path: root/server/items/slotsmap.txt
blob: c60da8346a96ee504a12a41397d188ae61c074d3 (plain) (tree)

How map server item_db.conf "Loc" field to slot in client.
Loc mean one of EQP_* constants from below.
Client using named slots from below "slot name"
    get Loc = 256
    1. this mean EQP_* with value 256
    2. this is EQP_HEAD_TOP
    3. is second table found EQP_HEAD_TOP and near EquipSlot
    4. this is HEAD_SLOT
    5. in last table near HEAD_SLOT find slot name.
    6. this is "hat"
    In other words if set Loc in item_db.conf to 256 it can be visible in equipment window in slot with name "hat"


EQP to LOOK mapping

map server
eqp                     id              look/sprite      id     used
EQP_HAND_R              2               LOOK_WEAPON      2      +
EQP_HAND_L              32              LOOK_SHIELD      8      +
EQP_HEAD_LOW            1               LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM 3      +
EQP_HEAD_TOP            256             LOOK_HEAD_TOP    4      +
EQP_HEAD_MID            512             LOOK_HEAD_MID    5      +
EQP_GARMENT             4               LOOK_ROBE        12     +
EQP_SHOES               64              LOOK_SHOES       9      +
EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP    1024                             13     +
EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_MID    2048                             14     +
EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW    4096                             15     +
EQP_COSTUME_GARMENT     8192                             16     +
EQP_ARMOR               16                               17     +
EQP_ACC_R               128                              18     +
EQP_ACC_L               8                                19     +
UNUSED_COSTUME_FLOOR    16384           ?                       -
EQP_AMMO                32768           ?                       -
                                        LOOK_HAIR_COLOR  6      +
                                        LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR 7    ?
                                        LOOK_BODY        10     ?
                                        LOOK_FLOOR       11     ?
                                        LOOK_BASE        0      +
                                        LOOK_HAIR        1      +

EQI to EQP and to EquipSlot
                                                                                server data
equip_index             EQI id          EQP                     EQP id  used    used for        EquipSlot
EQI_ACC_L               0               EQP_ACC_L               8       +       ?               RING2_SLOT
EQI_ACC_R               1               EQP_ACC_R,              128     +       ?               NECK_SLOT
EQI_SHOES               2               EQP_SHOES               64      +       shoes           FEET_SLOT
EQI_GARMENT             3               EQP_GARMENT             4       +       armbands        GLOVES_SLOT
EQI_HEAD_LOW            4               EQP_HEAD_LOW            1       +       pants           LEGS_SLOT
EQI_HEAD_MID            5               EQP_HEAD_MID            512     +       torso           TORSO_SLOT
EQI_HEAD_TOP            6               EQP_HEAD_TOP            256     +       hat             HEAD_SLOT
EQI_ARMOR               7               EQP_ARMOR               16      +       ?               RING1_SLOT
EQI_HAND_L              8               EQP_HAND_L              32      +       shield          FIGHT2_SLOT
EQI_HAND_R              9               EQP_HAND_R              2       +       weapon          FIGHT1_SLOT
EQI_COSTUME_TOP         10              EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP    1024    +       ?               EVOL_RING1_SLOT
EQI_COSTUME_MID         11              EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_MID    2048    +       ?               EVOL_RING2_SLOT
EQI_COSTUME_LOW         12              EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW    4096    +       ?               PROJECTILE_SLOT
EQI_COSTUME_GARMENT     13              EQP_COSTUME_GARMENT     8192    +       ?               COSTUME_ROBE_SLOT
EQI_AMMO                14              EQP_AMMO                32768   -       ?               PROJECTILE_SLOT
EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR        15              EQP_SHADOW_ARMOR        65536   -       ?               SHADOW_ARMOR_SLOT
EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON       16              EQP_SHADOW_WEAPON       131072  -       ?               SHADOW_WEAPON_SLOT
EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD       17              EQP_SHADOW_SHIELD       262144  -       ?               SHADOW_SHIELD_SLOT
EQI_SHADOW_SHOES        18              EQP_SHADOW_SHOES        524288  -       ?               SHADOW_SHOES_SLOT
EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R        19              EQP_SHADOW_ACC_R        1048576 -       ?               SHADOW_ACCESSORY2_SLOT
EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L        20              EQP_SHADOW_ACC_L        2097152 -       ?               SHADOW_ACCESSORY1_SLOT
                                        UNUSED_COSTUME_FLOOR    16384   -       ?               PROJECTILE_SLOT

this is how many slot supported by server
EQI_MAX                 21

client slot mappings.
slot names is equipment window slots.
slot enum can be renamed. Slot cant be renamed

slot enum                id     slot name               used
TORSO_SLOT               0      torso                   +
GLOVES_SLOT              1      gloves                  +
HEAD_SLOT                2      hat                     +
LEGS_SLOT                3      bottomclothes/pants     +
FEET_SLOT                4      shoes                   +
RING1_SLOT               5      cape                    +
RING2_SLOT               6      wings                   +
NECK_SLOT                7      scarf                   +
FIGHT1_SLOT              8      weapon                  +
FIGHT2_SLOT              9      shield                  +
PROJECTILE_SLOT          10     arrows                  +
EVOL_RING1_SLOT          11     amulet                  +
EVOL_RING2_SLOT          12     ring                    +
COSTUME_ROBE_SLOT        13     slot13                  +
MISSING1_SLOT            14     slot14                  -
MISSING2_SLOT            15     slot15                  -
SHADOW_ARMOR_SLOT        16     slot16                  +
SHADOW_WEAPON_SLOT       17     slot17                  +
SHADOW_SHIELD_SLOT       18     slot18                  +
SHADOW_SHOES_SLOT        19     slot19                  +
SHADOW_ACCESSORY1_SLOT   20     slot20                  +
SHADOW_ACCESSORY2_SLOT   21     slot21                  +