diff options
authorJesusaves <>2023-06-24 21:52:35 -0300
committerJesusaves <>2023-06-24 21:52:35 -0300
commitce8826c06244f45492d2e8b135e388e63339b825 (patch)
parent38667ab95a74b405a55ba2b2bea69c32a822d0bd (diff)
Remove unused code from update.rpy
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/game/update.rpy b/game/update.rpy
index 6f24134..b314629 100644
--- a/game/update.rpy
+++ b/game/update.rpy
@@ -328,8 +328,6 @@ screen register_method():
xalign 0.5
spacing 100
- #textbutton _("Email Auth") action None#Return(1)
- #textbutton _("Pass+2FA Auth") action Return(2)
textbutton _("Standard") action Return(1)
textbutton _("Mouseless") action Return(2)
@@ -433,38 +431,8 @@ label register:
## What we'll do now depends on the method
- ## Email-Auth (the default)
- if method == 1:
- $ user = {"email": email,
- "confirmed": True
- }
- $ r = vault.put(VAULT_HOST+"/vault/session", json=user)
- # Wait for Vault to send you an email
- if (r.status_code != 200):
- call screen notice(_("Vault returned error %d\n\nPlease try again later." % r.status_code))
- return
- $ status_update(pc=92)
- call screen notice(_("An email was sent with your API token.\n\nYou'll need it shortly, so check your email."))
- $ status_update(pc=95)
- call screen register_input(_("Please insert the {b}token{/b} you received on your email."))
- $ token = _return
- $ user["key"] = token
- $ status_update(pc=97)
- #$ r = vault.get(VAULT_HOST+"/vault/session?token=%s&email=%s" % (token, email)) # FIXME: HTTP formating for email
- # FIXME: Continue from here
- call screen notice(_("{b}INTERNAL SERVER ERROR{/b}\n\nSeems like someone messed up on the APIs!\nThis login method seems to be temporaly unavailable, please choose another one."))
- # Cleanup
- $ del user
- $ del token
- ##########################################
- ## What we'll do now depends on the method
## 2FA-Auth
- elif method == 2:
+ if method == 2:
$ password = ""
while len(password) < 4:
call screen register_input(_("Please insert your {b}Password{/b}.\nIt has to be at least 4 characters long."), "*")