blob: 8068430ce8fd6688f81232c322250a0edeca0b5e (
plain) (
// Athena Character configuration file.
// Maximum number of user connections permitted on this world.
// 0 means unlimited, but the current network code has a hard-coded limit
// of just under 1024 per server (but a world may be many servers).
max_connect_user: 0
// Interval, in seconds, between saves of the flatfile databases.
autosave_time: 300
// Character server flatfile database
char_txt: save/athena.txt
// Location where new characters first appear
// Format: mapname,x,y. There must be no spaces.
start_point: 029-2.gat,22,24
// Log Filename
char_log_filename: log/char.log
// Set the letters/symbols that you want use with 'char_name_option'.
// This is a cumulative option; specify nothing to reset it.
// Note: if you want to add a space, it can't be at the beginning or end.
// default: empty.
// Note: some characters are problematic:
// " is needed for GM quoting
// # is used for string formatting
// / is the command prefix (but it's still allowed!)
// : is used as a separator in script menus
// I'm not sure why []{} are not included though
//char_name_letters: "#:[]{}
char_name_letters: $ &'()*+,-.
char_name_letters: 0123456789
char_name_letters: ;<=>?
char_name_letters: \^_`
char_name_letters: abcdefghijklmnoprstquvwxyz
char_name_letters: |~
// minimum char name length
min_name_length: 4
// maximum characters allowed per account
// set to 1 if you want to limit accounts to 1 character
char_slots: 16
// max hair style and hair color
max_hair_style: 1
max_hair_color: 1
// the minimum value for stats (str, agi, ...)
min_stat_value: 1
// the maximum value for stats (str, agi, ...)
max_stat_value: 1
// the sum of all stats combined (str + agi + int + ...)
total_stat_sum: 6
// Filename of the file which receives the online players list in text
online_txt_filename: online.txt
// Filename of the file which receives the online players list, but in html version
online_html_filename: online.html
// minimum GM level to display 'GM' when we want to display it (default: 20)
online_gm_display_min_level: 60
// refresh time (in sec) of the html file in the explorer (default 20)
online_refresh_html: 20
// Should we kick an unresponsive map-server?
anti_freeze_enable: 0
// Anti-freeze system interval (in seconds)
// 5 of these must pass before a map-server is kicked.
anti_freeze_interval: 6
// local settings for this server in this file
import: conf/char_local.conf