path: root/tmw-cmp-update
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tmw-cmp-update')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tmw-cmp-update b/tmw-cmp-update
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a141762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmw-cmp-update
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+###This script will update files from the M+ local directory only if the file exists in the TMW extracted directory. This prevents files from local from being written to
+###TMW if it doesn't exist in TMW. cmp is used to compare files and overwrites the TMW file with the local one only if they differ.
+#Required apps check
+REQUIRED_APPS='cmp sed sort'
+ for APP in $REQUIRED_APPS; do
+ REQ_APP_CHECK=$(find '/bin' '/usr/bin' -name "$APP")
+ if [[ "$REQ_APP_CHECK" == '' ]]; then
+ echo -e "$APP must be installed in order for tmw-cmp-update to work\nRequired Apps: $REQUIRED_APPS" >&2
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ done
+while :; do
+ echo -e "This script will update files from the M+ local directory only if the file exists in the TMW extracted directory. This prevents files from local from being \
+written to TMW if it doesn't exist in TMW. cmp is used to compare files and overwrites the TMW file with the local one only if they differ."
+ read -p 'Do you wish to continue? (y/n)' ANS1
+ case $ANS1 in
+ [Yy]* ) break;;
+ [Nn]* ) exit 0;;
+ * ) echo "Invalid response: Y/y(anything) for yes or N/n(anything) for no.";;
+ esac
+###Variables you may want to change###
+#The (sub)directory where the TMW files extracted from reside. I prefer to make a backup of a directory and work from there. (Default "$HOME/Desktop/TMW")
+#The (sub)directory where local files are found. (Default: "$HOME/.local/share/mana/updates/")
+#Log for files that exist in TMW, but not in local
+#Log for files that exist in local, but not in TMW
+for FILE in $(find "$TMW_DIR" -type f); do
+ PATHNAME=$(echo "$FILE" | sed "s,^$TMW_DIR/,,")
+ LOCAL_FILE=$(find "$LOCAL_DIR" -type f -path "*$PATHNAME")
+ if [[ "$LOCAL_FILE" != '' ]]; then
+ if [[ $(cmp "$FILE" "$LOCAL_FILE") != '' ]]; then
+ cp -fv "$LOCAL_FILE" "$FILE"
+ fi
+ elif [[ "$LOCAL_FILE" == '' ]]; then
+ #List files in tmw directory that are not in the local directory
+ fi
+#List files in local directory that are not in the TMW directory
+for FILE in $(find "$LOCAL_DIR" -type f); do
+ PATHNAME=$(echo "$FILE" | sed "s,^$LOCAL_DIR/,,")
+ TMW_FILE=$(find "$TMW_DIR" -type f -path "*$PATHNAME")
+ if [[ "$TMW_FILE" == '' ]]; then
+ fi
+sort -n "$MISSING_FROM_TMW" > "$MISSING_FROM_TMW"'_tmp'