path: root/npc
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diff --git a/npc/000-2-0/doors.txt b/npc/000-2-0/doors.txt
index 8a6f5d67..2e490335 100644
--- a/npc/000-2-0/doors.txt
+++ b/npc/000-2-0/doors.txt
@@ -4,14 +4,24 @@
// Description:
// Door NPC.
// The third value of the Q variable has been removed for the beta2, it'll then be re-added for the Aurora release.
+// Variable:
+// 0 ShipQUests_Nard
+// 1 ShipQuests_Julia
+// Values:
+// 00 Introduction of the box and Nard. This is displayed when the player never spoke to Nard or his box.
+// 01 Nard spoke and gave access to the outdoor of the ship.
+// 02 Completed the quest.
+// 03 Opened the chest and finished the introduction.
+// 10 Doesnt' know Julia.
+// 11 Registred to Julia.
+// 12 Need to see Julia.
000-2-0.gat,20,27,0,1 script AreaNPC 0,0,0,{
- set @q, getq(ShipQuests_Nard);
- if (@q > 0) goto l_Warp;
-// if (@q == 2) goto l_GotoNard;
-// if (@q == 3) goto l_End;
+ set @nard, getq(ShipQuests_Nard);
+ if (@nard > 0) goto l_Warp;
+// if (@nard == 2) goto l_GotoNard;
+// if (@nard == 3) goto l_End;
setcamnpc "Julia";
@@ -46,7 +56,11 @@ l_End:
000-2-0.gat,32,27,0,1 script AreaNPC 0,0,0,{
+ set @julia, getq(ShipQuests_Julia);
+ if (@julia == 1) goto l_Warp;
+ close;
warp "000-2-3", 20, 27;