path: root/game
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game')
8 files changed, 2350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/python-extra/mwclient/ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e46dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Bryan Tong Minh
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+ files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+ restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+ copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+ conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+from mwclient.errors import * # noqa: F401, F403
+from mwclient.client import Site, __version__ # noqa: F401
+import logging
+import warnings
+# Show DeprecationWarning
+warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
+# Logging: Add a null handler to avoid "No handler found" warnings.
+ from logging import NullHandler
+except ImportError:
+ class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
+ def emit(self, record):
+ pass
diff --git a/game/python-extra/mwclient/ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3057a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,1138 @@
+# encoding=utf-8
+import warnings
+import logging
+from six import text_type
+import six
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import json
+import requests
+from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth, AuthBase
+from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1
+import mwclient.errors as errors
+import mwclient.listing as listing
+from mwclient.sleep import Sleepers
+from mwclient.util import parse_timestamp, read_in_chunks
+ import gzip
+except ImportError:
+ gzip = None
+__version__ = '0.10.1'
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+USER_AGENT = 'mwclient/{} ({})'.format(__version__,
+ '')
+class Site(object):
+ """A MediaWiki site identified by its hostname.
+ >>> import mwclient
+ >>> site = mwclient.Site('')
+ Do not include the leading "http://".
+ Mwclient assumes that the script path (where index.php and api.php are located)
+ is '/w/'. If the site uses a different script path, you must specify this
+ (path must end in a '/').
+ Examples:
+ >>> site = mwclient.Site('', path='/')
+ >>> site = mwclient.Site('', path='/apps/mediawiki/mwclient/')
+ """
+ api_limit = 500
+ def __init__(self, host, path='/w/', ext='.php', pool=None, retry_timeout=30,
+ max_retries=25, wait_callback=lambda *x: None, clients_useragent=None,
+ max_lag=3, compress=True, force_login=True, do_init=True, httpauth=None,
+ reqs=None, consumer_token=None, consumer_secret=None, access_token=None,
+ access_secret=None, client_certificate=None, custom_headers=None,
+ scheme='https'):
+ # Setup member variables
+ = host
+ self.path = path
+ self.ext = ext
+ self.credentials = None
+ self.compress = compress
+ self.max_lag = text_type(max_lag)
+ self.force_login = force_login
+ self.requests = reqs or {}
+ self.scheme = scheme
+ if 'timeout' not in self.requests:
+ self.requests['timeout'] = 30 # seconds
+ if consumer_token is not None:
+ auth = OAuth1(consumer_token, consumer_secret, access_token, access_secret)
+ elif isinstance(httpauth, (list, tuple)):
+ auth = HTTPBasicAuth(*httpauth)
+ elif httpauth is None or isinstance(httpauth, (AuthBase,)):
+ auth = httpauth
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('Authentication is not a tuple or an instance of AuthBase')
+ self.sleepers = Sleepers(max_retries, retry_timeout, wait_callback)
+ # Site properties
+ self.blocked = False # Whether current user is blocked
+ self.hasmsg = False # Whether current user has new messages
+ self.groups = [] # Groups current user belongs to
+ self.rights = [] # Rights current user has
+ self.tokens = {} # Edit tokens of the current user
+ self.version = None
+ self.namespaces = self.default_namespaces
+ self.writeapi = False
+ # Setup connection
+ if pool is None:
+ self.connection = requests.Session()
+ self.connection.auth = auth
+ if client_certificate:
+ self.connection.cert = client_certificate
+ # Set User-Agent header field
+ if clients_useragent:
+ ua = clients_useragent + ' ' + USER_AGENT
+ else:
+ self.connection.headers['User-Agent'] = ua
+ if custom_headers:
+ self.connection.headers.update(custom_headers)
+ else:
+ self.connection = pool
+ # Page generators
+ self.pages = listing.PageList(self)
+ self.categories = listing.PageList(self, namespace=14)
+ self.images = listing.PageList(self, namespace=6)
+ # Compat page generators
+ self.Pages = self.pages
+ self.Categories = self.categories
+ self.Images = self.images
+ # Initialization status
+ self.initialized = False
+ # Upload chunk size in bytes
+ self.chunk_size = 1048576
+ if do_init:
+ try:
+ self.site_init()
+ except errors.APIError as e:
+ if e.args[0] == 'mwoauth-invalid-authorization':
+ raise errors.OAuthAuthorizationError(self, e.code,
+ # Private wiki, do init after login
+ if e.args[0] not in {u'unknown_action', u'readapidenied'}:
+ raise
+ def site_init(self):
+ if self.initialized:
+ info = self.get('query', meta='userinfo', uiprop='groups|rights')
+ userinfo = info['query']['userinfo']
+ self.username = userinfo['name']
+ self.groups = userinfo.get('groups', [])
+ self.rights = userinfo.get('rights', [])
+ self.tokens = {}
+ return
+ meta = self.get('query', meta='siteinfo|userinfo',
+ siprop='general|namespaces', uiprop='groups|rights',
+ retry_on_error=False)
+ # Extract site info
+ = meta['query']['general']
+ self.namespaces = {
+ namespace['id']: namespace.get('*', '')
+ for namespace in six.itervalues(meta['query']['namespaces'])
+ }
+ self.writeapi = 'writeapi' in
+ self.version = self.version_tuple_from_generator(['generator'])
+ # Require MediaWiki version >= 1.16
+ self.require(1, 16)
+ # User info
+ userinfo = meta['query']['userinfo']
+ self.username = userinfo['name']
+ self.groups = userinfo.get('groups', [])
+ self.rights = userinfo.get('rights', [])
+ self.initialized = True
+ @staticmethod
+ def version_tuple_from_generator(string, prefix='MediaWiki '):
+ """Return a version tuple from a MediaWiki Generator string.
+ Example:
+ "MediaWiki 1.5.1" → (1, 5, 1)
+ Args:
+ prefix (str): The expected prefix of the string
+ """
+ if not string.startswith(prefix):
+ raise errors.MediaWikiVersionError('Unknown generator {}'.format(string))
+ version = string[len(prefix):].split('.')
+ def split_num(s):
+ """Split the string on the first non-digit character.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of the digit part as int and, if available,
+ the rest of the string.
+ """
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(s):
+ if s[i] < '0' or s[i] > '9':
+ break
+ i += 1
+ if s[i:]:
+ return (int(s[:i]), s[i:], )
+ else:
+ return (int(s[:i]), )
+ version_tuple = sum((split_num(s) for s in version), ())
+ if len(version_tuple) < 2:
+ raise errors.MediaWikiVersionError('Unknown MediaWiki {}'
+ .format('.'.join(version)))
+ return version_tuple
+ default_namespaces = {
+ 0: u'', 1: u'Talk', 2: u'User', 3: u'User talk', 4: u'Project',
+ 5: u'Project talk', 6: u'Image', 7: u'Image talk', 8: u'MediaWiki',
+ 9: u'MediaWiki talk', 10: u'Template', 11: u'Template talk', 12: u'Help',
+ 13: u'Help talk', 14: u'Category', 15: u'Category talk',
+ -1: u'Special', -2: u'Media'
+ }
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Site object '%s%s'>" % (, self.path)
+ def get(self, action, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Perform a generic API call using GET.
+ This is just a shorthand for calling api() with http_method='GET'.
+ All arguments will be passed on.
+ Returns:
+ The raw response from the API call, as a dictionary.
+ """
+ return self.api(action, 'GET', *args, **kwargs)
+ def post(self, action, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Perform a generic API call using POST.
+ This is just a shorthand for calling api() with http_method='POST'.
+ All arguments will be passed on.
+ Returns:
+ The raw response from the API call, as a dictionary.
+ """
+ return self.api(action, 'POST', *args, **kwargs)
+ def api(self, action, http_method='POST', *args, **kwargs):
+ """Perform a generic API call and handle errors.
+ All arguments will be passed on.
+ Example:
+ To get coordinates from the GeoData MediaWiki extension at English Wikipedia:
+ >>> site = Site('')
+ >>> result = site.api('query', prop='coordinates', titles='Oslo|Copenhagen')
+ >>> for page in result['query']['pages'].values():
+ ... if 'coordinates' in page:
+ ... print '{} {} {}'.format(page['title'],
+ ... page['coordinates'][0]['lat'],
+ ... page['coordinates'][0]['lon'])
+ Oslo 59.95 10.75
+ Copenhagen 55.6761 12.5683
+ Returns:
+ The raw response from the API call, as a dictionary.
+ """
+ kwargs.update(args)
+ if action == 'query' and 'continue' not in kwargs:
+ kwargs['continue'] = ''
+ if action == 'query':
+ if 'meta' in kwargs:
+ kwargs['meta'] += '|userinfo'
+ else:
+ kwargs['meta'] = 'userinfo'
+ if 'uiprop' in kwargs:
+ kwargs['uiprop'] += '|blockinfo|hasmsg'
+ else:
+ kwargs['uiprop'] = 'blockinfo|hasmsg'
+ sleeper = self.sleepers.make()
+ while True:
+ info = self.raw_api(action, http_method, **kwargs)
+ if not info:
+ info = {}
+ if self.handle_api_result(info, sleeper=sleeper):
+ return info
+ def handle_api_result(self, info, kwargs=None, sleeper=None):
+ if sleeper is None:
+ sleeper = self.sleepers.make()
+ try:
+ userinfo = info['query']['userinfo']
+ except KeyError:
+ userinfo = ()
+ if 'blockedby' in userinfo:
+ self.blocked = (userinfo['blockedby'], userinfo.get('blockreason', u''))
+ else:
+ self.blocked = False
+ self.hasmsg = 'messages' in userinfo
+ self.logged_in = 'anon' not in userinfo
+ if 'warnings' in info:
+ for module, warning in info['warnings'].items():
+ if '*' in warning:
+ log.warning(warning['*'])
+ if 'error' in info:
+ if info['error'].get('code') in {u'internal_api_error_DBConnectionError',
+ u'internal_api_error_DBQueryError'}:
+ sleeper.sleep()
+ return False
+ # cope with
+ if (
+ info['error'].get('code') == u'mwoauth-invalid-authorization'
+ and 'Nonce already used' in info['error'].get('info')
+ ):
+ log.warning('Retrying due to nonce error, see'
+ '')
+ sleeper.sleep()
+ return False
+ if 'query' in info['error']:
+ # Semantic Mediawiki does not follow the standard error format
+ raise errors.APIError(None, info['error']['query'], kwargs)
+ if '*' in info['error']:
+ raise errors.APIError(info['error']['code'],
+ info['error']['info'], info['error']['*'])
+ raise errors.APIError(info['error']['code'],
+ info['error']['info'], kwargs)
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def _query_string(*args, **kwargs):
+ kwargs.update(args)
+ qs1 = [
+ (k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs) if k not in {'wpEditToken', 'token'}
+ ]
+ qs2 = [
+ (k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs) if k in {'wpEditToken', 'token'}
+ ]
+ return OrderedDict(qs1 + qs2)
+ def raw_call(self, script, data, files=None, retry_on_error=True, http_method='POST'):
+ """
+ Perform a generic request and return the raw text.
+ In the event of a network problem, or a HTTP response with status code 5XX,
+ we'll wait and retry the configured number of times before giving up
+ if `retry_on_error` is True.
+ `requests.exceptions.HTTPError` is still raised directly for
+ HTTP responses with status codes in the 4XX range, and invalid
+ HTTP responses.
+ Args:
+ script (str): Script name, usually 'api'.
+ data (dict): Post data
+ files (dict): Files to upload
+ retry_on_error (bool): Retry on connection error
+ http_method (str): The HTTP method, defaults to 'POST'
+ Returns:
+ The raw text response.
+ """
+ headers = {}
+ if self.compress and gzip:
+ headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
+ sleeper = self.sleepers.make((script, data))
+ scheme = self.scheme
+ host =
+ if isinstance(host, (list, tuple)):
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'Specifying host as a tuple is deprecated as of mwclient 0.10.1. '
+ + 'Please use the new scheme argument instead.',
+ DeprecationWarning
+ )
+ scheme, host = host
+ url = '{scheme}://{host}{path}{script}{ext}'.format(scheme=scheme, host=host,
+ path=self.path, script=script,
+ ext=self.ext)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ args = {'files': files, 'headers': headers}
+ for k, v in self.requests.items():
+ args[k] = v
+ if http_method == 'GET':
+ args['params'] = data
+ else:
+ args['data'] = data
+ stream = self.connection.request(http_method, url, **args)
+ if stream.headers.get('x-database-lag'):
+ wait_time = int(stream.headers.get('retry-after'))
+ log.warning('Database lag exceeds max lag. '
+ 'Waiting for {} seconds'.format(wait_time))
+ sleeper.sleep(wait_time)
+ elif stream.status_code == 200:
+ return stream.text
+ elif stream.status_code < 500 or stream.status_code > 599:
+ stream.raise_for_status()
+ else:
+ if not retry_on_error:
+ stream.raise_for_status()
+ log.warning('Received {status} response: {text}. '
+ 'Retrying in a moment.'
+ .format(status=stream.status_code,
+ text=stream.text))
+ sleeper.sleep()
+ except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
+ # In the event of a network problem
+ # (e.g. DNS failure, refused connection, etc),
+ # Requests will raise a ConnectionError exception.
+ if not retry_on_error:
+ raise
+ log.warning('Connection error. Retrying in a moment.')
+ sleeper.sleep()
+ def raw_api(self, action, http_method='POST', *args, **kwargs):
+ """Send a call to the API."""
+ try:
+ retry_on_error = kwargs.pop('retry_on_error')
+ except KeyError:
+ retry_on_error = True
+ kwargs['action'] = action
+ kwargs['format'] = 'json'
+ data = self._query_string(*args, **kwargs)
+ res = self.raw_call('api', data, retry_on_error=retry_on_error,
+ http_method=http_method)
+ try:
+ return json.loads(res, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
+ except ValueError:
+ if res.startswith('MediaWiki API is not enabled for this site.'):
+ raise errors.APIDisabledError
+ raise errors.InvalidResponse(res)
+ def raw_index(self, action, http_method='POST', *args, **kwargs):
+ """Sends a call to index.php rather than the API."""
+ kwargs['action'] = action
+ kwargs['maxlag'] = self.max_lag
+ data = self._query_string(*args, **kwargs)
+ return self.raw_call('index', data, http_method=http_method)
+ def require(self, major, minor, revision=None, raise_error=True):
+ if self.version is None:
+ if raise_error is None:
+ return
+ raise RuntimeError('Site %s has not yet been initialized' % repr(self))
+ if revision is None:
+ if self.version[:2] >= (major, minor):
+ return True
+ elif raise_error:
+ raise errors.MediaWikiVersionError(
+ 'Requires version {required[0]}.{required[1]}, '
+ 'current version is {current[0]}.{current[1]}'
+ .format(required=(major, minor),
+ current=(self.version[:2]))
+ )
+ else:
+ return False
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # Actions
+ def email(self, user, text, subject, cc=False):
+ """
+ Send email to a specified user on the wiki.
+ >>> try:
+ ...'SomeUser', 'Some message', 'Some subject')
+ ... except mwclient.errors.NoSpecifiedEmail:
+ ... print('User does not accept email, or has no email address.')
+ Args:
+ user (str): User name of the recipient
+ text (str): Body of the email
+ subject (str): Subject of the email
+ cc (bool): True to send a copy of the email to yourself (default is False)
+ Returns:
+ Dictionary of the JSON response
+ Raises:
+ NoSpecifiedEmail (mwclient.errors.NoSpecifiedEmail): User doesn't accept email
+ EmailError (mwclient.errors.EmailError): Other email errors
+ """
+ token = self.get_token('email')
+ try:
+ info ='emailuser', target=user, subject=subject,
+ text=text, ccme=cc, token=token)
+ except errors.APIError as e:
+ if e.args[0] == u'noemail':
+ raise errors.NoSpecifiedEmail(user, e.args[1])
+ raise errors.EmailError(*e)
+ return info
+ def login(self, username=None, password=None, cookies=None, domain=None):
+ """
+ Login to the wiki using a username and password. The method returns
+ nothing if the login was successful, but raises and error if it was not.
+ Args:
+ username (str): MediaWiki username
+ password (str): MediaWiki password
+ cookies (dict): Custom cookies to include with the log-in request.
+ domain (str): Sends domain name for authentication; used by some
+ MediaWiki plug-ins like the 'LDAP Authentication' extension.
+ Raises:
+ LoginError (mwclient.errors.LoginError): Login failed, the reason can be
+ obtained from e.code and (where e is the exception object) and
+ will be one of the API:Login errors. The most common error code is
+ "Failed", indicating a wrong username or password.
+ MaximumRetriesExceeded: API call to log in failed and was retried until all
+ retries were exhausted. This will not occur if the credentials are merely
+ incorrect. See MaximumRetriesExceeded for possible reasons.
+ APIError: An API error occurred. Rare, usually indicates an internal server
+ error.
+ """
+ if username and password:
+ self.credentials = (username, password, domain)
+ if cookies:
+ self.connection.cookies.update(cookies)
+ if self.credentials:
+ sleeper = self.sleepers.make()
+ kwargs = {
+ 'lgname': self.credentials[0],
+ 'lgpassword': self.credentials[1]
+ }
+ if self.credentials[2]:
+ kwargs['lgdomain'] = self.credentials[2]
+ # Try to login using the scheme for MW 1.27+. If the wiki is read protected,
+ # it is not possible to get the wiki version upfront using the API, so we just
+ # have to try. If the attempt fails, we try the old method.
+ try:
+ kwargs['lgtoken'] = self.get_token('login')
+ except (errors.APIError, KeyError):
+ log.debug('Failed to get login token, MediaWiki is older than 1.27.')
+ while True:
+ login ='login', **kwargs)
+ if login['login']['result'] == 'Success':
+ break
+ elif login['login']['result'] == 'NeedToken':
+ kwargs['lgtoken'] = login['login']['token']
+ elif login['login']['result'] == 'Throttled':
+ sleeper.sleep(int(login['login'].get('wait', 5)))
+ else:
+ raise errors.LoginError(self, login['login']['result'],
+ login['login']['reason'])
+ self.site_init()
+ def get_token(self, type, force=False, title=None):
+ if self.version is None or self.version[:2] >= (1, 24):
+ # The 'csrf' (cross-site request forgery) token introduced in 1.24 replaces
+ # the majority of older tokens, like edittoken and movetoken.
+ if type not in {'watch', 'patrol', 'rollback', 'userrights', 'login'}:
+ type = 'csrf'
+ if type not in self.tokens:
+ self.tokens[type] = '0'
+ if self.tokens.get(type, '0') == '0' or force:
+ if self.version is None or self.version[:2] >= (1, 24):
+ # We use raw_api() rather than api() because api() is adding "userinfo"
+ # to the query and this raises an readapideniederror if the wiki is read
+ # protected and we're trying to fetch a login token.
+ info = self.raw_api('query', 'GET', meta='tokens', type=type)
+ self.handle_api_result(info)
+ # Note that for read protected wikis, we don't know the version when
+ # fetching the login token. If it's < 1.27, the request below will
+ # raise a KeyError that we should catch.
+ self.tokens[type] = info['query']['tokens']['%stoken' % type]
+ else:
+ if title is None:
+ # Some dummy title was needed to get a token prior to 1.24
+ title = 'Test'
+ info ='query', titles=title,
+ prop='info', intoken=type)
+ for i in six.itervalues(info['query']['pages']):
+ if i['title'] == title:
+ self.tokens[type] = i['%stoken' % type]
+ return self.tokens[type]
+ def upload(self, file=None, filename=None, description='', ignore=False,
+ file_size=None, url=None, filekey=None, comment=None):
+ """Upload a file to the site.
+ Note that one of `file`, `filekey` and `url` must be specified, but not
+ more than one. For normal uploads, you specify `file`.
+ Args:
+ file (str): File object or stream to upload.
+ filename (str): Destination filename, don't include namespace
+ prefix like 'File:'
+ description (str): Wikitext for the file description page.
+ ignore (bool): True to upload despite any warnings.
+ file_size (int): Deprecated in mwclient 0.7
+ url (str): URL to fetch the file from.
+ filekey (str): Key that identifies a previous upload that was
+ stashed temporarily.
+ comment (str): Upload comment. Also used as the initial page text
+ for new files if `description` is not specified.
+ Example:
+ >>> client.upload(open('somefile', 'rb'), filename='somefile.jpg',
+ description='Some description')
+ Returns:
+ JSON result from the API.
+ Raises:
+ errors.InsufficientPermission
+ requests.exceptions.HTTPError
+ """
+ if file_size is not None:
+ # Note that DeprecationWarning is hidden by default since Python 2.7
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'file_size is deprecated since mwclient 0.7',
+ DeprecationWarning
+ )
+ if filename is None:
+ raise TypeError('filename must be specified')
+ if len([x for x in [file, filekey, url] if x is not None]) != 1:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "exactly one of 'file', 'filekey' and 'url' must be specified"
+ )
+ image = self.Images[filename]
+ if not image.can('upload'):
+ raise errors.InsufficientPermission(filename)
+ if comment is None:
+ comment = description
+ text = None
+ else:
+ comment = comment
+ text = description
+ if file is not None:
+ if not hasattr(file, 'read'):
+ file = open(file, 'rb')
+ content_size =, 2)
+ if self.version[:2] >= (1, 20) and content_size > self.chunk_size:
+ return self.chunk_upload(file, filename, ignore, comment, text)
+ predata = {
+ 'action': 'upload',
+ 'format': 'json',
+ 'filename': filename,
+ 'comment': comment,
+ 'text': text,
+ 'token': image.get_token('edit'),
+ }
+ if ignore:
+ predata['ignorewarnings'] = 'true'
+ if url:
+ predata['url'] = url
+ # sessionkey was renamed to filekey in MediaWiki 1.18
+ #
+ if self.version[:2] < (1, 18):
+ predata['sessionkey'] = filekey
+ else:
+ predata['filekey'] = filekey
+ postdata = predata
+ files = None
+ if file is not None:
+ # Workaround for
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Since the filename in Content-Disposition is not interpreted,
+ # we can send some ascii-only dummy name rather than the real
+ # filename, which might contain non-ascii.
+ files = {'file': ('fake-filename', file)}
+ sleeper = self.sleepers.make()
+ while True:
+ data = self.raw_call('api', postdata, files)
+ info = json.loads(data)
+ if not info:
+ info = {}
+ if self.handle_api_result(info, kwargs=predata, sleeper=sleeper):
+ response = info.get('upload', {})
+ break
+ if file is not None:
+ file.close()
+ return response
+ def chunk_upload(self, file, filename, ignorewarnings, comment, text):
+ """Upload a file to the site in chunks.
+ This method is called by `Site.upload` if you are connecting to a newer
+ MediaWiki installation, so it's normally not necessary to call this
+ method directly.
+ Args:
+ file (file-like object): File object or stream to upload.
+ params (dict): Dict containing upload parameters.
+ """
+ image = self.Images[filename]
+ content_size =, 2)
+ params = {
+ 'action': 'upload',
+ 'format': 'json',
+ 'stash': 1,
+ 'offset': 0,
+ 'filename': filename,
+ 'filesize': content_size,
+ 'token': image.get_token('edit'),
+ }
+ if ignorewarnings:
+ params['ignorewarnings'] = 'true'
+ sleeper = self.sleepers.make()
+ offset = 0
+ for chunk in read_in_chunks(file, self.chunk_size):
+ while True:
+ data = self.raw_call('api', params, files={'chunk': chunk})
+ info = json.loads(data)
+ if self.handle_api_result(info, kwargs=params, sleeper=sleeper):
+ response = info.get('upload', {})
+ break
+ offset += chunk.tell()
+ chunk.close()
+ log.debug('%s: Uploaded %d of %d bytes', filename, offset, content_size)
+ params['filekey'] = response['filekey']
+ if response['result'] == 'Continue':
+ params['offset'] = response['offset']
+ elif response['result'] == 'Success':
+ file.close()
+ break
+ else:
+ # Some kind or error or warning occured. In any case, we do not
+ # get the parameters we need to continue, so we should return
+ # the response now.
+ file.close()
+ return response
+ del params['action']
+ del params['stash']
+ del params['offset']
+ params['comment'] = comment
+ params['text'] = text
+ return'upload', **params)
+ def parse(self, text=None, title=None, page=None, prop=None,
+ redirects=False, mobileformat=False):
+ kwargs = {}
+ if text is not None:
+ kwargs['text'] = text
+ if title is not None:
+ kwargs['title'] = title
+ if page is not None:
+ kwargs['page'] = page
+ if prop is not None:
+ kwargs['prop'] = prop
+ if redirects:
+ kwargs['redirects'] = '1'
+ if mobileformat:
+ kwargs['mobileformat'] = '1'
+ result ='parse', **kwargs)
+ return result['parse']
+ # def block(self): TODO?
+ # def unblock: TODO?
+ # def patrol: TODO?
+ # def import: TODO?
+ # Lists
+ def allpages(self, start=None, prefix=None, namespace='0', filterredir='all',
+ minsize=None, maxsize=None, prtype=None, prlevel=None,
+ limit=None, dir='ascending', filterlanglinks='all', generator=True,
+ end=None):
+ """Retrieve all pages on the wiki as a generator."""
+ pfx = listing.List.get_prefix('ap', generator)
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs(
+ pfx, ('from', start), ('to', end), prefix=prefix,
+ minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize, prtype=prtype, prlevel=prlevel,
+ namespace=namespace, filterredir=filterredir, dir=dir,
+ filterlanglinks=filterlanglinks,
+ ))
+ return listing.List.get_list(generator)(self, 'allpages', 'ap',
+ limit=limit, return_values='title',
+ **kwargs)
+ def allimages(self, start=None, prefix=None, minsize=None, maxsize=None, limit=None,
+ dir='ascending', sha1=None, sha1base36=None, generator=True, end=None):
+ """Retrieve all images on the wiki as a generator."""
+ pfx = listing.List.get_prefix('ai', generator)
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs(
+ pfx, ('from', start), ('to', end), prefix=prefix,
+ minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize,
+ dir=dir, sha1=sha1, sha1base36=sha1base36,
+ ))
+ return listing.List.get_list(generator)(self, 'allimages', 'ai', limit=limit,
+ return_values='timestamp|url',
+ **kwargs)
+ def alllinks(self, start=None, prefix=None, unique=False, prop='title',
+ namespace='0', limit=None, generator=True, end=None):
+ """Retrieve a list of all links on the wiki as a generator."""
+ pfx = listing.List.get_prefix('al', generator)
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs(pfx, ('from', start), ('to', end),
+ prefix=prefix,
+ prop=prop, namespace=namespace))
+ if unique:
+ kwargs[pfx + 'unique'] = '1'
+ return listing.List.get_list(generator)(self, 'alllinks', 'al', limit=limit,
+ return_values='title', **kwargs)
+ def allcategories(self, start=None, prefix=None, dir='ascending', limit=None,
+ generator=True, end=None):
+ """Retrieve all categories on the wiki as a generator."""
+ pfx = listing.List.get_prefix('ac', generator)
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs(pfx, ('from', start), ('to', end),
+ prefix=prefix, dir=dir))
+ return listing.List.get_list(generator)(self, 'allcategories', 'ac', limit=limit,
+ **kwargs)
+ def allusers(self, start=None, prefix=None, group=None, prop=None, limit=None,
+ witheditsonly=False, activeusers=False, rights=None, end=None):
+ """Retrieve all users on the wiki as a generator."""
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('au', ('from', start), ('to', end),
+ prefix=prefix,
+ group=group, prop=prop,
+ rights=rights,
+ witheditsonly=witheditsonly,
+ activeusers=activeusers))
+ return listing.List(self, 'allusers', 'au', limit=limit, **kwargs)
+ def blocks(self, start=None, end=None, dir='older', ids=None, users=None, limit=None,
+ prop='id|user|by|timestamp|expiry|reason|flags'):
+ """Retrieve blocks as a generator.
+ Returns:
+ mwclient.listings.List: Generator yielding dicts, each dict containing:
+ - user: The username or IP address of the user
+ - id: The ID of the block
+ - timestamp: When the block was added
+ - expiry: When the block runs out (infinity for indefinite blocks)
+ - reason: The reason they are blocked
+ - allowusertalk: Key is present (empty string) if the user is allowed to
+ edit their user talk page
+ - by: the administrator who blocked the user
+ - nocreate: key is present (empty string) if the user's ability to create
+ accounts has been disabled.
+ """
+ # TODO: Fix. Fix what?
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('bk', start=start, end=end, dir=dir,
+ ids=ids, users=users, prop=prop))
+ return listing.List(self, 'blocks', 'bk', limit=limit, **kwargs)
+ def deletedrevisions(self, start=None, end=None, dir='older', namespace=None,
+ limit=None, prop='user|comment'):
+ # TODO: Fix
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('dr', start=start, end=end, dir=dir,
+ namespace=namespace, prop=prop))
+ return listing.List(self, 'deletedrevs', 'dr', limit=limit, **kwargs)
+ def exturlusage(self, query, prop=None, protocol='http', namespace=None, limit=None):
+ r"""Retrieve the list of pages that link to a particular domain or URL,
+ as a generator.
+ This API call mirrors the Special:LinkSearch function on-wiki.
+ Query can be a domain like ''.
+ Wildcards can be used, e.g. '\*'.
+ Alternatively, a query can contain a full domain name and some or all of a URL:
+ e.g. '\*\*'
+ See <> for details.
+ Returns:
+ mwclient.listings.List: Generator yielding dicts, each dict containing:
+ - url: The URL linked to.
+ - ns: Namespace of the wiki page
+ - pageid: The ID of the wiki page
+ - title: The page title.
+ """
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('eu', query=query, prop=prop,
+ protocol=protocol,
+ namespace=namespace))
+ return listing.List(self, 'exturlusage', 'eu', limit=limit, **kwargs)
+ def logevents(self, type=None, prop=None, start=None, end=None,
+ dir='older', user=None, title=None, limit=None, action=None):
+ """Retrieve logevents as a generator."""
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('le', prop=prop, type=type,
+ start=start, end=end, dir=dir,
+ user=user, title=title, action=action))
+ return listing.List(self, 'logevents', 'le', limit=limit, **kwargs)
+ def checkuserlog(self, user=None, target=None, limit=10, dir='older',
+ start=None, end=None):
+ """Retrieve checkuserlog items as a generator."""
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('cul', target=target, start=start,
+ end=end, dir=dir, user=user))
+ return listing.NestedList('entries', self, 'checkuserlog', 'cul',
+ limit=limit, **kwargs)
+ # def protectedtitles requires 1.15
+ def random(self, namespace, limit=20):
+ """Retrieve a generator of random pages from a particular namespace.
+ limit specifies the number of random articles retrieved.
+ namespace is a namespace identifier integer.
+ Generator contains dictionary with namespace, page ID and title.
+ """
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('rn', namespace=namespace))
+ return listing.List(self, 'random', 'rn', limit=limit, **kwargs)
+ def recentchanges(self, start=None, end=None, dir='older', namespace=None,
+ prop=None, show=None, limit=None, type=None, toponly=None):
+ """List recent changes to the wiki, à la Special:Recentchanges.
+ """
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('rc', start=start, end=end, dir=dir,
+ namespace=namespace, prop=prop,
+ show=show, type=type,
+ toponly='1' if toponly else None))
+ return listing.List(self, 'recentchanges', 'rc', limit=limit, **kwargs)
+ def revisions(self, revids, prop='ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user'):
+ """Get data about a list of revisions.
+ See also the `Page.revisions()` method.
+ API doc:
+ Example: Get revision text for two revisions:
+ >>> for revision in site.revisions([689697696, 689816909], prop='content'):
+ ... print revision['*']
+ Args:
+ revids (list): A list of (max 50) revisions.
+ prop (str): Which properties to get for each revision.
+ Returns:
+ A list of revisions
+ """
+ kwargs = {
+ 'prop': 'revisions',
+ 'rvprop': prop,
+ 'revids': '|'.join(map(text_type, revids))
+ }
+ revisions = []
+ pages = self.get('query', **kwargs).get('query', {}).get('pages', {}).values()
+ for page in pages:
+ for revision in page.get('revisions', ()):
+ revision['pageid'] = page.get('pageid')
+ revision['pagetitle'] = page.get('title')
+ revision['timestamp'] = parse_timestamp(revision['timestamp'])
+ revisions.append(revision)
+ return revisions
+ def search(self, search, namespace='0', what=None, redirects=False, limit=None):
+ """Perform a full text search.
+ API doc:
+ Example:
+ >>> for result in'prefix:Template:Citation/'):
+ ... print(result.get('title'))
+ Args:
+ search (str): The query string
+ namespace (int): The namespace to search (default: 0)
+ what (str): Search scope: 'text' for fulltext, or 'title' for titles only.
+ Depending on the search backend,
+ both options may not be available.
+ For instance
+ `CirrusSearch <>`_
+ doesn't support 'title', but instead provides an "intitle:"
+ query string filter.
+ redirects (bool): Include redirect pages in the search
+ (option removed in MediaWiki 1.23).
+ Returns:
+ mwclient.listings.List: Search results iterator
+ """
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('sr', search=search,
+ namespace=namespace, what=what))
+ if redirects:
+ kwargs['srredirects'] = '1'
+ return listing.List(self, 'search', 'sr', limit=limit, **kwargs)
+ def usercontributions(self, user, start=None, end=None, dir='older', namespace=None,
+ prop=None, show=None, limit=None, uselang=None):
+ """
+ List the contributions made by a given user to the wiki.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('uc', user=user, start=start, end=end,
+ dir=dir, namespace=namespace,
+ prop=prop, show=show))
+ return listing.List(self, 'usercontribs', 'uc', limit=limit, uselang=uselang,
+ **kwargs)
+ def users(self, users, prop='blockinfo|groups|editcount'):
+ """
+ Get information about a list of users.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ return listing.List(self, 'users', 'us', ususers='|'.join(users), usprop=prop)
+ def watchlist(self, allrev=False, start=None, end=None, namespace=None, dir='older',
+ prop=None, show=None, limit=None):
+ """
+ List the pages on the current user's watchlist.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('wl', start=start, end=end,
+ namespace=namespace, dir=dir,
+ prop=prop, show=show))
+ if allrev:
+ kwargs['wlallrev'] = '1'
+ return listing.List(self, 'watchlist', 'wl', limit=limit, **kwargs)
+ def expandtemplates(self, text, title=None, generatexml=False):
+ """
+ Takes wikitext (text) and expands templates.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ kwargs = {}
+ if title is None:
+ kwargs['title'] = title
+ if generatexml:
+ kwargs['generatexml'] = '1'
+ result = self.get('expandtemplates', text=text, **kwargs)
+ if generatexml:
+ return result['expandtemplates']['*'], result['parsetree']['*']
+ else:
+ return result['expandtemplates']['*']
+ def ask(self, query, title=None):
+ """
+ Ask a query against Semantic MediaWiki.
+ API doc:
+ Returns:
+ Generator for retrieving all search results, with each answer as a dictionary.
+ If the query is invalid, an APIError is raised. A valid query with zero
+ results will not raise any error.
+ Examples:
+ >>> query = "[[Category:my cat]]|[[Has name::a name]]|?Has property"
+ >>> for answer in site.ask(query):
+ >>> for title, data in answer.items()
+ >>> print(title)
+ >>> print(data)
+ """
+ kwargs = {}
+ if title is None:
+ kwargs['title'] = title
+ offset = 0
+ while offset is not None:
+ results = self.raw_api('ask', query=u'{query}|offset={offset}'.format(
+ query=query, offset=offset), http_method='GET', **kwargs)
+ self.handle_api_result(results) # raises APIError on error
+ offset = results.get('query-continue-offset')
+ answers = results['query'].get('results', [])
+ if isinstance(answers, dict):
+ # In older versions of Semantic MediaWiki (at least until 2.3.0)
+ # a list was returned. In newer versions an object is returned
+ # with the page title as key.
+ answers = [answer for answer in answers.values()]
+ for answer in answers:
+ yield answer
diff --git a/game/python-extra/mwclient/ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..845cf31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+class MwClientError(RuntimeError):
+ pass
+class MediaWikiVersionError(MwClientError):
+ pass
+class APIDisabledError(MwClientError):
+ pass
+class MaximumRetriesExceeded(MwClientError):
+ pass
+class APIError(MwClientError):
+ def __init__(self, code, info, kwargs):
+ self.code = code
+ = info
+ super(APIError, self).__init__(code, info, kwargs)
+class InsufficientPermission(MwClientError):
+ pass
+class UserBlocked(InsufficientPermission):
+ pass
+class EditError(MwClientError):
+ pass
+class ProtectedPageError(EditError, InsufficientPermission):
+ def __init__(self, page, code=None, info=None):
+ = page
+ self.code = code
+ = info
+ def __str__(self):
+ if is not None:
+ return
+ return 'You do not have the "edit" right.'
+class FileExists(EditError):
+ pass
+class LoginError(MwClientError):
+ def __init__(self, site, code, info):
+ super(LoginError, self).__init__(
+ site,
+ {'result': code, 'reason': info} # For backwards-compability
+ )
+ = site
+ self.code = code
+ = info
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+class OAuthAuthorizationError(LoginError):
+ pass
+class AssertUserFailedError(MwClientError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(AssertUserFailedError, self).__init__((
+ 'By default, mwclient protects you from accidentally editing '
+ 'without being logged in. If you actually want to edit without '
+ 'logging in, you can set force_login on the Site object to False.'
+ ))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.args[0]
+class EmailError(MwClientError):
+ pass
+class NoSpecifiedEmail(EmailError):
+ pass
+class NoWriteApi(MwClientError):
+ pass
+class InvalidResponse(MwClientError):
+ def __init__(self, response_text=None):
+ super(InvalidResponse, self).__init__((
+ 'Did not get a valid JSON response from the server. Check that '
+ 'you used the correct hostname. If you did, the server might '
+ 'be wrongly configured or experiencing temporary problems.'),
+ response_text
+ )
+ self.response_text = response_text
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.args[0]
+class InvalidPageTitle(MwClientError):
+ pass
diff --git a/game/python-extra/mwclient/ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..922eeb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import mwclient.listing
+class Image(
+ def __init__(self, site, name, info=None):
+ super(Image, self).__init__(
+ site, name, info, extra_properties={
+ 'imageinfo': (
+ ('iiprop',
+ 'timestamp|user|comment|url|size|sha1|metadata|archivename'),
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ self.imagerepository = self._info.get('imagerepository', '')
+ self.imageinfo = self._info.get('imageinfo', ({}, ))[0]
+ def imagehistory(self):
+ """
+ Get file revision info for the given file.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(
+ self, 'imageinfo', 'ii',
+ iiprop='timestamp|user|comment|url|size|sha1|metadata|archivename'
+ )
+ def imageusage(self, namespace=None, filterredir='all', redirect=False,
+ limit=None, generator=True):
+ """
+ List pages that use the given file.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ prefix = mwclient.listing.List.get_prefix('iu', generator)
+ kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs(
+ prefix,, namespace=namespace, filterredir=filterredir
+ ))
+ if redirect:
+ kwargs['%sredirect' % prefix] = '1'
+ return mwclient.listing.List.get_list(generator)(
+, 'imageusage', 'iu', limit=limit, return_values='title', **kwargs
+ )
+ def duplicatefiles(self, limit=None):
+ """
+ List duplicates of the current file.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'duplicatefiles', 'df', dflimit=limit)
+ def download(self, destination=None):
+ """
+ Download the file. If `destination` is given, the file will be written
+ directly to the stream. Otherwise the file content will be stored in memory
+ and returned (with the risk of running out of memory for large files).
+ Recommended usage:
+ >>> with open(filename, 'wb') as fd:
+ ...
+ Args:
+ destination (file object): Destination file
+ """
+ url = self.imageinfo['url']
+ if destination is not None:
+ res =, stream=True)
+ for chunk in res.iter_content(1024):
+ destination.write(chunk)
+ else:
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Image object '%s' for %s>" % ('utf-8'),
diff --git a/game/python-extra/mwclient/ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79964b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+import six
+import six.moves
+from six import text_type
+from mwclient.util import parse_timestamp
+import mwclient.image
+class List(object):
+ """Base class for lazy iteration over api response content
+ This is a class providing lazy iteration. This means that the
+ content is loaded in chunks as long as the response hints at
+ continuing content.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, site, list_name, prefix,
+ limit=None, return_values=None, max_items=None,
+ *args, **kwargs):
+ # NOTE: Fix limit
+ = site
+ self.list_name = list_name
+ self.generator = 'list'
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ kwargs.update(args)
+ self.args = kwargs
+ if limit is None:
+ limit = site.api_limit
+ self.args[self.prefix + 'limit'] = text_type(limit)
+ self.count = 0
+ self.max_items = max_items
+ self._iter = iter(six.moves.range(0))
+ self.last = False
+ self.result_member = list_name
+ self.return_values = return_values
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __next__(self):
+ if self.max_items is not None:
+ if self.count >= self.max_items:
+ raise StopIteration
+ # For filered lists, we might have to do several requests
+ # to get the next element due to miser mode.
+ # See:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ item =
+ if item is not None:
+ break
+ except StopIteration:
+ if self.last:
+ raise
+ self.load_chunk()
+ self.count += 1
+ if 'timestamp' in item:
+ item['timestamp'] = parse_timestamp(item['timestamp'])
+ if isinstance(self, GeneratorList):
+ return item
+ if type(self.return_values) is tuple:
+ return tuple((item[i] for i in self.return_values))
+ if self.return_values is not None:
+ return item[self.return_values]
+ return item
+ def next(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """ For Python 2.x support """
+ return self.__next__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def load_chunk(self):
+ """Query a new chunk of data
+ If the query is empty, `raise StopIteration`.
+ Else, update the iterator accordingly.
+ If 'continue' is in the response, it is added to `self.args`
+ (new style continuation, added in MediaWiki 1.21).
+ If not, but 'query-continue' is in the response, query its
+ item called `self.list_name` and add this to `self.args` (old
+ style continuation).
+ Else, set `self.last` to True.
+ """
+ data =
+ 'query', (self.generator, self.list_name),
+ *[(text_type(k), v) for k, v in six.iteritems(self.args)]
+ )
+ if not data:
+ # Non existent page
+ raise StopIteration
+ # Process response if not empty.
+ # See:
+ if 'query' in data:
+ self.set_iter(data)
+ if data.get('continue'):
+ # New style continuation, added in MediaWiki 1.21
+ self.args.update(data['continue'])
+ elif self.list_name in data.get('query-continue', ()):
+ # Old style continuation
+ self.args.update(data['query-continue'][self.list_name])
+ else:
+ self.last = True
+ def set_iter(self, data):
+ """Set `self._iter` to the API response `data`."""
+ if self.result_member not in data['query']:
+ self._iter = iter(six.moves.range(0))
+ elif type(data['query'][self.result_member]) is list:
+ self._iter = iter(data['query'][self.result_member])
+ else:
+ self._iter = six.itervalues(data['query'][self.result_member])
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<List object '%s' for %s>" % (self.list_name,
+ @staticmethod
+ def generate_kwargs(_prefix, *args, **kwargs):
+ kwargs.update(args)
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):
+ if value is not None and value is not False:
+ yield _prefix + key, value
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_prefix(prefix, generator=False):
+ return ('g' if generator else '') + prefix
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_list(generator=False):
+ return GeneratorList if generator else List
+class NestedList(List):
+ def __init__(self, nested_param, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(NestedList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.nested_param = nested_param
+ def set_iter(self, data):
+ self._iter = iter(data['query'][self.result_member][self.nested_param])
+class GeneratorList(List):
+ """Lazy-loaded list of Page, Image or Category objects
+ While the standard List class yields raw response data
+ (optionally filtered based on the value of List.return_values),
+ this subclass turns the data into Page, Image or Category objects.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, site, list_name, prefix, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(GeneratorList, self).__init__(site, list_name, prefix,
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ self.args['g' + self.prefix + 'limit'] = self.args[self.prefix + 'limit']
+ del self.args[self.prefix + 'limit']
+ self.generator = 'generator'
+ self.args['prop'] = 'info|imageinfo'
+ self.args['inprop'] = 'protection'
+ self.result_member = 'pages'
+ self.page_class =
+ def __next__(self):
+ info = super(GeneratorList, self).__next__()
+ if info['ns'] == 14:
+ return Category(, u'', info)
+ if info['ns'] == 6:
+ return mwclient.image.Image(, u'', info)
+ return, u'', info)
+ def load_chunk(self):
+ # Put this here so that the constructor does not fail
+ # on uninitialized sites
+ self.args['iiprop'] = 'timestamp|user|comment|url|size|sha1|metadata|archivename'
+ return super(GeneratorList, self).load_chunk()
+class Category(, GeneratorList):
+ def __init__(self, site, name, info=None, namespace=None):
+, site, name, info)
+ kwargs = {}
+ kwargs['gcmtitle'] =
+ if namespace:
+ kwargs['gcmnamespace'] = namespace
+ GeneratorList.__init__(self, site, 'categorymembers', 'cm', **kwargs)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Category object '%s' for %s>" % ('utf-8'),
+ def members(self, prop='ids|title', namespace=None, sort='sortkey',
+ dir='asc', start=None, end=None, generator=True):
+ prefix = self.get_prefix('cm', generator)
+ kwargs = dict(self.generate_kwargs(prefix, prop=prop, namespace=namespace,
+ sort=sort, dir=dir, start=start, end=end,
+ return self.get_list(generator)(, 'categorymembers', 'cm', **kwargs)
+class PageList(GeneratorList):
+ def __init__(self, site, prefix=None, start=None, namespace=0, redirects='all',
+ end=None):
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ kwargs = {}
+ if prefix:
+ kwargs['gapprefix'] = prefix
+ if start:
+ kwargs['gapfrom'] = start
+ if end:
+ kwargs['gapto'] = end
+ super(PageList, self).__init__(site, 'allpages', 'ap',
+ gapnamespace=text_type(namespace),
+ gapfilterredir=redirects,
+ **kwargs)
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ return self.get(name, None)
+ def get(self, name, info=()):
+ """Return the page of name `name` as an object.
+ If self.namespace is not zero, use {namespace}:{name} as the
+ page name, otherwise guess the namespace from the name using
+ `self.guess_namespace`.
+ Returns:
+ One of Category, Image or Page (default), according to namespace.
+ """
+ if self.namespace != 0:
+ full_page_name = u"{namespace}:{name}".format(
+ name=name,
+ )
+ namespace = self.namespace
+ else:
+ full_page_name = name
+ try:
+ namespace = self.guess_namespace(name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ # raised when `namespace` doesn't have a `startswith` attribute
+ namespace = 0
+ cls = {
+ 14: Category,
+ 6: mwclient.image.Image,
+ }.get(namespace,
+ return cls(, full_page_name, info)
+ def guess_namespace(self, name):
+ """Guess the namespace from name
+ If name starts with any of the site's namespaces' names or
+ default_namespaces, use that. Else, return zero.
+ Args:
+ name (str): The pagename as a string (having `.startswith`)
+ Returns:
+ The id of the guessed namespace or zero.
+ """
+ for ns in
+ if ns == 0:
+ continue
+ namespace = u'%s:' %[ns].replace(' ', '_')
+ if name.startswith(namespace):
+ return ns
+ elif ns in
+ namespace = u'%s:' %[ns].replace(' ', '_')
+ if name.startswith(namespace):
+ return ns
+ return 0
+class PageProperty(List):
+ def __init__(self, page, prop, prefix, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(PageProperty, self).__init__(, prop, prefix,
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ = page
+ self.generator = 'prop'
+ def set_iter(self, data):
+ for page in six.itervalues(data['query']['pages']):
+ if page['title'] ==
+ self._iter = iter(page.get(self.list_name, ()))
+ return
+ raise StopIteration
+class PagePropertyGenerator(GeneratorList):
+ def __init__(self, page, prop, prefix, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(PagePropertyGenerator, self).__init__(, prop, prefix,
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ = page
+class RevisionsIterator(PageProperty):
+ def load_chunk(self):
+ if 'rvstartid' in self.args and 'rvstart' in self.args:
+ del self.args['rvstart']
+ return super(RevisionsIterator, self).load_chunk()
diff --git a/game/python-extra/mwclient/ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d83896c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+import six
+from six import text_type
+import time
+from mwclient.util import parse_timestamp
+import mwclient.listing
+import mwclient.errors
+class Page(object):
+ def __init__(self, site, name, info=None, extra_properties=None):
+ if type(name) is type(self):
+ self.__dict__.update(name.__dict__)
+ return
+ = site
+ = name
+ self._textcache = {}
+ if not info:
+ if extra_properties:
+ prop = 'info|' + '|'.join(six.iterkeys(extra_properties))
+ extra_props = []
+ for extra_prop in six.itervalues(extra_properties):
+ extra_props.extend(extra_prop)
+ else:
+ prop = 'info'
+ extra_props = ()
+ if type(name) is int:
+ info ='query', prop=prop, pageids=name,
+ inprop='protection', *extra_props)
+ else:
+ info ='query', prop=prop, titles=name,
+ inprop='protection', *extra_props)
+ info =['query']['pages']))
+ self._info = info
+ if 'invalid' in info:
+ raise mwclient.errors.InvalidPageTitle(info.get('invalidreason'))
+ self.namespace = info.get('ns', 0)
+ = info.get('title', u'')
+ if self.namespace:
+ self.page_title = self.strip_namespace(
+ else:
+ self.page_title =
+ self.base_title = self.page_title.split('/')[0]
+ self.base_name ='/')[0]
+ self.touched = parse_timestamp(info.get('touched'))
+ self.revision = info.get('lastrevid', 0)
+ self.exists = 'missing' not in info
+ self.length = info.get('length')
+ = {
+ i['type']: (i['level'], i['expiry'])
+ for i in info.get('protection', ())
+ if i
+ }
+ self.redirect = 'redirect' in info
+ self.pageid = info.get('pageid', None)
+ self.contentmodel = info.get('contentmodel', None)
+ self.pagelanguage = info.get('pagelanguage', None)
+ self.restrictiontypes = info.get('restrictiontypes', None)
+ self.last_rev_time = None
+ self.edit_time = None
+ def redirects_to(self):
+ """ Get the redirect target page, or None if the page is not a redirect."""
+ info ='query', prop='pageprops',, redirects='')
+ if 'redirects' in info['query']:
+ for page in info['query']['redirects']:
+ if page['from'] ==
+ return Page(, page['to'])
+ return None
+ else:
+ return None
+ def resolve_redirect(self):
+ """ Get the redirect target page, or the current page if its not a redirect."""
+ target_page = self.redirects_to()
+ if target_page is None:
+ return self
+ else:
+ return target_page
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Page object '%s' for %s>" % ('utf-8'),
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return
+ @staticmethod
+ def strip_namespace(title):
+ if title[0] == ':':
+ title = title[1:]
+ return title[title.find(':') + 1:]
+ @staticmethod
+ def normalize_title(title):
+ # TODO: Make site dependent
+ title = title.strip()
+ if title[0] == ':':
+ title = title[1:]
+ title = title[0].upper() + title[1:]
+ title = title.replace(' ', '_')
+ return title
+ def can(self, action):
+ """Check if the current user has the right to carry out some action
+ with the current page.
+ Example:
+ >>> page.can('edit')
+ True
+ """
+ level =, (action,))[0]
+ if level == 'sysop':
+ level = 'editprotected'
+ return level in
+ def get_token(self, type, force=False):
+ return, force,
+ def text(self, section=None, expandtemplates=False, cache=True, slot='main'):
+ """Get the current wikitext of the page, or of a specific section.
+ If the page does not exist, an empty string is returned. By
+ default, results will be cached and if you call text() again
+ with the same section and expandtemplates the result will come
+ from the cache. The cache is stored on the instance, so it
+ lives as long as the instance does.
+ Args:
+ section (int): Section number, to only get text from a single section.
+ expandtemplates (bool): Expand templates (default: `False`)
+ cache (bool): Use in-memory caching (default: `True`)
+ """
+ if not self.can('read'):
+ raise mwclient.errors.InsufficientPermission(self)
+ if not self.exists:
+ return u''
+ if section is not None:
+ section = text_type(section)
+ key = hash((section, expandtemplates))
+ if cache and key in self._textcache:
+ return self._textcache[key]
+ revs = self.revisions(prop='content|timestamp', limit=1, section=section,
+ slots=slot)
+ try:
+ rev = next(revs)
+ if 'slots' in rev:
+ text = rev['slots'][slot]['*']
+ else:
+ text = rev['*']
+ self.last_rev_time = rev['timestamp']
+ except StopIteration:
+ text = u''
+ self.last_rev_time = None
+ if not expandtemplates:
+ self.edit_time = time.gmtime()
+ else:
+ # The 'rvexpandtemplates' option was removed in MediaWiki 1.32, so we have to
+ # make an extra API call, see
+ text =
+ if cache:
+ self._textcache[key] = text
+ return text
+ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Alias for edit, for maintaining backwards compatibility."""
+ return self.edit(*args, **kwargs)
+ def edit(self, text, summary=u'', minor=False, bot=True, section=None, **kwargs):
+ """Update the text of a section or the whole page by performing an edit operation.
+ """
+ return self._edit(summary, minor, bot, section, text=text, **kwargs)
+ def append(self, text, summary=u'', minor=False, bot=True, section=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """Append text to a section or the whole page by performing an edit operation.
+ """
+ return self._edit(summary, minor, bot, section, appendtext=text, **kwargs)
+ def prepend(self, text, summary=u'', minor=False, bot=True, section=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """Prepend text to a section or the whole page by performing an edit operation.
+ """
+ return self._edit(summary, minor, bot, section, prependtext=text, **kwargs)
+ def _edit(self, summary, minor, bot, section, **kwargs):
+ if not and
+ raise mwclient.errors.AssertUserFailedError()
+ if
+ raise mwclient.errors.UserBlocked(
+ if not self.can('edit'):
+ raise mwclient.errors.ProtectedPageError(self)
+ if not
+ raise mwclient.errors.NoWriteApi(self)
+ data = {}
+ if minor:
+ data['minor'] = '1'
+ if not minor:
+ data['notminor'] = '1'
+ if self.last_rev_time:
+ data['basetimestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', self.last_rev_time)
+ if self.edit_time:
+ data['starttimestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', self.edit_time)
+ if bot:
+ data['bot'] = '1'
+ if section is not None:
+ data['section'] = section
+ data.update(kwargs)
+ if
+ data['assert'] = 'user'
+ def do_edit():
+ result ='edit',, summary=summary,
+ token=self.get_token('edit'),
+ **data)
+ if result['edit'].get('result').lower() == 'failure':
+ raise mwclient.errors.EditError(self, result['edit'])
+ return result
+ try:
+ result = do_edit()
+ except mwclient.errors.APIError as e:
+ if e.code == 'badtoken':
+ # Retry, but only once to avoid an infinite loop
+ self.get_token('edit', force=True)
+ try:
+ result = do_edit()
+ except mwclient.errors.APIError as e:
+ self.handle_edit_error(e, summary)
+ else:
+ self.handle_edit_error(e, summary)
+ # 'newtimestamp' is not included if no change was made
+ if 'newtimestamp' in result['edit'].keys():
+ self.last_rev_time = parse_timestamp(result['edit'].get('newtimestamp'))
+ # Workaround for
+ for cookie in
+ if 'PostEditRevision' in
+, cookie.path,
+ # clear the page text cache
+ self._textcache = {}
+ return result['edit']
+ def handle_edit_error(self, e, summary):
+ if e.code == 'editconflict':
+ raise mwclient.errors.EditError(self, summary,
+ elif e.code in {'protectedtitle', 'cantcreate', 'cantcreate-anon',
+ 'noimageredirect-anon', 'noimageredirect', 'noedit-anon',
+ 'noedit', 'protectedpage', 'cascadeprotected',
+ 'customcssjsprotected',
+ 'protectednamespace-interface', 'protectednamespace'}:
+ raise mwclient.errors.ProtectedPageError(self, e.code,
+ elif e.code == 'assertuserfailed':
+ raise mwclient.errors.AssertUserFailedError()
+ else:
+ raise e
+ def touch(self):
+ """Perform a "null edit" on the page to update the wiki's cached data of it.
+ This is useful in contrast to purge when needing to update stored data on a wiki,
+ for example Semantic MediaWiki properties or Cargo table values, since purge
+ only forces update of a page's displayed values and not its store.
+ """
+ if not self.exists:
+ return
+ self.append('')
+ def move(self, new_title, reason='', move_talk=True, no_redirect=False):
+ """Move (rename) page to new_title.
+ If user account is an administrator, specify no_redirect as True to not
+ leave a redirect.
+ If user does not have permission to move page, an InsufficientPermission
+ exception is raised.
+ """
+ if not self.can('move'):
+ raise mwclient.errors.InsufficientPermission(self)
+ if not
+ raise mwclient.errors.NoWriteApi(self)
+ data = {}
+ if move_talk:
+ data['movetalk'] = '1'
+ if no_redirect:
+ data['noredirect'] = '1'
+ result ='move', ('from',, to=new_title,
+ token=self.get_token('move'), reason=reason, **data)
+ return result['move']
+ def delete(self, reason='', watch=False, unwatch=False, oldimage=False):
+ """Delete page.
+ If user does not have permission to delete page, an InsufficientPermission
+ exception is raised.
+ """
+ if not self.can('delete'):
+ raise mwclient.errors.InsufficientPermission(self)
+ if not
+ raise mwclient.errors.NoWriteApi(self)
+ data = {}
+ if watch:
+ data['watch'] = '1'
+ if unwatch:
+ data['unwatch'] = '1'
+ if oldimage:
+ data['oldimage'] = oldimage
+ result ='delete',,
+ token=self.get_token('delete'),
+ reason=reason, **data)
+ return result['delete']
+ def purge(self):
+ """Purge server-side cache of page. This will re-render templates and other
+ dynamic content.
+ """
+ # def watch: requires 1.14
+ # Properties
+ def backlinks(self, namespace=None, filterredir='all', redirect=False,
+ limit=None, generator=True):
+ """List pages that link to the current page, similar to Special:Whatlinkshere.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ prefix = mwclient.listing.List.get_prefix('bl', generator)
+ kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs(
+ prefix, namespace=namespace, filterredir=filterredir,
+ ))
+ if redirect:
+ kwargs['%sredirect' % prefix] = '1'
+ kwargs[prefix + 'title'] =
+ return mwclient.listing.List.get_list(generator)(
+, 'backlinks', 'bl', limit=limit, return_values='title',
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ def categories(self, generator=True, show=None):
+ """List categories used on the current page.
+ API doc:
+ Args:
+ generator (bool): Return generator (Default: True)
+ show (str): Set to 'hidden' to only return hidden categories
+ or '!hidden' to only return non-hidden ones.
+ Returns:
+ mwclient.listings.PagePropertyGenerator
+ """
+ prefix = mwclient.listing.List.get_prefix('cl', generator)
+ kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs(
+ prefix, show=show
+ ))
+ if generator:
+ return mwclient.listing.PagePropertyGenerator(
+ self, 'categories', 'cl', **kwargs
+ )
+ else:
+ # TODO: return sortkey if wanted
+ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(
+ self, 'categories', 'cl', return_values='title', **kwargs
+ )
+ def embeddedin(self, namespace=None, filterredir='all', limit=None, generator=True):
+ """List pages that transclude the current page.
+ API doc:
+ Args:
+ namespace (int): Restricts search to a given namespace (Default: None)
+ filterredir (str): How to filter redirects, either 'all' (default),
+ 'redirects' or 'nonredirects'.
+ limit (int): Maximum amount of pages to return per request
+ generator (bool): Return generator (Default: True)
+ Returns:
+ mwclient.listings.List: Page iterator
+ """
+ prefix = mwclient.listing.List.get_prefix('ei', generator)
+ kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs(prefix, namespace=namespace,
+ filterredir=filterredir))
+ kwargs[prefix + 'title'] =
+ return mwclient.listing.List.get_list(generator)(
+, 'embeddedin', 'ei', limit=limit, return_values='title',
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ def extlinks(self):
+ """List external links from the current page.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'extlinks', 'el', return_values='*')
+ def images(self, generator=True):
+ """List files/images embedded in the current page.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ if generator:
+ return mwclient.listing.PagePropertyGenerator(self, 'images', '')
+ else:
+ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'images', '',
+ return_values='title')
+ def iwlinks(self):
+ """List interwiki links from the current page.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'iwlinks', 'iw',
+ return_values=('prefix', '*'))
+ def langlinks(self, **kwargs):
+ """List interlanguage links from the current page.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'langlinks', 'll',
+ return_values=('lang', '*'),
+ **kwargs)
+ def links(self, namespace=None, generator=True, redirects=False):
+ """List links to other pages from the current page.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ prefix = mwclient.listing.List.get_prefix('pl', generator)
+ kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs(prefix, namespace=namespace))
+ if redirects:
+ kwargs['redirects'] = '1'
+ if generator:
+ return mwclient.listing.PagePropertyGenerator(self, 'links', 'pl', **kwargs)
+ else:
+ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'links', 'pl',
+ return_values='title', **kwargs)
+ def revisions(self, startid=None, endid=None, start=None, end=None,
+ dir='older', user=None, excludeuser=None, limit=50,
+ prop='ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user',
+ expandtemplates=False, section=None,
+ diffto=None, slots=None, uselang=None):
+ """List revisions of the current page.
+ API doc:
+ Args:
+ startid (int): Revision ID to start listing from.
+ endid (int): Revision ID to stop listing at.
+ start (str): Timestamp to start listing from.
+ end (str): Timestamp to end listing at.
+ dir (str): Direction to list in: 'older' (default) or 'newer'.
+ user (str): Only list revisions made by this user.
+ excludeuser (str): Exclude revisions made by this user.
+ limit (int): The maximum number of revisions to return per request.
+ prop (str): Which properties to get for each revision,
+ default: 'ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user'
+ expandtemplates (bool): Expand templates in rvprop=content output
+ section (int): Section number. If rvprop=content is set, only the contents
+ of this section will be retrieved.
+ diffto (str): Revision ID to diff each revision to. Use "prev", "next" and
+ "cur" for the previous, next and current revision respectively.
+ slots (str): The content slot (Mediawiki >= 1.32) to retrieve content from.
+ uselang (str): Language to use for parsed edit comments and other localized
+ messages.
+ Returns:
+ mwclient.listings.List: Revision iterator
+ """
+ kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs(
+ 'rv', startid=startid, endid=endid, start=start, end=end, user=user,
+ excludeuser=excludeuser, diffto=diffto, slots=slots
+ ))
+ if[:2] < (1, 32) and 'rvslots' in kwargs:
+ #
+ del kwargs['rvslots']
+ kwargs['rvdir'] = dir
+ kwargs['rvprop'] = prop
+ kwargs['uselang'] = uselang
+ if expandtemplates:
+ kwargs['rvexpandtemplates'] = '1'
+ if section is not None:
+ kwargs['rvsection'] = section
+ return mwclient.listing.RevisionsIterator(self, 'revisions', 'rv', limit=limit,
+ **kwargs)
+ def templates(self, namespace=None, generator=True):
+ """List templates used on the current page.
+ API doc:
+ """
+ prefix = mwclient.listing.List.get_prefix('tl', generator)
+ kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs(prefix, namespace=namespace))
+ if generator:
+ return mwclient.listing.PagePropertyGenerator(self, 'templates', prefix,
+ **kwargs)
+ else:
+ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'templates', prefix,
+ return_values='title', **kwargs)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b808f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import time
+import logging
+from mwclient.errors import MaximumRetriesExceeded
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Sleepers(object):
+ """
+ A class that allows for the creation of multiple `Sleeper` objects with shared
+ arguments.
+ Examples:
+ Firstly a `Sleepers` object containing the shared attributes has to be created.
+ >>> max_retries, retry_timeout = 5, 5
+ >>> sleepers = Sleepers(max_retries, retry_timeout)
+ From this `Sleepers` object multiple individual `Sleeper` objects can be created
+ using the `make` method.
+ >>> sleeper = sleepers.make()
+ Args:
+ max_retries (int): The maximum number of retries to perform.
+ retry_timeout (int): The time to sleep for each past retry.
+ callback (Callable[[int, Any], None]): A callable to be called on each retry.
+ Attributes:
+ max_retries (int): The maximum number of retries to perform.
+ retry_timeout (int): The time to sleep for each past retry.
+ callback (callable): A callable to be called on each retry.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, max_retries, retry_timeout, callback=lambda *x: None):
+ self.max_retries = max_retries
+ self.retry_timeout = retry_timeout
+ self.callback = callback
+ def make(self, args=None):
+ """
+ Creates a new `Sleeper` object.
+ Args:
+ args (Any): Arguments to be passed to the `callback` callable.
+ Returns:
+ Sleeper: A `Sleeper` object.
+ """
+ return Sleeper(args, self.max_retries, self.retry_timeout, self.callback)
+class Sleeper(object):
+ """
+ For any given operation, a `Sleeper` object keeps count of the number of retries.
+ For each retry, the sleep time increases until the max number of retries is reached
+ and a `MaximumRetriesExceeded` is raised. The sleeper object should be discarded
+ once the operation is successful.
+ Args:
+ args (Any): Arguments to be passed to the `callback` callable.
+ max_retries (int): The maximum number of retries to perform.
+ retry_timeout (int): The time to sleep for each past retry.
+ callback (callable, None]): A callable to be called on each retry.
+ Attributes:
+ args (Any): Arguments to be passed to the `callback` callable.
+ retries (int): The number of retries that have been performed.
+ max_retries (int): The maximum number of retries to perform.
+ retry_timeout (int): The time to sleep for each past retry.
+ callback (callable): A callable to be called on each retry.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, args, max_retries, retry_timeout, callback):
+ self.args = args
+ self.retries = 0
+ self.max_retries = max_retries
+ self.retry_timeout = retry_timeout
+ self.callback = callback
+ def sleep(self, min_time=0):
+ """
+ Sleeps for a minimum of `min_time` seconds. The actual sleeping time will increase
+ with the number of retries.
+ Args:
+ min_time (int): The minimum sleeping time.
+ Raises:
+ MaximumRetriesExceeded: If the number of retries exceeds the maximum.
+ """
+ self.retries += 1
+ if self.retries > self.max_retries:
+ raise MaximumRetriesExceeded(self, self.args)
+ self.callback(self, self.retries, self.args)
+ timeout = self.retry_timeout * (self.retries - 1)
+ if timeout < min_time:
+ timeout = min_time
+ log.debug('Sleeping for %d seconds', timeout)
+ time.sleep(timeout)
diff --git a/game/python-extra/mwclient/ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa9954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/python-extra/mwclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import time
+import io
+def parse_timestamp(t):
+ """Parses a string containing a timestamp.
+ Args:
+ t (str): A string containing a timestamp.
+ Returns:
+ time.struct_time: A timestamp.
+ """
+ if t is None or t == '0000-00-00T00:00:00Z':
+ return time.struct_time((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
+ return time.strptime(t, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
+def read_in_chunks(stream, chunk_size):
+ while True:
+ data =
+ if not data:
+ break
+ yield io.BytesIO(data)