path: root/servergreps/hercules/20111005
diff options
authorAndrei Karas <>2016-10-14 19:26:29 +0300
committerAndrei Karas <>2016-10-14 19:26:29 +0300
commiteec80633694f983ccba12c5a3986c6e29e850b2c (patch)
treeb3a91b542b5ab7bc9cf35121f0e70e1ffa56f27b /servergreps/hercules/20111005
parente45dd72f3e372104f75803753dd11b5da60a86d0 (diff)
Remove servergreps tool and add readme about moving to new repository.
Diffstat (limited to 'servergreps/hercules/20111005')
33 files changed, 0 insertions, 2569 deletions
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_badpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_badpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8053010..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_badpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-0815 CMSG_BUYINGSTORE_CLOSE hidden by clif->pTakeItem
-0817 CMSG_BUYINGSTORE_OPEN hidden by clif->pTickSend
-0838 CMSG_SEARCHSTORE_NEXT_PAGE hidden by clif->pSolveCharName
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_packets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_packets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e01b96a..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_packets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-0064 CMSG_LOGIN_REGISTER lclif->p->parse_CA_LOGIN
-0065 CMSG_CHAR_SERVER_CONNECT chr->parse_char_connect
-0066 CMSG_CHAR_SELECT chr->parse_char_select
-0067 CMSG_CHAR_CREATE chr->parse_char_create_new_char
-0068 CMSG_CHAR_DELETE chr->parse_char_delete_char_0068
-007d CMSG_MAP_LOADED clif->pLoadEndAck
-0085 CMSG_PLAYER_CHANGE_DIR clif->pChangeDir
-0089 CMSG_MAP_PING clif->pTickSend
-008c CMSG_NAME_REQUEST clif->pGetCharNameRequest
-0090 CMSG_NPC_TALK clif->pNpcClicked
-0094 CMSG_MOVE_TO_STORAGE clif->pMoveToKafra
-0096 CMSG_CHAT_WHISPER clif->pWisMessage
-0099 CMSG_ADMIN_ANNOUNCE clif->pBroadcast
-00a2 CMSG_SOLVE_CHAR_NAME clif->pSolveCharName
-00a9 CMSG_PLAYER_EQUIP clif->pEquipItem
-00ab CMSG_PLAYER_UNEQUIP clif->pUnequipItem
-00b2 CMSG_PLAYER_RESTART clif->pRestart
-00b8 CMSG_NPC_LIST_CHOICE clif->pNpcSelectMenu
-00b9 CMSG_NPC_NEXT_REQUEST clif->pNpcNextClicked
-00bb CMSG_STAT_UPDATE_REQUEST clif->pStatusUp
-00bf CMSG_PLAYER_EMOTE clif->pEmotion
-00c1 CMSG_WHO_REQUEST clif->pHowManyConnections
-00c5 CMSG_NPC_BUY_SELL_REQUEST clif->pNpcBuySellSelected
-00c8 CMSG_NPC_BUY_REQUEST clif->pNpcBuyListSend
-00c9 CMSG_NPC_SELL_REQUEST clif->pNpcSellListSend
-00cc CMSG_ADMIN_KICK clif->pGMKick
-00ce CMSG_ADMIN_KICK_ALL clif->pGMKickAll
-00cf CMSG_IGNORE_NICK clif->pPMIgnore
-00d0 CMSG_IGNORE_ALL clif->pPMIgnoreAll
-00d3 CMSG_REQUEST_IGNORE_LIST clif->pPMIgnoreList
-00d5 CMSG_CREAYE_CHAT_ROOM clif->pCreateChatRoom
-00d9 CMSG_CHAT_ROOM_JOIN clif->pChatAddMember
-00de CMSG_SET_CHAT_ROOM_OPTIONS clif->pChatRoomStatusChange
-00e0 CMSG_SET_CHAT_ROOM_OWNER clif->pChangeChatOwner
-00e2 CMSG_KICK_FROM_CHAT_ROOM clif->pKickFromChat
-00e3 CMSG_LEAVE_CHAT_ROOM clif->pChatLeave
-00e4 CMSG_TRADE_REQUEST clif->pTradeRequest
-00e6 CMSG_TRADE_RESPONSE clif->pTradeAck
-00e8 CMSG_TRADE_ITEM_ADD_REQUEST clif->pTradeAddItem
-00eb CMSG_TRADE_ADD_COMPLETE clif->pTradeOk
-00ed CMSG_TRADE_CANCEL_REQUEST clif->pTradeCancel
-00ef CMSG_TRADE_OK clif->pTradeCommit
-00f3 CMSG_CHAT_MESSAGE clif->pGlobalMessage
-00f5 CMSG_ITEM_PICKUP clif->pTakeItem
-00f7 CMSG_MOVE_FROM_STORAGE clif->pMoveFromKafra
-00f9 CMSG_PARTY_CREATE clif->pCreateParty
-00fc CMSG_PARTY_INVITE clif->pPartyInvite
-00ff CMSG_PARTY_INVITED clif->pReplyPartyInvite
-0100 CMSG_PARTY_LEAVE clif->pLeaveParty
-0102 CMSG_PARTY_SETTINGS clif->pPartyChangeOption
-0103 CMSG_PARTY_KICK clif->pRemovePartyMember
-0108 CMSG_PARTY_MESSAGE clif->pPartyMessage
-0113 CMSG_SKILL_USE_POSITION clif->pUseSkillToPos
-0118 CMSG_PLAYER_STOP_ATTACK clif->pStopAttack
-011b CMSG_SKILL_USE_MAP clif->pUseSkillMap
-011d CMSG_PLAYER_SET_MEMO clif->pRequestMemo
-0126 CMSG_MOVE_TO_CART clif->pPutItemToCart
-0127 CMSG_MOVE_FROM_CART clif->pGetItemFromCart
-0128 CMSG_MOVE_FROM_STORAGE_TO_CART clif->pMoveFromKafraToCart
-0129 CMSG_MOVE_FROM_CART_TO_STORAGE clif->pMoveToKafraFromCart
-012a CMSG_REMOVE_OPTION clif->pRemoveOption
-012e CMSG_VENDING_CLOSE clif->pCloseVending
-0130 CMSG_VENDING_LIST_REQ clif->pVendingListReq
-0134 CMSG_VENDING_BUY clif->pPurchaseReq
-0140 CMSG_PLAYER_MAPMOVE clif->pMapMove
-0143 CMSG_NPC_INT_RESPONSE clif->pNpcAmountInput
-0146 CMSG_NPC_CLOSE clif->pNpcCloseClicked
-0149 CMSG_ADMIN_MUTE clif->pGMReqNoChat
-014d CMSG_GUILD_CHECK_MASTER clif->pGuildCheckMaster
-014f CMSG_GUILD_REQUEST_INFO clif->pGuildRequestInfo
-0151 CMSG_GUILD_REQUEST_EMBLEM clif->pGuildRequestEmblem
-0153 CMSG_GUILD_CHANGE_EMBLEM clif->pGuildChangeEmblem
-0155 CMSG_GUILD_CHANGE_MEMBER_POS clif->pGuildChangeMemberPosition
-0159 CMSG_GUILD_LEAVE clif->pGuildLeave
-015b CMSG_GUILD_EXPULSION clif->pGuildExpulsion
-015d CMSG_GUILD_BREAK clif->pGuildBreak
-0161 CMSG_GUILD_CHANGE_POS_INFO clif->pGuildChangePositionInfo
-0165 CMSG_GUILD_CREATE clif->pCreateGuild
-0168 CMSG_GUILD_INVITE clif->pGuildInvite
-016b CMSG_GUILD_INVITE_REPLY clif->pGuildReplyInvite
-016e CMSG_GUILD_CHANGE_NOTICE clif->pGuildChangeNotice
-0170 CMSG_GUILD_ALLIANCE_REQUEST clif->pGuildRequestAlliance
-0172 CMSG_GUILD_ALLIANCE_REPLY clif->pGuildReplyAlliance
-0178 CMSG_NPC_IDENTIFY clif->pItemIdentify
-017a CMSG_PLAYER_USE_CARD clif->pUseCard
-017c CMSG_PLAYER_INSERT_CARD clif->pInsertCard
-017e CMSG_GUILD_MESSAGE clif->pGuildMessage
-0180 CMSG_GUILD_OPPOSITION clif->pGuildOpposition
-0183 CMSG_GUILD_ALLIANCE_DELETE clif->pGuildDelAlliance
-0187 CMSG_CHAR_PING chr->parse_char_ping
-018a CMSG_CLIENT_QUIT clif->pQuitGame
-018e CMSG_NPC_PRODUCE_MIX clif->pProduceMix
-0193 CMSG_CLOSE_STORAGE clif->pCloseKafra
-0197 CMSG_ADMIN_RESET_PLAYER clif->pResetChar
-0198 CMSG_ADMIN_SET_TILE_TYPE clif->pGMChangeMapType
-019c CMSG_ADMIN_LOCAL_ANNOUNCE clif->pLocalBroadcast
-019d CMSG_ADMIN_HIDE clif->pGMHide
-019f CMSG_PET_CATCH clif->pCatchPet
-01a1 CMSG_PET_MENU_ACTION clif->pPetMenu
-01a5 CMSG_PET_SET_NAME clif->pChangePetName
-01a7 CMSG_PET_SELECT_EGG clif->pSelectEgg
-01a9 CMSG_PET_SEND_MESSAGE clif->pSendEmotion
-01ae CMSG_NPC_SELECT_ARROW clif->pSelectArrow
-01af CMSG_CHANGE_CART clif->pChangeCart
-01b2 CMSG_VENDING_CREATE_SHOP clif->pOpenVending
-01bb CMSG_ADMIN_GOTO clif->pGMShift
-01bd CMSG_ADMIN_RECALL clif->pGMRecall
-01ce CMSG_NPC_SELECT_AUTO_SPELL clif->pAutoSpell
-01d5 CMSG_NPC_STR_RESPONSE clif->pNpcStringInput
-01dd CMSG_LOGIN_REGISTER2 lclif->p->parse_CA_LOGIN2
-01df CMSG_ADMIN_ID_TO_LOGIN clif->pGMReqAccountName
-01e7 CMSG_DORI_DORI clif->pNoviceDoriDori
-01e8 CMSG_PARTY_CREATE2 clif->pCreateParty2
-01ed CMSG_EXPLOSION_SPIRITS clif->pNoviceExplosionSpirits
-01f7 CMSG_FAMILY_ASK_FOR_CHILD_REPLY clif->pAdopt_reply
-01f9 CMSG_FAMILY_ASK_FOR_CHILD clif->pAdopt_request
-01fa CMSG_LOGIN_REGISTER3 lclif->p->parse_CA_LOGIN3
-01fd CMSG_NPC_REPAIR clif->pRepairItem
-0202 CMSG_FRIENDS_ADD_PLAYER clif->pFriendsListAdd
-0203 CMSG_FRIENDS_DELETE_PLAYER clif->pFriendsListRemove
-0208 CMSG_FRIENDS_REQUEST_ACK clif->pFriendsListReply
-020f CMSG_PVP_INFO clif->pPVPInfo
-0217 CMSG_BLACKSMITH_RANKS clif->pBlacksmith
-0218 CMSG_ALCHEMIST_RANKS clif->pAlchemist
-021d CMSG_PLAYER_LESS_EFFECTS clif->pLessEffect
-0222 CMSG_NPC_REFINE clif->pWeaponRefine
-0225 CMSG_TAEKWON_RANKS clif->pTaekwon
-022d CMSG_HOMUNCULUS_MENU clif->pHomMenu
-0231 CMSG_HOMUNCULUS_SET_NAME clif->pChangeHomunculusName
-0232 CMSG_HOMMERC_MOVE_TO clif->pHomMoveTo
-0233 CMSG_HOMMERC_ATTACK clif->pHomAttack
-0234 CMSG_HOMMERC_MOVE_TO_MASTER clif->pHomMoveToMaster
-0237 CMSG_PK_RANKS clif->pRankingPk
-023f CMSG_MAIL_REFRESH_INBOX clif->pMail_refreshinbox
-0241 CMSG_MAIL_READ_MESSAGE clif->pMail_read
-0243 CMSG_MAIL_DELETE_MESSAGE clif->pMail_delete
-0244 CMSG_MAIL_GET_ATTACH clif->pMail_getattach
-0246 CMSG_MAIL_RESET_ATTACH clif->pMail_winopen
-0247 CMSG_MAIL_SET_ATTACH clif->pMail_setattach
-0248 CMSG_MAIL_SEND clif->pMail_send
-024b CMSG_AUCTION_CANCEL_REG clif->pAuction_cancelreg
-024c CMSG_AUCTION_SET_ITEM clif->pAuction_setitem
-024d CMSG_AUCTION_REGISTER clif->pAuction_register
-024e CMSG_AUCTION_CANCEL clif->pAuction_cancel
-024f CMSG_AUCTION_BID clif->pAuction_bid
-0251 CMSG_AUCTION_SEARCH clif->pAuction_search
-0254 CMSG_SKILL_FEEL_SAVE_OK clif->pFeelSaveOk
-025b CMSG_NPC_COOKING clif->pCooking
-025c CMSG_AUCTION_BUY_SELL clif->pAuction_buysell
-025d CMSG_AUCTION_CLOSE clif->pAuction_close
-0273 CMSG_MAIL_RETURN_MESSAGE clif->pMail_return
-027c CMSG_LOGIN_REGISTER4 lclif->p->parse_CA_LOGIN4
-0288 CMSG_NPC_CASH_SHOP_BUY clif->pcashshop_buy
-028f CMSG_CHAR_RENAME chr->parse_char_rename_char_confirm
-0292 CMSG_PLAYER_AUTO_REVIVE clif->pAutoRevive
-029f CMSG_MERCENARY_ACTION clif->pmercenary_action
-02b6 CMSG_QUEST_ACTIVATE clif->pquestStateAck
-02ba CMSG_SET_SHORTCUTS clif->pHotkey
-02c7 CMSG_PARTY_INVITED2 clif->pReplyPartyInvite2
-02c8 CMSG_PARTY_ALLOW_INVITES clif->pPartyTick
-02d6 CMSG_PLAYER_VIEW_EQUIPMENT clif->pViewPlayerEquip
-02db CMSG_BATTLE_CHAT_MESSAGE clif->pBattleChat
-02f1 CMSG_NPC_COMPLETE_PROGRESS_BAR clif->pProgressbar
-0360 CMSG_MAP_PING clif->pTickSend
-0361 CMSG_PLAYER_CHANGE_DIR clif->pChangeDir
-0362 CMSG_ITEM_PICKUP clif->pTakeItem
-0365 CMSG_MOVE_FROM_STORAGE clif->pMoveFromKafra
-0366 CMSG_PLAYER_CHANGE_DIR clif->pChangeDir
-0367 CMSG_SKILL_USE_POSITION_MORE clif->pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo
-0368 CMSG_NAME_REQUEST clif->pGetCharNameRequest
-0369 CMSG_SKILL_USE_POSITION clif->pUseSkillToPos
-0436 CMSG_MAP_SERVER_CONNECT clif->pWantToConnection
-0437 CMSG_PLAYER_CHANGE_ACT clif->pActionRequest
-0438 CMSG_SKILL_USE_BEING clif->pUseSkillToId
-07d7 CMSG_PARTY_SETTINGS clif->pPartyChangeOption
-07da CMSG_PARTY_CHANGE_LEADER clif->pPartyChangeLeader
-07f5 CMSG_ADMIN_UNEQUIP_ALL clif->pGMFullStrip
-0801 CMSG_VENDING_BUY2 clif->pPurchaseReq2
-0811 CMSG_BUYINGSTORE_CREATE clif->pReqOpenBuyingStore
-0815 CMSG_ITEM_PICKUP clif->pTakeItem
-0817 CMSG_MAP_PING clif->pTickSend
-0819 CMSG_BUYINGSTORE_SELL clif->pReqTradeBuyingStore
-0835 CMSG_SEARCHSTORE_SEARCH clif->pSearchStoreInfo
-0838 CMSG_SOLVE_CHAR_NAME clif->pSolveCharName
-083b CMSG_SEARCHSTORE_CLOSE clif->pCloseSearchStoreInfo
-083c CMSG_SEARCHSTORE_CLICK clif->pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick
-0844 CMSG_NPC_CASH_SHOP_OPEN clif->pCashShopOpen
-0846 CMSG_NPC_CASH_SHOP_REQUEST_TAB clif->pCashShopReqTab
-084a CMSG_NPC_CASH_SHOP_CLOSE clif->pCashShopClose
-088a CMSG_NAME_REQUEST clif->pGetCharNameRequest
-0893 CMSG_MOVE_TO_STORAGE clif->pMoveToKafra
-0897 CMSG_MOVE_FROM_STORAGE clif->pMoveFromKafra
-08ad CMSG_SKILL_USE_POSITION_MORE clif->pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo
-08ba CMSG_CHAR_CREATE_PIN chr->parse_char_pincode_first_pin
-08c9 CMSG_NPC_CASH_SHOP_SCHEDULE clif->pCashShopSchedule
-08d4 CMSG_CHAR_CHANGE_SLOT chr->parse_char_move_character
-08d7 CMSG_BATTLE_REGISTER clif->pBGQueueRegister
-08da CMSG_BATTLE_REVOKE clif->pBGQueueRevokeReq
-08e0 CMSG_BATTLE_BEGIN_ACK clif->pBGQueueBattleBeginAck
-08fc CMSG_CHAR_CHECK_RENAME chr->parse_char_rename_char
-090a CMSG_BATTLE_CHECK_STATE clif->pBGQueueCheckState
-096e CMSG_MERGE_ITEM_ACK clif->ackmergeitems
-0974 CMSG_MERGE_ITEM_CANCEL clif->cancelmergeitem
-? UNIMPLIMENTED chr->parse_char_check_captcha
-? UNIMPLIMENTED chr->parse_char_delete2_accept
-? UNIMPLIMENTED chr->parse_char_delete2_cancel
-? UNIMPLIMENTED chr->parse_char_delete2_req
-? UNIMPLIMENTED chr->parse_char_delete_char_01fb
-? UNIMPLIMENTED chr->parse_char_pincode_change
-? UNIMPLIMENTED chr->parse_char_pincode_check
-? UNIMPLIMENTED chr->parse_char_pincode_window
-? UNIMPLIMENTED chr->parse_char_rename_char2
-? UNIMPLIMENTED chr->parse_char_request_captcha
-? UNIMPLIMENTED chr->parse_char_request_chars
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pCashShopBuy
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pGMRecall2
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pGMRemove2
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pGM_Monster_Item
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pItemListWindowSelected
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pPartyBookingDeleteReq
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pPartyBookingRegisterReq
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pPartyBookingSearchReq
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pPartyBookingUpdateReq
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pPartyInvite2
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pSkillSelectMenu
-? UNIMPLIMENTED clif->pStoragePassword
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_preferredpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_preferredpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_preferredpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_uselesspackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_uselesspackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8315546..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_uselesspackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Useless packet 0061.
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_wronginpacketsizes.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_wronginpacketsizes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_wronginpacketsizes.txt
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_wrongoutpacketsizes.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_wrongoutpacketsizes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/client_wrongoutpacketsizes.txt
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_3ceam_inpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_3ceam_inpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c5e92f8..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_3ceam_inpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pWantToConnection: 0436 vs 022d
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pMoveToKafra: 0893 vs 07ec
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pTakeItem: 0815 vs 07e4
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo: 08ad vs 0366
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pTickSend: 0817 vs 035f
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pMoveFromKafra: 0897 vs 0364
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pSolveCharName: 0838 vs 0368
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pGMReqAccountName: 01df vs 07f5
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pUseSkillToId: 0438 vs 083c
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pDropItem: 0885 vs 0362
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pUseSkillToPos: 0369 vs 0202
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pGetCharNameRequest: 088a vs 08ad
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pWalkToXY: 0364 vs 0437
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pChangeDir: 0366 vs 0893
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pActionRequest: 0437 vs 0369
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 07ec clif->pMoveToKafra
-Wrong function name for packet 0202: clif->pFriendsListAdd vs clif->pUseSkillToPos
-Wrong function name for packet 022d: clif->pHomMenu vs clif->pWantToConnection
-Different packet size for packet 023b clif->pStoragePassword: 36 vs 24
-Wrong function name for packet 035f: clif->pWalkToXY vs clif->pTickSend
-Wrong function name for packet 0362: clif->pTakeItem vs clif->pDropItem
-Wrong function name for packet 0364: clif->pWalkToXY vs clif->pMoveFromKafra
-Wrong function name for packet 0366: clif->pChangeDir vs clif->pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo
-Wrong function name for packet 0368: clif->pGetCharNameRequest vs clif->pSolveCharName
-Wrong function name for packet 0369: clif->pUseSkillToPos vs clif->pActionRequest
-Wrong function name for packet 0437: clif->pActionRequest vs clif->pWalkToXY
-Wrong function name for packet 07e4: clif->pItemListWindowSelected vs clif->pTakeItem
-Wrong function name for packet 07f5: clif->pGMFullStrip vs clif->pGMReqAccountName
-Wrong function name for packet 0815: clif->pTakeItem vs clif->pReqCloseBuyingStore
-Wrong function name for packet 0817: clif->pTickSend vs clif->pReqClickBuyingStore
-Wrong function name for packet 0838: clif->pSolveCharName vs clif->pSearchStoreInfoNextPage
-Wrong function name for packet 083c: clif->pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick vs clif->pUseSkillToId
-Wrong function name for packet 0893: clif->pMoveToKafra vs clif->pChangeDir
-Wrong function name for packet 08ad: clif->pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo vs clif->pGetCharNameRequest
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_3ceam_outpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_3ceam_outpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d544376..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_3ceam_outpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 0073
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 00fe
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 0104
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 011f
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 01e2
-Exists only in 3CeaM, but missing packet size: 08cf
-Exists only in 3CeaM, but missing packet size: 097e
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 0991
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 0992
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 0993
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 0994
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 0995
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 0996
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 0997
-Exists only in 3CeaM, but missing packet size: 099b
-Exists only in 3CeaM, but missing packet size: 09c1
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 09db
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 09dc
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 09dd
-Exists only in 3CeaM, but missing packet size: 0a02
-Exists only in 3CeaM: 0a28
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_brathena_inpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_brathena_inpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_brathena_inpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_brathena_outpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_brathena_outpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 82a1da2..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_brathena_outpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in brAthena, but missing packet size: 08cf
-Exists only in brAthena, but missing packet size: 0908
-Exists only in brAthena, but missing packet size: 0a02
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_idathena_inpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_idathena_inpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ee03354..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_idathena_inpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in idAthena: 012f clif->pOpenVending
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_idathena_outpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_idathena_outpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index be867e8..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_idathena_outpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in idAthena: 011f
-Exists only in idAthena, but missing packet size: 08cf
-Exists only in idAthena: 08d1
-Exists only in idAthena, but missing packet size: 0908
-Exists only in idAthena, but missing packet size: 0979
-Exists only in idAthena: 09a0
-Exists only in idAthena: 09b7
-Exists only in idAthena: 09b9
-Exists only in idAthena: 09c1
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_issues.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_issues.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3413728..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_issues.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Server code error: function clif->pReqCloseBuyingStore hidden in server code
-Server code error: function clif->pSearchStoreInfoNextPage hidden in server code
-Server code error: function clif->pReqClickBuyingStore hidden in server code
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_missing_sizes.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_missing_sizes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_missing_sizes.txt
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_outpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_outpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e3469e3..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_outpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-69 client name: SMSG_LOGIN_DATA
-6a client name: SMSG_LOGIN_ERROR
-6b client name: SMSG_CHAR_LOGIN
-6c client name: SMSG_CHAR_LOGIN_ERROR
-6e client name: SMSG_CHAR_CREATE_FAILED
-70 client name: SMSG_CHAR_DELETE_FAILED
-71 client name: SMSG_CHAR_MAP_INFO
-74 client name: SMSG_MAP_AUTH_REFUSE
-78 client name: SMSG_BEING_FAKE_NAME
-7f client name: SMSG_SERVER_PING
-80 client name: SMSG_BEING_REMOVE
-86 client name: SMSG_BEING_MOVE2
-87 client name: SMSG_WALK_RESPONSE
-88 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_STOP
-8a client name: SMSG_BEING_ACTION
-8d client name: SMSG_BEING_CHAT
-8e client name: SMSG_PLAYER_CHAT
-91 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_WARP
-92 client name: SMSG_CHANGE_MAP_SERVER
-97 client name: SMSG_WHISPER
-98 client name: SMSG_WHISPER_RESPONSE
-9a client name: SMSG_GM_CHAT
-9d client name: SMSG_ITEM_VISIBLE
-9e client name: SMSG_ITEM_DROPPED
-a1 client name: SMSG_ITEM_REMOVE
-a8 client name: SMSG_ITEM_USE_RESPONSE
-aa client name: SMSG_PLAYER_EQUIP
-ac client name: SMSG_PLAYER_UNEQUIP
-b0 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_STAT_UPDATE_1
-b1 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_STAT_UPDATE_2
-b4 client name: SMSG_NPC_MESSAGE
-b5 client name: SMSG_NPC_NEXT
-b6 client name: SMSG_NPC_CLOSE
-b7 client name: SMSG_NPC_CHOICE
-bc client name: SMSG_PLAYER_STAT_UPDATE_4
-bd client name: SMSG_PLAYER_STAT_UPDATE_5
-be client name: SMSG_PLAYER_STAT_UPDATE_6
-c0 client name: SMSG_BEING_EMOTION
-c2 client name: SMSG_WHO_ANSWER
-c4 client name: SMSG_NPC_BUY_SELL_CHOICE
-c6 client name: SMSG_NPC_BUY
-c7 client name: SMSG_NPC_SELL
-ca client name: SMSG_NPC_BUY_RESPONSE
-cb client name: SMSG_NPC_SELL_RESPONSE
-cd client name: SMSG_ADMIN_KICK_ACK
-d1 client name: SMSG_IGNORE_NICK_ACK
-d4 client name: SMSG_CHAT_IGNORE_LIST
-d6 client name: SMSG_CHAT_ROOM_CREATE_ACK
-d7 client name: SMSG_CHAT_DISPLAY
-d8 client name: SMSG_CHAT_ROOM_DESTROY
-db client name: SMSG_CHAT_ROOM_JOIN_ACK
-dc client name: SMSG_CHAT_ROOM_ADD_MEMBER
-dd client name: SMSG_CHAT_ROOM_LEAVE
-df client name: SMSG_CHAT_ROOM_SETTINGS
-ec client name: SMSG_TRADE_OK
-ee client name: SMSG_TRADE_CANCEL
-f0 client name: SMSG_TRADE_COMPLETE
-f1 client name: SMSG_TRADE_UNDO
-fa client name: SMSG_PARTY_CREATE
-fb client name: SMSG_PARTY_INFO
-105 client name: SMSG_PARTY_LEAVE
-107 client name: SMSG_PARTY_UPDATE_COORDS
-109 client name: SMSG_PARTY_MESSAGE
-10a client name: SMSG_MVP_ITEM
-10b client name: SMSG_MVP_EXP
-10c client name: SMSG_MVP_EFFECT
-10d client name: SMSG_MVP_NO_ITEM
-10e client name: SMSG_PLAYER_SKILL_UP
-10f client name: SMSG_PLAYER_SKILLS
-110 client name: SMSG_SKILL_FAILED
-111 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_ADD_SKILL
-11a client name: SMSG_SKILL_NO_DAMAGE
-11c client name: SMSG_SKILL_WARP_POINT
-11e client name: SMSG_SKILL_MEMO_MESSAGE
-120 client name: SMSG_BEING_REMOVE_SKILL
-121 client name: SMSG_CART_INFO
-125 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_CART_REMOVE
-12b client name: SMSG_CART_REMOVE
-12c client name: SMSG_PLAYER_CART_ADD_ERROR
-12d client name: SMSG_VENDING_OPEN_REQ
-131 client name: SMSG_VENDING_SHOW_BOARD
-132 client name: SMSG_VENDING_HIDE_BOARD
-135 client name: SMSG_VENDING_BUY_ACK
-136 client name: SMSG_VENDING_OPEN
-137 client name: SMSG_VENDING_REPORT
-139 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_MOVE_TO_ATTACK
-13a client name: SMSG_PLAYER_ATTACK_RANGE
-13c client name: SMSG_PLAYER_ARROW_EQUIP
-13d client name: SMSG_PLAYER_HEAL
-141 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_STAT_UPDATE_3
-142 client name: SMSG_NPC_INT_INPUT
-144 client name: SMSG_NPC_VIEWPOINT
-147 client name: SMSG_SKILL_AUTO_CAST
-148 client name: SMSG_BEING_RESURRECT
-14a client name: SMSG_MANNER_MESSAGE
-14b client name: SMSG_CHAT_SILENCE
-14c client name: SMSG_GUILD_ALIANCE_INFO
-152 client name: SMSG_GUILD_EMBLEM_DATA
-154 client name: SMSG_GUILD_MEMBER_LIST
-15a client name: SMSG_GUILD_LEAVE
-15e client name: SMSG_GUILD_BROKEN
-160 client name: SMSG_GUILD_POS_INFO_LIST
-162 client name: SMSG_GUILD_SKILL_INFO
-166 client name: SMSG_GUILD_POS_NAME_LIST
-169 client name: SMSG_GUILD_INVITE_ACK
-16a client name: SMSG_GUILD_INVITE
-16c client name: SMSG_GUILD_POSITION_INFO
-16d client name: SMSG_GUILD_ONLINE_INFO
-16f client name: SMSG_GUILD_NOTICE
-171 client name: SMSG_GUILD_REQ_ALLIANCE
-179 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_IDENTIFIED
-17b client name: SMSG_PLAYER_USE_CARD
-17d client name: SMSG_PLAYER_INSERT_CARD
-17f client name: SMSG_GUILD_MESSAGE
-184 client name: SMSG_GUILD_DEL_ALLIANCE
-188 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_REFINE
-18b client name: SMSG_MAP_QUIT_RESPONSE
-18c client name: SMSG_MONSTER_INFO
-191 client name: SMSG_CHAT_TALKIE_BOX
-192 client name: SMSG_ADMIN_SET_TILE_TYPE
-194 client name: SMSG_SOLVE_CHAR_NAME
-196 client name: SMSG_BEING_STATUS_CHANGE
-199 client name: SMSG_PVP_MAP_MODE
-19a client name: SMSG_PVP_SET
-19b client name: SMSG_BEING_SELFEFFECT
-19e client name: SMSG_PET_CATCH_PROCESS
-1a0 client name: SMSG_PET_ROULETTE
-1a2 client name: SMSG_PET_STATUS
-1a3 client name: SMSG_PET_FOOD
-1a4 client name: SMSG_PET_DATA
-1a6 client name: SMSG_PET_EGGS_LIST
-1aa client name: SMSG_PET_MESSAGE
-1ab client name: SMSG_BEING_STAT_UPDATE_1
-1ac client name: SMSG_SKILL_UNIT_UPDATE
-1b0 client name: SMSG_CLASS_CHANGE
-1b1 client name: SMSG_NPC_SHOW_DIGIT
-1b3 client name: SMSG_NPC_CUTIN
-1b4 client name: SMSG_GUILD_EMBLEM
-1b6 client name: SMSG_GUILD_BASIC_INFO
-1b9 client name: SMSG_SKILL_CAST_CANCEL
-1c3 client name: SMSG_GM_CHAT2
-1c4 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_ADD
-1c5 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_CART_ADD
-1c9 client name: SMSG_GRAFFITI_VISIBLE
-1d0 client name: SMSG_SPIRIT_BALLS
-1d1 client name: SMSG_BLADE_STOP
-1d2 client name: SMSG_COMBO_DELAY
-1d3 client name: SMSG_BEING_SOUND_EFFECT
-1d4 client name: SMSG_NPC_STR_INPUT
-1d6 client name: SMSG_MAP_TYPE
-1d7 client name: SMSG_BEING_CHANGE_LOOKS2
-1dc client name: SMSG_LOGIN_CODING_KEY
-1de client name: SMSG_SKILL_DAMAGE
-1e0 client name: SMSG_ADMIN_GET_LOGIN_ACK
-1e1 client name: SMSG_SPIRIT_BALL_SINGLE
-1e6 client name: SMSG_FAMILY_CALL_PARTNER
-1e9 client name: SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_INFO
-1ea client name: SMSG_WEDDING_EFFECT
-1eb client name: SMSG_GUILD_UPDATE_COORDS
-1f2 client name: SMSG_GUILD_MEMBER_LOGIN
-1f4 client name: SMSG_TRADE_REQUEST
-1f5 client name: SMSG_TRADE_RESPONSE
-1f6 client name: SMSG_FAMILY_ASK_FOR_CHILD
-1fc client name: SMSG_PLAYER_REPAIR_LIST
-1ff client name: SMSG_BEING_SLIDE
-201 client name: SMSG_FRIENDS_LIST
-205 client name: SMSG_FAMILY_DIVORCED
-207 client name: SMSG_FRIENDS_REQUEST
-209 client name: SMSG_FRIENDS_REQUEST_ACK
-20d client name: SMSG_CHAR_BAN_CHAR_LIST
-20e client name: SMSG_STARS_KILL
-210 client name: SMSG_PVP_INFO
-214 client name: SMSG_ADMIN_ACCOUNT_STATS
-221 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_REFINE_LIST
-224 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_FAME_TAEKWON
-226 client name: SMSG_TAEKWON_RANKS_LIST
-22e client name: SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_INFO
-22f client name: SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_FOOD
-230 client name: SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_DATA
-235 client name: SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_SKILLS
-238 client name: SMSG_PK_RANKS_LIST
-239 client name: SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_SKILL_UP
-240 client name: SMSG_MAIL_MAILS_LIST
-242 client name: SMSG_MAIL_READ_MAIL
-245 client name: SMSG_MAIL_GET_ATTACHMENT
-249 client name: SMSG_MAIL_SEND_MAIL_ACK
-24a client name: SMSG_MAIL_NEW_MAIL
-250 client name: SMSG_AUCTION_MESSAGE
-252 client name: SMSG_AUCTION_RESULTS
-256 client name: SMSG_AUCTION_SET_ITEM
-257 client name: SMSG_MAIL_DELETE_MAIL_ACK
-25a client name: SMSG_PLAYER_COOKING_LIST
-25d client name: CMSG_AUCTION_CLOSE
-25f client name: SMSG_AUCTION_OPEN_WINDOW
-260 client name: SMSG_MAIL_OPEN_WINDOW
-274 client name: SMSG_MAIL_RETURN
-283 client name: SMSG_MAP_ACCOUNT_ID
-287 client name: SMSG_NPC_CASH_SHOP_OPEN
-289 client name: SMSG_NPC_CASH_BUY_ACK
-28a client name: SMSG_PLAYER_STATUS_CHANGE2
-28e client name: SMSG_CHAR_CHECK_RENAME
-290 client name: SMSG_CHAR_RENAME
-291 client name: SMSG_FORMAT_MESSAGE
-293 client name: SMSG_BOSS_MAP_INFO
-294 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_READ_BOOK
-29b client name: SMSG_MERCENARY_INFO
-29d client name: SMSG_MERCENARY_SKILLS
-2a2 client name: SMSG_MERCENARY_UPDATE
-2b1 client name: SMSG_QUEST_LIST
-2b3 client name: SMSG_QUEST_ADD
-2b4 client name: SMSG_QUEST_REMOVE
-2b7 client name: SMSG_QUEST_ACTIVATE
-2b8 client name: SMSG_PARTY_ITEM_PICKUP
-2bb client name: SMSG_ITEM_DAMAGED
-2c1 client name: SMSG_COLOR_MESSAGE
-2c6 client name: SMSG_PARTY_INVITED
-2cb client name: SMSG_INSTANCE_START
-2cc client name: SMSG_INSTANCE_CREATE
-2cd client name: SMSG_INSTANCE_INFO
-2ce client name: SMSG_INSTANCE_DELETE
-2d0 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_EQUIPMENT
-2d2 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_CART_EQUIP
-2d3 client name: SMSG_BIND_ITEM
-2d9 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_EQUIP_TICK_ACK
-2da client name: SMSG_PLAYER_SHOW_EQUIP
-2dc client name: SMSG_BATTLE_CHAT_MESSAGE
-2dd client name: SMSG_BATTLE_EMBLEM
-2de client name: SMSG_BATTLE_UPDATE_SCORE
-2e0 client name: SMSG_BATTLE_UPDATE_HP
-2e1 client name: SMSG_BEING_ACTION2
-2e8 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY
-2e9 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_CART_ITEMS
-2eb client name: SMSG_MAP_LOGIN_SUCCESS
-2ef client name: SMSG_BEING_FONT
-2f0 client name: SMSG_NPC_SHOW_PROGRESS_BAR
-43f client name: SMSG_BEING_STATUS_CHANGE
-441 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_DELETE_SKILL
-446 client name: SMSG_QUEST_NPC_EFFECT
-7d8 client name: SMSG_PARTY_SETTINGS
-7d9 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_SHORTCUTS
-7e1 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_UPDATE_SKILL
-7f6 client name: SMSG_PLAYER_GET_EXP
-7fb client name: SMSG_SKILL_CASTING
-7fc client name: SMSG_PARTY_LEADER
-7fd client name: SMSG_ITEM_MVP_DROPPED
-7fe client name: SMSG_BATTLE_PLAY
-800 client name: SMSG_VENDING_ITEMS_LIST
-805 client name: SMSG_BOOKING_SEARCH_ACK
-807 client name: SMSG_BOOKING_DELETE_ACK
-80e client name: SMSG_PLAYER_HP
-80f client name: SMSG_TRADE_ITEM_ADD
-810 client name: SMSG_BUYINGSTORE_OPEN
-81d client name: SMSG_ELEMENTAL_INFO
-828 client name: SMSG_CHAR_DELETE2_ACK
-82c client name: SMSG_CHAR_DELETE2_CANCEL_ACK
-82d client name: SMSG_CHAR_LOGIN2
-839 client name: SMSG_GUILD_EXPULSION
-83a client name: SMSG_SEARCHSTORE_OPEN
-840 client name: SMSG_MAP_NOT_FOUND
-845 client name: SMSG_NPC_CASH_POINTS
-849 client name: SMSG_NPC_CASH_BUY
-856 client name: SMSG_BEING_MOVE
-857 client name: SMSG_BEING_VISIBLE
-858 client name: SMSG_BEING_SPAWN
-8b3 client name: SMSG_SCRIPT_MESSAGE
-8b9 client name: SMSG_CHAR_PINCODE_STATUS
-8c0 client name: SMSG_NPC_CASH_TAB_PRICE_LIST
-8c7 client name: SMSG_SKILL_ENTRY
-8ca client name: SMSG_NPC_CASH_SCHEDULE
-8d2 client name: SMSG_SKILL_SNAP
-8d5 client name: SMSG_CHAR_CHANGE_SLOT
-8d6 client name: SMSG_NPC_CLOSE_TIMEOUT
-8d8 client name: SMSG_BATTLE_QUEUE_ACK
-8d9 client name: SMSG_BATTLE_JOINED
-8df client name: SMSG_BATTLE_BEGINS
-96d client name: SMSG_MERGE_ITEM
-96f client name: SMSG_ACK_MERGE_ITEMS
-97d client name: SMSG_RANKS_LIST
-99d client name: SMSG_CHAR_CHARACTERS
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_peek_inpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_peek_inpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0de4a8f..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_peek_inpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in peek: 0073
-Exists only in peek: 0075
-Exists only in peek: 0076
-Exists only in peek: 0077
-Exists only in peek: 0079
-Exists only in peek: 007a
-Exists only in peek: 007b
-Exists only in peek: 007c
-Exists only in peek: 0082
-Exists only in peek: 0083
-Exists only in peek: 0084
-Exists only in peek: 008b
-Exists only in peek: 0093
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-Exists only in peek: 00a4
-Exists only in peek: 00a5
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-Exists only in peek: 0104
-Exists only in peek: 0106
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-Exists only in peek: 0115
-Exists only in peek: 0119
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-Exists only in peek: 0123
-Exists only in peek: 0124
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-Exists only in peek: 0259
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-Exists only in peek: 0262
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-Exists only in peek: 0266
-Exists only in peek: 0267
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-Exists only in peek: 0271
-Exists only in peek: 0272
-Exists only in peek: 0275
-Exists only in peek: 0276
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-Exists only in peek: 0282
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-Exists only in peek: 0296
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-Exists only in peek: 0866
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-Exists only in peek: 0872
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-Exists only in peek: 0882
-Exists only in peek: 0883
-Exists only in peek: 0884
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-Exists only in peek: 08a1
-Exists only in peek: 08a2
-Exists only in peek: 08a3
-Exists only in peek: 08a4
-Exists only in peek: 08a5
-Exists only in peek: 08a6
-Exists only in peek: 08a7
-Exists only in peek: 08a8
-Exists only in peek: 08a9
-Exists only in peek: 08aa
-Exists only in peek: 08ab
-Exists only in peek: 08ac
-Exists only in peek: 08af
-Exists only in peek: 08b0
-Exists only in peek: 08b1
-Exists only in peek: 08b2
-Exists only in peek: 08b4
-Exists only in peek: 08b5
-Exists only in peek: 08b6
-Exists only in peek: 08bb
-Exists only in peek: 08bc
-Exists only in peek: 08bd
-Exists only in peek: 08bf
-Exists only in peek: 08c1
-Exists only in peek: 08c2
-Exists only in peek: 08c3
-Exists only in peek: 08c4
-Exists only in peek: 08c6
-Exists only in peek: 08c8
-Exists only in peek: 08cb
-Exists only in peek: 08cc
-Exists only in peek: 08cd
-Exists only in peek: 08ce
-Exists only in peek: 08cf
-Exists only in peek: 08d0
-Exists only in peek: 08d1
-Exists only in peek: 08d3
-Exists only in peek: 08dc
-Exists only in peek: 08dd
-Exists only in peek: 08de
-Exists only in peek: 08e1
-Exists only in peek: 08e2
-Different packet size for packet 0248: 68 vs -1
-Different packet size for packet 024d: 14 vs 12
-Different packet size for packet 024e: 4 vs 6
-Different packet size for packet 0251: 32 vs 34
-Different packet size for packet 0273: 6 vs 30
-Different packet size for packet 0288: 6 vs -1
-Different packet size for packet 035f: -1 vs 6
-Different packet size for packet 07e5: 8 vs 4
-Different packet size for packet 0804: 8 vs 14
-Different packet size for packet 0808: 4 vs 14
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_ragemu_inpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_ragemu_inpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_ragemu_inpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_ragemu_outpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_ragemu_outpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c6c3c0..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_ragemu_outpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in RagEmu, but missing packet size: 08cf
-Exists only in RagEmu, but missing packet size: 0908
-Exists only in RagEmu: 09c1
-Exists only in RagEmu, but missing packet size: 0a02
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_rathena_inpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_rathena_inpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 252ce10..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_rathena_inpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pFriendsListAdd: 0202 vs 0436
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pWantToConnection: 0436 vs 083c
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pStoragePassword: 023b vs 0281
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pItemListWindowSelected: 07e4 vs 0811
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pHomMenu: 022d vs 0898
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pReqOpenBuyingStore: 0811 vs 0835
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pReqTradeBuyingStore: 0819 vs 089e
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pReqCloseBuyingStore: 0815 vs 089b
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pPartyInvite2: 02c4 vs 088d
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick: 083c vs 08a2
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pUseSkillToId: 0438 vs 02c4
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pPartyBookingRegisterReq: 0802 vs 08a5
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pSearchStoreInfoNextPage: 0838 vs 088b
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pSearchStoreInfo: 0835 vs 08ab
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pReqClickBuyingStore: 0817 vs 08a1
-Wrong preffered packet for function clif->pActionRequest: 0437 vs 08aa
-Exists only in rAthena: 012f clif->pOpenVending
-Exists only in rAthena: 0281 clif->pStoragePassword
-Exists only in rAthena: 088b clif->pSearchStoreInfoNextPage
-Exists only in rAthena: 088d clif->pPartyInvite2
-Exists only in rAthena: 0898 clif->pHomMenu
-Exists only in rAthena: 089b clif->pReqCloseBuyingStore
-Exists only in rAthena: 089e clif->pReqTradeBuyingStore
-Exists only in rAthena: 08a1 clif->pReqClickBuyingStore
-Exists only in rAthena: 08a2 clif->pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick
-Exists only in rAthena: 08a5 clif->pPartyBookingRegisterReq
-Exists only in rAthena: 08aa clif->pActionRequest
-Exists only in rAthena: 08ab clif->pSearchStoreInfo
-Wrong function name for packet 02c4: clif->pPartyInvite2 vs clif->pUseSkillToId
-Wrong function name for packet 0436: clif->pWantToConnection vs clif->pFriendsListAdd
-Wrong function name for packet 0811: clif->pReqOpenBuyingStore vs clif->pItemListWindowSelected
-Wrong function name for packet 0835: clif->pSearchStoreInfo vs clif->pReqOpenBuyingStore
-Wrong function name for packet 083c: clif->pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick vs clif->pWantToConnection
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_rathena_outpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_rathena_outpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b5f0ab3..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_rathena_outpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in rAthena: 011f
-Exists only in rAthena: 083e
-Exists only in rAthena: 08cf
-Exists only in rAthena: 08d1
-Exists only in rAthena, but missing packet size: 0908
-Exists only in rAthena, but missing packet size: 0979
-Exists only in rAthena: 09a0
-Exists only in rAthena: 09b7
-Exists only in rAthena: 09b9
-Exists only in rAthena: 09c1
-Exists only in rAthena: 0a28
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_server2013_inpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_server2013_inpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b4f0f04..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_server2013_inpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
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-Exists only in server2013: 00ad
-Exists only in server2013: 00ba
-Exists only in server2013: 012f
-Exists only in server2013: 0138
-Exists only in server2013: 0157
-Exists only in server2013: 0175
-Exists only in server2013: 01a8
-Exists only in server2013: 01b7
-Exists only in server2013: 01bf
-Exists only in server2013: 01c0
-Exists only in server2013: 01ca
-Exists only in server2013: 01cb
-Exists only in server2013: 01e3
-Exists only in server2013: 01e5
-Exists only in server2013: 020b
-Exists only in server2013: 020c
-Exists only in server2013: 0228
-Exists only in server2013: 0258
-Exists only in server2013: 0264
-Exists only in server2013: 0265
-Exists only in server2013: 0266
-Exists only in server2013: 0271
-Exists only in server2013: 0275
-Exists only in server2013: 0279
-Exists only in server2013: 027f
-Exists only in server2013: 0281
-Exists only in server2013: 0286
-Exists only in server2013: 028c
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-Exists only in server2013: 02a1
-Exists only in server2013: 02a4
-Exists only in server2013: 02a5
-Exists only in server2013: 02a7
-Exists only in server2013: 02a9
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-Exists only in server2013: 02af
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-Exists only in server2013: 02c3
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-Exists only in server2013: 02e3
-Exists only in server2013: 02e4
-Exists only in server2013: 02e5
-Exists only in server2013: 02e6
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-Exists only in server2013: 02f6
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-Exists only in server2013: 035e
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-Exists only in server2013: 0852
-Exists only in server2013: 0854
-Exists only in server2013: 0884
-Exists only in server2013: 0886
-Exists only in server2013: 0887
-Exists only in server2013: 0888
-Exists only in server2013: 0889
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-Exists only in server2013: 0891
-Exists only in server2013: 0892
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-Exists only in server2013: 0898
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-Exists only in server2013: 089e
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-Exists only in server2013: 08a1
-Exists only in server2013: 08a2
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-Exists only in server2013: 08a4
-Exists only in server2013: 08a5
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-Exists only in server2013: 08a8
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-Exists only in server2013: 08f5
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-Exists only in server2013: 08f9
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-Exists only in server2013: 0912
-Exists only in server2013: 0916
-Exists only in server2013: 0941
-Exists only in server2013: 0942
-Exists only in server2013: 0943
-Exists only in server2013: 0944
-Exists only in server2013: 0945
-Exists only in server2013: 0946
-Exists only in server2013: 0947
-Exists only in server2013: 0948
-Exists only in server2013: 0949
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-Exists only in server2013: 094c
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-Exists only in server2013: 0951
-Exists only in server2013: 0952
-Exists only in server2013: 0953
-Exists only in server2013: 0954
-Exists only in server2013: 0955
-Exists only in server2013: 0956
-Exists only in server2013: 0957
-Exists only in server2013: 0958
-Exists only in server2013: 0959
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-Exists only in server2013: 0961
-Exists only in server2013: 0962
-Exists only in server2013: 0963
-Exists only in server2013: 0964
-Exists only in server2013: 0965
-Exists only in server2013: 0966
-Exists only in server2013: 0967
-Exists only in server2013: 0968
-Exists only in server2013: 0969
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-Exists only in server2013: 0970
-Exists only in server2013: 0978
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-Exists only in server2013: 0987
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deleted file mode 100644
index 13cc5c0..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/hercules_server2013_outpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
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-Exists only in server2013: 0084
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-Exists only in server2013: 0115
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-Exists only in server2013: 0123
-Exists only in server2013: 0124
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-Exists only in server2013: 0150
-Exists only in server2013: 0158
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-Exists only in server2013: 0176
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-Exists only in server2013: 0932
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-Exists only in server2013: 0934
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-Exists only in tables: 022c
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-Exists only in tables: 023d
-Exists only in tables: 023e
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-Exists only in tables: 0259
-Exists only in tables: 025e
-Exists only in tables: 0261
-Exists only in tables: 0262
-Exists only in tables: 0263
-Exists only in tables: 0264
-Exists only in tables: 0265
-Exists only in tables: 0266
-Exists only in tables: 0267
-Exists only in tables: 0268
-Exists only in tables: 0269
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-Exists only in tables: 026d
-Exists only in tables: 026f
-Exists only in tables: 0270
-Exists only in tables: 0271
-Exists only in tables: 0272
-Exists only in tables: 0275
-Exists only in tables: 0276
-Exists only in tables: 0278
-Exists only in tables: 0279
-Exists only in tables: 027a
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-Exists only in tables: 0281
-Exists only in tables: 0282
-Exists only in tables: 0285
-Exists only in tables: 0286
-Exists only in tables: 028b
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-Exists only in tables: 0295
-Exists only in tables: 0296
-Exists only in tables: 0297
-Exists only in tables: 029a
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-Exists only in tables: 02ac
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-Exists only in tables: 02bc
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-Exists only in tables: 02d7
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-Exists only in tables: 02e4
-Exists only in tables: 02e5
-Exists only in tables: 02e6
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-Exists only in tables: 02f5
-Exists only in tables: 02f6
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-Exists only in tables: 035e
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-Exists only in tables: 0445
-Exists only in tables: 0447
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-Exists only in tables: 0821
-Exists only in tables: 0822
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-Exists only in tables: 0851
-Exists only in tables: 0852
-Exists only in tables: 0853
-Exists only in tables: 0854
-Exists only in tables: 0855
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-Exists only in tables: 0862
-Exists only in tables: 0863
-Exists only in tables: 0864
-Exists only in tables: 0865
-Exists only in tables: 0866
-Exists only in tables: 0867
-Exists only in tables: 0868
-Exists only in tables: 0869
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-Exists only in tables: 0871
-Exists only in tables: 0872
-Exists only in tables: 0873
-Exists only in tables: 0874
-Exists only in tables: 0875
-Exists only in tables: 0876
-Exists only in tables: 0877
-Exists only in tables: 0878
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-Exists only in tables: 0881
-Exists only in tables: 0882
-Exists only in tables: 0883
-Exists only in tables: 0884
-Exists only in tables: 0886
-Exists only in tables: 0887
-Exists only in tables: 0888
-Exists only in tables: 0889
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-Exists only in tables: 0891
-Exists only in tables: 0892
-Exists only in tables: 0894
-Exists only in tables: 0895
-Exists only in tables: 0896
-Exists only in tables: 0898
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-Exists only in tables: 089a
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-Exists only in tables: 089d
-Exists only in tables: 089e
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-Exists only in tables: 08a1
-Exists only in tables: 08a2
-Exists only in tables: 08a3
-Exists only in tables: 08a4
-Exists only in tables: 08a5
-Exists only in tables: 08a6
-Exists only in tables: 08a7
-Exists only in tables: 08a8
-Exists only in tables: 08a9
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-Exists only in tables: 08b1
-Exists only in tables: 08b2
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-Exists only in tables: 08b5
-Exists only in tables: 08b6
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-Exists only in tables: 08bd
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-Exists only in tables: 08c2
-Exists only in tables: 08c3
-Exists only in tables: 08c4
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-Exists only in tables: 08ce
-Exists only in tables: 08cf
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-Exists only in tables: 08d1
-Exists only in tables: 08d3
-Exists only in tables: 08dc
-Exists only in tables: 08dd
-Exists only in tables: 08de
-Exists only in tables: 08e1
-Exists only in tables: 08e2
-Different packet size for packet 0248: 68 vs 0
-Different packet size for packet 024d: 14 vs 12
-Different packet size for packet 024e: 4 vs 6
-Different packet size for packet 0251: 32 vs 34
-Different packet size for packet 0273: 6 vs 30
-Different packet size for packet 0288: 6 vs 0
-Different packet size for packet 035f: -1 vs 6
-Different packet size for packet 07e5: 8 vs 4
-Different packet size for packet 0804: 8 vs 14
-Different packet size for packet 0808: 4 vs 14
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/peek_hercules_inpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/peek_hercules_inpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c89a57..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/peek_hercules_inpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in Hercules: 08fc
-Exists only in Hercules: 090a
-Exists only in Hercules: 096e
-Exists only in Hercules: 0974
-Exists only in Hercules: 09a1
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/peek_hercules_outpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/peek_hercules_outpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a5f87c7..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/peek_hercules_outpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in Hercules: 096d
-Exists only in Hercules: 096f
-Exists only in Hercules: 0977
-Exists only in Hercules: 097d
-Exists only in Hercules: 099d
-Exists only in Hercules: 09a6
-Exists only in Hercules: 09a8
-Exists only in Hercules: 09aa
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a1a
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a1c
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a20
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a22
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2013_hercules_inpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2013_hercules_inpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6f06d..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2013_hercules_inpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in Hercules: 0187
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2013_hercules_outpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2013_hercules_outpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index de2cd20..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2013_hercules_outpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in Hercules: 0081
-Exists only in Hercules: 025d
-Exists only in Hercules: 09a6
-Exists only in Hercules: 09a8
-Exists only in Hercules: 09aa
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a1a
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a1c
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a20
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a22
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2014_hercules_inpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2014_hercules_inpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6f06d..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2014_hercules_inpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in Hercules: 0187
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2014_hercules_outpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2014_hercules_outpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d30c51..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/server2014_hercules_outpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in Hercules: 0081
-Exists only in Hercules: 025d
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a1a
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a1c
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a20
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a22
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/tables_hercules_inpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/tables_hercules_inpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c89a57..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/tables_hercules_inpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in Hercules: 08fc
-Exists only in Hercules: 090a
-Exists only in Hercules: 096e
-Exists only in Hercules: 0974
-Exists only in Hercules: 09a1
diff --git a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/tables_hercules_outpackets.txt b/servergreps/hercules/20111005/tables_hercules_outpackets.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a5f87c7..0000000
--- a/servergreps/hercules/20111005/tables_hercules_outpackets.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Exists only in Hercules: 096d
-Exists only in Hercules: 096f
-Exists only in Hercules: 0977
-Exists only in Hercules: 097d
-Exists only in Hercules: 099d
-Exists only in Hercules: 09a6
-Exists only in Hercules: 09a8
-Exists only in Hercules: 09aa
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a1a
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a1c
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a20
-Exists only in Hercules: 0a22