// Evol scripts.
// Authors:
// Reid
// Description:
// Dye seller, she sells and explain how works dye cards.
// Version:
// 2016.019 "Under Construction".
// Variables:
// ArtisQuests_Fexil
// Quest states:
// 0 -- not started
// 1 -- Lloyd warned about the quest
// 2 -- Fexil explain what he needs
// 3 -- Fexil buy every fur that the pc bring to him
001-1,47,126,0 script Calypsan#001-1 NPC_CALYPSAN,{
function explain_dyes {
speech 5,
l("Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from?"),
l("Seek a colorant for that material:"),
l("Cotton, cashmere, leather, ..."),
l("Zinc-Titanium Oxide, Phthalocyanides, Cadmiums, Lazulite..."),
l("Colorant is not the yeying color. Some wear out from light, others look great but inflict itai-itai, and others become spotty or wash-away."),
l("What yoiis should know:"),
l("1: The type of item yoiis want to dye."),
l("2: What material it is made from."),
l("3: Which colorants can dye it."),
l("4: How many cards your item can contain."),
l("Exemple for yoiis:"),
l("Take a @@ and a @@, yeye obtains a @@.",
getitemlink (ArtisTankTop), getitemlink (RedCottonDye), getitemlink (ArtisTankTop)),
l("If yoiis wants to see a different use of cards he can yeye for Resa on the light armor shop for a description of styling cards.");
speech 4,
l("Yoiis envies a rainbow in the sky?"),
l("It is possible to yeye your cloth with my beautiful dyes."),
l("What does yoiis want today?");
.@fexil = getq(ArtisQuests_Fexil);
rif(.@fexil == 1, l("Have you seen Fexil?")), 0,
l("[Trade]"), 1,
l("How do these dyes work?"), 2,
l("I want to make my own dyes."), 3,
l("[Quit]"), 4;
switch (@menuret)
case 0:
setcamnpc "Fexil#001-1";
speech 5,
l("Oh yeye did, his store is just aside me!"),
l("Yoiis should look there.");
case 1:
shop "Store#Calypsan001-1";
case 2:
case 3:
speech 5,
l("Yoiis is not yet ready to make his own dyes."),
l("But in the future I might help you to create your own ones.");
case 4:
} while (@menuret != 4);
.sex = G_FEMALE;
.distance = 3;