diff options
2 files changed, 277 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/game/core.rpy b/game/core.rpy
index d28539f..0e09f0b 100644
--- a/game/core.rpy
+++ b/game/core.rpy
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ init -3 python:
stdout("Fetching SSL Certificate from %s" % VAULT_CERT)
r = requests.get(VAULT_CERT)
if (r.status_code != 200):
- raise Exception("\nFailed to fetch Vault SSL Certificate.\b\n Returned HTTP error %d.\n\nClick \"Ignore\" to retry.\n\n" % r.status_code)
+ raise Exception("\nFailed to fetch Vault SSL Certificate.\n\n Returned HTTP error %d.\n\nClick \"Ignore\" to retry.\n\n" % r.status_code)
# Save it
with open(get_path("cert.pem"), 'wb') as fd:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=128):
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7b8506b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+## This is the console-only version
+## It is only a TMW Vault Wrapper
+## For lore, you need to use the app
+## (C) The Mana World Team, 2021
+## Published under the MIT License
+import requests, json, traceback, subprocess, hmac, struct, time, os, getpass
+serverlist = []
+#VAULT_HOST = "https://localhost:13370"
+#VAULT_CERT = "http://localhost/launcher/cert.pem"
+#SERVERLIST = "http://localhost/launcher"
+# Vault SSL wrapper
+vault.cert = "cert.pem"
+vault.verify = "cert.pem"
+def stdout(message, bd=False):
+ if bd:
+ print("\033[1m%s\033[0m" % message)
+ else:
+ print(message)
+def sdelay(delta=0.02):
+ time.sleep(delta)
+ return
+# IF Then Else (IFTE)
+def ifte(ifs, then, elses):
+ if (ifs):
+ return then
+ else:
+ return elses
+# Returns number of seconds since UNIX EPOCH
+def now():
+ return int(time.time())
+# Search for array[?][key]==search in an array of dicts
+# Returns the dictionary, or returns None
+def dl_search(array, key, search):
+ try:
+ r=(item for item in array if item[key] == search).next()
+ except:
+ r=None
+ if r is None:
+ stdout("dlsearch: r is None")
+ return r
+# Search for array[?][key]==search in an array of dicts
+# Returns the index, or returns -1
+def dl_search_idx(array, key, search):
+ try:
+ r=next((i for i, item in enumerate(array) if item[key] == search), None)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ r=-1
+ return ifte(r is None, -1, r)
+def nullp(arg):
+ return
+def validate_server(srv):
+ name="Unknown Server"; ok=False
+ try:
+ name=srv["Name"]
+ #stdout("Validating server \"%s\"..." % name)
+ nullp("Host: %s" % srv["Host"])
+ nullp("Port: %04d" % srv["Port"])
+ nullp("Desc: %s" % srv["Desc"])
+ nullp("Link: %s" % srv["Link"])
+ nullp("News: %s" % srv["News"])
+ nullp("Back: %s" % srv["Back"])
+ nullp("UUID: %s" % srv["UUID"])
+ nullp("Help: %s" % srv["Help"])
+ nullp("Online List: %s" % srv["Online"])
+ nullp("Policy: %s" % srv["Policy"])
+ if not "Type" in srv.keys():
+ srv["Type"]="evol2"
+ stdout("Server \"%s\" loaded." % name)
+ ok=True
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ stdout("Validation for server \"%s\" FAILED!" % name)
+ return ok
+def update_serverlist(hosti):
+ global serverlist, host
+ try:
+ r=requests.get("%s/server_list.json" % hosti, timeout=10.0)
+ if (r.status_code != 200):
+ raise AssertionError("Mirror %s seems to be down!\nReturned error %03d\n" % (hosti.replace("https://", "").replace("http://", ""), r.status_code))
+ j=json.loads(r.text)
+ ## If we reached here, then everything is likely fine
+ ## We can now build the persistent data
+ print("Fetching server list and assets...")
+ slist=len(j)
+ for server in j:
+ if (validate_server(server)):
+ serverlist.append(server)
+ ## If we were truly successful, save this host as our mirror
+ host = hosti
+ return True
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return False
+def launch_game(idx):
+ ## Get/Set basic data
+ HOST=serverlist[idx]["Host"]
+ PORT=serverlist[idx]["Port"]
+ CMD=""
+ OPT=""
+ PWD=""
+ ## Get credentials
+ auth = {"vaultId": vaultId,
+ "token": vaultToken,
+ "world": serverlist[idx]["UUID"]}
+ try:
+"/world_pass", json=auth, timeout=15.0)
+ ## We got the access credentials
+ if r.status_code == 200:
+ auth2=r.json()
+ PWD=" -U %s -P %s" % (auth2["user"], auth2["pass"])
+ ## We were refused by Vault
+ elif r.status_code == 403:
+ stdout("Warning: Connection was refused (Vault logout?)")
+ return -1
+ ## We are rate-limited, try again
+ elif r.status_code == 429:
+ stdout("Rate limited!")
+ return -1
+ ## Internal error, maybe?
+ else:
+ stdout("Get World Auth - Returned error code %d" % r.status_code)
+ return -1
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return -1
+ ## Handle server type
+ if serverlist[idx]["Type"].lower() == "evol2":
+ CMD="manaplus"
+ OPT="-s %s -y evol2 -p %s -S" % (HOST, PORT)
+ ## Execute the app
+ app=execute("%s %s%s" % (CMD, OPT, PWD), shell=True)
+ return app
+## Only meaningful on Linux
+## Build the Vault interface (infinite loop)
+while True:
+ try:
+ ######################################
+ # Fetch a new PEM Certificate
+ stdout("Fetching SSL Certificate from %s" % VAULT_CERT)
+ r = requests.get(VAULT_CERT)
+ if (r.status_code != 200):
+ raise Exception("\nFailed to fetch Vault SSL Certificate.\n\n Returned HTTP error %d." % r.status_code)
+ # Save it
+ with open("cert.pem", 'wb') as fd:
+ for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=128):
+ fd.write(chunk)
+ # Presumably all good, so do not continue and break the loop
+ stdout("PEM Download OK")
+ break
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ stdout("Automatically retry in 5 seconds...")
+ time.sleep(5.0)
+## Construct session data
+email = input("Vault Email: ")
+passw = getpass.getpass(prompt="Vault Password: ")
+totps = input("Vault 2FA Code: ")
+data = {"mail": email,
+ "pass": passw,
+ "totp": totps[:6]
+ }
+r ="/user_auth", json=data)
+if (r.status_code != 200):
+ print("Vault returned error %d\n\nPlease try again later." % r.status_code)
+ exit(1)
+auth2 = r.json()
+vaultId = auth2["vaultId"]
+vaultToken = auth2["token"]
+print("Connected to vault!")
+ while True:
+ command=str(input("> "))
+ # No command inserted? Do nothing
+ if command == "":
+ continue
+ # We have a command, prepare it for processing
+ stdout("CONSOLE: %s" % command)
+ cmd=command.split(' ')[0].lower()
+ com=" ".join(command.split(' ')[1:])
+ # Parse the command
+ # TODO: grant gems to an user
+ if cmd in ["help", "h"]:
+ print("help - Shows this help text")
+ print("list - List servers")
+ print("exit - Closes the program")
+ print("connect <world> - Connects to <world>")
+ print("")
+ print("Type the world name and it'll be run.")
+ print("You need ManaPlus installed for Evol2 worlds.")
+ elif cmd in ["list", "servers"]:
+ for w in serverlist:
+ print("\033[1m%s\033[0m" % w["Name"])
+ print("Type: %s" % w["Type"])
+ print("Help: %s" % w["Help"])
+ elif cmd in ["exit", "quit", "close"]:
+ break
+ elif cmd in ["connect", "run", "world"]:
+ target=dl_search_idx(serverlist, "Name", com)
+ print("Target \"%s\" - %s" % (com, str(target)))
+ try:
+ idx=int(target)
+ except:
+ stdout("ERROR: Unknown world.")
+ continue
+ app=launch_game(idx)
+ ## Handle MLP
+ while app == 7:
+ stdout("[CLIENT] Mirror Lake triggered.")
+"/getlake", json=auth, timeout=15.0)
+ if r.status_code == 200:
+ goto=r.json()["world"]
+ stdout("MLP Target: %s" % str(goto))
+ if goto == "" or goto.lower() == "vault":
+ stdout("Mirror Lake False Positive")
+ break
+ try:
+ idx=int(dl_search_idx(serverlist, "UUID", goto))
+ app=launch_game(idx)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ break
+ else:
+ stdout("ERROR: Unknown command. Try \"help\".")
+ stdout("Abrupt error: Terminating!")
+ traceback.print_exc()