BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
chat_search_advAdded more chat-search functionality and fixed/improved a few other thingsLedmitz4 years
cmds_updt1cmds option has been greatly improvedLedmitz2 years
livio_101021Replaced 'curl -s' with 'wget -q'Livio Recchia2 years
masterFinally in working order againLedmitz16 months
mobsearch_fixFixed mob-search to keep up with server DB file changes. Drops now report cor...Ledmitz23 months
mobsearch_fix2Fixed mob-search incorect values and added more info from mob DBLedmitz23 months
online_orderingMade order of online list alphbetical, while ignoring the case.Ledmitz23 months
online_ordering_2Finally in working order againLedmitz16 months
required_appsAdded check for curl and wget and warning if not installed and exra tidyingLedmitz24 months
url_updatesSorry... many server URLs were out of dateLedmitz16 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2020-08-15Fixed gm-show GUI and removed trailing comma in mob dropsgmshow_fixLedmitz2-3/+6
2020-08-13Initial commitLedmitz3-0/+1093