-- Map code --
create_npc(110, 50 * 32 + 16, 19 * 32 + 16, my_npc1)
create_npc(108, 51 * 32 + 16, 25 * 32 + 16, my_npc4)
function my_npc1(npc, ch)
do_message(npc, ch, "Hello! I am the testing NPC.")
do_message(npc, ch, "This message is just here for testing intertwined connections.")
do_message(npc, ch, "What do you want?")
local v = do_choice(npc, ch, "Guns! Lots of guns!",
"A Christmas party!",
"To buy.",
"To sell.",
"To make a donation.")
if v == 1 then
do_message(npc, ch, "Sorry, this is a heroic-fantasy game, I do not have any gun.")
elseif v == 2 then
local n1, n2 = tmw.chr_inv_count(ch, 524, 511)
if n1 == 0 or n2 ~= 0 then
do_message(npc, ch, "Yeah right...")
do_message(npc, ch, "I can't help you with the party. But I see you have a fancy hat. I could change it into Santa's hat. Not much of a party, but it would get you going.")
v = do_choice(npc, ch, "Please do.", "No way! Fancy hats are classier.")
if v == 1 then
tmw.chr_inv_change(ch, 524, -1, 511, 1)
elseif v == 3 then
tmw.npc_trade(npc, ch, false, { {533, 10, 20}, {535, 10, 30}, {537, 10, 50} })
elseif v == 4 then
tmw.npc_trade(npc, ch, true, { {511, 10, 200}, {524, 10, 300}, {508, 10, 500}, {537, 10, 25} })
elseif v == 5 then
if tmw.chr_money_change(ch, -100) then
do_message(npc, ch, string.format("Thank you for you patronage! You are left with %d gil.", tmw.chr_money(ch)))
local g = tonumber(get_quest_var(npc, ch, "001_donation"))
if not g then g = 0 end
g = g + 100
tmw.chr_set_quest(ch, "001_donation", g)
do_message(npc, ch, string.format("As of today, you have donated %d gil.", g))
do_message(npc, ch, "I would feel bad taking money from someone that poor.")
function my_npc4(npc, ch)
do_message(npc, ch, "Where do you want to go?")
local v = do_choice(npc, ch, "Map 1", "Map 3")
if v >= 1 and v <= 2 then
do_message(npc, ch, "Are you really sure?")
local w = do_choice(npc, ch, "Yes, I am.", "I still have a few things to do around here.")
if w == 1 then
if v == 1 then
tmw.chr_warp(ch, nil, 60 * 32, 50 * 32)
tmw.chr_warp(ch, 3, 25 * 32, 25 * 32)