestes... galetes. Potser torno d'aquí una estona. 

UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys and I can be rude with everyone from this bossy captain to that harpy-lady!
UAJAJAJAJAAJ! Soc el cuiner d'aquesta colla d'ases i puc ser tant grosser com vulgui des d'aquest manaire capità fins aquella dona-harpia! 

Wait... That's not the place for a chef, what are you doing here?
Espera... Aquest no es lloc per a un xef, que estàs fent aquí? 

We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#0
Esperem que t'hagi agradat aquesta mostra i que et puguem veure en futures versions!#0

We hope you liked this introduction and to see you again in our future releases!#1
Esperem que t'hagi agradat aquesta mostra i que et puguem veure en futures versions!#1

We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the Warrior Guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help.
Hauriem d'estar allà en pocs dies, una vegada arribem, advertiré al Gremi Guerrer sobre lo que ha passat, estic segur que ens podran ajudar. 

Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#0
, si bols ser una dels que poden tenir galetes...#0

Well, if you want to be one of those who can have a cookie...#1
, si bols ser un dels que poden tenir galetes...#1

Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#0
... Benvinguda a bord, monada!#0

Well... Welcome aboard, cutie!#1
... Benvinguda a bord, monada!#1

What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago.
Venc mercaderies de totes parts d'aquest arxipèlag. 

What if I give you 1000 Esperin for that job, is it ok?
Que passa si et dono 1000 Esperin per aquest treball, està ? 

What? It's not a good reward?
Que? No es una bona recompensa? 

What? This reward is too small!
Que? Aquesta recompensa es massa petita!

What? Why? They aren't sexier than me, why do you want to see them?
Que? Per què? No són més sexis que jo, per què els vols veure? 

While Jalad and Ale like to work together, as they use to do on the ship, last time I've seen them, they were near the big lake, north from here.
Mentre es suportin l'un a l'altre, com acostumen a fer al vaixell. L'última vegada que els he vist, estaven a prop del gran llac, al nord.

Yes, why not.
Si, per que no?

Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#0
Yeye, es el logotip de Gremi Guerrer d'Esperia! Hem pregunto què estava fent aquest yoiis tant lluny de la costa.#0

Yeye, it's the logo of the Warrior Guild of Esperia! I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast.#1
Yeye, es el logotip de Gremi Guerrer d'Esperia! Hem pregunto què estava fent aquesta yoiis tant lluny de la costa.#1

Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
Yeye, encara no has agafat la teva roba!#0

Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
Yeye, encara no has agafat la teva roba!#1

You already took a Bandana, please put this one back in the box.
Ja has agafat un mocador, per favor deixa aquest una altra vegada a la caixa. 

You open the treasure chest.
Obres el cofre del tresor. 

You see, my cookies are restricted to a certain type of people...
Ja ho veus, les meves galetes estan restringides a un tipus de gent...

You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0
Has estat yaying dormint una mica de temps, la nostra tinent, la Julia, estava aquí amb tu, ha fet tot el que va poder per curar-te les ferides.#0

You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1
Has estat yaying dormint una mica de temps, la nostra tinent, la Julia, estava aquí amb tu, ha fet tot el que va poder per curar-te les ferides.#1

You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Warrior Guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!
Ja veuràs, els ciutadans són educats i encara pots demanar ajuda al Gremi Guerrer. Et poden ajudar a trobar feina o ajudar-te a esbrinar el que et va passar al mar!