# Work around awkwardness in gdb's python printers:
# 1. In src/main-gdb-head.py, define the printer mechanism.
# 2. In src/*/*.py, define all the printer classes.
# 3. In src/main-gdb-tail.py, reflect to actually add the printers.
# gdb sticks everything in one scope.
# This lets us enumerate what *we* added.
initial_globals = {id(v):v for v in list(globals().values())}
import re
# copied from gdb/types.py for compatibility with old gdb
def get_basic_type(type_):
"""Return the "basic" type of a type.
type_: The type to reduce to its basic type.
type_ with const/volatile is stripped away,
and typedefs/references converted to the underlying type.
while (type_.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_REF or
type_.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_TYPEDEF):
if type_.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_REF:
type_ = type_.target()
type_ = type_.strip_typedefs()
return type_.unqualified()
def info_symbol(addr):
''' returns (symbol, offset, section, lib or None) or None?
info = gdb.execute('info symbol %d' % addr, to_string=True)
sym_and_off, sec_and_lib = info.split(' in section ')
except ValueError:
return None
sym, off = sym_and_off.split(' + ')
except ValueError:
sym = sym_and_off
off = 0
off = int(off, 10)
sec, lib = sec_and_lib.split(' of ')
except ValueError:
sec = sec_and_lib
lib = None
return (sym, off, sec, lib)
def finish():
global finish, initial_globals, FastPrinters, EnumPrinter, PointerPrinter
final_globals = {id(v):v for v in globals().values()}
diff = set(final_globals.keys()) - set(initial_globals.keys()) \
- {
fp = FastPrinters()
ep = EnumPrinter
ptrp = PointerPrinter
# After this, don't access any more globals in this function.
del finish, initial_globals, FastPrinters, EnumPrinter, PointerPrinter
for i in diff:
v = final_globals[i]
if hasattr(v, 'children') or hasattr(v, 'to_string'):
# TODO see if there's a way to detect the top-level printers too
# the problem is that some of them collide and the order *is*
# important, but sets and dicts don't preserve order.
# Particularly, 'PointerPrinter' must come after 'FastPrinters'.
obj = gdb.current_objfile()
if obj is None:
obj = gdb
filename = '<unknown>'
filename = obj.filename
n = len(obj.pretty_printers)
n = len(obj.pretty_printers) - n
print('Added %d+%d custom printers for %s'
% (len(fp.printers), n, filename))
class EnumPrinter(object):
__slots__ = ('_value')
name = 'enum-class'
enabled = True
def __new__(cls, v):
type = get_basic_type(v.type)
if type.code != gdb.TYPE_CODE_ENUM:
return None
return object.__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, v):
self._value = v
def to_string(self):
v = self._value
self.__class__.enabled = False
name = str(v)
self.__class__.enabled = True
name = name.split('::')[-1]
scope = get_basic_type(v.type).tag
return '%s::%s' % (scope, name)
class PointerPrinter(object):
__slots__ = ('_value')
name = 'any-symbol-pointer'
enabled = True
def __new__(cls, v):
type = get_basic_type(v.type)
if type.code != gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
return None
return object.__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, v):
self._value = v
def to_string(self):
v = self._value
uptr = gdb.lookup_type('uintptr_t')
addr = int(v.cast(uptr))
if not addr:
s = 'nullptr'
sym, off, sec, lib = info_symbol(addr)
except TypeError:
sp = gdb.parse_and_eval('$sp')
sp = int(sp.cast(uptr))
LOTS = 8 * 1024 * 1024
diff = addr - sp
if +diff >= 0 and +diff <= LOTS:
a = '<$sp+0x%x>' % +diff
elif -diff >= 0 and -diff <= LOTS:
a = '<$sp-0x%x>' % -diff
a = '<heap 0x%x>' % addr
s = '(%s)%s' % (v.type, a)
if off:
s = '<%s+%d>' % off
s = '<%s>' % sym
return s
class FastPrinters(object):
''' printer dispatch the way gdb *should* have done it
__slots__ = ('name', 'enabled', 'printers')
def __init__(self):
self.name = 'tmwa'
self.enabled = True
self.printers = {}
def add_printer(self, cls):
assert hasattr(cls, 'enabled')
# TODO: check if the class name exists
# this is really hard since templates are involved
self.printers[(cls.name, getattr(cls, 'depth', 0))] = cls
def subprinters(self):
return list(self.printers.values())
def strip_templates(self, name, __pattern=re.compile('<[^<>]*>')):
# TODO what about '<' and '>' as non-type template parameters?
changed = 1
while changed:
name, changed = __pattern.subn('', name)
return name
def get_tag_and_depth(self, type):
depth = 0
while True:
type = get_basic_type(type)
if type.code != gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
type = type.target()
depth += 1
return (str(type), depth)
def __call__(self, value):
(stype, depth) = self.get_tag_and_depth(value.type)
#(dtype, _) = self.get_tag_and_depth(value.dynamic_type)
if stype is None:
stype = self.strip_templates(stype)
p = self.printers.get((stype, depth))
if p is not None and p.enabled:
return p(value)
return None
class char(object):
__slots__ = ('_value')
name = 'char'
depth = 1
enabled = True
def __init__(self, value):
self._value = value
def to_string(self):
return self._value.lazy_string()