path: root/saedit/main.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'saedit/main.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 609 deletions
diff --git a/saedit/main.c b/saedit/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d6c147a..0000000
--- a/saedit/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
-| ____ ____ |
-| / \ /\ | |
-| \____ / \ |____ |
-| \ /____\ | |
-| \____/prite / \nimation |____ditor |
-| |
-| Copyleft Vasily_Makarov 2011 |
-| |
-#include "main.h"
-#include "interface.c"
-//Cairo functions
-cairo_surface_t *get_grid_surface(int w, int h) {
- cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, (w + 2) * GRID_SIZE, (h + 2) * GRID_SIZE);
- cairo_t *cr = cairo_create(surface);
- int x, y;
- for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, gen_sae_info->ground, x * GRID_SIZE, y * GRID_SIZE);
- cairo_paint(cr);
- }
- if (config->show_grid) {
- cairo_surface_t *gridsurf = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, w * GRID_SIZE + 1, h * GRID_SIZE + 1);
- cairo_t *scr = cairo_create(gridsurf);
- cairo_set_line_width(scr, 1);
- cairo_set_source_rgba(scr, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1);
- for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- cairo_rectangle(scr, x*GRID_SIZE+0.5, y*GRID_SIZE+0.5, GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE);
- cairo_stroke(scr);
- }
- cairo_set_source_surface(cr, gridsurf, GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE);
- cairo_paint(cr);
- cairo_destroy(scr);
- cairo_surface_destroy(gridsurf);
- }
- cairo_destroy(cr);
- return surface;
-gboolean darea_draw_event(GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr, SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- if (sae_info == NULL)
- sae_info = gen_sae_info;
- int width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width(widget),
- height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height(widget);
- int w = 3, h = 3;
- //cairo_t *cr = gdk_cairo_create(gtk_widget_get_parent_window(widget));
- cairo_surface_t *surface = get_grid_surface(w, h);
- cairo_set_source_surface(cr, surface, width/2 - GRID_SIZE * (w + 2) * 0.5, height/2 - GRID_SIZE * (h + 2) * 0.5);
- cairo_paint(cr);
- if (player != NULL) {
- GdkPixbuf *pbuf = player->sprite->pixbuf;
- if (pbuf == NULL) return FALSE;
- gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, pbuf,
- width/2 - player->imageset->width/2 + player->offsetX + player->sprite->offsetX + player->imageset->offsetX,
- height/2 + GRID_SIZE/2 - player->imageset->height + player->offsetY + player->sprite->offsetY + player->imageset->offsetY);
- cairo_paint(cr);
- }
- GdkPixbuf *pbuf = sae_info->sprite->pixbuf;
- if (pbuf == NULL) return FALSE;
- gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, pbuf,
- width/2 - sae_info->imageset->width/2 + sae_info->offsetX + sae_info->sprite->offsetX + sae_info->imageset->offsetX,
- height/2 +GRID_SIZE/2 - sae_info->imageset->height + sae_info->offsetY + sae_info->sprite->offsetY + sae_info->imageset->offsetY);
- cairo_paint(cr);
- cairo_surface_destroy(surface);
- return FALSE;
-//Common functions
-gchar *markup_bold(gchar *str) {
- return g_strconcat("<b>", str, "</b>", NULL);
-void format_src_string(gchar *src) {
- gchar *str = g_strrstr(src, "|");
- if (str == NULL) return;
- strncpy(str, "\0", 1);
-GtkTextIter *gtk_source_buffer_highlight_line(GtkSourceBuffer *buffer, int line_number) {
- GtkTextIter start;
- gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter(GTK_TEXT_BUFFER(buffer), &start);
- gtk_text_iter_set_line(&start, line_number);
- gtk_text_buffer_place_cursor(GTK_TEXT_BUFFER(buffer), &start);
- return gtk_text_iter_copy(&start);
-//File working
-void open_xml_file(GtkButton *button) {
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive(xml_file_open_button, TRUE);
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive(reload_menu_item, TRUE);
- gchar *buf;
- size_t len;
- g_file_get_contents(gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(xml_file_chooser_button)), &buf, &len, NULL);
- if (g_utf8_validate(buf, len, NULL)) {
- gtk_text_buffer_set_text(GTK_TEXT_BUFFER(source_buffer), buf, len);
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive(xml_file_save_button, TRUE);
- } else {
- gtk_file_chooser_unselect_all(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(xml_file_chooser_button));
- }
- free_current_info();
-void save_to_xml_file(gchar *filename) {
- GtkTextIter start, end;
- gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter(GTK_TEXT_BUFFER(source_buffer), &start);
- gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter(GTK_TEXT_BUFFER(source_buffer), &end);
- g_file_set_contents(filename, gtk_text_buffer_get_text(GTK_TEXT_BUFFER(source_buffer), &start, &end, TRUE), -1, NULL);
-//SAEInfo functions (must be ported to sae.c)
-void free_imagesets(SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- free_imageset(sae_info);
- sae_info->imagesets = NULL;
- gtk_list_store_clear(GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_combo_box_get_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(sae_info->imagesets_combo_box))));
-void free_imageset(SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- sae_info->imageset = imageset_new();
- sae_info->ground = sae_info_ground_new();
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive(imageset_preview_menu_item, FALSE);
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive(toolbar, FALSE);
-void free_actions(SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- sae_info->actions = NULL;
- if (sae_info->actions_combo_box != NULL)
- gtk_list_store_clear(GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_combo_box_get_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(sae_info->actions_combo_box))));
-void free_animations(SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- sae_info->animations = NULL;
- if (sae_info->animations_combo_box != NULL)
- gtk_list_store_clear(GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_combo_box_get_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(sae_info->animations_combo_box))));
- kill_timeout(sae_info->anim_tag);
- sae_info->anim_tag = 0;
- sae_info->sprite = frame_new(-1, 0, 0, 0);
- set_sprite_by_index(0, sae_info);
-void free_lists(SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- free_imagesets(sae_info);
- free_actions(sae_info);
- free_animations(sae_info);
-void free_current_info() {
- free_lists(gen_sae_info);
- player = NULL;
-void data_folder_set_callback(GtkFileChooserButton *widget, gpointer data) {
- config->clientdata_folder = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(data_folder_chooser_button));
- gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(xml_file_chooser_button), gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(widget)));
-void show_grid_menu_item_toggled_callback(GtkCheckMenuItem *checkmenuitem, gpointer user_data) {
- config->show_grid = gtk_check_menu_item_get_active(checkmenuitem);
- gtk_widget_queue_draw(darea);
-void parsing_error_warning(SAEInfo *sae_info, const gchar *message) {
- free_lists(sae_info);
- gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text(GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG(parsing_error_dialog), "%s", message);
- gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(parsing_error_dialog));
-void actions_combo_box_changed_callback(GtkComboBoxText *widget, gpointer user_data) {
- if (player != NULL)
- set_up_action_by_name(gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text(widget), player);
- set_up_action_by_name(gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text(widget), gen_sae_info);
-void animations_combo_box_changed_callback(GtkComboBoxText *widget, gpointer user_data) {
- set_up_animation_by_direction(gen_sae_info, gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text(widget));
- if (player != NULL) {
- set_up_animation_by_direction(player, gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text(widget));
- show_animation(player);
- }
- show_animation(gen_sae_info);
-void imagesets_combo_box_changed_callback(GtkComboBoxText *widget, gpointer user_data) {
- if (gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text(widget) != NULL)
- set_up_imageset_by_name(gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text(widget), gen_sae_info);
-gboolean frame_image_button_press_event_callback(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *button, int idx) {
- gchar buf[10];
- gint len = g_sprintf(buf, "%d", idx);
- gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor(GTK_TEXT_BUFFER(source_buffer), buf, len);
- return FALSE;
-void open_menu_item_activate_callback(GtkMenuItem *menuitem, GtkFileChooserDialog *fcdialog) {
- gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(fcdialog));
-//>Toolbar callbacks
-void toolbar_to_first_clicked_callback(GtkToolButton *toolbutton, gpointer user_data) {
- toolbar_pause_clicked_callback(toolbutton, user_data);
- gen_sae_info->animation = g_list_first(gen_sae_info->animation);
- show_sprite(gen_sae_info);
-void toolbar_prev_frame_clicked_callback(GtkToolButton *toolbutton, gpointer user_data) {
- toolbar_pause_clicked_callback(toolbutton, user_data);
- GList *prev = g_list_previous(gen_sae_info->animation);
- if (prev == NULL)
- return;
- gen_sae_info->animation = prev;
- show_sprite(gen_sae_info);
-void toolbar_play_clicked_callback(GtkToolButton *toolbutton, gpointer user_data) {
- show_animation(gen_sae_info);
-void toolbar_pause_clicked_callback(GtkToolButton *toolbutton, gpointer user_data) {
- int tag = gen_sae_info->anim_tag;
- if (tag > 0) {
- kill_timeout(tag);
- GList *prev = g_list_previous(gen_sae_info->animation);
- if (prev == NULL)
- prev = g_list_last(gen_sae_info->animation);
- gen_sae_info->animation = prev;
- }
- gen_sae_info->anim_tag = 0;
-void toolbar_next_frame_clicked_callback(GtkToolButton *toolbutton, gpointer user_data) {
- toolbar_pause_clicked_callback(toolbutton, user_data);
- GList *next = g_list_next(gen_sae_info->animation);
- if (next == NULL)
- return;
- gen_sae_info->animation = next;
- show_sprite(gen_sae_info);
-void toolbar_to_last_clicked_callback(GtkToolButton *toolbutton, gpointer user_data) {
- toolbar_pause_clicked_callback(toolbutton, user_data);
- gen_sae_info->animation = g_list_last(gen_sae_info->animation);
- show_sprite(gen_sae_info);
-void show_about_dialog() {
- gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(about_dialog));
- gtk_widget_hide(about_dialog);
-void show_imageset_dialog() {
- if (gen_sae_info->imageset->spriteset == NULL) return;
- GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_dialog_new();
- GtkWidget *content_area = gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog));
- gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), _("Imageset preview"));
- gtk_window_set_transient_for(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), GTK_WINDOW(win));
- int w = gen_sae_info->imageset->spriteset_width / gen_sae_info->imageset->width;
- int h = gen_sae_info->imageset->spriteset_height / gen_sae_info->imageset->height;
- GtkWidget *hbox = NULL;
- GtkWidget *image = NULL;
- GtkWidget *event_box = NULL;
- int x, y;
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- hbox = gtk_hbox_new(TRUE, 2);
- gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(content_area), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
- for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- unsigned long int id = w * y + x;
- event_box = gtk_event_box_new();
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(event_box), "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(frame_image_button_press_event_callback), (gpointer)id);
- gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), event_box, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- image = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(get_sprite_by_index(w * y + x, gen_sae_info));
- gtk_widget_add_events(image, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK);
- gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(event_box), image);
- }
- }
- gtk_widget_show_all(dialog);
-//Main functions
-void set_sprite_by_index(size_t idx, SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- sae_info->sprite->pixbuf = get_sprite_by_index(idx, sae_info);
- gtk_widget_queue_draw(darea);
-void set_up_actions_by_imageset_name(gchar *imageset_name, SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- free_actions(sae_info);
- free_animations(sae_info);
- GList *_actions_list = NULL;
- GList *list = sae_info->root->sub_nodes;
- XMLNode *node = NULL;
- while (TRUE) {
- list = g_list_find_custom(list, imageset_name, xml_node_compare_with_action_node_by_imageset_name_func);
- if (list == NULL)
- break;
- if (_actions_list == NULL) {
- _actions_list = g_list_alloc();
- sae_info->actions = _actions_list;
- _actions_list->data = list->data;
- } else
- _actions_list = g_list_append(_actions_list, list->data);
- node = list->data;
- if (sae_info->actions_combo_box != NULL)
- gtk_combo_box_text_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(sae_info->actions_combo_box), xml_node_get_attr_value(node, "name"));
- list = g_list_next(list);
- }
- if (sae_info->actions_combo_box != NULL)
- gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(sae_info->actions_combo_box), 0);
-gboolean set_up_imagesets(SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- GList *_imagesets_list = NULL;
- free_lists(sae_info);
- GList *list = sae_info->root->sub_nodes;
- XMLNode *node = NULL;
- while (TRUE) {
- list = g_list_find_custom(list, "imageset", xml_node_compare_with_name_func);
- if (list == NULL)
- break;
- if (_imagesets_list == NULL) {
- _imagesets_list = g_list_alloc();
- _imagesets_list->data = list->data;
- sae_info->imagesets = _imagesets_list;
- } else
- _imagesets_list = g_list_append(_imagesets_list, list->data);
- node = list->data;
- if (sae_info->imagesets_combo_box != NULL)
- gtk_combo_box_text_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(sae_info->imagesets_combo_box), xml_node_get_attr_value(node, "name"));
- list = g_list_next(list);
- }
- if (_imagesets_list == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- if (sae_info->imagesets_combo_box != NULL)
- gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(sae_info->imagesets_combo_box), 0);
- return TRUE;
-void show_sprite(SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- Frame *sprite = sae_info->animation->data;
- gtk_text_view_scroll_to_iter(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(source_view),
- gtk_source_buffer_highlight_line(source_buffer, sprite->line_number-1),
- 0.25,
- 0.0,
- 0.0);
- sae_info->sprite = sprite;
- gtk_widget_queue_draw(darea);
-void show_animation(SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- kill_timeout(sae_info->anim_tag);
- if (sae_info->animation == NULL)
- return;
- show_sprite(sae_info);
- Frame *sprite = sae_info->animation->data;
- GList *next = g_list_next(sae_info->animation);
- if (next == NULL)
- next = g_list_first(sae_info->animation);
- if (!sprite->delay)
- {
- free_animations(sae_info);
- return;
- }
- sae_info->animation = next;
- sae_info->anim_tag = g_timeout_add(sprite->delay, (GSourceFunc)show_animation, sae_info);
-gboolean show_general_animation(SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- XMLNode *node = sae_info->animations->data;
- if (node == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- animations_combo_box_changed_callback(NULL, NULL);
- return TRUE;
-gboolean set_up_action_by_name(const gchar *name, SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- free_animations(sae_info);
- GList *list = g_list_find_custom(sae_info->actions,
- xml_attr_new("name", name),
- (GCompareFunc)xml_node_compare_with_attr_func);
- if (list == NULL) return FALSE;
- list = ((XMLNode *)list->data)->sub_nodes;
- gboolean was_direction = FALSE;
- while (TRUE) {
- list = g_list_find_custom(list, "animation", xml_node_compare_with_name_func);
- if (list == NULL)
- break;
- if (sae_info->animations == NULL) {
- sae_info->animations = g_list_alloc();
- sae_info->animations->data = list->data;
- } else
- sae_info->animations = g_list_append(sae_info->animations, list->data);
- XMLNode *node = list->data;
- gchar *direction = xml_node_get_attr_value(node, "direction");
- if (direction != NULL) {
- if (sae_info->animations_combo_box != NULL)
- gtk_combo_box_text_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(sae_info->animations_combo_box), direction);
- was_direction = TRUE;
- }
- list = g_list_next(list);
- }
- if (sae_info->animations == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- if (!was_direction)
- show_general_animation(sae_info);
- else if (sae_info->animations_combo_box != NULL)
- gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(sae_info->animations_combo_box), 0);
- return TRUE;
-void set_up_imageset_by_name(const gchar *name, SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- free_imageset(sae_info);
- free_actions(sae_info);
- free_animations(sae_info);
- GList *list = g_list_find_custom(sae_info->imagesets,
- xml_attr_new("name", name),
- (GCompareFunc)xml_node_compare_with_attr_func);
- if (list == NULL)
- return;
- XMLNode *node = list->data;
- if (node == NULL)
- return;
- sae_info->imageset->node = node;
- sae_info->imageset->offsetX = 0;
- sae_info->imageset->offsetY = 0;
- gchar *offset_attr = xml_node_get_attr_value(sae_info->imageset->node, "offsetX");
- if (offset_attr != NULL)
- sscanf(offset_attr, "%d", &sae_info->imageset->offsetX);
- offset_attr = xml_node_get_attr_value(sae_info->imageset->node, "offsetY");
- if (offset_attr != NULL)
- sscanf(offset_attr, "%d", &sae_info->imageset->offsetY);
- gchar *imageset_name = xml_node_get_attr_value(sae_info->imageset->node, "name");
- gchar *src = xml_node_get_attr_value(sae_info->imageset->node, "src");
- format_src_string(src);
- gchar *datapath = config->clientdata_folder;
- gchar *path = g_strjoin(SEPARATOR_SLASH, datapath, src, NULL);
- sae_info->imageset->spriteset = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(path, NULL);
- if (sae_info->imageset->spriteset == NULL) {
- parsing_error_warning(sae_info, "Wrong spriteset path!");
- return;
- }
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive(imageset_preview_menu_item, TRUE);
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive(toolbar, TRUE);
- sae_info->imageset->spriteset_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(sae_info->imageset->spriteset);
- sae_info->imageset->spriteset_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(sae_info->imageset->spriteset);
- gchar *width = xml_node_get_attr_value(sae_info->imageset->node, "width");
- sscanf(width, "%d", &sae_info->imageset->width);
- gchar *height = xml_node_get_attr_value(sae_info->imageset->node, "height");
- sscanf(height, "%d", &sae_info->imageset->height);
- list = g_list_find_custom(sae_info->root->sub_nodes, "sae", xml_node_compare_with_name_func);
- if (list != NULL) {
- gchar *ground_attr = xml_node_get_attr_value((XMLNode *)list->data, "ground");
- if (ground_attr != NULL) {
- ground_attr = g_strjoin(NULL, DIR_GROUNDS, SEPARATOR_SLASH, ground_attr, ".png", NULL);
- GdkPixbuf *pbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(ground_attr, NULL);
- if(pbuf != NULL)
- sae_info->ground = pbuf;
- }
- gchar *player_attr = xml_node_get_attr_value((XMLNode *)list->data, "player");
- if (player_attr != NULL && player == NULL) {
- gchar *text;
- gchar *sprites_path = paths->sprites;
- gchar *player_file = g_strjoin(NULL, sprites_path, DIR_PLAYERS, player_attr, ".xml", NULL);
- if (g_file_get_contents(player_file, &text, NULL, NULL)) {
- player = sae_info_new();
- parse_xml_text(text, player);
- set_up_imageset_by_name("base", player);
- }
- }
- }
- set_up_actions_by_imageset_name(imageset_name, sae_info);
- if (sae_info->actions == NULL)
- return;
- set_sprite_by_index(0, sae_info);
-void load_options() {
- gchar *datapath = config->clientdata_folder;
- gchar *path = g_strjoin(SEPARATOR_SLASH, datapath, "paths.xml", NULL);
- config_options_load_from_file(paths, path, datapath);
-void parse_xml_text(gchar *text, SAEInfo *sae_info) {
- GError *error = NULL;
- free_lists(sae_info);
- XMLNode *_root_node = xml_parse_buffer(text, &error);
- sae_info->root = _root_node;
- if (_root_node == NULL) {
- parsing_error_warning(sae_info, error->message);
- g_error_free(error);
- return;
- }
- GList *list = g_list_find_custom(_root_node->sub_nodes, "include", xml_node_compare_with_name_func);
- while (list != NULL) {
- XMLNode *node = list->data;
- gchar *file_attr = xml_node_get_attr_value(node, "file");
- if (file_attr != NULL) {
- file_attr = g_strjoin(NULL, paths->sprites, file_attr, NULL);
- gchar *buf;
- if (g_file_get_contents(file_attr, &buf, NULL, NULL))
- _root_node->sub_nodes = g_list_concat(_root_node->sub_nodes, xml_parse_buffer(buf, &error)->sub_nodes);
- }
- GList *next = g_list_next(list);
- if (next != NULL)
- list = g_list_find_custom(next, "include", xml_node_compare_with_name_func);
- else
- list = NULL;
- }
- sae_info->offsetX = 0;
- sae_info->offsetY = 0;
- if (error != NULL)
- g_error_free(error);
- if (!set_up_imagesets(sae_info)) {
- parsing_error_warning(sae_info, "Bad data!");
- return;
- }
-void parse_xml_buffer(GtkWidget *button, GtkSourceBuffer *buffer) {
- if (buffer == NULL)
- buffer = source_buffer;
- player = NULL;
- load_options();
- GtkTextIter beg, end;
- gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter(GTK_TEXT_BUFFER(buffer), &beg);
- gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter(GTK_TEXT_BUFFER(buffer), &end);
- parse_xml_text(gtk_text_iter_get_text(&beg, &end), gen_sae_info);
-void load_config() {
- config_keys_load(config);
- gtk_file_chooser_select_filename(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(data_folder_chooser_button), config->clientdata_folder);
- gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(show_grid_menu_item), config->show_grid);
-void save_config_and_quit() {
- config_keys_save(config);
- gtk_main_quit();
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
- icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(FILE_ICON, NULL);
- gen_sae_info = sae_info_new();
- config = config_keys_new();
- paths = config_options_new();
- set_up_interface();
- load_config();
- gtk_main();
- return 0;