path: root/hercules/code/servertoclient/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hercules/code/servertoclient/')
1 files changed, 467 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dad9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import array
+import os
+from PIL import Image
+from code.fileutils import readInt8, readInt16, readInt32, makeDir, readFile, saveFile, skipData, readData, findFileIn
+class ActClass:
+ pass
+class ActAnimationClass:
+ pass
+class ActSpriteClass:
+ pass
+class ActFrameClass:
+ pass
+class ActPivotClass:
+ pass
+class ActEventClass:
+ pass
+class SprClass:
+ pass
+class SprImageClass:
+ pass
+def readIndexedRLEImage(f, spr):
+ spr.nimages = spr.indexedSpritesCount
+ spr.images = dict()
+ for imageN in range(0, spr.indexedSpritesCount):
+ image = SprImageClass()
+ spr.images[imageN] = image
+ image.width = readInt16(f)
+ image.height = readInt16(f)
+ image.compressed = True
+ data = array.array('B', (0 for _ in xrange(image.width * image.height)))
+ = data
+ compressSize = readInt16(f)
+ #uncompressedSize = image.width * image.height
+ #print "uncompressed size=" + str(uncompressedSize)
+ #print "compressed size=" + str(compressSize)
+ idx = 0
+ readCnt = 0
+ while readCnt < compressSize:
+ c = readInt8(f)
+ readCnt = readCnt + 1
+ data[idx] = c;
+ #print "{0:4}: {1}".format(idx, c)
+ idx = idx + 1
+ if c == 0:
+ cnt = readInt8(f)
+ readCnt = readCnt + 1
+ if cnt == 0:
+ data[idx] = cnt
+ #print "{0:4}: {1}".format(idx, cnt)
+ idx = idx + 1
+ else:
+ for j in range(1, cnt):
+ data[idx] = c
+ #print "{0:4} ({1} to {2}): {3}".format(idx, j, cnt - 1, c)
+ idx = idx + 1
+ #print "read bytes: " + str(readCnt)
+def readIndexedImage(f, spr):
+ pass
+def readRgbaImage(f, spr):
+ for imageN in range(0, spr.rgbaSpritesCount):
+ image = SprImageClass()
+ spr.images[imageN + spr.indexedSpritesCount] = image
+ image.width = readInt16(f)
+ image.height = readInt16(f)
+ data = array.array('I', (0 for _ in xrange(image.width * image.height)))
+ image.compressed = False
+ = data
+ for idx in range(0, image.width * image.height):
+ data[idx] = readInt32(f)
+def readPalette(f, spr):
+ palette = array.array('I', (0 for _ in xrange(256)))
+ spr.palette = palette
+ for col in range(0, 256):
+ palette[col] = readInt32(f)
+def getSignedNumber(number, bitLength):
+ mask = (2 ** bitLength) - 1
+ if number & (1 << (bitLength - 1)):
+ return number | ~mask
+ else:
+ return number & mask
+def decodeSprite(spr):
+ palette = spr.palette
+ spr.maxwidth = 0
+ spr.maxheight = 0
+ alpha = False
+ for imageN in range(0, spr.indexedSpritesCount):
+ image = spr.images[imageN]
+ indexed =
+ data = array.array('I', (0 for _ in xrange(image.width * image.height)))
+ for idx in range(0, image.width * image.height):
+ col = indexed[idx]
+ if col == 0:
+ data[idx] = 0
+ else:
+ if palette[col] > 0x00ffffff:
+ data[idx] = palette[col]
+ alpha = True
+ else:
+ data[idx] = palette[col] + 0xff000000
+ = data
+ if image.width > spr.maxwidth:
+ spr.maxwidth = image.width
+ if image.height > spr.maxheight:
+ spr.maxheight = image.height
+ # for debug
+# png ='RGBA', (image.width, image.height))
+# png.putdata(
+ if alpha:
+ print "detected alpha"
+ for imageN in range(0, spr.rgbaSpritesCount):
+ image = spr.images[imageN + spr.indexedSpritesCount]
+ if image.width > spr.maxwidth:
+ spr.maxwidth = image.width
+ if image.height > spr.maxheight:
+ spr.maxheight = image.height
+def saveSpriteImage(act, spr, spriteDir, spriteName):
+# for imageN in range(0, spr.rgbaSpritesCount):
+# image = spr.images[imageN + spr.indexedSpritesCount]
+# print "{0} x {1}".format(image.width, image.height)
+# png ='RGBA', (image.width, image.height))
+# png.putdata(
+#"test{0}.png".format(imageN + spr.indexedSpritesCount))
+# numTiles = spr.indexedSpritesCount + spr.rgbaSpritesCount
+ counted = 0
+ for animN in range(0, act.nanimations):
+ anim = act.animations[animN]
+ for spriteN in range(0, anim.nsprites):
+ sprite = anim.sprites[spriteN]
+# key = []
+# for frameN in range(0, sprite.nframes):
+# frame = sprite.frames[frameN]
+# idf = frame.frameIndex
+# if frame.mirror > 0:
+# idf = - idf
+# key.append(idf)
+ counted = counted + 1
+ numTiles = counted
+ #print "max: {0}x{1}".format(spr.maxwidth, spr.maxheight)
+ # in row
+ rowTiles = int(2048 / spr.maxwidth)
+ colTiles = int(numTiles / rowTiles)
+ if colTiles * rowTiles < numTiles:
+ colTiles = colTiles + 1
+ tilesetWidth = 2048
+ tilesetHeight = colTiles * spr.maxheight
+# print "num {0} row {1}, col {2}".format(numTiles, rowTiles, colTiles)
+# print "size {0}x{1}".format(2048, colTiles * spr.maxheight)
+# tileset = array.array('I', (0 for _ in xrange(tilesetWidth * tilesetHeight)))
+ tileset ='RGBA', (tilesetWidth, tilesetHeight))
+# png.putdata(tileset)
+ #draw = ImageDraw.Draw(png)
+ x = 0
+ y = 0
+ frameToIdx = dict()
+ tile = 0
+ for animN in range(0, act.nanimations):
+ anim = act.animations[animN]
+ for spriteN in range(0, anim.nsprites):
+ sprite = anim.sprites[spriteN]
+ frameToIdx[str(animN) + "_" + str(spriteN)] = tile
+ for frameN in range(0, sprite.nframes):
+ frame = sprite.frames[frameN]
+ frm = frame.frameIndex
+ if frame.mirror > 0:
+ frm = - frm
+ if frm in frameToIdx:
+ continue
+ if frame.frameIndex not in spr.images:
+ print "wrong frame index: {0}".format(frame.frameIndex)
+ continue
+ image = spr.images[frame.frameIndex]
+ png ='RGBA', (image.width, image.height))
+ png.putdata(
+ if frame.mirror > 0:
+ png = png.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
+ offsetX = (spr.maxwidth - image.width) / 2
+ offsetY = spr.maxheight - image.height
+# offsetX = (spr.maxwidth - image.width) / 2 + getSignedNumber(frame.offsetX, 32)
+# offsetY = spr.maxheight - image.height + getSignedNumber(frame.offsetY, 32)
+ tileset.paste(png, (x + offsetX, y + offsetY))
+ tile = tile + 1
+ x = x + spr.maxwidth
+ if x + spr.maxwidth > 2048:
+ x = 0
+ y = y + spr.maxheight
+# for imageN in range(0, spr.rgbaSpritesCount + spr.indexedSpritesCount):
+# image = spr.images[imageN]
+# png ='RGBA', (image.width, image.height))
+# png.putdata(
+# tileset.paste(png, (x, y))
+# x = x + spr.maxwidth
+# if x + spr.maxwidth > 2048:
+# x = 0
+# y = y + spr.maxheight
+ spr.frameToIdx = frameToIdx
+ spr.tilesetWidth = tilesetWidth
+ spr.tilesetHeight = tilesetHeight
+ makeDir(spriteDir)
+ + spriteName + ".png")
+def extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex, direction):
+# delay = anim.delay
+ delay = 100
+ data = " <animation direction=\"" + direction + "\">\n"
+ if actIndex not in act.animations:
+ data = data + " <frame index=\"{0}\" delay=\"{1}\" offsetX=\"{2}\" offsetY=\"{3}\"/>\n".format(
+ 0, delay, 0, 0)
+ data = data + " </animation>\n"
+ return data
+ anim = act.animations[actIndex]
+ for spriteN in range(0, anim.nsprites):
+ #sprite = anim.sprites[spriteN]
+ #for frameN in range(0, sprite.nframes):
+ #frame = sprite.frames[frameN]
+ #frm = frame.frameIndex
+ #if frame.mirror > 0:
+ # frm = -frm
+ #if frm not in spr.frameToIdx:
+ # continue
+ idx = spr.frameToIdx[str(actIndex) + "_" + str(spriteN)]
+ offsetX = 0
+ offsetY = 0
+# offsetX = frame.offsetX
+# offsetY = frame.offsetY
+# if offsetX > 4294900000:
+# offsetX = - (4294967296 - offsetX)
+# if offsetY > 4294000000:
+# offsetY = -(4294967296 - offsetY)
+ data = data + " <frame index=\"{0}\" delay=\"{1}\" offsetX=\"{2}\" offsetY=\"{3}\"/>\n".format(
+ idx, delay, offsetX, offsetY)
+ data = data + " </animation>\n"
+ return data
+def extractSpriteDataAll(act, spr, actIndex, name):
+ data = extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex, "down")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 1, "downleft")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 2, "left")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 3, "upleft")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 4, "up")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 5, "upright")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 6, "right")
+ data = data + extractSpriteAnimData(act, spr, actIndex + 6, "downright")
+ return data
+def saveSpriteXml(act, spr, spriteDir, spriteName):
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ dstFile = spriteDir + spriteName + ".xml"
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "sprite.xml")
+ # 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48
+ # 0 - walk or attack or ?
+ # 8 - walk
+ # 16 - attack
+ # 24 - dead
+ # 32 - dead2 ?
+ # no more
+ standData = extractSpriteDataAll(act, spr, 0, "stand")
+ walkData = extractSpriteDataAll(act, spr, 8, "walk")
+ attackData = extractSpriteDataAll(act, spr, 16, "attack")
+ deadData = extractSpriteDataAll(act, spr, 32, "dead")
+ data = tpl.format(
+ src = "graphics/sprites/sprites/" + spriteName + ".png",
+ width = spr.maxwidth,
+ height = spr.maxheight,
+ stand = standData,
+ walk = walkData,
+ attack = attackData,
+ dead = deadData
+ )
+ saveFile(dstFile, data)
+def readAct(actFile):
+ act = ActClass()
+ with open(actFile, "r") as f:
+ act.header = readInt16(f)
+ if act.header != 17217:
+ #print "Wrong header in file {0}".format(actFile)
+ return None
+ act.minorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ act.majorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ act.nanimations = readInt16(f)
+ print "{0}, {1}.{2}, {3}".format(actFile, act.majorVersion, act.minorVersion, act.nanimations)
+ #print " animations: " + str(act.nanimations)
+ act.animations = dict()
+ skipData(f, 10)
+ for animN in range(0, act.nanimations):
+ anim = ActAnimationClass()
+ anim.delay = 30
+ act.animations[animN] = anim
+ anim.nsprites = readInt32(f)
+ #print " sprites: " + str(anim.nsprites)
+ anim.sprites = dict()
+ for spriteN in range(0, anim.nsprites):
+ sprite = ActSpriteClass()
+ anim.sprites[spriteN] = sprite
+ sprite.left1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.top1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.right1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.buttom1 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.left2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.top2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.right2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.buttom2 = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.nframes = readInt32(f)
+ #print "sprite {0}, frames: {1}".format(spriteN, sprite.nframes)
+ sprite.frames = dict()
+ for frameN in range(0, sprite.nframes):
+ frame = ActFrameClass()
+ sprite.frames[frameN] = frame
+ frame.offsetX = readInt32(f)
+ frame.offsetY = readInt32(f)
+ frame.frameIndex = readInt32(f)
+ #print " index: " + str(frame.frameIndex)
+ frame.mirror = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion >= 2:
+ frame.color = readInt32(f)
+ frame.scaleX = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 4):
+ frame.scaleY = readInt32(f)
+ else:
+ frame.scaleY = frame.scaleX
+ frame.angle = readInt32(f)
+ frame.spriteType = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 5):
+ frame.width = readInt32(f)
+ frame.height = readInt32(f)
+ #print "{0} x {1}".format(frame.width, frame.height)
+ if act.majorVersion >= 2:
+ sprite.eventIndex = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 3):
+ sprite.npivots = readInt32(f)
+ sprite.pivots = dict()
+ #if sprite.npivots > 0:
+ #print " pivotes: " + str(sprite.npivots)
+ for pivotN in range(0, sprite.npivots):
+ pivot = ActPivotClass()
+ sprite.pivots[pivotN] = pivot
+ pivot.unknown = readInt32(f)
+ pivot.centerX = readInt32(f)
+ pivot.centerY = readInt32(f)
+ pivot.nAttribute = readInt32(f)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 1):
+ act.nevents = readInt32(f)
+ = dict()
+ for eventN in range(0, act.nevents):
+ event = ActEventClass()
+[eventN] = event;
+ = readData(f, 40)
+ if act.majorVersion > 2 or (act.majorVersion == 2 and act.minorVersion >= 2):
+ for animN in range(0, act.nanimations):
+ anim = act.animations[animN]
+ anim.delay = readInt32(f)
+ return act
+def readSpr(sprFile):
+ spr = SprClass()
+ with open(sprFile, "r") as f:
+ spr.header1 = readInt8(f)
+ spr.header2 = readInt8(f)
+ if spr.header1 != 0x53 or spr.header2 != 0x50:
+ return None
+ spr.minorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ spr.majorVersion = readInt8(f)
+ spr.indexedSpritesCount = readInt16(f)
+ if spr.majorVersion > 1 or (spr.majorVersion == 1 and spr.minorVersion >= 1):
+ spr.rgbaSpritesCount = readInt16(f)
+ else:
+ spr.rgbaSpritesCount = 0
+ print "{0}, {1}.{2}, {3}, {4}".format(sprFile, spr.majorVersion, spr.minorVersion, spr.indexedSpritesCount, spr.rgbaSpritesCount)
+ spr.frames = spr.indexedSpritesCount + spr.rgbaSpritesCount
+ if spr.majorVersion > 2 or (spr.majorVersion == 2 and spr.minorVersion >= 1):
+ readIndexedRLEImage(f, spr)
+ else:
+ readIndexedImage(f, spr)
+ readRgbaImage(f, spr)
+ if spr.majorVersion > 1 or (spr.majorVersion == 1 and spr.minorVersion >= 1):
+ readPalette(f, spr)
+ return spr
+def convertSprite(spritePath, spriteName):
+ actFile = "{0}.act".format(spritePath + spriteName)
+ sprFile = "{0}.spr".format(spritePath + spriteName)
+ if os.path.exists(actFile) == False or os.path.exists(sprFile) == False:
+ return None
+ act = readAct(actFile)
+ spr = readSpr(sprFile)
+ decodeSprite(spr)
+ saveSpriteImage(act, spr, "clientdata/graphics/sprites/sprites/", spriteName)
+ saveSpriteXml(act, spr, "clientdata/graphics/sprites/sprites/", spriteName)
+# if actFile.find("wolf") > 0:
+# exit(0)
+# exit(0)
+def findSpritePath(spriteName):
+ testName = spriteName + ".act"
+ testName2 = spriteName.upper() + ".act"
+ path = findFileIn((testName, testName2),
+ ("rodata/data/sprite/ёуЅєЕН/",
+ "rodata/data/sprite/npc/",
+ "rodata/data/sprite/homun/"))
+ return path
+def convertSpritesNonFree(idtofile):
+ processed = []
+ for spriteid in idtofile:
+ spriteName = idtofile[spriteid]
+ if spriteName in processed:
+ print "skipping " + spriteName
+ continue
+ path = findSpritePath(spriteName)
+ if path is None:
+ print "not found " + spriteName
+ continue
+ print spriteName
+ convertSprite(path, spriteName)
+ processed.append(spriteName)