#include "storage.hpp"
// storage.cpp - Storage handling.
// Copyright © ????-2004 Athena Dev Teams
// Copyright © 2004-2011 The Mana World Development Team
// Copyright © 2011-2014 Ben Longbons <b.r.longbons@gmail.com>
// This file is part of The Mana World (Athena server)
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "../compat/nullpo.hpp"
#include "../generic/db.hpp"
#include "../mmo/ids.hpp"
#include "../high/mmo.hpp"
#include "chrif.hpp"
#include "clif.hpp"
#include "globals.hpp"
#include "intif.hpp"
#include "itemdb.hpp"
#include "map.hpp"
#include "pc.hpp"
#include "../poison.hpp"
namespace tmwa
namespace map
void do_final_storage(void)
Borrowed<Storage> account2storage(AccountId account_id)
P<Storage> stor = storage_db.init(account_id);
stor->account_id = account_id;
return stor;
// Just to ask storage, without creation
Option<Borrowed<Storage>> account2storage2(AccountId account_id)
return storage_db.search(account_id);
void storage_delete(AccountId account_id)
* カプラ倉庫を開く
int storage_storageopen(dumb_ptr<map_session_data> sd)
if (sd->state.storage_open)
return 1; //Already open?
P<Storage> stor = TRY_UNWRAP(storage_db.search(sd->status_key.account_id),
{ //Request storage.
return 1;
if (stor->storage_status)
return 1; //Already open/player already has it open...
stor->storage_status = 1;
sd->state.storage_open = 1;
clif_storageitemlist(sd, stor);
clif_storageequiplist(sd, stor);
clif_updatestorageamount(sd, stor);
return 0;
* Internal add-item function.
int storage_additem(dumb_ptr<map_session_data> sd, P<Storage> stor,
Item *item_data, int amount)
if (!item_data->nameid || amount <= 0)
return 1;
P<struct item_data> data = itemdb_search(item_data->nameid);
if (!itemdb_isequip2(data))
{ //Stackable
for (SOff0 i : SOff0::iter())
if (compare_item(&stor->storage_[i], item_data))
if (amount > MAX_AMOUNT - stor->storage_[i].amount)
return 1;
stor->storage_[i].amount += amount;
clif_storageitemadded(sd, stor, i, amount);
stor->dirty = 1;
return 0;
//Add item
SOff0 i = *std::find_if(SOff0::iter().begin(), SOff0::iter().end(),
[&stor](SOff0 i_)
return !stor->storage_[i_].nameid;
if (!i.ok())
return 1;
stor->storage_[i] = *item_data;
stor->storage_[i].amount = amount;
clif_storageitemadded(sd, stor, i, amount);
clif_updatestorageamount(sd, stor);
stor->dirty = 1;
return 0;
* Internal del-item function
int storage_delitem(dumb_ptr<map_session_data> sd, P<Storage> stor,
SOff0 n, int amount)
if (!stor->storage_[n].nameid || stor->storage_[n].amount < amount)
return 1;
stor->storage_[n].amount -= amount;
if (stor->storage_[n].amount == 0)
stor->storage_[n] = Item{};
clif_updatestorageamount(sd, stor);
clif_storageitemremoved(sd, n, amount);
stor->dirty = 1;
return 0;
* Add an item to the storage from the inventory.
int storage_storageadd(dumb_ptr<map_session_data> sd, IOff0 index, int amount)
P<Storage> stor = TRY_UNWRAP(account2storage2(sd->status_key.account_id), return 0);
if ((stor->storage_amount > MAX_STORAGE) || !stor->storage_status)
return 0; // storage full / storage closed
if (!index.ok())
return 0;
if (!sd->status.inventory[index].nameid)
return 0; //No item on that spot
if (amount < 1 || amount > sd->status.inventory[index].amount)
return 0;
OMATCH_BEGIN_SOME (sdidn, sd->inventory_data[index])
GmLevel gmlvl = pc_isGM(sd);
if (bool(sdidn->mode & ItemMode::NO_STORAGE) && gmlvl.get_all_bits() < 60)
clif_displaymessage(sd->sess, "This item can't be stored."_s);
return 0;
// log_tostorage(sd, index, 0);
if (storage_additem(sd, stor, &sd->status.inventory[index], amount) == 0)
// remove item from inventory
pc_unequipinvyitem(sd, index, CalcStatus::NOW);
pc_delitem(sd, index, amount, 0);
return 1;
* Retrieve an item from the storage.
int storage_storageget(dumb_ptr<map_session_data> sd, SOff0 index, int amount)
PickupFail flag;
P<Storage> stor = TRY_UNWRAP(account2storage2(sd->status_key.account_id), return 0);
if (!index.ok())
return 0;
if (!stor->storage_[index].nameid)
return 0; //Nothing there
if (amount < 1 || amount > stor->storage_[index].amount)
return 0;
if ((flag = pc_additem(sd, &stor->storage_[index], amount)) == PickupFail::OKAY)
storage_delitem(sd, stor, index, amount);
clif_additem(sd, IOff0::from(0), 0, flag);
// log_fromstorage(sd, index, 0);
return 1;
* Modified By Valaris to save upon closing [massdriller]
int storage_storageclose(dumb_ptr<map_session_data> sd)
P<Storage> stor = TRY_UNWRAP(account2storage2(sd->status_key.account_id), return 0);
if (stor->storage_status)
if (save_settings & 4)
chrif_save(sd); //Invokes the storage saving as well.
storage_storage_save(sd->status_key.account_id, 0);
stor->storage_status = 0;
sd->state.storage_open = 0;
if (sd->npc_flags.storage)
sd->npc_flags.storage = 0;
map_scriptcont(sd, sd->npc_id);
return 0;
* When quitting the game.
int storage_storage_quit(dumb_ptr<map_session_data> sd)
P<Storage> stor = TRY_UNWRAP(account2storage2(sd->status_key.account_id), return 0);
chrif_save(sd); //Invokes the storage saving as well.
stor->storage_status = 0;
sd->state.storage_open = 0;
return 0;
int storage_storage_save(AccountId account_id, int final)
P<Storage> stor = TRY_UNWRAP(account2storage2(account_id), return 0);
if (stor->dirty)
if (final)
stor->dirty = 2;
stor->storage_status = 0; //To prevent further manipulation of it.
return 1;
if (final)
{ //Clear storage from memory. Nothing to save.
return 1;
return 0;
//Ack from Char-server indicating the storage was saved. [Skotlex]
int storage_storage_saved(AccountId account_id)
P<Storage> stor = TRY_UNWRAP(account2storage2(account_id), return 0);
//Only mark it clean if it's not in use. [Skotlex]
if (stor->dirty && stor->storage_status == 0)
stor->dirty = 0;
// sortage_sortitem(stor);
return 1;
return 0;
} // namespace map
} // namespace tmwa