path: root/servergreps/hercules/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'servergreps/hercules/src/')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/src/ b/servergreps/hercules/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d34fd58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servergreps/hercules/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+class Reporter:
+ def reportManaplus(self, hercules, manaplus):
+ with open(self.packetDir + "/serverpackets.txt", "w") as w:
+ for packet in hercules.outPacketsSorted:
+ data = packet
+ while data[0] == "0":
+ data = data[1:]
+ if packet in manaplus.inPackets:
+ clientName = manaplus.inPackets[packet][0]
+ # if clientName not in manaplus.manaplusUsedPacketsSet and clientName.find("_OUTDATED") <= 0:
+ # w.write("UNIMPLIMENTED ")
+ w.write(data + " client name: " + clientName)
+ else:
+ w.write(data)
+ w.write("\n")
+ funcDict = dict()
+ for packet in hercules.inPacketsSorted:
+ data = packet
+ while data[0] == "0":
+ data = data[1:]
+ if packet in hercules.inPackets:
+ funcDict[hercules.inPackets[packet][1]] = packet
+ with open(self.packetDir + "/uselesspackets.txt", "w") as w:
+ for packet in manaplus.outPackets:
+ if packet not in hercules.inPackets:
+ w.write("Useless packet {0}.\n".format(packet))
+ # manaplusFunc = set()
+ rev = []
+ with open(self.packetDir + "/clientpackets.txt", "w") as w:
+ for packet in manaplus.outPackets:
+ clientName = manaplus.outPackets[packet][0]
+ if clientName not in manaplus.manaplusUsedPacketsSet and clientName.find("_OUTDATED") <= 0:
+ w.write("PSESENT BUT UNIMPLIMENTED {0}\n".format(clientName))
+ # for packet in manaplus.outPackets:
+ # if packet in hercules.inPackets:
+ # manaplusFunc.add(hercules.inPackets[packet][1])
+ # for func in funcDict:
+ # if func not in manaplusFunc:
+ # packet = funcDict[func]
+ # rev.append("{0:4} {1:>4} {2}".format(packet, hercules.inPackets[packet][0], hercules.inPackets[packet][1]))
+ clientSet = set()
+ for packet in hercules.inPackets:
+ clientSet.add(hercules.inPackets[packet][1])
+ for packet in manaplus.outPackets:
+ if packet in hercules.inPackets and hercules.inPackets[packet][1] in clientSet:
+ if manaplus.outPackets[packet][2] == hercules.inPackets[packet][1]:
+ clientSet.remove(hercules.inPackets[packet][1])
+ else:
+ if manaplus.outPackets[packet][2] in clientSet:
+ clientSet.remove(manaplus.outPackets[packet][2])
+ allPackets = set()
+ for packet in hercules.inPackets:
+ allPackets.add(packet)
+ for packet in manaplus.outPackets:
+ allPackets.add(packet)
+ for packet in clientSet:
+ rev.append("{0:4} {1:33} {2}".format("?", "UNIMPLIMENTED", packet))
+ for packet in allPackets:
+ if packet not in manaplus.outPackets:
+ continue
+ data = "{0:4} {1:33} ".format(packet, manaplus.outPackets[packet][0])
+ if packet in hercules.inPackets:
+ if manaplus.outPackets[packet][2] == hercules.inPackets[packet][1]:
+ data = data + hercules.inPackets[packet][1]
+ rev.append(data)
+ else:
+ data = data + "?"
+ rev.append(data)
+ rev.sort()
+ for data in rev:
+ w.write(data)
+ w.write("\n")
+ rev = []
+ with open(self.packetDir + "/clientwrongpacketsizes.txt", "w") as w:
+ for name in manaplus.outMsgNameToId:
+ packet = manaplus.outMsgNameToId[name]
+ # for packet in manaplus.outPackets:
+ if packet in hercules.inPackets and manaplus.outPackets[packet][1] != hercules.inPackets[packet][0]:
+ packet1 = manaplus.outPackets[packet]
+ packet2 = hercules.inPackets[packet]
+ if packet2[0] != 0:
+ rev.append("{0:4} {1:33} {2:35} {3:4} vs {4:4}".format(
+ packet,
+ packet1[0],
+ packet2[1],
+ packet1[1],
+ packet2[0]))
+ rev.sort()
+ for data in rev:
+ w.write(data)
+ w.write("\n")
+ rev = []
+ with open(self.packetDir + "/clientbadpackets.txt", "w") as w:
+ for name in manaplus.outMsgNameToId:
+ packet = manaplus.outMsgNameToId[name]
+ # for packet in manaplus.outPackets:
+ if packet in hercules.inPackets:
+ packet1 = manaplus.outPackets[packet]
+ packet2 = hercules.inPackets[packet]
+ if packet1[2] in hercules.functionToId:
+ data = hercules.functionToId[packet1[2]]
+ data2 = hercules.functionToId[packet2[1]]
+ if data2 == packet:
+ if packet1[2] != packet2[1]:
+ rev.append("{0:4} {1:33} client: {2:35} server: {3:35} Change id to {4}".format(packet,
+ packet1[0],
+ packet1[2],
+ packet2[1],
+ data))
+ else:
+ # here hidden or previous packet
+ pass
+ else:
+ data = "unknown"
+ if packet1[2] != packet2[1]:
+ rev.append("{0:4} {1:33} client: {2:35} server: {3:35} Change id to {4}".format(packet,
+ packet1[0],
+ packet1[2],
+ packet2[1],
+ data))
+ rev.sort()
+ for data in rev:
+ w.write(data)
+ w.write("\n")
+ rev = []
+ with open(self.packetDir + "/clientpreferredpackets.txt", "w") as w:
+ with open(self.packetDir + "/clientbadpackets.txt", "a+") as w2:
+ for name in manaplus.outMsgNameToId:
+ packet = manaplus.outMsgNameToId[name]
+ if packet in hercules.inPackets:
+ packet1 = manaplus.outPackets[packet]
+ packet2 = hercules.inPackets[packet]
+ if packet1[0] != name:
+ # skip if same id used for other packet already
+ #print("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}".format(name, packet, packet1, packet2))
+ w2.write("{0:4} {1:33} hidden by {2}\n".format(packet,
+ name,
+ packet1[2]))
+ continue
+ if packet1[2] in hercules.functionToId:
+ data = hercules.functionToId[packet1[2]]
+ if packet1[2] == packet2[1] and hercules.functionToId[packet1[2]] != packet:
+ rev.append("{0:4} -> {1:4} {2:33} {3}".format(packet,
+ data,
+ packet1[0],
+ packet1[2]))
+ else:
+ data = "unknown"
+ if packet1[2] == packet2[1] and hercules.functionToId[packet1[2]] != packet:
+ rev.append("{0:4} -> {1:4} {2:33} {3}".format(packet,
+ data,
+ packet1[0],
+ packet1[2]))
+ rev.sort()
+ for data in rev:
+ w.write(data)
+ w.write("\n")
+ def reportHercules(self, hercules):
+ with open(self.packetDir + "/herculesissues.txt", "w") as w:
+ for name in hercules.functionToId:
+ packet = hercules.functionToId[name]
+ if name != hercules.inPackets[packet][1]:
+ found = False
+ oldId = ""
+ for packet in hercules.inPackets:
+ if name == hercules.inPackets[packet][1]:
+ found = True
+ if oldId == "":
+ oldId = str(packet)
+ else:
+ oldId = oldId + "," + str(packet)
+ if found is False:
+ w.write("Server code error: function {0} hidden in server code\n".format(
+ name))
+ else:
+ w.write("Server code warning: function {0} hidden in server code but can be used older packets definition {1}\n".format(
+ name,
+ oldId))