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authorAndrei Karas <>2016-06-07 20:09:37 +0300
committerAndrei Karas <>2016-06-07 20:09:37 +0300
commit895d821c64506a46451e3750137ff657f743eb10 (patch)
parent084b9c59e36c55561ff435b96bae624cfc3a5242 (diff)
testxml: in map parsing code load also tsx files with tilesets.
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/testxml/ b/testxml/
index 9114743..5aa6a9e 100755
--- a/testxml/
+++ b/testxml/
@@ -1388,49 +1388,54 @@ def testMap(mapName, file, path):
tilesMap = dict()
- for tileset in dom.getElementsByTagName("tileset"):
+ for tileset0 in dom.getElementsByTagName("tileset"):
+ tileset = tileset0
+ try:
+ firstGid = int(tileset.attributes["firstgid"].value)
+ except:
+ firstGid = 0
source = tileset.attributes["source"].value
if source is not None and source != "":
file2 = os.path.abspath(parentDir + os.path.sep + mapsDir + source)
if not os.path.isfile(file2):
showMsgFile(file, "missing source file in tileset " + source, True)
- continue;
- None
+ source = ""
+ tile = Tileset()
+ tile.firstGid = firstGid
+ tile.lastGid = 0
+ if source[-4:] == ".tsx":
+ relativePath = parentDir + "/" + mapsDir + source
+ dom2 = minidom.parse(relativePath)
+ tileset = dom2.documentElement
+ idx = relativePath.rfind("/")
+ relativePath = relativePath[:idx+1]
+ relativePath2 = source
+ idx = relativePath2.rfind("/")
+ relativePath2 = relativePath2[:idx+1]
+ else:
+ relativePath = ""
+ relativePath2 = ""
name = readAttr(tileset, "name", "", "warning: missing tile name: " + file, False)
tileWidth = readAttrI(tileset, "tilewidth", mapTileWidth, \
"error: missing tile width in tileset: " + name + ", " + file, True)
tileHeight = readAttrI(tileset, "tileheight", mapTileHeight, \
"error: missing tile height in tileset: " + name + ", " + file, True)
- try:
- firstGid = int(tileset.attributes["firstgid"].value)
- except:
- firstGid = 0
if firstGid in tilesMap:
showMsgFile(file, "tile with firstgid " + str(firstGid) + \
" already exist: " + name + ", " + file, True)
- if tileWidth == 0 or tileHeight == 0:
- continue
- tile = Tileset()
- = name
tile.width = tileWidth
tile.tileWidth = tileWidth
tile.height = tileHeight
tile.tileHeight = tileHeight
- tile.firstGid = firstGid
- tile.lastGid = 0
-# if tileWidth != 32:
-# showMsgFile(file, "tile width " + str(tileWidth) + " != 32: " + name, False)
-# if tileHeight != 32:
-# showMsgFile(file, "tile height " + str(tileHeight) + " != 32: " + name, False)
+ = name
images = tileset.getElementsByTagName("image")
if images == None or len(images) == 0:
@@ -1439,64 +1444,68 @@ def testMap(mapName, file, path):
elif len(images) > 1:
showMsgFile(file, "to many image tags in tile " + name, True)
- else:
- image = images[0]
- source = readAttr(image, "source", None, "error: missing source in image tag in tile " \
- + name + ": " + file, True)
- if source != None:
+ image = images[0]
+ source = readAttr(image, "source", None, "error: missing source in image tag in tile " \
+ + name + ": " + file, True)
+ if source != None:
+ if relativePath == "":
imagePath = os.path.abspath(parentDir + "/" + mapsDir + source)
+ else:
+ imagePath = os.path.abspath(relativePath + source)
- img = splitImage(imagePath)
- imagePath = img[0]
- imagecolor = img[1]
+ img = splitImage(imagePath)
+ imagePath = img[0]
+ imagecolor = img[1]
- tile.image = imagePath
- tile.color = imagecolor
+ tile.image = imagePath
+ tile.color = imagecolor
- if not os.path.isfile(imagePath) or os.path.exists(imagePath) == False:
- showMsgFile(file, "image file not exist: " + mapsDir + source + ", " + \
- name, True)
- continue
+ if not os.path.isfile(imagePath) or os.path.exists(imagePath) == False:
+ showMsgFile(file, "image file not exist: " + mapsDir + source + ", " + \
+ name, True)
+ continue
- if imagecolor != "":
- testDye("", imagecolor, source, file, True)
+ if imagecolor != "":
+ testDye("", imagecolor, source, file, True)
- sz = testImageFile(file, imagePath, 0, "", True)
- width = sz[0]
- height = sz[1]
+ sz = testImageFile(file, imagePath, 0, "", True)
+ width = sz[0]
+ height = sz[1]
- if width == 0 or height == 0:
- continue
+ if width == 0 or height == 0:
+ continue
- if width < tileWidth:
- showMsgFile(file, "tile width more than image width in tile: " + \
- name, True)
- continue
- if height < tileHeight:
- showMsgFile(file, "tile height more than image height in tile: " + \
- name, True)
- continue
+ if width < tileWidth:
+ showMsgFile(file, "tile width more than image width in tile: " + \
+ name, True)
+ continue
+ if height < tileHeight:
+ showMsgFile(file, "tile height more than image height in tile: " + \
+ name, True)
+ continue
- s1 = int(width / int(tileWidth)) * int(tileWidth)
+ s1 = int(width / int(tileWidth)) * int(tileWidth)
- if width != s1:
- if s1 == 0:
- s1 = int(tileWidth)
- showMsgFile(file, "image width " + str(width) + \
- " (need " + str(s1) + ") is not multiply to tile size " + \
- str(tileWidth) + ". " + source + ", " + name, False)
+ if width != s1:
+ if s1 == 0:
+ s1 = int(tileWidth)
+ showMsgFile(file, "image width " + str(width) + \
+ " (need " + str(s1) + ") is not multiply to tile size " + \
+ str(tileWidth) + ". " + source + ", " + name, False)
- s2 = int(height / int(tileHeight)) * int(tileHeight)
+ s2 = int(height / int(tileHeight)) * int(tileHeight)
- tile.lastGid = tile.firstGid + (int(width / int(tileWidth)) * int(height / int(tileHeight))) - 1
- if height != s2:
- if s2 == 0:
- s2 = int(tileHeight)
- showMsgFile(file, "image width " + str(height) + \
- " (need " + str(s2) + ") is not multiply to tile size " + \
- str(tileHeight) + ". " + source + ", " + name, False)
+ tile.lastGid = tile.firstGid + (int(width / int(tileWidth)) * int(height / int(tileHeight))) - 1
+ if height != s2:
+ if s2 == 0:
+ s2 = int(tileHeight)
+ showMsgFile(file, "image width " + str(height) + \
+ " (need " + str(s2) + ") is not multiply to tile size " + \
+ str(tileHeight) + ". " + source + ", " + name, False)
- tile.source = source
+ tile.source = relativePath2 + source
# hack to change relative back path to normal relative path
if len(tile.source) > 3 and tile.source[:11] == "../graphics":
tile.source = tile.source[3:]
@@ -1505,6 +1514,8 @@ def testMap(mapName, file, path):
if silent == False and mapName not in mapToAtlas:
showMsgFile(file, "map dont have atlas", True)
+ tileset = tileset0
testTiles(mapName, file, tilesMap)
layers = dom.getElementsByTagName("layer")
if layers == None or len(layers) == 0: