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2 files changed, 71 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/npc/000-2-1/alige.txt b/npc/000-2-1/alige.txt
index 27f9b6d5..6b444b49 100644
--- a/npc/000-2-1/alige.txt
+++ b/npc/000-2-1/alige.txt
@@ -167,39 +167,19 @@ L_Accepted:
mes "";
- menuint
- rif(countitem(Acorn), l(getitemname(Acorn))), 0,
- rif(countitem(Bread), l(getitemname(Bread))), 502,
- rif(countitem(Fungus), l(getitemname(Fungus))), 503,
- rif(countitem(Cheese), l(getitemname(Cheese))), 504,
- rif(countitem(PiouLegs), l(getitemname(PiouLegs))), 505,
- rif(countitem(LettuceLeaf), l(getitemname(LettuceLeaf))), 0,
- rif(countitem(Piberries), l(getitemname(Piberries))), 2,
- rif(countitem(SeaDrops), l(getitemname(SeaDrops))), 1,
- rif(countitem(Aquada), l(getitemname(Aquada))), 509,
- rif(countitem(PinkBlobime), l(getitemname(PinkBlobime))), 1,
- rif(countitem(HalfCroconut), l(getitemname(HalfCroconut))), 512,
- rif(countitem(Croconut), l(getitemname(Croconut))), 0,
- rif(countitem(Plushroom), l(getitemname(Plushroom))), 515,
- rif(countitem(PumpkinSeeds), l(getitemname(PumpkinSeeds))), 1,
- rif(countitem(UrchinMeat), l(getitemname(UrchinMeat))), 1,
- rif(countitem(EasterEgg), l(getitemname(EasterEgg))), 1,
- rif(countitem(PumpkinJuice), l(getitemname(PumpkinJuice))), 527,
- rif(countitem(Manana), l(getitemname(Manana))), 528,
- rif(countitem(Curshroom), l(getitemname(Curshroom))), 529,
- rif(countitem(Carrot), l(getitemname(Carrot))), 530,
- rif(countitem(RedPlushWine), l(getitemname(RedPlushWine))), 3,
- l("I don't have anything good for you today."), -1;
- .@id = @menuret;
- if (.@id == -1) goto L_Quit; // Quit message.
- if (.@id == 0) goto L_NoReward; // In case of wrong food.
- if (.@id == 1) goto L_Poison; // In case of poisoned food.
- if (.@id == 2) goto L_NoMore; // In case of Piberries.
- if (.@id == 3) goto L_Drunk; // In case of Alcohol.
- if (countitem(.@id) == 0) goto L_Quit;
-// if (.@id == item's ID) then food is correct.
-// Do not put any other number than -1, 0, 1, 2 or the item's ID, that'll avoid confusion.
+ mes "##B" + l("Drag and drop an item from your inventory.") + "##b";
+ .@id = requestitem();
+ if (.@id <= 0) goto L_Quit; // Quit message.
+ if (countitem(.@id) == 0) goto L_Quit; // If don't have the food
+ if (array_find(.vegetables, .@id) >= 0) goto L_NoReward; // In case of wrong food.
+ if (array_find(.poisonable, .@id) >= 0) goto L_Poison; // In case of poisoned food (or food with effects).
+ if (.@id == Piberries) goto L_NoMore; // In case of Piberries.
+ if (.@id == RedPlushWine) goto L_Drunk; // In case of Alcohol.
+ // Default message for non food
+ if (array_find(.commonfood, .@id) == -1) goto L_NoFood;
inventoryplace Piberries, 3;
delitem .@id, 1;
@@ -233,6 +213,23 @@ L_Drunk:
goto L_GiveFood;
+ setcamnpc;
+ // We must first determine if it is at least edible (IT_HEALING)
+ if (getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_TYPE) == IT_HEALING)
+ {
+ l("That looks too exotic for me to eat!");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l("That doesn't looks edible to me!");
+ }
+ restorecam;
+ goto L_GiveFood;
mesq l("Do you have anything else for me?");
@@ -316,5 +313,10 @@ L_Quit:
.sex = G_MALE;
.distance = 2;
+ // Array of foods (remember to update in 001-2-22 as well)
+ setarray .commonfood, Bread, Fungus, Cheese, PiouLegs, Aquada, HalfCroconut, Plushroom, PumpkinJuice, Manana, Curshroom, Carrot, CarpSandwich, PioulegSandwich;
+ setarray .vegetables, Acorn, LettuceLeaf, Croconut, MananaSandwich;
+ setarray .poisonable, SeaDrops, PinkBlobime, PumpkinSeeds, UrchinMeat, EasterEgg;
diff --git a/npc/001-2-22/alige.txt b/npc/001-2-22/alige.txt
index 12ec0d9a..c5bb8aed 100644
--- a/npc/001-2-22/alige.txt
+++ b/npc/001-2-22/alige.txt
@@ -171,39 +171,19 @@ L_Accepted:
mes "";
- menuint
- rif(countitem(Acorn), l(getitemname(Acorn))), 0,
- rif(countitem(Bread), l(getitemname(Bread))), 502,
- rif(countitem(Fungus), l(getitemname(Fungus))), 503,
- rif(countitem(Cheese), l(getitemname(Cheese))), 504,
- rif(countitem(PiouLegs), l(getitemname(PiouLegs))), 505,
- rif(countitem(LettuceLeaf), l(getitemname(LettuceLeaf))), 0,
- rif(countitem(Piberries), l(getitemname(Piberries))), 2,
- rif(countitem(SeaDrops), l(getitemname(SeaDrops))), 1,
- rif(countitem(Aquada), l(getitemname(Aquada))), 509,
- rif(countitem(PinkBlobime), l(getitemname(PinkBlobime))), 1,
- rif(countitem(HalfCroconut), l(getitemname(HalfCroconut))), 512,
- rif(countitem(Croconut), l(getitemname(Croconut))), 0,
- rif(countitem(Plushroom), l(getitemname(Plushroom))), 515,
- rif(countitem(PumpkinSeeds), l(getitemname(PumpkinSeeds))), 1,
- rif(countitem(UrchinMeat), l(getitemname(UrchinMeat))), 1,
- rif(countitem(EasterEgg), l(getitemname(EasterEgg))), 1,
- rif(countitem(PumpkinJuice), l(getitemname(PumpkinJuice))), 527,
- rif(countitem(Manana), l(getitemname(Manana))), 528,
- rif(countitem(Curshroom), l(getitemname(Curshroom))), 529,
- rif(countitem(Carrot), l(getitemname(Carrot))), 530,
- rif(countitem(RedPlushWine), l(getitemname(RedPlushWine))), 3,
- l("I don't have anything good for you today."), -1;
- .@id = @menuret;
- if (.@id == -1) goto L_Quit; // Quit message.
- if (.@id == 0) goto L_NoReward; // In case of wrong food.
- if (.@id == 1) goto L_Poison; // In case of poisoned food.
- if (.@id == 2) goto L_NoMore; // In case of Piberries.
- if (.@id == 3) goto L_Drunk; // In case of Alcohol.
- if (countitem(.@id) == 0) goto L_Quit;
-// if (.@id == item's ID) then food is correct.
-// Do not put any other number than -1, 0, 1, 2 or the item's ID, that'll avoid confusion.
+ mes "##B" + l("Drag and drop an item from your inventory.") + "##b";
+ .@id = requestitem();
+ if (.@id <= 0) goto L_Quit; // Quit message.
+ if (countitem(.@id) == 0) goto L_Quit; // If don't have the food
+ if (array_find(.vegetables, .@id) >= 0) goto L_NoReward; // In case of wrong food.
+ if (array_find(.poisonable, .@id) >= 0) goto L_Poison; // In case of poisoned food (or food with effects).
+ if (.@id == Piberries) goto L_NoMore; // In case of Piberries.
+ if (.@id == RedPlushWine) goto L_Drunk; // In case of Alcohol.
+ // Default message for non food
+ if (array_find(.commonfood, .@id) == -1) goto L_NoFood;
inventoryplace Piberries, 3;
delitem .@id, 1;
@@ -232,7 +212,24 @@ L_NoReward:
- l("I asked for food but... *hips* Ah, that'll do nicely!");
+ l("I asked for food but... *hips* Ah, that'll do!");
+ restorecam;
+ goto L_GiveFood;
+ setcamnpc;
+ // We must first determine if it is at least edible (IT_HEALING)
+ if (getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_TYPE) == IT_HEALING)
+ {
+ l("That looks too exotic for me to eat!");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l("That doesn't looks edible to me!");
+ }
goto L_GiveFood;
@@ -320,5 +317,10 @@ L_Quit:
.sex = G_MALE;
.distance = 2;
+ // Array of foods (remember to update in 000-2-1 as well)
+ setarray .commonfood, Bread, Fungus, Cheese, PiouLegs, Aquada, HalfCroconut, Plushroom, PumpkinJuice, Manana, Curshroom, Carrot, CarpSandwich, PioulegSandwich;
+ setarray .vegetables, Acorn, LettuceLeaf, Croconut, MananaSandwich;
+ setarray .poisonable, SeaDrops, PinkBlobime, PumpkinSeeds, UrchinMeat, EasterEgg;