path: root/npc/001-1
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-11-10Move doors init code into doorInit function. Also enable alwaysvisible attrib...Andrei Karas1-57/+19
2015-11-09Merge branch 'master' of
2015-11-09Small changes to dialog.QwertyDragon9-54/+54
2015-11-09Add Merlin on Artis's market.Reid2-0/+19
2015-10-23Move timer logic for graph based npcs to function.Andrei Karas2-12/+2
2015-10-23Move timer logic for simple npcs to function.Andrei Karas3-24/+3
2015-10-20Add warp from Artis to Legion of Aemil.Reid1-0/+27
2015-09-28Juscare now stops moving and turns to player for dialogJoseph Botosh1-2/+29
2015-09-27Replace npcspeed to .speedAndrei Karas1-2/+2
2015-09-27Replace getnpcdir and setnpcdir with one or zero parameters to variable '.dir'.Andrei Karas2-4/+4
2015-09-27Replace setnpcdistance to '.distance'.Andrei Karas22-68/+68
2015-09-27Replace calls to setnpcsex by assigning '.sex' variable.Andrei Karas18-58/+58
2015-09-27modify Juscare's walk pathJoseph Botosh1-58/+54
2015-09-25change intro text on some fishing spotsJoseph Botosh1-3/+3
2015-09-24Improve Salem and add some missing dialogues section.Reid1-19/+40
2015-09-24update some fishing-related scripts for new narrator functionJoseph Botosh2-17/+17
2015-09-24update qonan and shovel scripts to use new narrator functionJoseph Botosh1-6/+6
2015-09-24add comment to qonan script about quest stagesJoseph Botosh1-0/+5
2015-09-24add quest for QOnan (shovel quest)Joseph Botosh1-4/+80
2015-09-24change some scripts according to new narrator functionJoseph Botosh2-16/+14
2015-09-23remove debug message in flyingpiou scriptJoseph Botosh1-4/+0
2015-09-23change flying piou script to use new movement algorythmJoseph Botosh1-44/+45
2015-09-20Add more fishing spots on Artis.Reid1-0/+95
2015-09-20Add manual blank mes and remove some extra next on eugene and the fishing scr...Reid1-1/+2
2015-09-18replace additem with getitem in eugene scriptJoseph Botosh1-1/+1
2015-09-18add FishingRod to fishing and eugene scriptsJoseph Botosh1-0/+1
2015-09-18Add Fishing Rod as item ID 728 on item db.Reid1-2/+2
2015-09-18add function fishingJoseph Botosh2-5/+5
2015-09-17Change npc distance on water animation script.Reid1-1/+1
2015-09-17add quest FishmanJoseph Botosh1-4/+65
2015-09-17add const NPC_SALEM 125, change trader IDJoseph Botosh2-2/+3
2015-09-17add quest Catch the PiouJoseph Botosh2-44/+192
2015-09-17add npc Salem (trader on Artis Market)Joseph Botosh2-0/+143
2015-09-14Add a water animation file with a first location next to Eugene on Artis.Reid2-0/+20
2015-09-08add npc flying piou in ArtisJoseph Botosh2-0/+64
2015-09-08Add warp from Artis to #31.Reid1-1/+29
2015-09-07Add NPC piou on Artis MarketJoseph Botosh2-0/+18
2015-09-07Offset warps from #28 to Artis and Artis to #28 due to the indoor map resize.Reid1-1/+1
2015-09-07Move edouard to #29.Reid2-27/+0
2015-09-01Add door warp to left part of the INN from Artis.Reid1-0/+27
2015-09-01Add regulaw warp to right part of the INN from Artis.Reid1-0/+1
2015-08-26Katja questJoseph Botosh3-10/+339
2015-08-18Add juscare script.Reid1-0/+77
2015-08-18Add juscare on import file of Artis.Reid1-0/+1
2015-08-13Add carmie walking NPC on artis.Reid2-0/+70
2015-08-13Add nalkri walking NPC on artis.Reid2-0/+67
2015-08-13Improve some NPC names for Artis.Reid1-1/+1
2015-08-11Replace trivial menu invokes without labels to select.Andrei Karas1-2/+2
2015-08-11Use npc sprite names in all scripts.Andrei Karas18-56/+56
2015-08-05Add trozz NPC on artis, will be moved to the legion's building later.Reid2-0/+22