path: root/npc
diff options
authorJesusaves <>2020-05-27 18:22:59 +0000
committerJesusaves <>2020-05-27 18:22:59 +0000
commitf92ef074086b531aa83ab638516d87478947310d (patch)
treee4c1201c157560611075ccd243a44b96f279b4e2 /npc
parent19ff29792c7767788255409755ace832a7396da0 (diff)
At least, now you can reach Argaes. Poorly balanced.
Diffstat (limited to 'npc')
13 files changed, 319 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/npc/001-1/sophialla.txt b/npc/001-1/sophialla.txt
index d2bb6760..0671307b 100644
--- a/npc/001-1/sophialla.txt
+++ b/npc/001-1/sophialla.txt
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
l("Can't you see I am reading? If you need something, tell me the secret password.");
// TODO: Use a token to know password or whatever
+ // PS. "Sagratha" is not a typo.
l("Sorry to disturb you."),
rif(getq(ArtisQuests_MonaDad) == 3, l("Sagratha is great.")),
@@ -31,6 +32,19 @@
l("Look for the hideout, but tell no one about this. Then, say the password again.");
compareandsetq General_Brotherhood, 1, 2;
+ else if (@menu == 3)
+ {
+ mesn;
+ mesq l("If I just told you, it would not be a password anymore, right?");
+ next;
+ mesn;
+ mesq l("I'm afraid you'll need to figure that out on your own.");
+ next;
+ mesn;
+ mesq l("This password is very secret. I don't think you would learn it even if you rescued someone missing for weeks."); // FIXME: Provide a decent hint.
+ next;
+ mesc l("%s sighs.", .name$);
+ }
lg("If you don't know it, just go, please.");
diff --git a/npc/001-2-32/doors.txt b/npc/001-2-32/doors.txt
index ba33200f..828366d2 100644
--- a/npc/001-2-32/doors.txt
+++ b/npc/001-2-32/doors.txt
@@ -1,23 +1,38 @@
// Evol scripts.
// Author:
// Reid
+// Jesusalva
// Description:
// Doors NPCs.
001-2-32,33,29,0 script ToFightRoom#001-2-32 NPC_HIDDEN,0,0,{
- if (mobcount("001-2-35","all") > 0)
+ if (getq(Artis_Legion_Progress) < 3)
l("You hear some sound behind the door."),
- l("Somebody is probably training, better wait for him to finish.");
+ l("Somebody is probably training, better wait for them to finish.");
- warp "001-2-35", 24, 29;
+ .@q2=getq2(Artis_Legion_Progress);
+ .@mapn$="atl2@"+getcharid(0);
+ // FIXME This code is extremely unreliable
+ if (isinstance(.@q2) && .@q2 >= 0)
+ {
+ instance_set_timeout(3600, 3600, .@q2);
+ warp .@mapn$, 24, 29;
+ } else {
+ .@inst = instance_create("ATL "+getcharid(0), getcharid(3), IOT_CHAR);
+ instance_attachmap("001-2-35", .@inst, false, .@mapn$);
+ // Instance lasts one hour
+ instance_set_timeout(3600, 3600, .@inst);
+ instance_init(.@inst);
+ setq2 Artis_Legion_Progress, .@inst;
+ }
- closeclientdialog;
diff --git a/npc/001-2-32/serena.txt b/npc/001-2-32/serena.txt
index fa650ef1..8b8f92d4 100644
--- a/npc/001-2-32/serena.txt
+++ b/npc/001-2-32/serena.txt
@@ -1,50 +1,24 @@
-// Evol scripts.
+// The Mana World scripts.
// Author:
// Reid
+// Jesusalva
// Description:
// Artis's Legion of Aemil officier of the fighting room.
+// Note:
+// ATL - Artis Training Legion
001-2-32,27,27,0 script Serena NPC_SERENA,{
mesq lg("Oh darling, what brought you here?"); // TRANSLATORS: Darling - Expresses familiarity or elderliness in relation to PC.
- // <scratch>
- // [ PC]: I was just looking around.
- // [NPC]: Did not someone offer guidance?
- // [NPC]: Enora was supposed to be helping you...
- // [NPC]: ...but, she is young, and often absent-minded; did you ask?
- // [NPC]: (Alt.) It seems you rushed ahead of her. Go back and talk to Enora.
- // ([Enora]: Beyond here is the fighting room o_o;)
- // ([Enora]: I... uh... well, you will need alies in there.)
- // ([Enora]: And... you see... this is my good outfit and...)
- // ([Enora]: ...I've only just cleaned up in there >.>)
- // But if you keep getting stronger; that will be the day.
- // Alt-Ready:
- // [NPC]: Beyond here is the Fight Room.
- // [NPC]: [conditions]*
- // [NPC]: Good-luck | Bonne-chance.
- // (Alt.) [NPC]: I used to be an adventurer, like you.
- // [NPC]: But there was no one to join for quests.
- // [NPC]: So I enlisted for a post at this chapter.
- // [NPC]: But my "friends" joined the Brotherhood!
- // [NPC]: The Brotherhood knows a lot more about monsters.
- // [NPC]: But they could not "break the Legion's power" without burning all cities to the ground.
- // [NPC]: The cities grow fast, ruining farmers and peasants.
- // [NPC]: Our differences lead to friction.
- // Alt-What
- // The secret is out: We really did create a mutant.
- // None of the members were informed until it went out-of-control.
- // [...]
- // Muahaha-ha! My beautiful mutant. The city of Artis is mine.
- // </scratch>
- // Alt-Siege
- // The city is being attacked. Go help the warriors and town-guard.
+ next;
+ select
+ l("I wanna fight."),
+ l("Nothing.");
+ mes "";
+ if (@menu == 1) {
+ mes l("Just walk right and talk to me. I'll be there in no time.");
+ mesc l("Challenge time limit: 60 minutes after entering the room.");
+ }
@@ -53,3 +27,183 @@ OnInit:
+001-2-35,26,27,0 script Serena#Ctrl NPC_SERENA,{
+ function checkVictory;
+ // We can't begin if we're already doing it
+ if (.atlf) {
+ // TODO: We should check if the timers are running
+ //doevent(instance_npcname(.name$)+"::OnVerify");
+ if (getq(Artis_Legion_Progress) == 4)
+ npctalk l("You're already done with the training, so feel free to leave.");
+ else
+ npctalk l("Focus on the fight!");
+ end;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, begin it
+ mesn;
+ mesq l("Are you ready for your training?");
+ next;
+ if (askyesno() == ASK_NO) {
+ mesn;
+ mesq l("Oh dear, please come back later then.");
+ close;
+ }
+ @ATLFIGHT=true;
+ mapannounce getmap(), l("Training Arena, %s, get ready!", strcharinfo(0)), bc_all;
+ // Save permanent data
+ .atl_blv=BaseLevel;
+ .atl_Str=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_STR);
+ .atl_Agi=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_AGI);
+ .atl_Vit=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_VIT);
+ .atl_Int=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_INT);
+ .atl_Dex=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_DEX);
+ .atl_Luk=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_LUK);
+ .atl_Dly=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_ADELAY);
+ .atl_Rng=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_ATKRANGE);
+ // Save (b)ase data
+ .atl_bhp=MaxHp;
+ .atl_bAtk1=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_ATKMIN);
+ .atl_bAtk2=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_ATKMAX);
+ .atl_bMatk=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_MATKMAX);
+ .atl_bDef=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_DEF);
+ .atl_bMdef=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_MDEF);
+ .atl_bHit=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_FLEE)*8/10;
+ .atl_bFlee=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_HIT)*7/10;
+ .atl_bCrit=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_CRIT);
+ // Save (p)rogression data
+ .atl_php=.atl_bhp/6;
+ .atl_pAtk1=.atl_bAtk1/12;
+ .atl_pAtk2=.atl_bAtk2/12;
+ .atl_pMatk=.atl_bMatk/5;
+ .atl_pDef=.atl_bDef/5;
+ .atl_pMdef=.atl_bMdef/5;
+ .atl_pHit=.atl_bFlee/10;
+ .atl_pFlee=.atl_bHit/15;
+ .atl_pCrit=.atl_bCrit/10;
+ // Begin the battle
+ doevent(instance_npcname(.name$)+"::OnGladius");
+ addtimer(5000, instance_npcname(.name$)+"::OnVerify");
+ closeclientdialog;
+ close;
+ sleep(800);
+ // TODO: Coordinates, Helpers?
+ .@mg=monster(instance_mapname("001-2-35"), any(25, 30, 35), any(29, 35, 40, 46), "Gladiator", any(LegionSwordswoman, LegionHalberdier, LegionLieutenant, LegionLieutenant), 1, instance_npcname(.name$)+"::OnGladius");
+ // Set "permanent" data
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_ADELAY, .atl_Dly-.atlf);
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_ATKRANGE, .atl_Rng+cap_value(.atlf/10, 0, 3));
+ // Set base data
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_LEVEL, .atl_blv+.atlf);
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_STR, .atl_Str+.atlf);
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_AGI, .atl_Agi+.atlf);
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_VIT, .atl_Vit+.atlf);
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_INT, .atl_Int+.atlf);
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_DEX, .atl_Dex+.atlf);
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_LUK, .atl_Luk+.atlf);
+ // Set variable data
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_MAXHP, .atl_bhp+.atl_php*(.atlf-1));
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_HP, .atl_bhp+.atl_php*(.atlf-1));
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_ATKMIN, .atl_bAtk1+.atl_pAtk1*(.atlf-1));
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_ATKMAX, .atl_bAtk2+.atl_pAtk2*(.atlf-1));
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_MATKMIN, .atl_bMatk+.atl_pMatk*(.atlf-1));
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_MATKMAX, .atl_bMatk+.atl_pMatk*(.atlf-1));
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_DEF, .atl_bDef+.atl_pDef*(.atlf-1));
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_MDEF, .atl_Mdef+.atl_pMdef*(.atlf-1));
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_HIT, .atl_bHit+.atl_pHit*(.atlf-1));
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_FLEE, .atl_bFlee+.atl_pFlee*(.atlf-1));
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_CRIT, .atl_bCrit+.atl_pCrit*(.atlf-1));
+ setunitdata(.@mg, UDT_PDODGE, min(30, .atl_Luk/10+(.atlf/3)));
+ .atlf+=1;
+ mapannounce instance_mapname("001-2-35"), ("Training Arena, wave " + .atlf + "!"), bc_all;
+ maptimer(instance_mapname("001-2-35"), 10, instance_npcname(.name$)+"::OnATLUpdate");
+ end;
+ if (.atlf > ATLRANK)
+ ATLRANK=.atlf;
+ getexp .atlf*7, .atlf*5; // Provide some reward
+ end;
+// Check for possible cheats, and update default values
+ if (!.atlf)
+ end;
+ if (readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_ATKRANGE) > .atl_Rng)
+ .atl_Rng=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_ATKRANGE);
+ if (readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_ATKMAX) > .atl_bAtk1) {
+ .atl_bAtk1=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_ATKMIN);
+ .atl_bAtk2=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_ATKMAX);
+ .atl_pAtk1=.atl_bAtk1/10;
+ .atl_pAtk2=.atl_bAtk2/10;
+ }
+ if (readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_DEF) > .atl_bDef) {
+ .atl_bDef=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_DEF);
+ .atl_pDef=.atl_bDef/5;
+ }
+ if (readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_MDEF) > .atl_bMdef) {
+ .atl_bMdef=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_MDEF);
+ .atl_pMdef=.atl_bMdef/5;
+ }
+ if (readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_MATKMAX) > .atl_bMatk) {
+ .atl_bMatk=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_MATKMAX);
+ .atl_pMatk=.atl_bMatk/5;
+ }
+ // TODO: Ignore haste potion effects
+ // TODO: Update battle statuses on the fly
+ if (readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_ADELAY) < .atl_bDly)
+ .atl_bDly=readbattleparam(getcharid(3), UDT_DELAY);
+ // Victory conditions
+ if (getq(Artis_Legion_Progress) == 3)
+ checkVictory();
+ addtimer(5000, instance_npcname(.name$)+"::OnVerify");
+ end;
+ // Victory conditions
+ function checkVictory {
+ if (.atlf > 3) {
+ npctalk l("Congratulations, %s. I think this is enough. You can continue fighting to set a good score or report to Lozerk.", strcharinfo(0));
+ // Duplicate the dialog in case player miss it
+ dispbottom l("Congratulations, %s. I think this is enough. You can continue fighting to set a good score or report to Lozerk.", strcharinfo(0));
+ setq Artis_Legion_Progress, 4, 0;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+// Helper function for failure
+function script ATLFightEnd {
+ if (@ATLFIGHT) {
+ @ATLFIGHT=false;
+ .@mapn$="atl2@"+getcharid(0);
+ killmonster(.@mapn$, "all", false);
+ .@q2=getq2(Artis_Legion_Progress);
+ set(getvariableofnpc(.atlf, instance_npcname("Serena#Ctrl", .@q2)), 0);
+ }
+ return;
diff --git a/npc/001-2-34/doors.txt b/npc/001-2-34/doors.txt
index e2ffee1f..6161dfa4 100644
--- a/npc/001-2-34/doors.txt
+++ b/npc/001-2-34/doors.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
001-2-34,23,29,0 script ToTrainingRoom#001-2-34 NPC_HIDDEN,0,0,{
- .@q2=getq2(ArtisQuests_TrainingLegion);
+ .@q2=getq2(ArtisQuests_TrainingLegion);
// Map name limit: 4 chars (atl1)
if (isinstance(.@q2) && .@q2 > 0) {
diff --git a/npc/001-2-34/samantha.txt b/npc/001-2-34/samantha.txt
index a571ccf6..d7fe5c08 100644
--- a/npc/001-2-34/samantha.txt
+++ b/npc/001-2-34/samantha.txt
@@ -3,12 +3,50 @@
// Reid
// Description:
// Artis's Legion of Aemil officier of the training room.
+// Twin sister of Serena.
001-2-34,29,27,0 script Samantha NPC_SAMANTHA,{
mesq lg("Look who we have here, did you come for a training session?");
+ // <scratch>
+ // [ PC]: I was just looking around.
+ // [NPC]: Did not someone offer guidance?
+ // [NPC]: Enora was supposed to be helping you...
+ // [NPC]: ...but, she is young, and often absent-minded; did you ask?
+ // [NPC]: (Alt.) It seems you rushed ahead of her. Go back and talk to Enora.
+ // ([Enora]: Beyond here is the fighting room o_o;)
+ // ([Enora]: I... uh... well, you will need alies in there.)
+ // ([Enora]: And... you see... this is my good outfit and...)
+ // ([Enora]: ...I've only just cleaned up in there >.>)
+ // But if you keep getting stronger; that will be the day.
+ // Alt-Ready:
+ // [NPC]: Beyond here is the Fight Room.
+ // [NPC]: [conditions]*
+ // [NPC]: Good-luck | Bonne-chance.
+ // (Alt.) [NPC]: I used to be an adventurer, like you.
+ // [NPC]: But there was no one to join for quests.
+ // [NPC]: So I enlisted for a post at this chapter.
+ // [NPC]: But my "friends" joined the Brotherhood!
+ // [NPC]: The Brotherhood knows a lot more about monsters.
+ // [NPC]: But they could not "break the Legion's power" without burning all cities to the ground.
+ // [NPC]: The cities grow fast, ruining farmers and peasants.
+ // [NPC]: Our differences lead to friction.
+ // Alt-What
+ // The secret is out: We really did create a mutant.
+ // None of the members were informed until it went out-of-control.
+ // [...]
+ // Muahaha-ha! My beautiful mutant. The city of Artis is mine.
+ // </scratch>
+ // Alt-Siege
+ // The city is being attacked. Go help the warriors and town-guard.
.sex = G_FEMALE;
.distance = 3;
diff --git a/npc/001-2-35/_import.txt b/npc/001-2-35/_import.txt
index 797b852a..fa2c779b 100644
--- a/npc/001-2-35/_import.txt
+++ b/npc/001-2-35/_import.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
// Map 001-2-35: Training Arena
// This file is generated automatically. All manually added changes will be removed when running the Converter.
diff --git a/npc/001-2-35/doors.txt b/npc/001-2-35/doors.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64fcb30f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/001-2-35/doors.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Evol scripts.
+// Author:
+// Jesusalva
+// Description:
+// Doors NPCs.
+001-2-35,23,29,0 script #001-2-35_23_29 NPC_HIDDEN,0,0,{
+ end;
+ if (getq(Artis_Legion_Progress) < 4) {
+ dispbottom l("I am not a coward. I shall not give up!");
+ end;
+ }
+ ATLFightEnd();
+ warp "001-2-32", 32, 29;
+ end;
diff --git a/npc/001-2-35/mapflags.txt b/npc/001-2-35/mapflags.txt
index df3ed6a0..47166d55 100644
--- a/npc/001-2-35/mapflags.txt
+++ b/npc/001-2-35/mapflags.txt
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
001-2-35 mapflag town
+001-2-35 mapflag nowarpto
diff --git a/npc/001-2-36/hector.txt b/npc/001-2-36/hector.txt
index d25ca9e3..3b16ca10 100644
--- a/npc/001-2-36/hector.txt
+++ b/npc/001-2-36/hector.txt
@@ -449,6 +449,7 @@ OnInit:
.currentWaveLevel = 1;
.fightingActive = 0;
+ // TODO FIXME translation
// here input some sentences "hello noob" like, the npc pick randomly a sentence
setarray .mockingGreeting$[0], "Hey noob!", "Hey somethingwholooklikeawarrior...", "Sup' chibi.";
setarray .mobID[0],0, Dummy, FireDummy, Dummy; // an array of dummies, one for each training
diff --git a/npc/001-2-5/tutorial.txt b/npc/001-2-5/tutorial.txt
index 8576db0f..7d9b429f 100644
--- a/npc/001-2-5/tutorial.txt
+++ b/npc/001-2-5/tutorial.txt
@@ -243,12 +243,16 @@
if (openbookshelf())
- read_book;
+ read_book();
if (openbook())
- read_book;
+ read_book();
+ close;
+ read_book();
diff --git a/npc/001-3-0/mundane.txt b/npc/001-3-0/mundane.txt
index 01cde3e8..2d03dbec 100644
--- a/npc/001-3-0/mundane.txt
+++ b/npc/001-3-0/mundane.txt
@@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ OnInstanceInit:
function script MundaneLogout {
- if (getq(ArtisQuests_MonaDad) != 2) end;
+ if (getq(ArtisQuests_MonaDad) != 2) return;
setq ArtisQuests_MonaDad, 1;
function script MundaneDeath {
- if (getq(ArtisQuests_MonaDad) != 2) end;
+ if (getq(ArtisQuests_MonaDad) != 2) return;
setq ArtisQuests_MonaDad, 1;
dispbottom l("What a pity! You've died.");
diff --git a/npc/functions/global_event_handler.txt b/npc/functions/global_event_handler.txt
index c66637ef..a6d634ed 100644
--- a/npc/functions/global_event_handler.txt
+++ b/npc/functions/global_event_handler.txt
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ OnPCLogoutEvent:
callfunc("fishing_cleanup", @fishing_spot$);
+ callfunc("ATLFightEnd");
// Variable cleanup
@fishing_spot$ = "";
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ OnPCLogoutEvent:
+ callfunc("ATLFightEnd");
diff --git a/npc/functions/scoreboards.txt b/npc/functions/scoreboards.txt
index 0dd54b23..120425ee 100644
--- a/npc/functions/scoreboards.txt
+++ b/npc/functions/scoreboards.txt
@@ -101,6 +101,22 @@ function script HallOfAcorns {
+function script HallOfATL {
+ mes "";
+ mes l("##BHall Of Artis Legion Training Arena: TOP10##b");
+ mesf("1. %s (%d)", $@atl_name$[0], $@atl_value[0]);
+ mesf("2. %s (%d)", $@atl_name$[1], $@atl_value[1]);
+ mesf("3. %s (%d)", $@atl_name$[2], $@atl_value[2]);
+ mesf("4. %s (%d)", $@atl_name$[3], $@atl_value[3]);
+ mesf("5. %s (%d)", $@atl_name$[4], $@atl_value[4]);
+ mesf("6. %s (%d)", $@atl_name$[5], $@atl_value[5]);
+ mesf("7. %s (%d)", $@atl_name$[6], $@atl_value[6]);
+ mesf("8. %s (%d)", $@atl_name$[7], $@atl_value[7]);
+ mesf("9. %s (%d)", $@atl_name$[8], $@atl_value[8]);
+ mesf("10. %s (%d)", $@atl_name$[9], $@atl_value[9]);
+ return;
// HallOfGame()
function script HallOfGame {
@@ -159,6 +175,7 @@ OnInit:
.@nb = query_sql("select name, job_level from `char` ORDER BY job_level DESC LIMIT 15", $@hojlvl_name$, $@hojlvl_value);
.@nb = query_sql("select name, guild_lv from `guild` ORDER BY guild_lv DESC LIMIT 5", $@hoguild_name$, $@hoguild_value);
.@nb = query_sql("SELECT, i.amount FROM `storage` AS i, `char` AS c WHERE i.nameid="+Acorn+" AND i.account_id=c.account_id ORDER BY i.amount DESC LIMIT 15", $@hoa_name$, $@hoa_value);
+ .@nb = query_sql("SELECT, i.value FROM `char_reg_num_db` AS i, `char` AS c WHERE i.key='ATLRANK' AND i.char_id=c.char_id ORDER BY i.value DESC LIMIT 10", $@atl_name$, $@atl_value);
consolemes(CONSOLEMES_DEBUG, "Scoreboards reloaded");
bindatcmd "scoreboard", "@scoreboard::OnCall", 0, 100, 0;
@@ -180,6 +197,7 @@ OnCall:
l("Hall Of Job Level"),
l("Hall Of Guilds"),
l("Hall Of Acorns"),
+ l("Hall Of Artis Legion Training Arena"),
l("Game Statistics"),
mes "";
@@ -205,6 +223,10 @@ OnCall:
case 6:
+ HallOfATL();
+ next;
+ break;
+ case 7: