// Evol scripts.
// Author:
// Reid
// Jesusalva
// Description:
// A rich girl holding a candle. Her father went to examine weird noises in the
// sewers and still hasn't come back. Her mother is gone, but it is not clear
// whether she died, abandoned them, or something else.
// Variable:
// MONA_TIME = gettimeparam(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH) so you need 3 days
// MONA_REPEAT = How many times the quest was done
// ArtisQuests_MonaDad
// Quest states:
// 0 - Quest not started
// 1 - Mona explained that her dad was missing
// 2 - Player is bringing Mundane out of Sewers
// 3 - Quest is complete
// Note:
// Any misformatted code is Jesusalva's fault.
001-2-11,39,30,0 script Mona NPC_MONA,{
function find_daddy_quest
speech S_LAST_NEXT,
l("Hey you!");
switch (select(l("Yes?"), l("Sorry, I have to go.")))
case 1:
mes "";
case 2:
l("No you don't have to go. I need your help, so you have to stay.");
l("Daddy never came back home... He said that he would be back for lunch but it has already been two days!"),
l("You have to find him, or else I will tell him that you did not help me.");
switch (select(l("You do not give me a lot of options."), l("Your dad ran away from you!")))
case 1:
l("He said that he would check why weird noises were coming from the manhole next to the house."),
l("But he never returned."),
l("Please find my daddy...");
setq ArtisQuests_MonaDad, 1;
case 2:
l("I will tell my dad!");
emotion E_SAD;
// You're here to report that Mundane is out of the sewers.
// Forcing you to enter an instanced map would require more work.
// This means adding a warp NPC and a global instance.
// Global Instances get reset every 10 days or so, it would need a patch
// only to support Global Instances and in general is not a smart thing to do.
function check_daddy_quest
// Did you really bring Mundane to sewer exit?
// We need to add 1 tile in each direction of tolerance because addtimer()
// is not exactly what I would call “a reliable way to do stuff”
// Note that @variables sometimes get erasen AT RANDOM.
// If this problem happens, move it char variables.
// (that might cause problems with logout though.)
// Temporary variables give you a time limit to report back...
// There's no need to check if instance still exists, because
// when the instance expires, you get warped to *somewhere*.
// This means the timer will die and MUNDANE_OLD* variables will stop
// being updated.
// Sewer mouths (warps to 001-1)
if (is_between(151, 153, @MUNDANE_OLDX) &&
is_between(55, 57, @MUNDANE_OLDY))
if (is_between(195, 197, @MUNDANE_OLDX) &&
is_between(34, 36, @MUNDANE_OLDY))
if (is_between(197, 199, @MUNDANE_OLDX) &&
is_between(59, 61, @MUNDANE_OLDY))
if (is_between(84, 86, @MUNDANE_OLDX) &&
is_between(129, 131, @MUNDANE_OLDY))
if (.@success)
return true;
return false;
// Here the script really starts
if (getq(ArtisQuests_MonaDad) == 0)
else if (getq(ArtisQuests_MonaDad) == 3)
// Quest Repeat takes priority. Don't worry, you won't lose password unless
// you accept the quest again.
if (MONA_TIME <= gettimeparam(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH)) {
// Sagratha is Great B-)
npctalkonce any(
l("Thanks for finding daddy... I wish he spent more time with me..."),
l("Sagratha is great. Why does the strange woman near the Legion building always say that to daddy...?")); // TODO: Polish
else if (getq(ArtisQuests_MonaDad) == 2)
if (check_daddy_quest())
inventoryplace WoodenSword, 1;
speech 0x0,
l("Daddy finally came back home! He grabbed a snack and said he would be returning to the sewers."),
l("He did say that I should give you this @@ as a gift. He says you are very skilled and will make good use of his old weapon.",
l("He has never been the same since mommy went away...");
getitem WoodenSword, 1;
else if (MONA_REPEAT == 10)
l("Daddy asked me to give you some money as a thank you for looking out for me."),
l("I don't want you! I want daddy!");
mesc l("*sniff sniff*");
emotion E_SAD;
inventoryplace TrainingArrow, 100;
getitem TrainingArrow, min(MONA_REPEAT*20, 100);
setq(ArtisQuests_MonaDad, 3);
npctalkonce l("Please find daddy...");
emotion E_SAD;
.distance = 3;