path: root/npc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'npc')
4 files changed, 1889 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/npc/events/MemorialDay_2008.txt b/npc/events/MemorialDay_2008.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf8eaa8ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/events/MemorialDay_2008.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+//===== eAthena Script =======================================
+//= In Memory of Heroes (iRO Memorial Day 2008)
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= Kisuka
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.1
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
+//= eAthena SVN
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+//= 1.0 First version. [Kisuka]
+//= 1.1 Many Many Fixes. [Kisuka]
+// ================== Lauds ======================
+// ===============================================
+prontera,182,214,4 script Lauds#Memorial 58,{
+ if(Memorial08 < 1) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Hey, yo!";
+ mes "What are you doing there!?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Do you know what day it is!?";
+ mes "It's a very important date!";
+ mes "A very important date to remember!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "What is this!?";
+ emotion 0;
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Where is your towel!?";
+ next;
+ mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]";
+ mes "My what?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "How are you supposed to go on your trip";
+ mes "without your towel!?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "If you think this is just another";
+ mes "holiday,";
+ mes "I'm not going to waste my breath.";
+ mes "But if you like to pay a tribute to";
+ mes "great soldiers,";
+ mes "I will help you ready yourself";
+ next;
+ if (select("I guess so...:Are you crazy or something?") == 2) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Fine, be unprepared!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "";
+ mes "^FF0000YOU WILL RUE THE DAY!^000000";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Great!";
+ mes "Then listen to me carefully.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Now before you can pay tribute to";
+ mes "the fallen soldiers";
+ mes "you must be properly equipped";
+ mes "Without your towel you will be";
+ mes "lost!";
+ mes "If you bring me the materials, I can make you a towel.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Listen closely.";
+ mes "Bring me ^FF000030 Fabric and 20 Fluffs^000000.";
+ set Memorial08,1;
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 1) {
+ if (countitem(1059) < 30 || countitem(914) < 20) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "What are these? They aren't";
+ mes "enough?!";
+ mes "*Sigh* Do I really have to tell you";
+ mes "again?!";
+ mes "Bring me ^FF000030 Fabric and 20 Fluffs^000000.";
+ close;
+ }else{
+ mes "***Mad Sago Lauds appears to be";
+ mes "muttering to himself***";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "So, did you bring the towel";
+ mes "materials?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Excellent; you've brought them";
+ mes "all.";
+ mes "Then I shall make you a Towel of";
+ mes "Memory as I promised.";
+ mes "Give me a moment.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "There you go!";
+ delitem 1059,30;
+ delitem 914,20;
+ getitem 6025,1;
+ getnameditem 6025," + strcharinfo(0) + ";
+ set Memorial08,2;
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 2) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Ah, you have fluffy new towel now";
+ mes "I even put your name on it";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Say, how do you like to go";
+ mes "on a journey to pay a tribute to";
+ mes "Memorial Day?";
+ next;
+ if (select("Sure.:No, I'm Busy.") == 2) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Don't come crying to me";
+ mes "if someone decides to";
+ mes "build a highway through";
+ mes "your home!";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Good. By the way, do you even know";
+ mes "what the towel is for?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "It seems you're just carrying it";
+ mes "without understanding its meaning.";
+ mes "What a shame! You should go speak";
+ mes "to ^FF0000Grast in Prontera^000000.";
+ set Memorial08,3;
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 3) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "What are you still doing here? I";
+ mes "told you to go speak to Grast in";
+ mes "Prontera!";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 4 || Memorial08 == 5 || Memorial08 == 6) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Go help Grast, and then come back.";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 7) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Oh, you've brought them all.";
+ mes "Hahaha!";
+ mes "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! cough cough";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Please give them to me. Thank you";
+ mes "for your hard work, by the way.";
+ mes "Say, have you learned anything from the journey?";
+ mes "Now is to go visit the plaque at 12";
+ mes "o'clock direction in Prontera.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "What do you mean you were just";
+ mes "there?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "What? Why are you giving me your";
+ mes "garbage!";
+ mes "Those items are not useful to me at all";
+ mes "You should be going to the plaque!";
+ set Memorial08,8;
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 8) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Stop trying to give me your garbage!";
+ mes "Go to the plaque at 12 o'clock";
+ mes "direction in Prontera for your journey!";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 >= 9) {
+ set .@RandomMsg, rand(1,5);
+ if(.@RandomMsg == 1) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Don't panic!";
+ emotion 0;
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(.@RandomMsg == 2) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "Life... is like a grapefruit.";
+ mes "It's orange and squishy, and has a";
+ mes "few pips in it,";
+ mes "and some folks have half a one for";
+ mes "breakfast.";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(.@RandomMsg == 3) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "There was a point to this story,";
+ mes "but it has temporarily escaped the";
+ mes "chronicler's mind.";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(.@RandomMsg == 4) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "42!";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(.@RandomMsg == 5) {
+ mes "[Mad Sago Lauds]";
+ mes "It is a mistake to think you can";
+ mes "solve any major problems just with";
+ mes "potatoes.";
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+// ============== Memorial Plaque ================
+// ===============================================
+prontera,153,286,4 script Memorial Plaque#Memorial 857,{
+ if(Memorial08 < 8) {
+ mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]";
+ mes "- It's a dusty old plaque.-";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 8) {
+ mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]";
+ mes "- It's a dusty old plaque.-";
+ mes "'This must be what Lauds was talking about.'";
+ mes "'Let's dust it off with the towel.'";
+ next;
+ set Memorial08,9;
+ getexp 93750,43750;
+ goto L_CleanPlaque;
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 >= 9) {
+ goto L_CleanPlaque;
+ }
+ L_CleanPlaque:
+ mes "- You see a message from the cleaned plaque.";
+ next;
+ mes "-Although no sculptured marble";
+ mes "should rise to their memory,-";
+ mes "-nor engraved stone bear record of";
+ mes "their deeds,-";
+ mes "-yet will their remembrance be as";
+ mes "lasting as the land they honored.-";
+ mes "-Daniel Webster-";
+ if(Memorial08 == 9) {
+ getexp 93750,43750;
+ }
+ next;
+ mes "-There's another message.-";
+ next;
+ mes "-I may not have gone where I";
+ mes "intended to go,-";
+ mes "-but I think I have ended up where";
+ mes "I needed to be.-";
+ mes "- Douglas Adams.-";
+ if(Memorial08 == 9) {
+ getexp 93750,43750;
+ }
+ next;
+ mes "-This is the last message.-";
+ next;
+ mes "-True heroism is remarkably sober,";
+ mes "very undramatic.-";
+ mes "-It is not the urge to surpass all";
+ mes "others at whatever cost,-";
+ mes "- but the urge to serve others at";
+ mes "whatever cost. -";
+ mes "- Arthur Ashe -";
+ if(Memorial08 == 9) {
+ getexp 93750,43750;
+ set Memorial08,10;
+ }
+ close;
+// ==================== Grast ====================
+// ===============================================
+prontera,150,270,4 script Grast#Memorial 900,{
+ if(Memorial08 < 3) {
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Memorial Day is a sad and yet";
+ mes "glorious day.";
+ mes "I wonder how many people remember";
+ mes "them...";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 3) {
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Oh, isn't that a Towel of Memory?";
+ mes "I'm so glad to meet someone who";
+ mes "understands the meaning of Memorial Day.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "It is very important to know what";
+ mes "we're celebrating today, don't you think?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "If you like to go on a journey to";
+ mes "pay a tribute to Memorial Day,";
+ mes "you should bring me some materials";
+ mes "I ask.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Please bring me ^FF0000one of each Red";
+ mes "Potion, Green Potion, Awakening";
+ mes "Potion, and Butterfly Wing^000000.";
+ mes "I'll be waiting for your return.";
+ set Memorial08,4;
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 4) {
+ if (countitem(501) < 1 || countitem(506) < 1 || countitem(656) < 1 || countitem(602) < 1) {
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Oops, you haven't brought all";
+ mes "materials.";
+ mes "Please make sure you need to bring me";
+ mes " ^FF0000one of each Red Potion, Green";
+ mes "Potion, Awakening Potion, and";
+ mes "Butteryfly Wing^000000.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "You'll have to bring me more";
+ mes "materials afterwards.";
+ mes "If you feel too burdened to gather";
+ mes "them all,";
+ mes "I can provide you all the";
+ mes "materials.";
+ next;
+ if (select("I'll gather the rest.:Give me the materials.") == 2) {
+ goto L_GiveUp;
+ }
+ goto L_Continue;
+ }else{
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Oh, you've brought the materials I asked.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Hmm, you will need some more things still...";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Please bring me ^FF0000one of each Trap,";
+ mes "Yggdrasil Leaf, Blue Gemstone,";
+ mes "Crystal Mirror, Meat, and Carrot.^000000";
+ mes "I'll be waiting for your return.";
+ set Memorial08,5;
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 5) {
+ if (countitem(1065) < 1 || countitem(610) < 1 || countitem(717) < 1 || countitem(747) < 1 || countitem(517) < 1 || countitem(515) < 1) {
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Oops, you haven't brought all materials.";
+ mes "Please make sure you'll have to bring me";
+ mes " ^FF0000one of each Trap, Yggdrasil Leaf,";
+ mes "Blue Gemstone, Crystal Mirror,";
+ mes "Meat, and Carrot^000000.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "You'll have to bring me more";
+ mes "materials afterwards.";
+ mes "If you feel too burdened to gather them all,";
+ mes "I can provide you all the materials.";
+ next;
+ if (select("I'll gather the rest.:Give me the materials.") == 2) {
+ goto L_GiveUp;
+ }
+ goto L_Continue;
+ }else{
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Oh, you've brought everything I asked.";
+ mes "Hmm, I think you need just a little bit more.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Please bring me ^FF0000one of each Pet";
+ mes "Incubator, Firecracker, Poring";
+ mes "Doll, and Bouquet^000000.";
+ set Memorial08,6;
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 6) {
+ if (countitem(643) < 1 || countitem(12018) < 1 || countitem(741) < 1 || countitem(745) < 1) {
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Oops, you haven't brought all materials.";
+ mes "Please make sure you need to bring me";
+ mes " ^FF0000one of each Pet Incubator,";
+ mes "Firecracker, Poring Doll and Bouquet";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "They are the last batch of materials.";
+ mes "If you feel too burdened to gather them all,";
+ mes "I can provide you all the materials.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "If I provide you all materials, however,";
+ mes "I won't have to thank you for your service.";
+ mes "It's your call, " + strcharinfo(0) + ".";
+ next;
+ if (select("I'll gather the rest.:Give me the materials.") == 2) {
+ goto L_GiveUp;
+ }
+ goto L_Continue;
+ }else{
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Have you brought the materials I asked?";
+ mes "Ah, thank you for your hard work;";
+ mes "you've brought all of them.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "I hope you'll learn a valuable";
+ mes "lesson while gathering these materials.";
+ mes "I like to give you a small gift for your service.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "You see, I have two different gifts";
+ mes "in my each hand.";
+ mes "A best thing would be giving you";
+ mes "both of them, but...";
+ mes "How do you like to test your luck, " + strcharinfo(0) + "?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Okay, which hand would you like to pick?";
+ next;
+ if (select("Left hand.:Right hand.") == 2) {
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "You've selected my right hand.";
+ mes "Here's the gift for you.";
+ mes "Now, please bring all these";
+ mes "materials to Lauds.";
+ set Memorial08, 7;
+ getitem 617,1;
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "You've selected my left hand.";
+ mes "Here's the gift for you.";
+ mes "Now, please bring all these";
+ mes "materials to Lauds.";
+ set Memorial08, 7;
+ getitem 12109,1;
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 == 7) {
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Have you met Lauds?";
+ mes "I hope you'll remember your freedom";
+ mes "and happiness";
+ mes "are built on thousands of lives";
+ mes "sacrificed in war.";
+ close;
+ }
+ else if(Memorial08 >= 8) {
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "A towel is about the most massively";
+ mes "useful thing an adventurer can have.";
+ close;
+ }
+ L_GiveUp:
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "Oh, I see. I guess you're quite";
+ mes "busy nowadays, huh?";
+ mes "No problem; I'll give you all the";
+ mes "supplies...";
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "There you go.";
+ mes "I crushed all the items together";
+ mes "into a more compact form for you";
+ mes "You can thank me later for that";
+ mes "extra service.";
+ mes "Please bring them to Lauds.";
+ set Memorial08,7;
+ getitem 7126,1;
+ next;
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "By the way, he had an unfortunate";
+ mes "accident, and has kind of lost his";
+ mes "mind.";
+ mes "Please don't be alarmed even if he";
+ mes "starts babbling.";
+ close;
+ L_Continue:
+ mes "[Grast]";
+ mes "That's a good idea.";
+ mes "Then I'll be waiting for your return.";
+ close;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/events/christmas_2008.txt b/npc/events/christmas_2008.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e3e4e788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/events/christmas_2008.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1217 @@
+//===== eAthena Script =======================================
+//= iRO 2008 Christmas Event
+//===== By: ==================================================
+//= Kisuka
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
+//= 1.0
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
+//= eAthena SVN
+//===== Description: =========================================
+//= iRO Christmas Event. (2008)
+//= Create Music Box and Cake.
+//= Play card game with Santa.
+//= Create Santa Suits.
+//= Must enable X-mas08 items in item_db2 (not in databases).
+//= Must have 'Christmas Carol' skill (not in databases).
+//= Must enable X-mas08 mobs in mob_avail (not in databases).
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
+//= 1.0 First version. [Kisuka]
+// ============== Carolling - Music Box ================
+// =====================================================
+prontera,226,306,4 script Carolling#iROxmas08 79,{
+ if (iROxmas08carol < 1 || iROxmas08carol == 3) {
+ if (iROxmas08carol == 3) {
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Jingle";
+ mes "all the way!";
+ mes "O' what fun it is to ride in a";
+ mes "one-horse open sleeeigh, Hey!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Merry Christmas!";
+ mes "Hey! You! What comes to mind when";
+ mes "you think about Christmas?";
+ next;
+ }else{
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Jingle all the way!";
+ next;
+ specialeffect 75;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "O' what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Merry Christmas!";
+ if (Sex) {
+ mes "Hey, boy! What comes to mind when";
+ }else{
+ mes "Hey, girl! What comes to mind when";
+ }
+ mes "you think about Christmas?";
+ next;
+ }
+ switch(select("Santa Claus:Gift Boxes:Carols:Santa Costumes:Fake Santa Antonio")) {
+ case 1:
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Santa Claus!";
+ mes "You're so innocent!!";
+ mes "Ah!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Here's a secret!";
+ mes "There's a rumor that Santa Claus";
+ mes "lives in a certain village all";
+ mes "throughout the year.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "But now!!!";
+ mes "In this Christmas season!!";
+ mes "You guys can meet Santa on either";
+ mes "of the five possible villages";
+ mes "throughout Rune-Midgerts!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "If you win over Santa, you can get";
+ mes "a gift. Would you go for it?";
+ next;
+ emotion 18;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Carolling's hot news! Ha!";
+ mes "Isn't that big news?";
+ close;
+ case 2:
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Gift boxes?! All right!";
+ mes "Isn't it thrilling to open gifts";
+ mes "over your head!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Anyway, did you know...";
+ mes "Some villain, a fake Santa robbed";
+ mes "some gifts from the good Santa!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Furthermore, he has put bad magic";
+ mes "on the gifts so that they become";
+ mes "monsters!";
+ next;
+ emotion 18;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Carolling's hot news! Ha!";
+ mes "Isn't it amazing?";
+ close;
+ case 3:
+ if (iROxmas08carol == 3) {
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Ah, a music box is useful.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Though we can't all play it around";
+ mes "the village as we planned, it's";
+ mes "cool that you carry it.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "We want to enjoy carols all";
+ mes "together... I hope to get Crystal";
+ mes "Pieces!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "If you can get ^0000FFSinging Crystal";
+ mes "Pieces^000000, give them to me please?";
+ next;
+ select("Why not? Sure, I can give you some.");
+ if (countitem(6092) < 6) {
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Yes, please.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "If you can get ^0000FFSinging Crystal";
+ mes "Pieces^000000, give them to me please?";
+ close;
+ }else{
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Wow, you have them.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "I can bake you a cake,";
+ mes "and I can carve your name on the";
+ mes "cake, if you want!";
+ next;
+ if (select("No, thanks.:Please name it for me.") == 2) {
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Thank for your help!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Many people live in the giant";
+ mes "world!";
+ mes "So many people hope to hear";
+ mes "carolling, yet I always lack";
+ mes "Crystal pieces.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "If you can get ^0000FFSinging Crystal Pieces^000000, give them to me please?";
+ next;
+ emotion 18;
+ delitem 6092,6;
+ getnameditem 12354,"+strcharinfo(0)+";
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Let's care about others around you";
+ mes "on this Christmas season!";
+ close;
+ }else{
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Oh!";
+ mes "Shyness!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Anyway, thanks a lot for your";
+ mes "help.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Many people live in the giant";
+ mes "world!";
+ mes "So many people hope to hear";
+ mes "carolling, yet I always lack";
+ mes "Crystal pieces.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "If you can get ^0000FFSinging Crystal Pieces^000000, give them to me please?";
+ next;
+ emotion 18;
+ delitem 6092,6;
+ getitem 12354,1;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Let's care about others around you";
+ mes "on this Christmas season!";
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "You know about Christmas!";
+ mes "Talking about Christmas...";
+ mes "'s carols!!!";
+ mes "I've been waiting for this for when";
+ mes "Christmas comes around!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "But there's been no caroling here";
+ mes "and there like before, so we can't";
+ mes "feel the Christmas spirit.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "So, I installed a Singing Crystal";
+ mes "in Prontera...";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "but that jerk Antonio broke the";
+ mes "crystal!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "The gift boxes have been changing";
+ mes "into monsters since Antonio placed";
+ mes "some magic on them, so the monsters";
+ mes "ate up the crystal fragments!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "I am so devastated, since the";
+ mes "Singing Crystal has been the hope";
+ mes "of many children around the villages.";
+ next;
+ if (select("There's no other way to carol?:You can hear carols in Lutie.") == 2) {
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "And just stay there, every";
+ mes "Christmas, for your whole life?";
+ next;
+ mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
+ mes "What? What do you mean?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Oh, nevermind.";
+ mes "Ah...";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Maybe, it's quite hard to make a";
+ mes "jukebox for the villages, but a";
+ mes "music box might be possible.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "We need the ^0000FFSinging Crystal Pieces^000000";
+ mes "that the monsters ate up.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Please bring me ^0000FF6 Singing Crystal";
+ mes "Pieces^000000, and you will be rewarded";
+ mes "with presents!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Sounds cool, huh!!";
+ next;
+ select("........................");
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "...Why are you staring at me like";
+ mes "that?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "You're thinking that we are always";
+ mes "getting our plans spoiled, aren't";
+ mes "you?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "I know that we are not good at";
+ mes "controlling stuff, but our rewards";
+ mes "are good, right?";
+ next;
+ select("........................");
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Hey, we treat you good...";
+ next;
+ select("........................");
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "You are so cruel to me!";
+ mes "Bad! Bad!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Please, for our children's";
+ mes "hope!!!?";
+ mes "Please bring me 6 Singing Crystal";
+ mes "Pieces from ^0000FFViolent Gift Boxes^000000!";
+ next;
+ emotion 33;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "They're definitely as";
+ mes "harsh as their name.";
+ mes "Go on please!";
+ set iROxmas08carol,1;
+ close;
+ case 4:
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Santa costumes!!";
+ mes "You know, the santa costumes that";
+ mes "the monsters are wearing now aren't";
+ mes "genuine!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "The rumor 'round here is, Lutie's";
+ mes "designer made these costumes.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Every year, adventurers challenge";
+ mes "to attack Antonio the fake Santa,";
+ mes "but there's no way to catch up to";
+ mes "him due to his hat and costume!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Are there some spcial abilities";
+ mes "within them?";
+ mes "There's still the designer in the";
+ mes "Christmas village... How about";
+ mes "asking her to make that costume?";
+ next;
+ emotion 18;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Carolling's hot news! Ha!";
+ mes "It's hot, huh?";
+ close;
+ case 5:
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "A-N-T-O-N-I-O!!!";
+ mes "As I heard, this Antonio is quite";
+ mes "different from before.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "He seems to be quite resolved with";
+ mes "himself since he ran away from";
+ mes "people before.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "And he isn't alone anymore... is";
+ mes "what I heard...";
+ next;
+ emotion 18;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Carolling's hot news! Ha!";
+ mes "Hotness, right?";
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iROxmas08carol == 1) {
+ if (countitem(6092) < 6) {
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Maybe, it's quite hard to make a";
+ mes "jukebox for the villages, but a";
+ mes "music box might be possible.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "We need the ^0000FFSinging Crystal Pieces^000000";
+ mes "that the monsters ate up.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Please bring me ^0000FF6 Singing Crystal Pieces^000000, and you will be rewarded with presents!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "For all of the children of this";
+ mes "world!!!";
+ mes "Please bring me ^0000FF6Singing Crystal";
+ mes "Pieces^000000 from ^0000FFViolent Gift Boxes^000000!";
+ next;
+ emotion 33;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Be careful!";
+ mes "They're definitely as";
+ mes "harsh as their name.";
+ mes "Take care!!!";
+ close;
+ }else{
+ specialeffect 75;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Don't cry, don't cry!";
+ mes "Santa won't give you a";
+ mes "gift if you're crying.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ select("I got them!");
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Wow, you got them!";
+ mes "They are so cruel, aren't they?";
+ mes "I'm happy to see you again.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Let's count together!";
+ mes "... ...";
+ mes "Six!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "All right! We can start to make our";
+ mes "music box with crystal fragments.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "We would amplify the sounds of the";
+ mes "crystal fragments to sound through";
+ mes "the music box.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "You know, a music box that sounds";
+ mes "like a jukebox!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "It's handy. You can carry it, as";
+ mes "well as listen to sweet carols";
+ mes "anywhere. Doesn't that sound";
+ mes "cool!?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "So, we need more of some";
+ mes "materials.";
+ mes "^0000FF10 Wooden Block, 1 Hammer Of";
+ mes "Blacksmith, 1 Jubilee, 10 Sticky";
+ mes "Mucus, 3-karat Diamond^000000!";
+ next;
+ delitem 6092,6;
+ emotion 33;
+ set iROxmas08carol,2;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Those are all needed.";
+ mes "Isn't that easy?";
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iROxmas08carol == 2) {
+ if (countitem(1019) < 10 || countitem(1005) < 1 || countitem(7312) < 1 || countitem(938) < 10 || countitem(732) < 1) {
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "We can make a music box";
+ mes "with Singing Crystal Pieces.";
+ mes "It's handy, you can hear carols";
+ mes "anywhere. Sounds cool?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "So, we need more of some materials.";
+ mes "^0000FF10 Wooden Block, 1 Hammer Of";
+ mes "Blacksmith, 1 Jubilee, 10 Sticky";
+ mes "Mucus, 3-karat Diamond^000000!";
+ next;
+ emotion 33;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "That's all we need.";
+ mes "Isn't that easy?";
+ close;
+ }else{
+ specialeffect 75;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Jingle bells, jingle bells,";
+ mes "jingle all the way!";
+ mes "O what fun it is to ride, in a";
+ mes "one... horse... o-pen... sleigh!!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Wow!";
+ mes "You came back!";
+ mes "Did you bring all the";
+ mes "materials?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Good!";
+ mes "No need to hesitate! Let's get";
+ mes "started to make our music box.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ specialeffect 101;
+ mes "Blacksmith hammers on wooden";
+ mes "block... and we shape the frame.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ //(effect - stones from ground?)
+ mes "Please use the Singing Crystal";
+ mes "Pieces for a column, the Diamond as";
+ mes "a prop, and the Sticky Mucus as";
+ mes "glue.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ specialeffect 1;
+ mes "And now...";
+ mes "we decorate with a Jubilee...";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ specialeffect 88;
+ mes "The last step...!";
+ mes "Breating life into it!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "It's done now!!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "It's so cool! Isn't it cute!!?!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "You did as I requested, so I will";
+ mes "give you gifts, as promised.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "One, is this music box.";
+ mes "Please play this music box all over";
+ mes "the villages!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Another present is a Christmas cake";
+ mes "especially shaped like your name!";
+ mes "I made this cake shaped like your";
+ mes "name!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Don't worry, it tastes good.";
+ next;
+ emotion 33;
+ getitem 2784,1;
+ getnameditem 12354,"+strcharinfo(0)+";
+ delitem 1019,10;
+ delitem 1005,1;
+ delitem 7312,1;
+ delitem 938,10;
+ delitem 732,1;
+ set iROxmas08carol,3;
+ mes "[Carolling]";
+ mes "Thanks a lot.";
+ mes "Merry Christmas!";
+ mes "Have a good holiday season!";
+ close;
+ }
+ }
+// ============= Santa Claus - Card Game ===============
+// =====================================================
+- script Santa Claus#iROxmas08::08santa 718,{
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Wow! Were you naughty or nice this";
+ mes "year?";
+ mes "All right, what comes to your mind";
+ mes "when you think about Christmas?";
+ next;
+ switch(select("Carolling:Santa Claus:Gift Boxes:Santa Costume:Not much really...")) {
+ case 1:
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Carolling! That's good!";
+ mes "A sweet carol always makes";
+ mes "Christmas more happy!!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Yes indeed Carolling spreads Joy";
+ mes "throughout the world?";
+ close;
+ case 2:
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ if (Sex) {
+ mes "Ho ho ho! What a good boy!";
+ }else{
+ mes "Ho ho ho! What a good girl!";
+ }
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "But you should be wary of a fake";
+ mes "Santa romaing around.";
+ mes "Have you heard of Antonio, who";
+ mes "invades villages every Christmas?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "He has stolen my gifts, as well as";
+ mes "attacked adventurers around Toy and";
+ mes "Lutie field.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "A bad Santa ruins us good Santa's";
+ mes "reputations!";
+ mes "The World Santa Organization is";
+ mes "considering this a grave";
+ mes "situation.";
+ close;
+ case 3:
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "A gift box! That sounds good!";
+ mes "It's so exciting to open gift boxes";
+ mes "when you wake up on Christmas";
+ mes "morning!!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "But we have very little gifts now,";
+ mes "since Santa Antonio has stolen my";
+ mes "gift bag.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Many adventurers try to catch up";
+ mes "to him, but he is not easy to catch.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Anyway let those adventurers try to";
+ mes "catch him, I have a small game for";
+ mes "you.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "I will give you a small gift if you";
+ mes "beat me!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Do you want to play a game with";
+ mes "me?";
+ next;
+ if (select("No, thanks.:Yes, I would.") == 1) {
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Aww, don't be afraid. If you've";
+ mes "been a little naughty this year I";
+ mes "won't stuff your stockings with";
+ mes "coal.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "I will stay here throughout the";
+ mes "Christmas season, just visit me";
+ mes "when you change your mind.";
+ close;
+ }
+ if (gettimetick(2) < SantaCardTime) {
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Um... You've played the game";
+ mes "recently haven't you?";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "You can try the game once a hour.";
+ mes "Please visit me after the one hour";
+ mes "has passed.";
+ close;
+ }
+ set .@SantaCardTurn,0;
+ set .@SantaCardWins,0;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Wow! You're so cool!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Let me explain how to play this";
+ mes "game.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "It's quite simple. I will pick one";
+ mes "of three cards: Poring Card,";
+ mes "Ghostring Card, and Angeling Card.";
+ mes "Guess which card I pick and";
+ mes "you're a winner!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "If you guess right 3 times out of";
+ mes "5, I will give you a gift.";
+ mes "Let's get started!";
+ next;
+ while(.@SantaCardTurn != 5) {
+ emotion 56;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "First let me shuffle up these";
+ mes "cards... Ok!!!";
+ next;
+ specialeffect 0;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "One!";
+ next;
+ specialeffect 1;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Two!";
+ next;
+ specialeffect 2;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Three!";
+ next;
+ specialeffect 18;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "I'm picking up only one!";
+ next;
+ cutin "sorry",4;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "I'm picking up only one!";
+ mes "Please guess what is is.";
+ next;
+ switch(select("Poring:Angeling:Ghostring")) {
+ case 1:
+ mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
+ mes "Um...I choose Poring!";
+ set .@SantaCardP,1;
+ next;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
+ mes "Um...I choose Angeling!";
+ set .@SantaCardP,2;
+ next;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
+ mes "Um...I choose Ghostring!";
+ set .@SantaCardP,3;
+ next;
+ }
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Let's see!!";
+ mes "One! Two! Three!";
+ set .@SantaCardNpc, rand(1,3);
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Let's see!!";
+ mes "One! Two! Three!";
+ if (.@SantaCardNpc == 1) {
+ cutin "����ī��",4;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardNpc == 2) {
+ cutin "������ī��",4;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardNpc == 3) {
+ cutin "����Ʈ��ī��",4;
+ }
+ next;
+ set .@SantaCardTurn,.@SantaCardTurn+1;
+ if (.@SantaCardP == .@SantaCardNpc) {
+ set .@SantaCardWins,.@SantaCardWins+1;
+ emotion 0;
+ emotion 5,1;
+ cutin "",255;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "You're lucky.";
+ mes "Can you guess the right card the";
+ mes "next time around?";
+ next;
+ }else{
+ emotion 0;
+ emotion 23,1;
+ cutin "",255;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Aww maybe next time...";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (.@SantaCardWins < 3) {
+ mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
+ mes "This is just luck. Let me try";
+ mes "again!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Whenever you want.";
+ close;
+ }else{
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "You're so good!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Now this gift is for you. Put your";
+ mes "hand into the bag and pick only";
+ mes "one.";
+ set .@SantaCardPrize, rand(1,12);
+ next;
+ if (.@SantaCardPrize == 1) {
+ getitem 12354,2;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardPrize == 2) {
+ getitem 595,3;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardPrize == 3) {
+ getitem 593,3;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardPrize == 4) {
+ getitem 12236,3;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardPrize == 5) {
+ getitem 538,10;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardPrize == 6) {
+ getitem 14546,10;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardPrize == 7) {
+ getitem 5136,1;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardPrize == 8) {
+ getitem 603,1;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardPrize == 9) {
+ getitem 12130,1;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardPrize == 10) {
+ getitem 14550,10;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardPrize == 11) {
+ getitem 12132,3;
+ }
+ else if (.@SantaCardPrize == 12) {
+ getitem 594,3;
+ }
+ set SantaCardTime,gettimetick(2)+3600;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Good job! Thanks for playing the";
+ mes "card game with me! Merry";
+ mes "Christmas!";
+ close;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "Do you mean that ever so";
+ mes "fashionable costume for Santa's and";
+ mes "youngsters!?!";
+ mes "Light-weight, fashionable, and";
+ mes "keeps you warm!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "There used to be designer who";
+ mes "visited my house to make my Santa";
+ mes "costumes. Do you have any ideas?";
+ close;
+ case 5:
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "........................";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "........................";
+ if (Sex) {
+ mes "Oh! Poor boy...";
+ }else{
+ mes "Oh! Poor girl...";
+ }
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "........................";
+ if (Sex) {
+ mes "Oh! Poor boy...";
+ }else{
+ mes "Oh! Poor girl...";
+ }
+ mes "...";
+ next;
+ mes "[Santa Claus]";
+ mes "You should open your heart to the";
+ mes "spirit of Christmas!";
+ mes "Once you do, I know you'll be able";
+ mes "to think of something.";
+ close;
+ }
+payon,171,109,4 duplicate(08santa) Santa Claus#0801 718
+prontera,156,285,4 duplicate(08santa) Santa Claus#0802 718
+alberta,117,66,4 duplicate(08santa) Santa Claus#0803 718
+geffen,119,70,4 duplicate(08santa) Santa Claus#0804 718
+morocc,158,104,4 duplicate(08santa) Santa Claus#0805 718
+// ============= Louise Kim - Santa Suit ===============
+// =====================================================
+xmas_in,89,92,4 script Louise Kim#iROxmas08 714,{
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "I always thought about how boring";
+ mes "Santa Claus is wearing a too boring";
+ mes "costume. Too boring!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "I could make a glamorous style for";
+ mes "him!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "I once made a costume for";
+ mes "the notorious figure Antonio!";
+ mes "The reason catching up to him";
+ mes "is so hard, is that his clothes";
+ mes "have been given strong power!";
+ mes "I blessed them with good luck!";
+ next;
+ emotion 3;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "Preta Porter!!";
+ mes "Which is quite luxurious";
+ mes "but sold at good price ~";
+ next;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "Hey loosers! You can share my sense";
+ mes "of fashion and wear my look if you";
+ mes "run a light mission for me.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "Are you interested?";
+ next;
+ if (select("Nope.:Yes, please.") == 1) {
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "Ah!";
+ mes "You're silly! You lost your big";
+ mes "chance!";
+ next;
+ emotion 18;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "Come to me later if you";
+ mes "want to get the mission.";
+ mes "I, Louise Kim, am generous";
+ mes "enough to accept you next time.";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "You're so cool.";
+ next;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "Don't worry about this mission.";
+ mes "It's not that difficult.";
+ mes "I'm only in need of some";
+ mes "materials. Things that are";
+ mes "beyond my ability...";
+ next;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "Anyway, can you bring me some";
+ mes "stuff?";
+ next;
+ if (select("Why not? What do you need?:Sorry, no time.") == 2) {
+ emotion 18;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "What?";
+ mes "You will definitely regret it.";
+ mes "No more chances later.";
+ close;
+ }
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "All right, you're cool!!";
+ mes "You need to bring me: ^0000FFCotton Shirt,";
+ mes "3 Red Potion, Holy Water, 4 Wrapping";
+ mes "Paper, Wrapping Lace^000000..";
+ next;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "If you bring me all that stuff, I";
+ mes "can make you a glamorous Santa";
+ mes "costume.";
+ next;
+ if (countitem(2301) < 1 || countitem(501) < 3 || countitem(523) < 1 || countitem(7175) < 4 || countitem(7174) < 1) {
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "If you were to bring me all the";
+ mes "stuff, I would make you a wonderful";
+ mes "costume, for free...";
+ next;
+ emotion 3;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "Please see me again if you are";
+ mes "interested.";
+ close;
+ }else{
+ select("Here you are.");
+ emotion 33;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "Oh! Good!";
+ mes "Let's not delay.";
+ mes "I will show you my limitless";
+ mes "ability.";
+ next;
+ mes "-She pours everything in a pot-";
+ mes "-even the shirt goes in!-";
+ mes "-She takes it out with skill-";
+ mes "-and many blessings she sings.-";
+ next;
+ specialeffect 42;
+ emotion 2;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "By artist, Louise Kim!";
+ mes "All over the world will be blessed";
+ mes "tonight!";
+ next;
+ mes "-Pour red potion in another pot-";
+ mes "-then stir all of its parts.-";
+ mes "-Put the cotton shirts in-";
+ mes "-and dye it for grateful hearts.-";
+ mes "-Thread by thread-";
+ mes "-String by string-";
+ mes "-Count your blessings and sing!-";
+ next;
+ specialeffect 75;
+ emotion 2;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "By artist, Louise Kim!";
+ mes "All over the world will be blessed";
+ mes "tonight!";
+ next;
+ mes "-She is knitting clothes-";
+ mes "-with a hooked needle-";
+ mes "-with her great skill.-";
+ mes "Spread your blessings,-";
+ mes "cheer and goodwill!-";
+ next;
+ specialeffect 91;
+ emotion 3;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "This is miraculous!";
+ mes "I am a genius of the world.";
+ mes "Artist, Louise Kim!!!";
+ next;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "All right! Isn't it wonderful?";
+ mes "You can call it what you wish.";
+ mes "My fashion is radiant.";
+ mes "I ain't envious of Designer";
+ mes "Pierre.";
+ next;
+ emotion 18;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "I am supposed to get paid well,";
+ mes "however I will just let it";
+ mes "be free, since this is Christmas!";
+ next;
+ delitem 2301,1;
+ delitem 501,3;
+ delitem 523,1;
+ delitem 7175,4;
+ delitem 7174,1;
+ getitem 12132,1;
+ mes "[Louise Kim]";
+ mes "Go brag about these wonderful";
+ mes "clothes. There wouldn't be";
+ mes "any without me, Louise Kim.";
+ close;
+ }
+prt_fild00,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild00,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild00,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild00,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+prt_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+prt_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+pay_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+pay_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+pay_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+pay_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+pay_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+pay_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+pay_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+pay_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+pay_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+pay_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+pay_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+pay_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild00,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild00,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild00,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild00,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild02,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild03,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild04,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild05,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild06,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild07,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild08,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild09,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild10,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild11,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild12,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild12,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild12,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild12,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild13,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild13,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild13,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild13,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+gef_fild14,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild14,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild14,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+gef_fild14,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0
+xmas_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Jakk 1244,5,0,0,0
+xmas_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Goblin 1245,5,0,0,0
+xmas_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Christmas Cookie 1246,5,0,0,0
+xmas_fild01,0,0,0,0 monster Antonio 1247,1,0,0,0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/quests/quests_moscovia.txt b/npc/quests/quests_moscovia.txt
index 24cd2a2d1..35cdeef99 100644
--- a/npc/quests/quests_moscovia.txt
+++ b/npc/quests/quests_moscovia.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
//===== By: ==================================================
//= Kisuka
//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 1.4
+//= 1.5
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= eAthena SVN
//===== Description: =========================================
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
//= 1.2 Fixed a "player not attached" error. [brianluau]
//= 1.3 Replaced occurrences of PcName. [brianluau]
//= 1.4 Added 'Koshei the Immortal' quest. [Kisuka]
+//= 1.5 Fixes to 'Koshei the Immortal' quest. [Kisuka]
@@ -10524,10 +10525,12 @@ mosk_dun01,45,259,0 script Wall#rus04 111,{
else if (rhea_rus_main == 8) {
if (rhea_rus_quiz < 3) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ }
mes "[Girl's Voice]";
mes "Did you get the key?";
@@ -10867,16 +10870,16 @@ mosk_dun01,45,259,0 script Wall#rus04 111,{
getitem 12088,1;
else if (.@rus_food == 3) {
- getitem 12073,1;
+ getitem 12073,1;
else if (.@rus_food == 4) {
- getitem 12078,1;
+ getitem 12078,1;
else if (.@rus_food == 5) {
- getitem 12083,1;
+ getitem 12083,1;
else {
- getitem 12098,1;
+ getitem 12098,1;
if (BaseLevel < 56) {
getexp 13000,3500;
@@ -10892,7 +10895,7 @@ mosk_dun01,45,259,0 script Wall#rus04 111,{
else if (BaseLevel > 70 && BaseLevel < 76) {
getexp 164908,41227;
- }
+ }
else if (BaseLevel > 75 && BaseLevel < 81) {
getexp 276292,69073;
@@ -10957,7 +10960,7 @@ OnMyMobDead:
mosk_dun01,5,5,0 script Koshei#rus47 -1,0,0,{
disablenpc "Koshei#rus47";
@@ -10995,7 +10998,7 @@ OnTimer300000:
mosk_dun01,50,256,3 script Gray Wolf#rus05 972,{
disablenpc "Gray Wolf#rus05";
@@ -11013,7 +11016,7 @@ OnDisable:
specialeffect 49;
donpcevent "Gray Wolf#rus05::OnDisable";
@@ -11025,7 +11028,7 @@ OnTimer120000:
mosk_dun01,46,256,3 script Maria Morebna#rus46 958,{
disablenpc "Maria Morebna#rus46";
@@ -11039,21 +11042,21 @@ OnDisable:
disablenpc "Maria Morebna#rus46";
specialeffect 134;
specialeffect 1;
specialeffect 212;
specialeffect 372;
specialeffect 253;
specialeffect 77;
@@ -11203,24 +11206,11 @@ moscovia,178,127,0 script The Blacksmith#rus06 63,{
mes "Bahahaha~";
mes "And don't forget to wear these!";
delitem 999,25;
- set rhea_rus_main,8;
- if (Class == Job_Merchant || Class == Job_Merchant_High || Class == Job_Blacksmith || ADVJOB == Job_Whitesmith || Class == Job_Alchemist || ADVJOB == Job_Creator) {
- getitem 2429,1;
- close;
- }
- else if (Class == Job_Swordman || Class == Job_Swordman_High || Class == Job_Knight || ADVJOB == Job_Lord_Knight || Class == Job_Crusader || ADVJOB == Job_Paladin) {
+ set rhea_rus_main,8;
+ if (BaseClass == Job_Merchant || BaseClass == Job_Swordman || BaseClass == Job_Thief || BaseClass == Job_Archer) {
getitem 2429,1;
- }
- else if (Class == Job_Thief || Class == Job_Thief_High || Class == Job_Assassin || ADVJOB == Job_Assassin_Cross || Class == Job_Rogue || ADVJOB == Job_Stalker) {
- getitem 2429,1;
- close;
- }
- else if (Class == Job_Archer || Class == Job_Archer_High || Class == Job_Hunter || ADVJOB == Job_Sniper || Class == Job_Bard || ADVJOB == Job_Clown || Class == Job_Dancer || ADVJOB == Job_Gypsy) {
- getitem 2429,1;
- close;
- }
- else {
+ }else {
getitem 2430,1;
@@ -11236,10 +11226,12 @@ moscovia,178,127,0 script The Blacksmith#rus06 63,{
else if (rhea_rus_main == 8) {
if (countitem(724) > 1 && countitem(969) > 2 && countitem(7877) > 0 && countitem(7878) > 1 && countitem(7879) > 9) {
if (rhea_rus_ring > 8 && rhea_rus_hair > 8 && rhea_rus_quiz > 29) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ }
mes "[The Blacksmith]";
mes "So, you got all the materials. I can't believe it.";
@@ -11307,7 +11299,7 @@ moscovia,178,127,0 script The Blacksmith#rus06 63,{
mes "[The Blacksmith]";
mes "You need ^0000ff2 Cursed Ruby, 3 Gold, 1 Red Ring, 2 Lusalka's Hair, 10 Golden Thread^000000 to make the key.";
- switch(select("Red Ring?:Lusalka's Hair?:Golden_Thread?")) {
+ switch(select("Red Ring?:Lusalka's Hair?:Golden Thread?")) {
case 1:
mes "[The Blacksmith]";
mes "The Red Ring has powerful enchanting powers. I had one before, but I gave it to my friend, Vassili, as a gift.";
@@ -11352,7 +11344,7 @@ moscovia,178,127,0 script The Blacksmith#rus06 63,{
mes "[The Blacksmith]";
mes "You need ^0000ff2 Cursed Ruby, 3 Gold, 1 Red Ring, 2 Lusalka's Hair, 10 Golden Thread^000000 to make the key.";
- switch(select("Red Ring?:Lusalka's Hair?:Golden_Thread?")) {
+ switch(select("Red Ring?:Lusalka's Hair?:Golden Thread?")) {
case 1:
mes "[The Blacksmith]";
mes "The Red Ring has powerful enchanting powers. I had one before, but I gave it to my friend, Vassili, as a gift.";
@@ -11456,10 +11448,12 @@ moscovia,206,81,0 script Vassili Grandpapa#rus07 712,{
else if (rhea_rus_main == 8) {
if (rhea_rus_ring < 1) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[Vassili Grandpapa]";
mes "Hmm, are you an adventurer? So, how do you like it here?";
@@ -11529,10 +11523,12 @@ moscovia,206,81,0 script Vassili Grandpapa#rus07 712,{
else if (rhea_rus_ring == 8) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[Vassili Grandpapa]";
mes "Ehh? you are the adventurer that I met before. Something to tell me?";
@@ -11745,10 +11741,12 @@ moscovia,213,216,3 script Ryubaba#rus08 960,{
else if (rhea_rus_ring == 1) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[Ryubaba]";
mes "Ah, how beautiful I am.";
@@ -11890,10 +11888,12 @@ moscovia,213,216,3 script Ryubaba#rus08 960,{
else if (rhea_rus_ring == 7) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[Ryubaba]";
mes "Ah, you come here again. What can I do for you?";
@@ -12176,10 +12176,12 @@ mosk_fild02,157,233,0 script Shepherdess#rus10 69,{
else if (rhea_rus_ring == 5) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[Shepherdess]";
mes "Haaaa, boring, boring! Herding sheep is really boring!";
@@ -12206,10 +12208,12 @@ mosk_fild02,157,233,0 script Shepherdess#rus10 69,{
else if (rhea_rus_ring == 6) {
if (countitem(7882) > 24) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[Shepherdess]";
mes "Wow, did you get the Pointed Branches!?";
@@ -12353,7 +12357,7 @@ mosk_fild02,160,227,0 script Pointed Tree#rus12 111,{
enablenpc "Pointed Tree#rus12";
@@ -12391,7 +12395,7 @@ mosk_fild02,160,179,0 script Pointed Tree#rus13 111,{
enablenpc "Pointed Tree#rus13";
@@ -12429,7 +12433,7 @@ mosk_fild02,142,247,0 script Pointed Tree#rus14 111,{
enablenpc "Pointed Tree#rus14";
@@ -12467,7 +12471,7 @@ mosk_fild02,149,223,0 script Pointed Tree#rus15 111,{
enablenpc "Pointed Tree#rus15";
@@ -12505,7 +12509,7 @@ mosk_fild02,114,223,0 script Pointed Tree#rus16 111,{
enablenpc "Pointed Tree#rus16";
@@ -12543,7 +12547,7 @@ mosk_fild02,101,197,0 script Pointed Tree#rus17 111,{
enablenpc "Pointed Tree#rus17";
@@ -12581,7 +12585,7 @@ mosk_fild02,125,182,0 script Pointed Tree#rus18 111,{
enablenpc "Pointed Tree#rus18";
@@ -12618,10 +12622,12 @@ moscovia,166,145,1 script Worried Mother#rus19 961,{
else if (rhea_rus_main == 8) {
if (rhea_rus_hair < 1) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[Worried Mother]";
mes "Where is she...";
@@ -12731,7 +12737,7 @@ mosk_fild02,101,200,0 duplicate(NoSwim) Caution#rus02 837
mosk_fild02,116,202,3 script Lusalka#07russai_22 -1,3,3,{
if (rhea_rus_main < 8) {
emotion 1,1;
@@ -12856,10 +12862,12 @@ mosk_fild02,124,202,3 script Lusalka#rus23 971,{
else if (rhea_rus_hair == 2) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "...Your alive...";
mes "My stare didn't...";
@@ -12946,10 +12954,12 @@ mosk_fild02,124,202,3 script Lusalka#rus23 971,{
else if (rhea_rus_hair == 7) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[Lusalka]";
mes "Have you seen him? How was he?";
@@ -13048,7 +13058,7 @@ mosk_fild02,124,202,3 script Lusalka#rus23 971,{
donpcevent "Lusalka#rus23::OnDisable";
disablenpc "Lusalka#rus23";
@@ -13091,10 +13101,12 @@ prontera,228,279,3 script Wanderer#rus24 968,{
else if (rhea_rus_hair == 3) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[A Wanderer from a strange land]";
mes "Hey, there are so many adventurers around here. I can see why this is the capital of the Rune Midgarts Kingdom!";
@@ -13207,10 +13219,12 @@ morocc,165,82,0 script Morroc Villager#rus25 48,{
else if (rhea_rus_hair == 4) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[Morroc Villager]";
mes "Huh, more and more adventurers are settling here recently, so it's hard to tell who is a villager or an adventurer.";
@@ -13282,10 +13296,12 @@ moc_pryd04,126,120,0 script Soldier#rus26 967,{
else if (rhea_rus_hair == 4 || rhea_rus_hair == 5) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[A gloomy looking soldier]";
mes "............................";
@@ -13358,10 +13374,12 @@ moc_pryd04,126,120,0 script Soldier#rus26 967,{
else if (rhea_rus_hair == 6) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[A gloomy looking soldier]";
mes "I knew that she had become the cursed nymph Lusalka. But, I still went every night... to find her. I just wanted to see her and talk to her.";
@@ -13434,7 +13452,7 @@ mosk_dun01,45,250,3 script 1#rus27 45,3,3,{
warp "mosk_que",49,22;
disablenpc "1#rus27";
@@ -13516,10 +13534,12 @@ mosk_que,45,131,0 script Stone Furnace#rus28 111,{
else if (rhea_rus_main == 8) {
if (rhea_rus_quiz == 1) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "- You can see the -";
mes "- well baked cookies. -";
@@ -13569,7 +13589,7 @@ mosk_que,45,131,0 script Stone Furnace#rus28 111,{
emotion 1,1;
set $@rus_req01,0;
@@ -13593,10 +13613,12 @@ mosk_que,56,202,0 script Occult Apple Tree#rus29 111,{
else if (rhea_rus_main == 8) {
if (rhea_rus_quiz == 2) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "- There are Ripe Apples -";
mes "- growing in clusters. -";
@@ -13647,10 +13669,12 @@ mosk_fild02,243,270,0 script Marozka#rus31 866,{
else if (rhea_rus_quiz == 3) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[Marozka]";
mes " came.";
@@ -13715,10 +13739,12 @@ mosk_fild02,243,270,0 script Marozka#rus31 866,{
else if (rhea_rus_quiz == 29) {
- if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429 || getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
- mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
- mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
- close;
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2429) {
+ if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) != 2430) {
+ mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
+ mes "...Hmm, did I forget to wear something...?";
+ close;
+ }
mes "[Marozka]";
mes "...So? Have you decided?";
@@ -13971,7 +13997,7 @@ mosk_dun02,48,214,5 script Baba Yaga#rus32 970,{
mes "[Baba Yaga]";
mes "Hmmm, you look energetic and strong. Ok, while I make the 'Golden Key', you must first do a favor for me!";
- if (Class == Job_Archer || Class == Job_Archer_High || Class == Job_Hunter || ADVJOB == Job_Sniper || Class == Job_Dancer || ADVJOB == Job_Gypsy || Class == Job_Bard || ADVJOB == Job_Clown) {
+ if (BaseClass == Job_Archer) {
mes "[Baba Yaga]";
mes "My cow has run away. Find her and cast a Return Spell on her. The spell is '^ff0000Good feed is orange-flavored^000000'. You sould remember it.";
@@ -13980,7 +14006,7 @@ mosk_dun02,48,214,5 script Baba Yaga#rus32 970,{
set rhea_rus_main,11;
- else if (Class == Job_Acolyte || Class == Job_Acolyte_High || Class == Job_Priest || ADVJOB == Job_High_Priest || Class == Job_Monk || ADVJOB == Job_Champion) {
+ else if (BaseClass == Job_Acolyte) {
mes "[Baba Yaga]";
mes "Behind my house, there is noisy coffin. It has been so nosiy recently that I can't sleep. Silence it.";
@@ -13989,7 +14015,7 @@ mosk_dun02,48,214,5 script Baba Yaga#rus32 970,{
set rhea_rus_main,16;
- else if (Class == Job_Thief || Class == Job_Thief_High || Class == Job_Assassin || ADVJOB == Job_Assassin_Cross || Class == Job_Rogue || ADVJOB == Job_Stalker) {
+ else if (BaseClass == Job_Thief) {
mes "[Baba Yaga]";
mes "Please find my silver spoons. Those bad pirates stole them. I can feel them around the wrecked ship. Bring them to me.";
@@ -13998,7 +14024,7 @@ mosk_dun02,48,214,5 script Baba Yaga#rus32 970,{
set rhea_rus_main,21;
- else if (Class == Job_Mage || Class == Job_Mage_High || Class == Job_Wizard || ADVJOB == Job_High_Wizard || Class == Job_Sage || ADVJOB == Job_Professor) {
+ else if (BaseClass == Job_Mage) {
mes "[Baba Yaga]";
mes "Buy me a magic book. It is published by Momotaro in Amatsu. Go there and buy it for me.";
@@ -14007,7 +14033,7 @@ mosk_dun02,48,214,5 script Baba Yaga#rus32 970,{
set rhea_rus_main,26;
- else if (Class == Job_Swordman || Class == Job_Swordman_High || Class == Job_Knight || ADVJOB == Job_Lord_Knight || Class == Job_Crusader || ADVJOB == Job_Paladin) {
+ else if (BaseClass == Job_Swordman) {
mes "[Baba Yaga]";
mes "Can you see a jar next to the cabin? There is a House ghost living in there. Drive him out of there. He irritates me a lot.";
@@ -14103,7 +14129,7 @@ mosk_dun02,48,214,5 script Baba Yaga#rus32 970,{
set rhea_rus_main,29;
monster "mosk_dun02",52,210,"Alarm to 5 minutes",1193,1,"Baba Yaga#rus32::OnMyMobDead";
monster "mosk_dun02",53,210,"Alarm on time",1193,1,"Baba Yaga#rus32::OnMyMobDead";
- monster "mosk_dun02",54,210,"Alarm past 5 minutes",1193,1,"Baba Yaga#rus32::OnMyMobDead";
+ monster "mosk_dun02",54,210,"Alarm past 5 minutes",1193,1,"Baba Yaga#rus32::OnMyMobDead";
donpcevent "Baba Yaga#rus32::OnDisable";
@@ -14652,7 +14678,7 @@ OnMyMobDead:
mosk_dun02,257,193,0 script Cow#rus33 889,3,3,{
enablenpc "Cow#rus33";
@@ -14766,7 +14792,7 @@ OnTouch:
mosk_dun02,257,193,0 script Cow#rus34 889,3,3,{
enablenpc "Cow#rus34";
@@ -14880,7 +14906,7 @@ OnTouch:
mosk_dun02,257,193,0 script Cow#rus35 889,3,3,{
enablenpc "Cow#rus35";
@@ -15269,7 +15295,7 @@ treasure01,165,58,0 script Old Treasure Box#rus37 111,{
else {
enablenpc "Old Treasure Box#rus37";
@@ -16345,7 +16371,7 @@ pay_dun04,163,186,0 script Ghost Tree#rus45 111,{
mes "Huuu...";
emotion 18;
set .@rustree_turn01,.@rustree_turn01+1;
- next;
+ next;
if (.@rususer_score01 > 0) {
diff --git a/npc/scripts_athena.conf b/npc/scripts_athena.conf
index e014c0b7a..85619be26 100644
--- a/npc/scripts_athena.conf
+++ b/npc/scripts_athena.conf
@@ -217,6 +217,10 @@ npc: npc/kafras/dts_warper.txt
//npc: npc/events/easter_2008.txt
//Official Valentine's Day (2009) event (iRO)
//npc: npc/events/valentinesday_2009.txt
+//Official Christmas (2008) event (iRO)
+//npc: npc/events/christmas_2008.txt
+//Official Memorial Day (2009) event (iRO)
+//npc: npc/events/MemorialDay_2008.txt
//Novice WoE is a kRO Event, after the event, the scripts were disabled.
//Novice Castles don't have real dungeons. They're connected to the common ones.