path: root/hercules/code/server/tmw/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hercules/code/server/tmw/')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/tmw/ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dde9aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/tmw/
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import os
+import re
+from code.configutils import writeStartScript, writeEndScript, writeIntField, writeStrField
+from code.fileutils import readFile
+def getItemDbFile(srcDir):
+ files = os.listdir(srcDir)
+ for srcFile in files:
+ if srcFile.find("item_db") >= 0:
+ yield srcFile
+def replaceStr(line):
+ vals = [
+ ("setskill ", "addtoskill "),
+ ("zeny", "Zeny"),
+ ("sc_poison", "SC_POISON"),
+ ("sc_slowpoison", "SC_SLOWPOISON"),
+ ("sex", "Sex"),
+ ("SEX", "Sex"),
+ (".gat", ""),
+ ("Bugleg", "BugLeg"),
+ ("set BugLeg, 0;", "//set BugLeg, 0;"),
+ ("set CaveSnakeLamp, 0;", "//set CaveSnakeLamp, 0;"),
+ ("set Class, @BaseClass;", "//set Class, @BaseClass;"),
+ ("goto_Exit;", "goto L_Exit;"),
+ ("if @spants_state < 7 goto", "if(@spants_state < 7) goto"),
+ ("isdead()", "ispcdead()"),
+ ("changeSex", "changecharsex()"),
+ ("getpartnerid2()", "getpartnerid()"),
+ ("getmap()", "getmapname()"),
+ ("L_end", "L_End"),
+ ("gmcommand", "atcommand"),
+ ("MF_NOSAVE", "mf_nosave"),
+ ("S_update_var", "S_Update_Var"),
+ ("L_teach", "L_Teach"),
+ ("L_focus", "L_Focus"),
+ ("L_unfocus", "L_Unfocus"),
+ ("L_main", "L_Main"),
+ ("L_next", "L_Next"),
+ ("L_close", "L_Close"),
+ ("@NpcName$", "@npcname$"),
+ ("@cost", "@Cost"),
+ ("@TEMP", "@temp"),
+ ("L_Menuitems", "L_MenuItems"),
+ ("L_no_item", "L_No_Item"),
+ ("L_no_water", "L_No_Water"),
+ ("L_NOT_ENOUGH", "L_No_Water"),
+ ("L_bye", "L_Bye"),
+ ("L_NOHELP", "L_NoHelp"),
+ ("L_Eyepatch", "L_EyePatch"),
+ ("@PC_STAMINA", "@pc_stamina"),
+ ("L_magic", "L_Magic"),
+ ("L_cont", "L_Cont"),
+ ("L_accept", "L_Accept"),
+ ("L_no_event", "L_No_Event"),
+ ("L_event_done", "L_Event_Done"),
+ ("L_nobeer", "L_NoBeer"),
+ ("L_iron", "L_Iron"),
+ ("L_sulphur", "L_Sulphur"),
+ ("L_red", "L_Red"),
+ ("L_yellow", "L_Yellow"),
+ ("L_green", "L_Green"),
+ ("L_orange", "L_Orange"),
+ ("L_pink", "L_Pink"),
+ ("L_purple", "L_Purple"),
+ ("L_question", "L_Question"),
+ ("L_quest", "L_Quest"),
+ ("L_dead", "L_Dead"),
+ ("L_menu", "L_Menu"),
+ ("L_give", "L_Give"),
+ ("@Items$", "@items$"),
+ ("@menuItems$", "@menuitems$"),
+ ("L_Teach_initial", "L_Teach_Initial"),
+ ("L_finish", "L_Finish"),
+ ("L_No_ash", "L_No_Ash"),
+ ("L_No_water", "L_No_Water"),
+ ("L_cave", "L_Cave"),
+ ("L_farewell", "L_Farewell"),
+ ("@Q_forestbow_", "@Q_Forestbow_"),
+ ("L_game", "L_Game"),
+ ("L_good", "L_Good"),
+ ("L_abort", "L_Abort"),
+ ("@menuID", "@menuid"),
+ ("L_NO_ITEM", "L_No_Item"),
+ ("L_HELP", "L_Help"),
+ ("L_Noitem", "L_NoItem"),
+ ("L_No_fur", "L_No_Fur"),
+ ("@EXP", "@Exp"),
+ ("L_water", "L_Water"),
+ ("L_get", "L_Get"),
+ ("L_happy", "L_Happy"),
+ ("L_cheat", "L_Cheat"),
+ ("@Reward_EXP", "@Reward_Exp"),
+ ("@REWARD_EXP", "@Reward_Exp"),
+ ("L_no_money", "L_No_Money"),
+ ("@MinLevel", "@minLevel"),
+ ("L_return", "L_Return"),
+ ("L_intro", "L_Intro"),
+ ("L_full", "L_Full"),
+ ("@minlevel", "@minLevel"),
+ ("@MinLevel", "@minLevel"),
+ ("L_Cleanup", "L_CleanUp"),
+ ("L_Alreadystarted", "L_AlreadyStarted"),
+ ("@amount", "@Amount"),
+ ("L_again", "L_Again"),
+ ("L_no_potion", "L_No_Potion"),
+ ("L_wizard_hat", "L_Wizard_Hat"),
+ ("L_notenough", "L_NotEnough"),
+ ("L_offer", "L_Offer"),
+ ("L_giveup", "L_GiveUp"),
+ ("L_not_ready", "L_Not_Ready"),
+ ("@MobID", "@mobId"),
+ ("@mobID", "@mobId"),
+ ("L_naked", "L_Naked"),
+ ("L_shortcut", "L_Shortcut"),
+ ("L_shirt", "L_Shirt"),
+ ("L_goodjob", "L_GoodJob"),
+ ("L_kill", "L_Kill"),
+ ("L_nothing", "L_Nothing"),
+ ("L_lowlevel", "L_LowLevel"),
+ ("@mask", "@Mask"),
+ ("Foice", "FoiceItem"),
+ ("LanternaJack", "LanternaJackItem"),
+ # fix at same time usage with same name function and variable
+ ("\"DailyQuestPoints\"", "\"DailyQuestPointsFunc\""),
+ ("sc_adrenaline", "SC_ADRENALINE"),
+ ];
+ for val in vals:
+ line = line.replace(val[0], val[1]);
+ return line
+def getItType(it):
+ try:
+ i=int(it)
+ except:
+ i=None
+ if i == 0:
+ return '"IT_HEALING"'
+ elif i == 2:
+ return '"IT_USABLE"'
+ elif i == 3:
+ return '"IT_ETC"'
+ elif i == 4:
+ return '"IT_WEAPON"'
+ elif i == 5:
+ return '"IT_ARMOR"'
+ elif i == 6:
+ return '"IT_CARD"'
+ elif i == 7:
+ return '"IT_HEALING"'
+ elif i == 2:
+ return '"IT_HEALING"'
+ elif i == 2:
+ return '"IT_HEALING"'
+ elif i == 2:
+ return '"IT_HEALING"'
+ else:
+ print("Unrecognized item type: %s" % it)
+ return '"IT_ETC"'
+def convertItemDb(isNew):
+ srcDir = "oldserverdata/world/map/db/"
+ dstFile = "newserverdata/db/re/item_db.conf"
+ if os.path.isfile(dstFile):
+ os.remove(dstFile)
+ constsFile = "newserverdata/db/const.txt"
+ if os.path.isfile(constsFile):
+ os.remove(constsFile)
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ scriptsSplit = re.compile("},")
+ scriptsTextClean = re.compile('([{}])')
+ scriptsTextComma = re.compile('^,')
+ scriptsTextColon = re.compile('; ')
+ items = dict()
+ tpl = readFile("templates/item_db.tpl")
+ with open(dstFile, "w") as w:
+ w.write(tpl)
+ with open(constsFile, "a") as c:
+ c.write("// items\n");
+ for srcFile in getItemDbFile(srcDir):
+ with open(srcDir + srcFile, "r") as r:
+ for line in r:
+ if len(line) < 2 or line[0] == "#" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ line = replaceStr(line)
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 5 or rows[0] == "0":
+ continue
+ sz = len(rows)
+ if sz > 19:
+ sz = 19
+ for f in xrange(0, sz):
+ rows[f] = rows[f].strip()
+ items[rows[1]] = {'id':rows[0],'buy':rows[4],'name':rows[1]}
+ items[rows[0]] = {'id':rows[0],'buy':rows[4],'name':rows[1]}
+ items[int(rows[0])] = {'id':rows[0],'buy':rows[4],'name':rows[1]}
+ # set all values then write
+ w.write("{\n")
+ c.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(rows[1], rows[0]))
+ writeIntField(w, "Id", rows[0])
+ writeStrField(w, "AegisName", rows[1])
+ if isNew == True:
+ offset = -1
+ else:
+ offset = 0
+ writeStrField(w, "Name", rows[offset + 2])
+ if rows[offset + 3] == "0":
+ itemType = "2"
+ else:
+ itemType = rows[offset + 3]
+ writeIntField(w, "Type", itemType)
+ writeIntField(w, "Buy", rows[offset + 4])
+ if int(rows[offset + 4])*.75 <= int(rows[offset + 5])*1.24:
+ writeIntField(w, "Sell", str(int(int(rows[offset + 4])*.50)))
+ else:
+ writeIntField(w, "Sell", rows[offset + 5])
+ writeIntField(w, "Weight", rows[offset + 6])
+ writeIntField(w, "Atk", rows[offset + 7])
+ writeIntField(w, "Matk", "0")
+ writeIntField(w, "Def", rows[offset + 8])
+ writeIntField(w, "Range", rows[offset + 9])
+ writeIntField(w, "Slots", "0")
+ writeIntField(w, "Gender", rows[offset + 12])
+ writeIntField(w, "Loc", rows[offset + 13])
+ writeIntField(w, "WeaponLv", rows[offset + 14])
+ writeIntField(w, "EquipLv", rows[offset + 15])
+ writeIntField(w, "Refine", "false")
+ if isNew == True:
+ offset = 2
+ else:
+ offset = 0
+ if rows[offset + 13] == "2":
+ writeIntField(w, "ViewSprite", "1")
+ elif rows[offset + 13] == "34":
+ writeIntField(w, "ViewSprite", "11")
+ elif rows[offset + 13] == "32768":
+ writeIntField(w, "ViewSprite", "1")
+ elif itemType == "4": # weapon
+ writeIntField(w, "ViewSprite", "1")
+ else:
+ writeIntField(w, "View", rows[0])
+ writeIntField(w, "BindOnEquip", "false")
+ writeIntField(w, "BuyingStore", "false")
+ writeIntField(w, "Delay", "0")
+ writeIntField(w, "Sprite", "0")
+ scripts = ""
+ if isNew == True:
+ offset = -1
+ else:
+ offset = 0
+ for f in xrange(offset + 17, len(rows)):
+ scripts = scripts + ", " + rows[f]
+ rows = scriptsSplit.split(scripts)
+ # Needs .split(';') and \n each
+ if len(rows) > 1:
+ UseScript = scriptsTextColon.sub(';',scriptsTextComma.sub('', scriptsTextClean.sub('', rows[0]))).strip().split(';')
+ EquipScript = scriptsTextColon.sub(';',scriptsTextComma.sub('', scriptsTextClean.sub('', rows[1]))).strip().split(';')
+ else:
+ UseScript = ""
+ EquipScript = ""
+ # move to for stmt
+ if len(UseScript) > 1:
+ writeStartScript(w, "Script")
+ for uline in UseScript:
+ if len(uline) > 0:
+ w.write(" {0};\n".format(uline))
+ writeEndScript(w)
+ if len(EquipScript) > 1:
+ writeStartScript(w, "OnEquipScript")
+ for eline in EquipScript:
+ if len(eline) > 0:
+ w.write(" {0};\n".format(eline))
+ writeEndScript(w)
+ w.write("},\n")
+ w.write(")\n")
+ return items