path: root/game/tl/ru/screens.rpy
blob: 24b04fa19d54937b21b0d6983cf3e4e79802172c (plain) (tree)






# TODO: Translation updated at 2023-07-08 18:36

translate ru strings:

    # game/screens.rpy:256
    old "History"
    new "История"

    # game/screens.rpy:257
    old "Skip"
    new "Пропустить"

    # game/screens.rpy:258
    old "Prefs"
    new "Опции"

    # game/screens.rpy:301
    old "Start"
    new "Старт"

    # game/screens.rpy:308
    old "Preferences"
    new "Настройки"

    # game/screens.rpy:312
    old "End Replay"
    new "Конец Реплея"

    # game/screens.rpy:316
    old "Main Menu"
    new "Главное Меню"

    # game/screens.rpy:318
    old "About"
    new "О программе"

    # game/screens.rpy:324
    old "Quit"
    new "Выход"

    # game/screens.rpy:368
    old "Mirror Lake"
    new "Mirror Lake"

    # game/screens.rpy:469
    old "Return"
    new "Возврат"

    # game/screens.rpy:553
    old "Version [config.version!t]\n"
    new "Версия [config.version!t]\n"

    # game/screens.rpy:559
    old "Made with {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]"
    new "Сделано с помощью {a=}Ren'Py{/a} [renpy.version_only].\n\n[renpy.license!t]"

    # game/screens.rpy:649
    old "Display"
    new "Экран"

    # game/screens.rpy:650
    old "Window"
    new "Окно"

    # game/screens.rpy:651
    old "Fullscreen"
    new "Полноэкранный режим"

    # game/screens.rpy:655
    old "Iconify"
    new "Minimizar"

    # game/screens.rpy:656
    old "Enabled"
    new "Вкл."

    # game/screens.rpy:656
    old "Disabled"
    new "Выкл."

    # game/screens.rpy:663
    old "Unseen Text"
    new "Невидимый Текст"

    # game/screens.rpy:665
    old "Transitions"
    new "Переходы"

    # game/screens.rpy:670
    old "Discord"
    new "Discord"

    # game/screens.rpy:676
    old "Steam Login"
    new "Вход в Steam"

    # game/screens.rpy:682
    old "Plugins"
    new "Plugins"

    # game/screens.rpy:684
    old "Evol2 Game Servers"
    new "Servidores Evol2"

    # game/screens.rpy:687
    old "ManaVerse"
    new "ManaVerse"

    # game/screens.rpy:689
    old "ManaPlus"
    new "ManaPlus"

    # game/screens.rpy:692
    old "Built-In"
    new "Embutido"

    # game/screens.rpy:696
    old "Mask password"
    new "Ocultar Senha"

    # game/screens.rpy:706
    old "Language"
    new "Язык"

    # game/screens.rpy:716
    old "Others"
    new "Другое"

    # game/screens.rpy:718
    old "ON"
    new "Вкл."

    # game/screens.rpy:718
    old "OFF"
    new "Выкл."

    # game/screens.rpy:727
    old "Reset Login Method"
    new "Esquecer método de login"

    # game/screens.rpy:734
    old "Check Updates"
    new "Проверить Обновления"

    # game/screens.rpy:801
    old "All Set!"
    new "Все готово!"

    # game/screens.rpy:921
    old "The dialogue history is empty."
    new "История диалога пуста."

    # game/screens.rpy:982
    old "Help"
    new "Помощь"

    # game/screens.rpy:991
    old "Keyboard"
    new "Клавиатура"

    # game/screens.rpy:992
    old "Mouse"
    new "Мышь"

    # game/screens.rpy:995
    old "Gamepad"
    new "Геймпад"

    # game/screens.rpy:1008
    old "Enter"
    new "Ввод"

    # game/screens.rpy:1009
    old "Advances dialogue and activates the interface."
    new "Продолжает диалог и активирует интерфейс."

    # game/screens.rpy:1012
    old "Space"
    new "Пробел"

    # game/screens.rpy:1013
    old "Advances dialogue without selecting choices."
    new "Продолжает диалог без выбора вариантов."

    # game/screens.rpy:1016
    old "Arrow Keys"
    new "Клавиши со стрелками"

    # game/screens.rpy:1017
    old "Navigate the interface."
    new "Навигация по интерфейсу."

    # game/screens.rpy:1020
    old "Escape"
    new "Escape"

    # game/screens.rpy:1021
    old "Accesses the game menu."
    new "Доступ к игровому меню."

    # game/screens.rpy:1024
    old "Ctrl"
    new "Ctrl"

    # game/screens.rpy:1025
    old "Skips dialogue while held down."
    new "Пропускает диалог при удерживании."

    # game/screens.rpy:1028
    old ">"
    new ">"

    # game/screens.rpy:1029
    old "Toggles dialogue skipping."
    new "Включает пропуск диалога."

    # game/screens.rpy:1033
    old "Hides the user interface."
    new "Скрывает пользовательский интерфейс."

    # game/screens.rpy:1037
    old "Takes a screenshot."
    new "Делает скриншот."

    # game/screens.rpy:1041
    old "Toggles assistive {a=}self-voicing{/a}."
    new "Включает вспомогательное {a=}самоозвучивание{/a}."

    # game/screens.rpy:1047
    old "Left Click"
    new "Щелчок левой кнопкой мыши"

    # game/screens.rpy:1051
    old "Middle Click"
    new "Щелчок средней кнопкой мыши"

    # game/screens.rpy:1055
    old "Right Click"
    new "Щелчок правой кнопкой мыши"

    # game/screens.rpy:1062
    old "Right Trigger\nA/Bottom Button"
    new "Правый триггер\nA/Нижняя Кнопка"

    # game/screens.rpy:1066
    old "D-Pad, Sticks"
    new "Крестовина, Палочки"

    # game/screens.rpy:1070
    old "Start, Guide"
    new "Старт, Руководство"

    # game/screens.rpy:1074
    old "Y/Top Button"
    new "Y/Верхняя Кнопка"

    # game/screens.rpy:1077
    old "Calibrate"
    new "Калибровка"

    # game/screens.rpy:1142
    old "Yes"
    new "Да"

    # game/screens.rpy:1143
    old "No"
    new "Нет"

    # game/screens.rpy:1189
    old "Skipping"
    new "Пропуск"

    # game/screens.rpy:1410
    old "Menu"
    new "Меню"

# TODO: Translation updated at 2023-07-18 23:48

translate ru strings:

    # game/screens.rpy:319
    old "Update"
    new "Update"