path: root/src/dal
diff options
authorBlue <>2010-01-10 00:04:25 +0100
committerBlue <>2010-01-10 00:27:16 +0100
commit9ad132534ada41efd7973f8ef52fe49bee769866 (patch)
tree1a055e124d4620bb15c5bf15f6e0b91f88d6c0ff /src/dal
parent9137942b624a152f143662b58ebc7277b508cb50 (diff)
Fixing the mysql backend and the mysql createTables script
Implementing the prepared statements in mysql backend
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dal')
2 files changed, 167 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/dal/mysqldataprovider.cpp b/src/dal/mysqldataprovider.cpp
index 811e3c06..3eda9eaa 100644
--- a/src/dal/mysqldataprovider.cpp
+++ b/src/dal/mysqldataprovider.cpp
@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ void MySqlDataProvider::connect()
// Save the Db Name.
mDbName = dbName;
+ mStmt = mysql_stmt_init(mDb);
mIsConnected = true;
LOG_INFO("Connection to mySQL was sucessfull.");
@@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ MySqlDataProvider::execSql(const std::string& sql,
throw std::runtime_error("not connected to database");
- LOG_DEBUG("Performing SQL query: "<<sql);
+ LOG_DEBUG("MySqlDataProvider::execSql Performing SQL query: "<<sql);
// do something only if the query is different from the previous
// or if the cache must be refreshed
@@ -207,6 +209,8 @@ void MySqlDataProvider::disconnect()
// handle allocated by mysql_init().
+ mysql_stmt_close(mStmt);
// deinitialize the MySQL client library.
@@ -312,5 +316,139 @@ unsigned MySqlDataProvider::getLastId() const
return (unsigned) lastId;
+bool MySqlDataProvider::prepareSql(const std::string &sql)
+ if (!mIsConnected)
+ return false;
+ LOG_DEBUG("MySqlDataProvider::prepareSql Preparing SQL statement: "<<sql);
+ mBind.clear();
+ if (mysql_stmt_prepare(mStmt, sql.c_str(), sql.size()) != 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+const RecordSet &MySqlDataProvider::processSql()
+ MYSQL_BIND* paramsBind;
+ unsigned int i;
+ if (!mIsConnected) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("not connected to database");
+ }
+ paramsBind = new MYSQL_BIND[mBind.size()];
+ for (i = 0; i < mBind.size(); ++i) {
+ paramsBind[i].buffer_type = mBind[i]->buffer_type;
+ paramsBind[i].buffer = mBind[i]->buffer;
+ paramsBind[i].buffer_length = mBind[i]->buffer_length;
+ paramsBind[i].is_null = 0;
+ paramsBind[i].length = mBind[i]->length;
+ }
+ if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(mStmt, paramsBind))
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("MySqlDataProvider::processSql Bind params failed: " << mysql_stmt_error(mStmt));
+ }
+ if (mysql_stmt_field_count(mStmt) > 0) {
+ mRecordSet.clear();
+ MYSQL_BIND* resultBind;
+ MYSQL_RES* res;
+ if (mysql_stmt_execute(mStmt))
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("MySqlDataProvider::processSql Execute failed: " << mysql_stmt_error(mStmt));
+ }
+ res = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(mStmt);
+ // set the field names.
+ unsigned int nFields = mysql_num_fields(res);
+ MYSQL_FIELD* fields = mysql_fetch_fields(res);
+ Row fieldNames;
+ resultBind = new MYSQL_BIND[mysql_num_fields(res)];
+ for (i = 0; i < mysql_num_fields(res); ++i) {
+ resultBind[i].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
+ resultBind[i].buffer = (void*) new char[255];
+ resultBind[i].buffer_length = 255;
+ resultBind[i].is_null = new my_bool;
+ resultBind[i].length = new unsigned long;
+ resultBind[i].error = new my_bool;
+ }
+ if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(mStmt, resultBind))
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("MySqlDataProvider::processSql Bind result failed: " << mysql_stmt_error(mStmt));
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nFields; ++i) {
+ fieldNames.push_back(fields[i].name);
+ }
+ mRecordSet.setColumnHeaders(fieldNames);
+ // store the result of the query.
+ if (mysql_stmt_store_result(mStmt)) {
+ throw DbSqlQueryExecFailure(mysql_stmt_error(mStmt));
+ }
+ // populate the RecordSet.
+ while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(mStmt)) {
+ Row r;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nFields; ++i) {
+ r.push_back(static_cast<char *>(resultBind[i].buffer));
+ }
+ mRecordSet.add(r);
+ }
+ delete[] resultBind;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (mysql_stmt_execute(mStmt))
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("MySqlDataProvider::processSql Execute failed: " << mysql_stmt_error(mStmt));
+ }
+ }
+ // free memory
+ delete[] paramsBind;
+ mysql_stmt_free_result(mStmt);
+ return mRecordSet;
+void MySqlDataProvider::bindValue(int place, const std::string &value)
+ unsigned long* size = new unsigned long;
+ *size = value.size();
+ MYSQL_BIND* bind = new MYSQL_BIND;
+ bind->buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
+ bind->buffer= (void*) value.c_str();
+ bind->buffer_length= value.size();
+ bind->length = size;
+ //FIXME : Isn't taking care of the place param
+ mBind.push_back(bind);
+void MySqlDataProvider::bindValue(int place, int value)
+ MYSQL_BIND* bind = new MYSQL_BIND;
+ bind->buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
+ bind->buffer= &value;
+ //FIXME : Isn't taking care of the place param
+ mBind.push_back(bind);
} // namespace dal
diff --git a/src/dal/mysqldataprovider.h b/src/dal/mysqldataprovider.h
index 3ba87cd0..8efcc0dd 100644
--- a/src/dal/mysqldataprovider.h
+++ b/src/dal/mysqldataprovider.h
@@ -144,6 +144,32 @@ class MySqlDataProvider: public DataProvider
unsigned getLastId() const;
+ /**
+ * Prepare SQL statement
+ */
+ bool prepareSql(const std::string &sql);
+ /**
+ * Process SQL statement
+ * SQL statement needs to be prepared and parameters binded before
+ * calling this function
+ */
+ const RecordSet& processSql() ;
+ /**
+ * Bind Value (String)
+ * @param place - which parameter to bind to
+ * @param value - the string to bind
+ */
+ void bindValue(int place, const std::string &value);
+ /**
+ * Bind Value (Integer)
+ * @param place - which parameter to bind to
+ * @param value - the integer to bind
+ */
+ void bindValue(int place, int value);
/** defines the name of the hostname config parameter */
static const std::string CFGPARAM_MYSQL_HOST;
@@ -169,6 +195,8 @@ class MySqlDataProvider: public DataProvider
MYSQL *mDb; /**< the handle to the database connection */
+ MYSQL_STMT *mStmt; /**< the prepared statement to process */
+ std::vector<MYSQL_BIND*> mBind;