Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Especially to change them to lowercase.
I did this patch quite a while ago. Big thx to Stefan Beller for
"rebasing" it.
This removes support for skills. The plan is to allow to implement the skills
as they were implemented before via attributes. This adds a lot more
flexibility to the server creators while also removing the confusion about
skills and attributes.
So this change does:
- Remove the skillmanager with all its calls, the skill xml file, etc
- Move exp giving to the script engine:
--> Allows to implement the old behaviour (and more) in the scripts
- Remove the exp tag from the monster definition:
+ Since the server itself does not require it anymore it feels wrong to
require it for EVERY monster. TODO: Add a system to add properties to the
monsters/items.xml which allow defining things like the exp and allows to
read the value from the script engine.
+ Small drawback, but it should not be hard to implement this property
- Drop the level networking and calculation.
+ level calculation will happen via the attribute system later but i would
prefer to do this in a seperate patch since this patch already got longer
than expected especially since this requires to make setting correction
points and available status points scriptable.
+ The level would be simply set as a attribute, the int number of it will be
the level, the remaining digits will be the % number till the next levelup.
- NOT remove any existing skill tables in the database update scripts.
+ There is no way to move them into the attribute table in a unified way
(there are too many different way they could have been used). So server
admins have to care about moving theirs skills to attributes themselves.
+ Keeping the old tables does not hurt for existing databases. So removing
does not give any advantage/is required anyway. The now obsolote info
about the EXP transaction is not removed for updated databases either.
(The update script basically only bumps the version number without doing
anything else.
- bump the network protocol version --> old clients won't be able to connect.
- bump the database version --> serveradmins need to update their db.
Each ability can now define a cooldown that prevents the player from
using other abilities for a while. The time of this cooldown can be set
to any attribute. The modified value of the attribute is the value of
the cooldown in game ticks. The cooldown will be automatically started
if the ability has `autoconsume` set to true. Otherwise a script has to
call entity:cooldown_ability(ability).
This way the scripts can add or replace existing member functions, which
can be useful. As demonstration chr_money and chr_money_change are now
added as and Entity.change_money.
Also fixed the banker to use ask_number instead of ask_integer (I had
decided to rename this and apparently forgot the banker).
Mantis-issue: 503
Reviewed-by: Ablu
Some functions were skipped for now because they may need a new name
or change of behavior. Changes:
chr_warp entity:warp
chr_get_inventory entity:inventory
chr_inv_change entity:inv_change
chr_inv_count entity:inv_count
chr_get_equipment entity:equipment
chr_equip_slot entity:equip_slot
chr_equip_item entity:equip_item
chr_unequip_slot entity:unequip_slot
chr_unequip_item entity:unequip_item
chr_get_level entity:level
chr_get_exp entity:xp
chr_give_exp entity:give_xp
chr_get_rights entity:rights
chr_set_hair_style entity:set_hair_style
chr_get_hair_style entity:hair_style
chr_set_hair_color entity:set_hair_color
chr_get_hair_color entity:hair_color
chr_get_kill_count entity:kill_count
chr_give_special entity:give_special
chr_has_special entity:has_special
chr_take_special entity:take_special
chr_set_special_recharge_speed entity:set_special_recharge_speed
chr_get_special_recharge_speed entity:special_recharge_speed
chr_set_special_mana entity:set_special_mana
chr_get_special_mana entity:special_mana
chr_kick entity:kick
exp_for_level xp_for_level
monster_get_id entity:monster_id
monster_change_anger entity:change_anger
monster_drop_anger entity:drop_anger
monster_get_angerlist entity:angerlist
being_apply_status entity:apply_status
being_remove_status entity:remove_status
being_has_status entity:has_status
being_set_status_time entity:set_status_time
being_get_status_time entity:status_time
being_get_gender entity:gender
being_set_gender entity:set_gender
being_type entity:type
being_walk entity:walk
being_say entity:say
being_damage entity:damage
being_heal entity:heal
being_get_name entity:name
being_get_action entity:action
being_set_action entity:set_action
being_get_direction entity:direction
being_set_direction entity:set_direction
being_apply_attribute_modifier entity:apply_attribute_modifier
being_remove_attribute_modifier entity:remove_attribute_modifier
being_set_base_attribute entity:set_base_attribute
being_get_modified_attribute entity:modified_attribute
being_get_base_attribute entity:base_attribute
being_set_walkmask entity:set_walkmask
being_get_walkmask entity:walkmask
being_get_mapid entity:mapid
chat_message entity:message
being_register entity:register
chr_shake_screen entity:shake_screen
chr_create_text_particle entity:show_text_particle
- entity:position
posX entity:x
posY entity:y
monster_get_name monsterclass:name
item_get_name itemclass:name
The game server will now look for the scripts in this order:
- serverPath - config value
- current working directory
- the PKG_DATADIR #define
This change adds a comment to each lua binding. In the future a script should
parse those and generate the docs from them.
This should prevent outdated docs and duplicate effort to keep code and docs
In C++ categories can be defined in this way:
/** LUA_CATEGORY long description of the category (shortname)
* further text
* goes into
* the next lines
The shortname is only used to bind other comments to the category.
In lua the category would look like this:
--- LUA_CATEGORY long description of the category (shortname)
-- further text
-- goes into
-- the next lines
A comment that describes a bind then can look like this:
/** LUA some_function (shortnameofcategory)
* some_function(string name)
* some_function(int id)
* Description
Or in Lua:
--- LUA some_function (shortnameofcategory)
-- some_function(string name)
-- some_function(int id)
-- Description
Autoupdates script follows soon
This introduces two callbacks:
- on_update_derived_attribute -> Called to recalculate other derived
- on_recalculate_base_attribute -> Called to recalculate a base attribute
(only called for characters. However the
function passed as callback can be useful
for recalculating the derived attributes
as well)
Monsters no longer block recalculation of attributes except HP and Speed.
I saw no sense to keep this.
Fixed constant value in libmana-constants.lua
Dropped bool type of the recalculation functions. It would be difficult to
keep it while pushing all to the script engine and it was unused anyway.
All in all this adds a LOT more flexibillity to projects since they can now
adapt all attributes in the way they want.
Previously each map had its own scope. They got merged now but the atinit
function was forgotten to adapt.
Reviewed-by: bjorn.
This was due to a naming conflict between the 'debug' function I had recently
introduced and the 'debug' library provided by Lua. This caused problems when
trying to use debug.traceback for printing a backtrace of the error.
There's multiple ways to avoid the naming conflict. I opted for writing the
related helper functions in all-caps.
Also added an ERROR log function now. As Erik pointed out, there is no conflict
anymore with Lua's 'error' function with the new naming style.
Reviewed-by: Erik Schilling
Reviewed-by: bjorn.
Global functions 'warn', 'info', 'debug' as shortcuts to the respective
'log' call, which also support passing multiple parameters at the same
time, which will be separated by spaces.
Global tables 'map' and 'world' which provide convenient read/write
access to map and world state variables.
Reviewed-by: Yohann Ferreira
Scripts mostly execute the Mana script API, and it seems like just
unnecessary verbosity to refer to the 'mana' table all the time. This table
no longer exists now.
Reviewed-by: Erik Schilling
When creating an NPC, you now provide its optional talk and update functions
directly rather than them being stored in a table on the Lua side and then
called in response to a global callback.
Also fixed an issue with a missing gender parameter to the delayed NPC
creation callback used by NPCs defined on the map (found by Erik while
reviewing this patch).
Reviewed-by: Erik Schilling
Reviewed-by: Erik Schilling
Reviewed-by: bjorn.
Rather than wrapping NPC functions up in coroutines in the Lua side, they
are now managed on the C++ side as "script threads", which are essentially
the same thing.
The main purpose is that the server can now know whether any of these long
running script interactions are still active, which will probably be useful
when adding the ability to reload scripts.
Reviewed-by: Erik Schilling
mana.map_get_pvp() now returns one of the constants in libmana-constants.lua
Reviewed-by: Bertram.
We have to be careful with introducing globals now that there is only a
single Lua state, so we shouldn't use globals unnecessarily. Any variable
should be declared 'local' unless there is a reason to make it global.
For additional safety we can also think about disallowing the use of globals
entirely. This also helps to catch typos in scripts.
Reviewed-by: Erik Schilling
Reviewed-by: bjorn.
This includes the quest reply, post reply, death notification and
remove notification.
Also, Script::Ref was changed from a typedef to a small class,
automating initialization and making the check for validness clearer.
Reviewed-by: Erik Schilling
No more Lua state for each status effect, monster, item effect or map. All
scripts are loaded into the same state. This should be more efficient overall
and make it easier to implement dynamic reloading of the scripts in the
Now, this introduces the problem of name collisions between different Lua
scripts. For now this is solved by using more specific function names, like
'tick_plague' and 'tick_jump' rather than just 'tick'. The plan is however
to get rid of these globals, and register these callbacks from the script,
so that they can be local functions without the danger of colliding with
other scripts.
Reviewed-by: Erik Schilling
Reviewed-by: Yohann Ferreira
Reviewed-by: o11c, bjorn, Bertram.
Reviewed-by: Bertram.
Reviewed-by: o11c.
You can now call mana.log(loglevel, message) to log messages with scripts.
For loglevel you can use the new constants defined in
Resolves: Mana-Mantis #359
Reviewed-by: Thorbjorn.
An misleading error was raised when the function dealt
with its last remaining job as it didn't return after removing it.
Reviewed-by: Ablu.
Reviewed-by: Ablu, Freeyorp.
Reviewed-by: Freeyorp.
The function is named mana.chr_get_gender. It returns 0 for male
and 1 for female. libmana-constants.lua defines the variables
GENDER_MALE and GENDER_FEMALE with these values. Also made the
banker NPC refer to the gender of the player character.
Reviewed-by: Jaxad0127
The dummy data is currently mostly empty data though, so still nothing
to see as far as the example content is concerned.
Reviewed-by: Bertram