path: root/hercules/code/servertoclient/
diff options
authorJesusaves <>2021-04-10 00:45:07 -0300
committerJesusaves <>2021-04-10 00:45:07 -0300
commitc6095ad062eaa0f5576cfab1c4fe436b90c2fbfe (patch)
tree742dd839971d2aab1f08fd0291af66e6439646ab /hercules/code/servertoclient/
Add initial tools
Diffstat (limited to 'hercules/code/servertoclient/')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fdb531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from sets import Set
+from code.fileutils import makeDir, readFile, saveFile
+from code.stringutils import stripQuotes2, strToXml
+def prepStat(val, text):
+ if val != "0" and val != "":
+ return " {0}=\"{1}\"\n".format(text, val)
+ return ""
+def convertItems():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ itemsDbFile = "serverdata/sql-files/item_db_re.sql"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ bracketsSplit = re.compile("[(]|[)]")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "item.tpl")
+ items = readFile(templatesDir + "items.xml")
+ data = ""
+ ids = Set()
+ with open(itemsDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if len(line) < 10 or line[0:2] == "//" or line[0:12] != "REPLACE INTO":
+ continue
+ rows = bracketsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 2:
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(rows[1])
+ if len(rows) < 31:
+ continue
+ rows = stripQuotes2(rows)
+ itemId = rows[0]
+ name = rows[1]
+# name2 = rows[2]
+ itemType = rows[3]
+# priceBuy = rows[4]
+# priceSell = rows[5]
+ weight = rows[6]
+ atk = rows[7]
+ matk = rows[8]
+ defense = rows[9]
+ attackRange = rows[10]
+# slots = rows[11]
+# equipJobs = rows[12]
+# equipUpper = rows[12]
+# equipGender = rows[14]
+ equipLocations = rows[15]
+# weaponLevel = rows[16]
+# equipLevelMin = rows[17]
+# equipLevelMax = rows[18]
+# refinable = rows[19]
+ view = rows[20]
+# bindOnEquip = rows[21]
+# buyInStore = rows[22]
+ delay = rows[23]
+# tradeFlag = rows[24]
+# tradeGroup = rows[25]
+# nouseFlag = rows[26]
+# nouseGroup = rows[27]
+# stackAmount = rows[28]
+# stackFlag = rows[29]
+# sprite = rows[30]
+ name = name.replace("\\'", "'")
+ image = ""
+ statStr = prepStat(atk, "attack")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(matk, "mattack")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(defense, "defense")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(weight, "weight")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(attackRange, "range")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(delay, "speed")
+# print itemId + "," + equipLocations
+# typeStr = "other"
+ typeStr = "equip-legs"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/legs/trousers-male.xml"
+ image = "generic/box-fish.png"
+ if itemType == 0 or itemType == 2 or itemType == 18: # usable
+ image = "usable/bread.png"
+ typeStr = "usable"
+ spriteStr = "";
+ elif equipLocations == "0":
+ image = "usable/bread.png"
+ typeStr = "usable"
+ spriteStr = "";
+ elif equipLocations == "1":
+ image = "equipment/legs/shorts.png|S:#4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e4dfca"
+ typeStr = "equip-legs"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/legs/shorts-male.xml|#4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e0d5bf";
+ elif equipLocations == "2":
+ image = "equipment/weapons/knife.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-1hand"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/weapons/knife.xml";
+ elif equipLocations == "4":
+ image = "equipment/hands/armbands.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-arms"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/hands/armbands-male.xml";
+ elif equipLocations == "16":
+ image = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt.png|S:#3c3c3c,3e3c38,4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e4dfca"
+ typeStr = "equip-torso"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt-male.xml|#43413d,59544f,7a706c,8a8176,a69e88,d1c7a7,e0d5bf";
+ elif equipLocations == "64":
+ image = "equipment/feet/boots.png|S:#3c3c3c,40332d,4d4d4d,5e4a3d,686868,705740,919191,a1825d,b6b6b6,b59767,dfdfdf,dbbf88"
+ typeStr = "equip-feet"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/feet/boots-male.xml|#40332d,5e4a3d,705740,a1825d,b59767,dbbf88";
+ elif equipLocations == "136":
+ image = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt.png|S:#3c3c3c,3e3c38,4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e4dfca"
+ typeStr = "equip-torso"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt-male.xml|#43413d,59544f,7a706c,8a8176,a69e88,d1c7a7,e0d5bf";
+ elif equipLocations == "256":
+ image = "equipment/head/bandana.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-head"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/head/bandana-male.xml";
+ elif equipLocations == "512":
+ # no sprites in evol
+ image = "equipment/chest/sailorshirt.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-torso"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/chest/shirt-male.xml|#131913,1b231d,233129,35433e,4e6059,6c8279;#72571e,836737,a5854d,b18f45";
+ name = strToXml(name);
+ if itemId not in ids:
+ ids.add(itemId)
+ data = data + tpl.format(itemId, name, 0,
+ statStr, image, typeStr, spriteStr)
+ if view != "0" and view not in ids:
+ ids.add(view)
+ data = data + tpl.format(view, name, 0,
+ statStr, image, typeStr, spriteStr)
+ saveFile(destDir + "items.xml", items.format(data))