path: root/hercules/code
diff options
authorAndrei Karas <>2014-10-31 01:08:46 +0300
committerAndrei Karas <>2014-10-31 12:19:12 +0300
commit746192af34a65504cb86a4eca068a8f0fbb361f5 (patch)
tree12d399627720f7fc72e66deb64bac7ef0d9eb71e /hercules/code
parent63f135d8af2a81a78626d6229d077e3f91a35288 (diff)
hercules: split implimentation to many files.
Diffstat (limited to 'hercules/code')
17 files changed, 651 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hercules/code/ b/hercules/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/
diff --git a/hercules/code/clienttoserver/ b/hercules/code/clienttoserver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/clienttoserver/
diff --git a/hercules/code/clienttoserver/ b/hercules/code/clienttoserver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a401cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/clienttoserver/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import array
+import os
+import zlib
+import struct
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from code.fileutils import *
+def getTmxFiles(srcDir):
+ for name in os.listdir(srcDir):
+ fileName = srcDir + name
+ if os.path.isfile(fileName) == False:
+ continue
+ if name.endswith(".tmx") == False:
+ continue
+ yield fileName
+def recreateMapCache():
+ destDir = "mapcache/"
+ srcDir = "clientdata/maps/"
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ sz = 0L
+ mapsCount = 0
+ with open(destDir + "map_cache.dat", "wb") as w:
+ writeInt32(w, 0) # file size
+ writeInt16(w, 0) # maps count
+ writeInt16(w, 0) # padding
+ sz = sz + 8
+ for fileName in getTmxFiles(srcDir):
+ dom = minidom.parse(fileName)
+ root = dom.documentElement
+ firstgid = 0
+ for tileset in root.getElementsByTagName("tileset"):
+ try:
+ name = tileset.attributes["name"].value
+ except:
+ name = ""
+ if name == "Collision":
+ firstgid = int(tileset.attributes["firstgid"].value)
+ break
+ for layer in root.getElementsByTagName("layer"):
+ if layer.attributes["name"].value == "Collision":
+ data = layer.getElementsByTagName("data")
+ if data is None or len(data) != 1:
+ continue
+ data = data[0]
+ width = int(layer.attributes["width"].value)
+ height = int(layer.attributes["height"].value)
+ encoding = data.attributes["encoding"].value
+ compression = data.attributes["compression"].value
+ if encoding == "base64":
+ binData = data.childNodes[0].data.strip()
+ binData = binData.decode('base64')
+ if compression == "gzip":
+ dc = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
+ else:
+ dc = zlib.decompressobj()
+ layerData = dc.decompress(binData)
+ arr = array.array("I")
+ arr.fromstring(layerData)
+ else:
+ print "map format not supported: " + fileName
+ continue
+ tiles = []
+ for tile in arr:
+ if tile == 0:
+ tileType = 0
+ else:
+ tileType = tile - firstgid;
+ if tileType == 0 or tileType == 4:
+ tiles.append(0)
+ else:
+ tiles.append(1)
+ comp = zlib.compressobj()
+ binData = struct.pack(str(len(tiles))+"B", *tiles)
+ binData = zlib.compress(binData)
+ idx = fileName.rfind("/") + 1
+ mapName = fileName[idx:-4]
+ writeMapName(w, mapName)
+ writeInt16(w, width)
+ writeInt16(w, height)
+ writeInt32(w, len(binData))
+ writeData(w, binData)
+ print fileName
+ mapsCount = mapsCount + 1
+ sz = sz + 12 + 8 + len(binData)
+ break
+ writeInt32(w, sz)
+ writeInt16(w, mapsCount)
diff --git a/hercules/code/ b/hercules/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..150cb8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import array
+import os
+import struct
+import shutil
+def readInt32(f):
+ data =
+ arr = array.array("I")
+ arr.fromstring(data)
+ return arr[0]
+def readInt16(f):
+ data =
+ arr = array.array("H")
+ arr.fromstring(data)
+ return arr[0]
+def readMapName(f):
+ data =
+ data = str(data)
+ while data[-1] == '\x00':
+ data = data[:-1]
+ return data
+def readData(f, sz):
+ return
+def readFile(path):
+ with open(path, "r") as f:
+ return
+def writeInt32(f, i):
+ f.write(struct.pack("I", i))
+def writeInt16(f, i):
+ f.write(struct.pack("H", i))
+def writeMapName(f, name):
+ if len(name) > 12:
+ name = name[:12]
+ while len(name) < 12:
+ name = name + '\x00'
+ f.write(struct.pack("12s", name))
+def writeData(f, data):
+ f.write(data)
+def copyFile(src, dst, name):
+ shutil.copyfile(src + name, dst + name)
+def saveFile(fileName, data):
+ with open(fileName, "w") as w:
+ w.write(data)
+def makeDir(path):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
diff --git a/hercules/code/server/ b/hercules/code/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2de4bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import zlib
+from code.fileutils import *
+def listMapCache(f, mapsCount):
+ print "Known maps:"
+ print "{0:12} {1:<4}x {2:<4} {3:<10}".format("Map name", "sx", "sy", "compressed size")
+ for i in xrange(0, mapsCount):
+ name = readMapName(f)
+ sx = readInt16(f)
+ sy = readInt16(f)
+ sz = readInt32(f)
+ print "{0:12} {1:<4}x {2:<4} {3:<10}".format(name, sx, sy, sz)
+, 1)
+def extractMaps(f, mapsCount):
+ destDir = "maps/"
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ for i in xrange(0, mapsCount):
+ name = readMapName(f)
+ sx = readInt16(f)
+ sy = readInt16(f)
+ sz = readInt32(f)
+ data = readData(f, sz)
+ dc = zlib.decompressobj()
+ data = dc.decompress(data)
+ with open(destDir + name, "wb") as w:
+ w.write(struct.pack("H", sx))
+ w.write(struct.pack("H", sy))
+ w.write(data)
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96c133b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import *
+def convertHomunculuses():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ homunculusesDbFile = "serverdata/db/re/homunculus_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "homunculus.tpl")
+ homunculuses = readFile(templatesDir + "homunculuses.xml")
+ data = ""
+ homunculusSprite = "<sprite>monsters/tortuga.xml</sprite>";
+ with open(homunculusesDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line == "" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 9:
+ continue
+ homunculusId = rows[0]
+ data = data + tpl.format(homunculusId, homunculusSprite)
+ saveFile(destDir + "homunculuses.xml", homunculuses.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9acb581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from sets import Set
+from code.fileutils import *
+from code.stringutils import *
+def prepStat(val, text):
+ if val != "0" and val != "":
+ return " {0}=\"{1}\"\n".format(text, val)
+ return ""
+def convertItems():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ itemsDbFile = "serverdata/sql-files/item_db_re.sql"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ bracketsSplit = re.compile("[(]|[)]")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "item.tpl")
+ items = readFile(templatesDir + "items.xml")
+ data = ""
+ ids = Set()
+ with open(itemsDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if len(line) < 10 or line[0:2] == "//" or line[0:12] != "REPLACE INTO":
+ continue
+ rows = bracketsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 2:
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(rows[1])
+ if len(rows) < 31:
+ continue
+ rows = stripQuotes2(rows)
+ itemId = rows[0]
+ name = rows[1]
+ name2 = rows[2]
+ itemType = rows[3]
+ priceBuy = rows[4]
+ priceSell = rows[5]
+ weight = rows[6]
+ atk = rows[7]
+ matk = rows[8]
+ defence = rows[9]
+ attackRange = rows[10]
+ slots = rows[11]
+ equipJobs = rows[12]
+ equipUpper = rows[12]
+ equipGender = rows[14]
+ equipLocations = rows[15]
+ weaponLevel = rows[16]
+ equipLevelMin = rows[17]
+ equipLevelMax = rows[18]
+ refinable = rows[19]
+ view = rows[20]
+ bindOnEquip = rows[21]
+ buyInStore = rows[22]
+ delay = rows[23]
+ tradeFlag = rows[24]
+ tradeGroup = rows[25]
+ nouseFlag = rows[26]
+ nouseGroup = rows[27]
+ stackAmount = rows[28]
+ stackFlag = rows[29]
+ sprite = rows[30]
+ name = name.replace("\\'", "'")
+ image = ""
+ statStr = prepStat(atk, "attack")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(matk, "mattack")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(defence, "defence")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(weight, "weight")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(attackRange, "range")
+ statStr = statStr + prepStat(delay, "speed")
+# print itemId + "," + equipLocations
+# typeStr = "other"
+ typeStr = "equip-legs"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/legs/trousers-male.xml"
+ image = "generic/box-fish.png"
+ if itemType == 0 or itemType == 2 or itemType == 18: # usable
+ image = "usable/bread.png"
+ typeStr = "usable"
+ spriteStr = "";
+ elif equipLocations == "0":
+ image = "usable/bread.png"
+ typeStr = "usable"
+ spriteStr = "";
+ elif equipLocations == "1":
+ image = "equipment/legs/shorts.png|S:#4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e4dfca"
+ typeStr = "equip-legs"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/legs/shorts-male.xml|#4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e0d5bf";
+ elif equipLocations == "2":
+ image = "equipment/weapons/knife.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-1hand"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/weapons/knife.xml";
+ elif equipLocations == "4":
+ image = "equipment/hands/armbands.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-arms"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/hands/armbands-male.xml";
+ elif equipLocations == "16":
+ image = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt.png|S:#3c3c3c,3e3c38,4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e4dfca"
+ typeStr = "equip-torso"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt-male.xml|#43413d,59544f,7a706c,8a8176,a69e88,d1c7a7,e0d5bf";
+ elif equipLocations == "64":
+ image = "equipment/feet/boots.png|S:#3c3c3c,40332d,4d4d4d,5e4a3d,686868,705740,919191,a1825d,b6b6b6,b59767,dfdfdf,dbbf88"
+ typeStr = "equip-feet"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/feet/boots-male.xml|#40332d,5e4a3d,705740,a1825d,b59767,dbbf88";
+ elif equipLocations == "136":
+ image = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt.png|S:#3c3c3c,3e3c38,4d4d4d,514d47,686868,706662,919191,99917b,b6b6b6,c0b698,dfdfdf,e4dfca"
+ typeStr = "equip-torso"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/chest/cottonshirt-male.xml|#43413d,59544f,7a706c,8a8176,a69e88,d1c7a7,e0d5bf";
+ elif equipLocations == "256":
+ image = "equipment/head/bandana.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-head"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/head/bandana-male.xml";
+ elif equipLocations == "512":
+ # no sprites in evol
+ image = "equipment/chest/sailorshirt.png"
+ typeStr = "equip-torso"
+ spriteStr = "equipment/chest/shirt-male.xml|#131913,1b231d,233129,35433e,4e6059,6c8279;#72571e,836737,a5854d,b18f45";
+ name = strToXml(name);
+ if itemId not in ids:
+ ids.add(itemId)
+ data = data + tpl.format(itemId, name, 0,
+ statStr, image, typeStr, spriteStr)
+ if view != "0" and view not in ids:
+ ids.add(view)
+ data = data + tpl.format(view, name, 0,
+ statStr, image, typeStr, spriteStr)
+ saveFile(destDir + "items.xml", items.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0a7641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import zlib
+from code.fileutils import *
+from code.tileutils import *
+def covertToTmx(f, mapsCount):
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ mapsDir = destDir + "maps/"
+ tilesetsDir = destDir + "graphics/tilesets/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ makeDir(mapsDir)
+ makeDir(tilesetsDir)
+ copyFile(templatesDir, tilesetsDir, "collision.png")
+ copyFile(templatesDir, tilesetsDir, "tileset.png")
+ tmx = readFile("templates/template.tmx")
+ for i in xrange(0, mapsCount):
+ name = readMapName(f)
+ print "converting map [{0:4}/{1:4}]: {2}".format(i, mapsCount + 1, name)
+ sx = readInt16(f)
+ sy = readInt16(f)
+ sz = readInt32(f)
+ mapData = readData(f, sz)
+ dc = zlib.decompressobj()
+ mapData = dc.decompress(mapData)
+ ground = ""
+ collision = ""
+ fringe = ""
+ for y in xrange(0, sy):
+ for x in xrange(0, sx):
+ tileData = getTileData(mapData, x, y, sx)
+ tile = getTile(tileData)
+ if x + 1 == sx and y + 1 == sy:
+ ground = ground + tile[0]
+ collision = collision + tile[1]
+ fringe = fringe + "0";
+ else:
+ ground = ground + tile[0] + ","
+ collision = collision + tile[1] + ","
+ fringe = fringe + "0,";
+ ground = ground + "\n"
+ collision = collision + "\n"
+ fringe = fringe + "\n"
+ saveFile(mapsDir + name + ".tmx", tmx.format(sx, sy, ground, collision, fringe))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b8c5f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import *
+def convertMercenaries():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ mercenariesDbFile = "serverdata/db/mercenary_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "mercenary.tpl")
+ mercenaries = readFile(templatesDir + "mercenaries.xml")
+ data = ""
+ mercenarySprite = "<sprite>monsters/croc.xml</sprite>";
+ with open(mercenariesDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line == "" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 9:
+ continue
+ mercenaryId = rows[0]
+ data = data + tpl.format(mercenaryId, mercenarySprite)
+ saveFile(destDir + "mercenaries.xml", mercenaries.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d08ce66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from sets import Set
+from code.fileutils import *
+from code.stringutils import *
+def convertMonsters():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ monstersDbFile = "serverdata/sql-files/mob_db_re.sql"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ bracketsSplit = re.compile("[(]|[)]")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "monster.tpl")
+ monsters = readFile(templatesDir + "monsters.xml")
+ data = ""
+ ids = Set()
+ monsterSprite = """<sprite>monsters/blub.xml</sprite>
+ <sprite>accessories/blub-tentacle.xml|#3e4164,3a3968,544a82,64437a,7d6db4,a26392,8f99c4,d294ab,b3cdcd,e7b8b8,d9ecd1,f0e8c5</sprite>""";
+ with open(monstersDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if len(line) < 10 or line[0:2] == "//" or line[0:12] != "REPLACE INTO":
+ continue
+ rows = bracketsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 2:
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(rows[1])
+ if len(rows) < 5:
+ continue
+ monsterId = rows[0]
+ name = strToXml(stripQuotes(rows[2]))
+ data = data + tpl.format(monsterId, name, monsterSprite)
+ saveFile(destDir + "monsters.xml", monsters.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa1219b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import *
+def convertPets():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ petsDbFile = "serverdata/db/pet_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "pet.tpl")
+ pets = readFile(templatesDir + "pets.xml")
+ data = ""
+ petSprite = "<sprite>monsters/tortuga.xml</sprite>";
+ with open(petsDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line == "" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 9:
+ continue
+ petId = rows[0]
+ data = data + tpl.format(petId, petSprite)
+ saveFile(destDir + "pets.xml", pets.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6243ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import *
+from code.stringutils import *
+def convertQuests():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ questsDbFile = "serverdata/db/quest_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "quest.tpl")
+ quests = readFile(templatesDir + "quests.xml")
+ data = ""
+ with open(questsDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line == "" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 9:
+ continue
+ questId = rows[0]
+ text = rows[8]
+ if text[-1] == "\n":
+ text = text[:-1]
+ text = strToXml(stripQuotes(text))
+ name = text
+ if len(name) > 20:
+ name = name[:19]
+ data = data + tpl.format(questId, name, text + ": " + str(questId))
+ saveFile(destDir + "quests.xml", quests.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/servertoclient/ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..022e874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/servertoclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import re
+from code.fileutils import *
+def convertSkillsToXml():
+ destDir = "clientdata/"
+ templatesDir = "templates/"
+ skillsDbFile = "serverdata/db/re/skill_db.txt"
+ fieldsSplit = re.compile(",")
+ makeDir(destDir)
+ tpl = readFile(templatesDir + "skill.tpl")
+ skills = readFile(templatesDir + "skills.xml")
+ data = ""
+ with open(skillsDbFile, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line == "" or line[0:2] == "//":
+ continue
+ rows = fieldsSplit.split(line)
+ if len(rows) < 9:
+ continue
+ skillId = rows[0]
+ name = rows[15].strip()
+ description = rows[16].strip()
+ idx = description.find ("//")
+ if idx > 1:
+ description = description[:idx]
+ data = data + tpl.format(skillId, name, description)
+ saveFile(destDir + "skills.xml", skills.format(data))
diff --git a/hercules/code/ b/hercules/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09e3cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+def stripQuotes(data):
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ return data
+ if data[-1] == "\"":
+ data = data[:-1]
+ if data[0] == "\"":
+ data = data[1:]
+ if data[-1] == "'":
+ data = data[:-1]
+ if data[0] == "'":
+ data = data[1:]
+ return data
+def stripQuotes2(data):
+ for idx in xrange(0, len(data)):
+ data[idx] = stripQuotes(data[idx])
+ return data
+def strToXml(data):
+ data = data.replace("&", "&amp;");
+ data = data.replace("<", "&lt;");
+ data = data.replace(">", "&gt;");
+ return data
diff --git a/hercules/code/ b/hercules/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5457e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules/code/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online
+# Author: Andrei Karas (4144)
+import array
+def getTileData(mapData, x, y, sx):
+ data = mapData[y * sx + x]
+ arr = array.array("B")
+ arr.fromstring(data)
+ data = arr[0]
+ return data
+def getTile(data):
+ normal = 0
+ collison = 0
+ if data == 0: # 000 normal walkable
+ normal = 1
+ collision = 5
+ elif data == 1: # 001 non walkable
+ normal = 2
+ collision = 6
+ elif data == 2: # 010 same with 0
+ normal = 1
+ collision = 5
+ elif data == 3: # 011 same with 0, but water
+ normal = 3
+ collision = 5
+ elif data == 4: # 100 same with 0
+ normal = 1
+ collision = 5
+ elif data == 5: # 101 same with 1, but shootable (for now not supported!!!)
+ normal = 4
+ collision = 6
+ elif data == 6: # 110 same with 0
+ normal = 1
+ collision = 5
+ return (str(normal), str(collision))
+def getGroundTile(flag):
+ return str(flag + 1)
+def getCollisionTile(flag):
+ if flag == 0:
+ return "0"
+ return "4"