path: root/npc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'npc')
5 files changed, 1 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/npc/000-2-1/dan.txt b/npc/000-2-1/dan.txt
index a60c88f1..31591734 100644
--- a/npc/000-2-1/dan.txt
+++ b/npc/000-2-1/dan.txt
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ L_QuestStory:
mes "";
- mesq l("She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but...");
+ mesq l("She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to move together a few weeks before her accident but...");
goto L_Quit2;
diff --git a/npc/functions/marriage.txt b/npc/functions/marriage.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d9e48bf5..00000000
--- a/npc/functions/marriage.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-// Evol functions.
-// Author:
-// 4144
-// Description:
-// Functions for marriage
-// check is player is near marriage npc
-// args:
-// 0 - player name
-// returns:
-// true if player located near npc.
-function script marriagecheckname {
- .@name$ = getarg(0);
- if (.@name$ == "")
- {
- // no other registrand
- return false;
- }
- .@id = getcharid(0, .@name$);
- .@accoundId = getcharid(3, .@name$);
- if (isloggedin(.@accoundId, .@id) == false)
- {
- // registrant not logged in
- return false;
- }
- getmapxy(.@mapname$, .@x, .@y, 0, .@name$);
- if (.@mapname$ != strnpcinfo(4))
- {
- // registrant on other map
- return false;
- }
- if (distance(.@x, .@y, .x, .y) > .distance)
- {
- // registrant too far
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-// return player name registered with same gender like attached player
-function script getmarriageregistrant {
- if (Sex)
- {
- .@name$ = getvariableofnpc(.maleName$, strnpcinfo(3));
- }
- else
- {
- .@name$ = getvariableofnpc(.femaleName$, strnpcinfo(3));
- }
- return .@name$;
-// return registered marriage partner name
-function script getmarriagepartner {
- if (Sex)
- {
- .@name$ = getvariableofnpc(.femaleName$, strnpcinfo(3));
- }
- else
- {
- .@name$ = getvariableofnpc(.maleName$, strnpcinfo(3));
- }
- if (marriagecheckname(.@name$))
- return .@name$;
- return "";
-// register attached player as partner for marriage
-function script marriageregisterself {
- if (Sex)
- {
- set getvariableofnpc(.maleName$, strnpcinfo(3)), strcharinfo(0);
- set getvariableofnpc(.maleName_partner$, strnpcinfo(3)), "";
- }
- else
- {
- set getvariableofnpc(.femaleName$, strnpcinfo(3)), strcharinfo(0);
- set getvariableofnpc(.femaleName_partner$, strnpcinfo(3)), "";
- }
- return;
-// return player name what was accepted by partner
-function script getmarriagepartneraccepted {
- if (Sex)
- {
- .@name$ = getvariableofnpc(.femaleName_partner$, strnpcinfo(3));
- }
- else
- {
- .@name$ = getvariableofnpc(.maleName_partner$, strnpcinfo(3));
- }
- return .@name$;
-// return true if partner present near and partner accepted you
-function script ismarriagepartneraccepted {
- .@partner$ = getmarriagepartner();
- if (.@partner$ == "")
- return false;
- .@name$ = getmarriagepartneraccepted();
- if (.@name$ == strcharinfo(0))
- return true;
- return false;
-// accept for attached player his/her partner
-// args:
-// 0 - partner name
-function script marriageacceptpartner {
- .@name$ = getarg(0);
- if (Sex)
- {
- set getvariableofnpc(.maleName_partner$, strnpcinfo(3)), .@name$;
- }
- else
- {
- set getvariableofnpc(.femaleName_partner$, strnpcinfo(3)), .@name$;
- }
- return;
-function script askmarry {
- speech l("Do you want to marry @@?", getarg(0));
- if (askyesno() == ASK_YES)
- return true;
- return false;
-// start marriage registration process
-function script marriageregister {
- .@partner$ = getmarriagepartner();
- if (.@partner$ == "")
- { // no partner registered
- speech l("Ok I add your name... @@...", strcharinfo(0));
- marriageregisterself();
- next;
- speech lg("Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.");
- npctalk l("@@ registered for marriage. Waiting for partner...", strcharinfo(0));
- close;
- }
- else
- { // partner already registered
- if (askmarry(.@partner$) == true)
- {
- marriageregisterself();
- marriageacceptpartner(.@partner$);
- npctalk l("@@ registered for marriage and accepted partner @@!", strcharinfo(0), .@partner$);
- npctalk l("Waiting for @@...", .@partner$);
- close;
- }
- else
- {
- close;
- }
- }
- return;
-// remove all marriage registations
-function script marriageclear {
- set getvariableofnpc(.maleName$, strnpcinfo(3)), "";
- set getvariableofnpc(.femaleName$, strnpcinfo(3)), "";
- set getvariableofnpc(.maleName_partner$, strnpcinfo(3)), "";
- set getvariableofnpc(.femaleName_partner$, strnpcinfo(3)), "";
- return;
-// do actual marriage
-function script domarriage {
- .@name$ = strcharinfo(0);
- .@partner$ = getarg(0);
- if (marriage(.@partner$))
- {
- speech l("You got married to @@!", .@partner$);
- npctalk l("@@ and @@ just got married!", .@name$, .@partner$);
- }
- else
- {
- npctalk l("Marriage failed.");
- }
- marriageclear();
- return;
-// marry main code
-function script marriagemarry {
- .@registrant$ = getmarriageregistrant();
- if (marriagecheckname(.@registrant$) == true)
- {
- if (.@registrant$ == strcharinfo(0))
- {
- if (ismarriagepartneraccepted())
- {
- .@partner$ = getmarriagepartner();
- if (marriagecheckname(.@partner$) == false)
- {
- speech l("Partner not ready.");
- }
- else if (askmarry(.@partner$) == true)
- {
- domarriage(.@partner$);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- speech l("You already registered. Waiting for your partner...");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- speech l("Sorry, I'm busy with other registrations."),
- l("Come after a little while.");
- }
- close;
- }
- speech l("What can I do for you?");
- switch (select(l("I want to register for marriage."),
- l("Nothing")))
- {
- case 1:
- marriageregister;
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- }
- return;
-// divorce main code
-function script marriagedivorce {
- speech l("What can I do for you?");
- switch (select(l("I want to divorce."),
- l("Nothing")))
- {
- case 1:
- speech lg("Are you sure?");
- if (askyesno() == ASK_YES)
- {
- if (divorce())
- {
- speech l("You are now divorced!"),
- l("Good look.");
- npctalk l("@@ divorced!", strcharinfo(0));
- }
- else
- {
- speech l("Divorce error!");
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- }
- return;
-// main function for marriage
-function script marriagemain {
- if (Sex > 1)
- {
- speech l("Sorry i can't help you. Go away!");
- close;
- }
- if (getpartnerid() != 0)
- { // have partner
- marriagedivorce();
- }
- else
- { // no partner
- marriagemarry();
- }
- return;
-// check registration list by timer
-function script marriagecheck {
- .@name$ = getvariableofnpc(.maleName$, strnpcinfo(3));
- if (.@name$ != "" && marriagecheckname(.@name) == false)
- {
- set getvariableofnpc(.maleName$, strnpcinfo(3)), "";
- set getvariableofnpc(.maleName_partner$, strnpcinfo(3)), "";
- }
- .@name$ = getvariableofnpc(.femaleName$, strnpcinfo(3));
- if (.@name$ != "" && marriagecheckname(.@name) == false)
- {
- set getvariableofnpc(.femaleName$, strnpcinfo(3)), "";
- set getvariableofnpc(.femaleName_partner$, strnpcinfo(3)), "";
- }
diff --git a/npc/scripts.conf b/npc/scripts.conf
index 29f1d588..f14c29d0 100644
--- a/npc/scripts.conf
+++ b/npc/scripts.conf
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
diff --git a/npc/test/_import.txt b/npc/test/_import.txt
index 6c7f7e71..69324674 100644
--- a/npc/test/_import.txt
+++ b/npc/test/_import.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,5 @@
diff --git a/npc/test/npcmarriage.txt b/npc/test/npcmarriage.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b7497bd..00000000
--- a/npc/test/npcmarriage.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// Evol scripts.
-// Author:
-// 4144
-// Description:
-// npc marriage
-test,25,14,0 script marriage1 NPC_PLAYER,{
- marriagemain();
- close;
- marriagecheck();
- end;
- .sex = G_MALE;
- .distance = 3;
- initnpctimer;