BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
AFKingAlcoholic drinks now cause CONFUSION instead of healing.Jesusaves4 years
Candor_not_CadorCorrected typo Cador to Candor in name property.Ledmitz4 years
Ledmitz/clientdata-fireball-sfxMoved fireball.ogg back to env DIR as it is used for different effects and ad...Ledmitz4 years
NPCs[11:27] <Micksha> the version in generic is the latest one, should now dye pr...Jesusaves4 years
arrivalargaesnot my day, reallyMicksha5 years
bee-sfxRemoved Setzer references. Pipeline should be fixed now.Ledmitz5 years
contentIIadd distance attack to Mr PrickelMicksha5 years
desertautomaptestDon't forget to declare regions?Jesusaves5 years
fireball-sfxAdded LICENSE infoLedmitz5 years
golemadd Hocus' GolemMicksha5 years
groupDO NOT MERGE: FOR TEST SERVER ONLY (groups.xml)gumi5 years
hocus/jukeboxUpdate LICENSEKurt Kuschinski4 years
indoorsThis finalizes the indoor placeholders.Micksha5 years
init_map_music_clientdataRemove artifact left by accidentJesusaves4 years
jesusalva/artisMinor tile changeJesusaves6 years
jesusalva/calamityMobsJesusaves6 years
jesusalva/clientmakeHide boss caves and main boss room entrance on Rossy Cave.Jesusaves6 years
jesusalva/contentIIIMove Rossy Cave @w pointJesusaves4 years
jesusalva/contentIVMerge branch 'master' of into jesusalva/contentIVJesusaves4 years
jesusalva/cut002Move collision in five tiles.Jesusaves5 years
jesusalva/doomsdayWhere this tabulation came from O.oJesusaves5 years
jesusalva/factionsReserved for future useJesusaves5 years
jesusalva/freeyorpMissing filesJesusaves6 years
jesusalva/innsCURRENT_INN was entirely removed from sources - it is not possible to guess.Jesusaves6 years
jesusalva/katjaMerge branch 'master' into jesusalva/katjaJesusaves6 years
jesusalva/kytty01Fixeskytty5 years
jesusalva/melindaPrevent players from getting in the small area where the bartender is.Jesusaves6 years
jesusalva/pipelinesDO NOT use clientdata on pipelines, use client-data insteadJesusaves6 years
jesusalva/pythonPresenting to you, the @gumi licenseJesusaves5 years
jesusalva/selfmadeproblems001Self made problems, YAY!Jesusaves5 years
jesusalva/sillytestRemove the Contributors CI testJesusaves4 years
jesusalva/spotlightMerge remote-tracking branch 'micksha/spots' into HEADJesusaves6 years
jesusalva/spotsSpotlightsJesusaves6 years
jesusalva/swamplingnewlines fixJesusaves5 years
jesusalva/wallpaperReplace background wallpaperJesusaves5 years
kfahrMerge branch 'kfahr' of into kfahrtoams5 years
magic-healAdded LICENSE info and corrected typo from original push in effects.xmlLedmitz5 years
masterMissing chmodJesusalva Jesusalva2 years
merchanthouseMerge branch 'merchanthouse' of into me...Jesusaves5 years
moornpcMerge branch 'master' into moornpcJesusaves4 years
seeds/maggotslimeMaggot Slime Potionseeds6 years
stableMissing chmodJesusalva Jesusalva2 years
swampchange colors of old swamp plants (experimental and lazy way)Micksha5 years
thiefPipeline (no bug ingame so I didn't saw this)Jesusaves5 years
tulimmapMerge branch 'master' into tulimmap without silly conflictsJesusaves5 years