// Author: Jesusalva
// INFO: Killing the injuried mouboo will make quest easier just to balance Jackal
// There's no deeper meaning to it, unfortunately.
069-2,107,90,0|script|Mclecht Rodium|354
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"I am Mcl'cht Br'z R'd'm, but everyone calls me Mclecht Rodium. Feel free to call me Rodium. Perhaps you came here to play Shogi, or to discuss logic. But I feel you are just lost, little lamb.\"";
goto L_Menu;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"So, can I help you today?\"";
"I was just looking around. Sorry for disturbing.", L_Close,
"How do I leave?", L_Leave,
"Who is De'Kagen?", L_Kagen,
"Who is Grenxen?", L_Grenxen,
"Who is Stravag?", L_Stravag,
"What is The Sage War?", L_Sage,
"What is a Rewrite?", L_Rewrite;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Oh, just keep going ##Bsoutheast##b. It is hard to miss the exit. This pocket dimension will connect to somewhere familiar, so don't worry, you're not lost in a spatial sense.\"";
goto L_Close;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"The De'Kagen? Both were born from the ##BMana Tree##b. The young sister - Kirin Arianna De'Kagen - was the sage of mana, but the older brother was the exact opposite. Zax Caiaphas De'Kagen was deemed too dangerous too live and had to flee.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"The last time Zax De'Kagen was seen, was when he took Kirin's body for burial. Kirin died during ##BThe Sage War##b, after all. Well, this is when he was last seen... on my timeline.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"In your timeline, though, there was no Sage War and the Mana Tree itself doesn't exist. I also don't exist in your timeline. The reason why we can be speaking right now... Is ##BThe Rewrite##b.\"";
goto L_Menu;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Grenxen is the Great Dragon which founded Tulimshar. In my timeline, there were six of them: Grenxen the Rat, Hra-zul the Thinker, Vixiel the Solitary, Balgarieth the Mighty, Xendah the Scholar, and Azerel the Banished.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"But that's ##Bonly on my timeline##b. In your timeline, there were four Great Dragons: Jande, Tal, Di'Tal and Nu'Rem - and the later is dead.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Confused? Well, the reason why they have different names for me and for you... Is ##BThe Rewrite##b.\"";
goto L_Menu;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Gryphonne Stravag was the Sage of Space. He always knows where he is going, even in the deeper sense of things, and tends to help anyone who gets lost.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"However, he does not exist on your timeline. The reason for that... Is ##BThe Rewrite##b.\"";
goto L_Menu;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Oh, it was a terrible war. ##BThe nine sages versus the six great dragons.##b Aurora, Heketch, Terhi, Sus'anoo, Garathos, Shoshanah, Gryphonne, Kirin and I, against Grenxen, Hra-zul, Vixiel, Balgarieth, Xendah and Azerel.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Heketch, Sage of Darkness, was the last survivor of a clan attacked by the six great dragons, and the only one who really knew how to fight. In his words, Darkness is to hide what must be concealed, fill what cannot be filled, and to place an end to every begining in its proper time. And no, it is not evil.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Now, every sage is pretty detached from worldly matters, and not keen to violence or fighting in general - not even Heketch, so what could possibly lead all these nine to reunite and fight?\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"One day you'll understand. What really matters is the result: ##BThe sages were defeated and most of them perished.##b They did manage to inflict considerable damage, but in the end, they were no match to the power and might of dragons.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"The sages were then ##Berased from existence##b and no longer make part of this world's history. The reason for that... Is ##BThe Rewrite##b.\"";
goto L_Menu;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"All questions will lead you here, but no answers are to found here. You certainly know the normal flow of time, the normal flow of life and death. You fight monsters, you build a town, develop commerce and warfare, grow in power, so on and so forth.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"And then, there's the rewrite.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"##BA rewrite changes the past, the present and the future.##b Whenever a rewrite happen, things cease to exist. It doesn't matter if it is an object, a person, a whole town, or even a war. Once a rewrite happens, anything which doesn't comply to its definition ceases to exist.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"You can think as if the world ended and was born anew. But then you notice something is amiss. Towns which exist without being founded, names in history which no one knows about. Objects from lost civilizations which never existed. For each rewrite that happen... ##BContradictions##b fill the world.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"And at some point, it happens. A rewrite rewrite the rewrite. Something which ceased to be, is returned to existence.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Hello there, I am R'd'm, Sage of Time. I have ceased to exist along the first timeline, when the citizens defeated the great dragons and destroyed ether spirit of Metal, Plant, Lightning and Ice. I came back in this ##Bfourth timeline##b to finish what was started.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"You are "+strcharinfo(0)+", born in the third timeline, citizen of the fourth timeline. If you don't remember how the third timeline ended, ##BI can revive this memory on you##b, for I hold the power of time itself.\"";
goto L_Menu2;
mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
"Can you repeat the rewrite stuff.", L_Rewrite,
"There are more things I want to ask.", L_Menu,
"So, what are you doing here?", L_What,
"So, what should I be doing?", L_Task,
"Can I relive the Doomsday?", L_Doomsday,
"Uhm. Thanks. I... Gotta to go.", L_Close;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"##BYou can't change the past.##b There's no magic to fix your past mistakes. ##BBut a rewrite can.##b It is powerful enough to erase anything you don't like, to revive fallen civilizations, this and much more. Although you can't control it.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"I may not tell you what will happen in the future, but I can tell you a thing. If someone, for some reason, wanted to alter something which happened during the Sage War, and used a Rewrite to do so... Would the sage war come back along its sages?\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Make your own conclusions, I'll not say anything further about this.\"";
goto L_Menu2;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Whatever you want to do.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"The events which I just said will affect your life, but they're part of The Mana World history, not yours. ##BThey don't dictate your actions.##b\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"So enjoy your freedom to do whatever you want to! Seek to make a better mana world to live, to become the strongest, to write down your name in the history, your options are limitless.\"";
goto L_Menu2;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"No sorry the universe is too unstable at the moment. I can't warp you back in time in this state you must wait until it has calmed down.\"";
goto L_Menu2;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Yes. The Doomsday is how the third rewrite happened and the fourth timeline began. You can get a [@@"+SaviorArmor+"|@@] if you can watch until the very end, but I must warn you...\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"...The Doomsday was a fierce battle. If you go there alone, you definitely will die. You should make a party and bring them all here, then I'll consider helping you.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"I'll require 2× [@@"+BlackRose+"|@@] and 500 GP to warp everyone here back in time. The events, however, are already fixed; time travel cannot change the past, and you are too weak to make a parallel universe with only that. Ah! There are no refunds, if you're alone then it is your loss.\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"So? What will you do?\"";
menu "Nothing for now, thanks for the info and sorry for the bother.", L_Close,
"Please, bring me to Keshlam!", L_Fine;
if (countitem(BlackRose) < 2) goto L_Close;
if (Zeny < 500) goto L_Close;
delitem BlackRose, 2;
set Zeny, Zeny - 500;
set $@RODIUM$, strcharinfo(0);
// centered in Rodium (107,90) visible radius: 15 tiles
areatimer 0, "069-2", 92, 75, 122, 105, 10, "Mclecht Rodium::OnWarp";
goto L_Close;
// TODO: Revive all mobs from 099-1/-2/-3 (they do not respawn, iirc)
// TODO: Reduce amount of mobs >.<
warp "099-1", 34, 34;
if (strcharinfo(0) == $@RODIUM$) goto L_Warp;
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Hey, "+$@RODIUM$+" is inviting you to time-trip to Keshlam. If they didn't explain you any detail, then don't bother. Otherwise, do you want me to warp you, too?\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Please make your decision.\"";
menu "I don't know what you're talking about, old man!", L_Close,
"Yeah, they're my friend, please warp me!", L_Warp;
set .IS_MAGIC, 1;